The Twisted Saint

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The Twisted Saint Welome to The Twisted Saint is a page about Biblical thought ideas, questions and so forth. You have

Sept. 4th in Forsyth, Missouri. The first service of Come as You Are Fellowship.

Sept. 4th in Forsyth, Missouri. The first service of Come as You Are Fellowship.

Proverbs 3: 5 - 6. [5] Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. [6] In all thy...

Proverbs 3: 5 - 6. [5] Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. [6] In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

When we tend to study, read without the direction of the Holy Spirit we will start combining what we THINK is right and not what is right. The Bible teaches us without a vision the people parish (Prov. 29:18)
Parish means leadership. We can not rely on self. Understanding without a direction is not understanding but the blind leading the blind. Coexist with the world is not a real thing in a fulfilling Christian walk.
The Twisted Saint.


The Twisted Saint Mondays at noon cst on KRBC at


Many people will say "Why yes I love God" and that is awesome but do we know that if we truly Love God we will honor God?
Monday 5.30.22 at noon cst on the Twisted Saint Show on and on this fb page at 1pm cst we will talk how those two things are entwined together and how important that is in our walk of being transparent.


The Twisted Saint show. If we serve a loving God then why...... A transparent life.


God lovesThe Transparent Cracked Pots

Today at noon cst on Twisted Saint on krbcradio.comTheme : Cracked pots are welcomed.Playing some great Christian Rock a...

Today at noon cst on Twisted Saint on
Theme : Cracked pots are welcomed.
Playing some great Christian Rock and a uplifting real message about being Real = being transparent.
We are not perfect but that does not mean we don't strive to be that way. Being transparent with the good the bad and the ugly is so needed in times like these.
Religion tells us to show perfection like you have no sin, no problems.
Relationship says God I understands I'm week and I need him and a circle that will not judge you. Are we not supposed to come to the body for uplifting and to help nare our weight?
Today at 12pm cst on

KRBC is your classic Rock go to station with Live shows, pre-recorded entertainment. Rock history, contest and events. KRBC supports our community, Blue, military and the indie artist

The Twisted Saint now on Tik Tok. Follow and share. Thank u.

The Twisted Saint now on Tik Tok. Follow and share. Thank u.


Watch whole thing. This was sent to me today. The mallet and the spike represented doubt and dis-couragment.
Christ was hung with the tools of our doubt and discouragment so they must be strong weapons in our life.
However.... Christ used those same tools not for us to be doomed but as a way that we have victory and
Isaiah 54:17 no weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.


This was sent to me this evening and I wanted to share.

Pastor wrote this morning and posted in one of her groups. Thought of you.

God is sitting on His throne, looking down upon His children.
He sees their heart break, their tears, and loneliness - but, He wants us to know that He believes in us,
He smiles each time we learn a lesson, and each time we kneel to pray to ask for help or forgiveness; and He is ready to help.
Stand strong today, and know you have all you need to be able to do what the Lord will have you do
Just remind yourselves, "I can do all things in Christ:. ~Pastor Sharon.

Monday at 12pm cst on on KRBC will be the first Twisted Saint program. 2 hours of classic Christian Rock a...

Monday at 12pm cst on on KRBC will be the first Twisted Saint program. 2 hours of classic Christian Rock and some fun Christian music. I will be speaking about the "The costly stone you and I have built." Hope you join us. - Community Internet Radio, KRBC Classic Rock, and KRBT Outlaw & Red Dirt Country Forsyth, MO


Sneak Peak into The Twisted Saint
From check mate to the King has 1 more move.


Just started my Twitter account under
Bryan Duncan was the 1st follower very cool. Yes you will hear him on the twisted Saint show

Exciting News! It has been requested by many people to do a radio show of the Twisted Saint. This has been a desire of m...

Exciting News! It has been requested by many people to do a radio show of the Twisted Saint. This has been a desire of mine for some time but have struggled with my twistedness if you will.
So starting on April 18th on Mondays at 12pm cst the Twisted saint will be on KRBC , Tik Tok under krbclassicrock and the free app live365 under KRBC playing Christian Rock from 1970 to 1999 and a uplifting message.
A time to help rebuild and uplift with your host The Twisted Saint Joe Inman.


Mat. 23. (1-4) They lay oppressive burdens on others.
Then Jesus spoke to the multitudes and to His disciples, saying: “The scribes and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. Therefore whatever they tell you to observe, that observe and do, but do not do according to their works; for they say, and do not do. For they bind heavy burdens, hard to bear, and lay them on men’s shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers.”

Just wanted to share. These words are from Christ talking to the Pharisee's. Any religious person can qualify for the spirit of a pharisee.
The question is what man's law has been laid on us as a burden or a heavy work that can't help us with this weight because they to have this weight upon them. We may have allowed the rules and regulations, the dos and do nots rule our walk with Christ. Are we not told that he would not put upon us anything that we couldn't handle?
When Christ went to the cross he took the burden of man's rules and regulations off of us.
It is time to follow allow God to do with you as he want and to let the individual that won't help because he is battling his own regulations he has put on himself and more than willing to put his weight upon you.

Promoting their happiness and joy. (1-4) The necessity of a life of holiness, in order to communion with God, is shown. ...

Promoting their happiness and joy. (1-4)
The necessity of a life of holiness, in order to communion with God, is shown. (5-10)

We are never to take the love God has for us for granted. Sometimes people tend to take God’s love and everlasting mercy as a way for them to continue living irresponsibly. When they are confronted about their actions, their response is “God loves me for who I am.” Yes, he does, but our love for Him should compel us to be convicted of our sins and confess them to him. God won’t hold our sins against us; he is quick to forgive and swift to restore. We, as his children, are to be humble enough to cherish the gift of forgiveness that has been given to us.

Twisted Saint comment
This is a difference from religion to relationship. A difference of a service of lips and service of the heart

Coming soon The Twisted Saint Podcast. Hope you Join others and myself as we take a Twisted look at scripture. Open to c...

Coming soon The Twisted Saint Podcast. Hope you Join others and myself as we take a Twisted look at scripture. Open to comments.


I am seeing where there are alot of saints on social media who are posting what offends them and telling people they need to stop because they have been offended. Not pointing fingers but what happend to being the light of the world or has it gotten dim for them.
Just a thought.

1 Peter 5:8
New International Version
8 Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour

Proverbs 19:11
English Standard Version
11 Good sense makes one slow to anger,
and it is his glory to overlook an offense.


Like 8:39 Return to thine own house, and shew how great things God hath done unto thee. And he went his way, and published throughout the whole city how great things Jesus had done unto him

My how we forget. Christ told a deliverd demon possessed man to tell his home what he did for him. Not to shove his belief, not to tell all what shot to take, not what party to vote for, not to tell others there denomination is wrong but....
To tell the healing, loving and life changing power in Jesus Christ.
Also we can't forget in that man's testimony I will guarantee that he didn't sit in a cemetery to tell his story but he told all of his deliverance of a cemetery and how Christ delivered him to a new change and beginning


I read a post where a mom was battling because her daughter came to her and told her mom that she was bis*xual. I can not tell you the sickness I felt reading people's (christians) post on how she needed to be grounded and take her phone or how she should be allowed to watch other p**n to get her back on track to like men. Thank the Lord a Pastor was on there to give her direction. Man's wisdom is foolish Gods wisdom is all knowing.
All of our weakness is a spiritual problem not a phone problem.


To the church body. No where in scripture does it say to post a statement in FB and tell the world what offends you. Instead were told this.
Luke 6:22-23
King James Version
22 Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake.

23 Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy: for, behold, your reward is great in heaven: for in the like manner did their fathers unto the prophets.


Have you ever thought if we kept politics, opinion and works out of the pulpit that the church body may grow spiritualy?


Happy Resurrection Day to all. Indeed He has risen.


If the saint would stop putting the Pastor on a pedastool and join him on his knees you both would benifit.


Mat. 18:20
For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

I understand why this verse is only 2 or 3 in stead of a larger amount gatherd together. The body can't agree on so many things such as salvation, Holy Spirit,Praise, Worship responsability of witnessing to name a few. The church body is now no different then the political world in our divisions. It is not the sinners fault for not coming to church but the churches fault for not having 2 or 3 to unit in Christ and to put there ego and selfish desires aside to focus our lives on Christ.
Sinners Eternity Matters. Saints it is time to pull it together and focus why were here. Our focus should be what God wants. NOT what you think.
The Twisted Saint.


KRBC Online Community Radio Station

OutLaw Show @ 1PM CST Sundays playing Christian Country & Gospel Blues.
Hank Williams SR., CJ Newsom, Billy Billy G Hale, Debbie Mills, Johnny Cash, Jaidyn LaBorde, Sonshine Road - Kevin Nelson Rachelle LeAnn Nelson, Tammy Beebe, Kitty Wells, The Gibsons, Cindy Hughlett, Tina Wakefield, Loretta Lynn, Troy Richardson & Jimmy Jack Whitaker

So doing some reading and finding out in the last 20 Years that the Bahai religion is the fastes growing religion and no...

So doing some reading and finding out in the last 20 Years that the Bahai religion is the fastes growing religion and not losing members. Islam and Christianity cant keep converts.
I say this because everyone looks at religion, religious organizations, Republicans, Democrats, Special groups and organizations to get them out of the situations were in and beliving it will work....... Have we lost our mind?
The meaning of insanity I have been told is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome.
When are we going to understand that it is a relationship with a Saviour yes The Christ that is going to get us out of the shape were in?
Now after saying that, what i would like to say is I DO NOT CARE ABOUT your color, political standings, s*xuality, what bottle you drink out of or what your drug of choice is. Weneed to understand when we stand in front of God he is not going to care about those things or if you preached, paid ties, faithfull to a church, sang beautifully, a good person or any of that because it wont matter!
This is what is going to matter John 14:05 If you love me you will keep my commandments. Tie that in with John 3:16 God so loved the world he gave his only begotten son so that non would parrish but have everlasting life and then lets add Romans 10: 9-13 It's the blood of Christ is what is going to get us to Christ and because of that we should be able to truly love one anothwr and not spew hatred out of our heart and mouth. We want the world to act right but God is still waiting for the church body to act it right. Till we can get it together dont expect the world to have it together.
Relationship keeps us in check not your works or Religious and Political Memberships.

Happy Resurrection SundayOur Saviour has risen.

Happy Resurrection Sunday
Our Saviour has risen.


Hey guys. Been a while since i have been on but some new changes are coming. Good changes. Stay tuned

Maybe instead of complaining how tough it is we should praise for how easy we have it because of his blessings. If were ...

Maybe instead of complaining how tough it is we should praise for how easy we have it because of his blessings.
If were honest we go through a lot of things in life because of our own descions and choices.

This is from Christian Love face Book PageDon't dwell in feelings of resentment or revenge. To do that is like drinking ...

This is from Christian Love face Book Page

Don't dwell in feelings of resentment or revenge. To do that is like drinking poison and hoping the other person dies. Learn to let go of those who have hurt you and just say "Father bless them." Allow your mind to be at peace resting in the knowledge that our Father blesses those with a forgiving attitude.


Where do you stand, sit or walk?

Psalm 1:1 Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful.1:2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.1:3 And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper.1:5 Therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous.1:4 The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away.1:6 For the LORD knoweth the way of the righteous: but the way of the ungodly shall perish.

Right now. Where do you stand? Who do you walk with? It makes a difference in your life and others. You see our walk with Christ is not about us or our opinions. It has everything to everyone else. We our our brothers keeper. Our brothers can be our family to the person who sees our comments on social media. So where do you stand, sit or walk?

Hey! do you recognize this Saint? Maybe we should remember were the salt of the world and not the lemon.

Hey! do you recognize this Saint? Maybe we should remember were the salt of the world and not the lemon.


Reading the comments about the half time show makes me SMH.You can delete me if you want but REALLY?
Saints! Have we not figured out that the world is going to do what the world is going to do?

So we go on social media talk about the lack of clothing and whatever else it is that disgusted us about the Superbowl.
Turn the TV off! Go to your prayer closet if you need to! Christ didn't tell the porostitute "Aren't you shameful?"
Get off you blessed assurance and get on your knees if it botherd you so much.

It was money that ruled the program not your morality or religious belief. Churches if your bringing the superbowl into your church that night and watch the halftime show and then complain well WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?

The world is going to do what the world is going to do.
Are we not told we are in the world but not of it? Saints! Spewing all the judgment out if your mouth against the 2 woman who is selling a product s*x and music and you act shocked. WOW.
Have you forgot where you were before you met Christ?
have you forgotten your not of this world?
Instead of running our mouth with our self righteousness how about remembering where we were at one time and move in compassion, love and prayer?
Twisted Saint.




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