Hidden Treasures with Melissa Markle

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Hidden Treasures with Melissa Markle I believe that we each have a story to tell. If I tell you my story, would you hear your own in it?

There are so many of us and people I know in the midst of battles right now.I pray that as we embark on those battlefiel...

There are so many of us and people I know in the midst of battles right now.

I pray that as we embark on those battlefields our spiritual eyes are opened to see the army of hosts on the mountainside ready to join in the fight. There are many standing for us.

If you are on the battlefield, armor up, keep your eyes on Jesus, and use that sword of the Spirit. The Word of God is a wonderful weapon in battle.

Even our Lord, Jesus, used the Word/Scriptures to respond when facing the temptation of the enemy... and that same Spirit and Word lives in us.

So, if you think the battle is over, fear not!
For it has just begun and spoiler alert…
We win!!

The lyrics to this song have been the cry of my heart for some time now. Especially the chorus and refrain. I have alway...

The lyrics to this song have been the cry of my heart for some time now. Especially the chorus and refrain. I have always been pulled to the faith of the woman with unclean blood. I can just picture her crawling on the ground through a crowd of people and finally reaching out for the tassel on his tallit…

I wanna see the blind receive their sight
Hear the praise of the voiceless start to rise
Every child of God baptized with fire (yeah)
Right here in the presence of the Healer (yeah)

'Cause I just wanna be in the room
Wanna be in the room when you move
And I'm not leaving
Not leaving till you do
I don't wanna miss it

I just wanna be in the room
Wanna be in the room when you move
And I'm not leaving
Not leaving till you do
Not leaving till you do

Tear off the roof
Lower me down
Whatever it takes to get me to you
Roll every stone
Push through the crowd
God I wanna see You break through

Watch and share my live video for "In The Room” alongside Ben Fuller and Ellie Holcomb!! Check out my new album "The Stories I Tell Myself" here: https://Mat...

Seek and ye shall find. It’s the one thing Solomon asked for and wisdom is mentioned so many times in scripture.Lord, op...

Seek and ye shall find. It’s the one thing Solomon asked for and wisdom is mentioned so many times in scripture.

Lord, open the eyes of my understanding!


Thought for the day…When did we, as His Church, lay down our fierce and untamed boldness?

I want to operate in bold faith.
The kind that cast out demons and sets the captives free.

A farmer lost his watch in the barn. The watch had great sentimental value, so he searched for it to no avail.He heard s...

A farmer lost his watch in the barn. The watch had great sentimental value, so he searched for it to no avail.

He heard some kids playing outside, and explained to them about his watch, and asked if they would help him find it. They all searched but could not find the watch. The farmer thanked them for their help and sent them off. As they were leaving, one little boy asked if he could try again. The farmer decided to give him another chance, and the boy returned to the barn.

About half an hour later, the boy walked out of the barn with the watch. The farmer was amazed, and asked how he could find it when so many had been looking and failed? The boy replied, “I didn’t do anything...I just sat in the silence and listened. Eventually, I heard the ticking of the watch, and followed the sound.”

Sometimes, if you just sit quietly, we will hear the “ticking” of our Savior’s promptings, leading us to the truth and helping us on our way.

Rearrange the letters in the word “SILENT” and you have “LISTEN”


Recently, I have found myself inspired to create something visual for some of the very scriptures that tell the story of...

Recently, I have found myself inspired to create something visual for some of the very scriptures that tell the story of the infinite and unconditional love of our God.
This piece I have titled "It Was Very Good".
I can just imagine what it would have looked like. All of the hosts and angelic beings in Heaven watch with great anticipation of what is coming.
Then, God steps to the edge of Heaven and speaks, "Light Be!" and light was. Every meaning of the word light that ever would be and had been living inside of God was prophetically spoken into being.
Creation continues with each word spoken by God. The waters are divided from the firmament of Heaven, land is created, all things with seeds and so forth and so on... until it was finished.
And He steps back looking at the work of His hands, standing on the edge of Heaven, and He declares "It is very good!"
"And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day." - Genesis 1:31
Available in print here:


It's time for a new season! I am overjoyed to be back from a short sabbatical. God is stirring up new things and I can't wait for the testimonies that are coming. Praise God!


God is moving folks. In big, big ways. The shift is upon us. The glory of God will be seen. Video update coming very soon and the podcast returns. Do you truly know who you are in Christ?


The church that prays without ceasing causes prison doors to open and chains to fall off! Even when it’s the inner prison. Even when it looks impossible.

See Acts 12:5-10

Talking about investment plans this morning with my husband as we explore new opportunities and I heard the Holy Spirit ...

Talking about investment plans this morning with my husband as we explore new opportunities and I heard the Holy Spirit ask…

✨“What would my investment plan look like?”✨

“Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, That there may be food in MY HOUSE, And try Me now in this,” Says the Lord of hosts, “If I will not open for you the windows of heaven And pour out for you such BLESSING That there will NOT BE ROOM ENOUGH TO RECEIVE IT. “And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, So that he will not destroy the fruit of your ground, Nor shall the vine fail to bear fruit for you in the field,” Says the Lord of hosts; “And ALL NATIONS will call you BLESSED, For you will be a DELIGHTFUL land,” Says the Lord of hosts.”
‭‭Malachi‬ ‭3‬:‭10‬-‭12‬

*emphasis added

Sometimes we have to do hard things. Sometimes we do them scared. Sometimes we do them shaking in our boots.It has been ...

Sometimes we have to do hard things. Sometimes we do them scared. Sometimes we do them shaking in our boots.

It has been said, “Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the assessment that something else is more important than fear.” 🔥

If I’m being transparent… I don’t like public speaking. I have, in the past, had stage fright before singing on stage, playing the piano, or right before my current call in musical theatre.

But God takes what was meant for evil and turns it for good. The enemy intends to use fear to cripple me from speaking, to stop me from sharing what God has placed on my heart.

And God reminds me… He has not given me a spirit of fear but rather one of POWER🔥, one of LOVE❤️, and one of SOUND MIND⭐️.

So this morning I will destroy that fear and speak of the vision God has given me. A vision to speak LIFE over the children and women in our community. A vision to show them they are beautiful in His eyes. A vision to show them where their true strength lies. A vision to show them they are LOVED!

Today. I speak. 🙏


The enemy’s first line of attack is meant to take your eyes off Jesus.
Be on alert, friends. Stay focused keeping your gaze on Jesus.

There is something truly remarkable about reading the words of the original language of scripture. Hebrew is so fascinat...

There is something truly remarkable about reading the words of the original language of scripture. Hebrew is so fascinating to me right now. Opening my spiritual eyes to what was once hidden. More on what I am discovering coming very soon!

I haven’t posted in awhile as I felt I was being led to take a break. Wow! I had no idea what was coming. The enemy will...

I haven’t posted in awhile as I felt I was being led to take a break. Wow! I had no idea what was coming. The enemy will do everything he can to distract, derail, steal, destroy, etc. but our God takes what was meant for evil and turns it to good.

Expect a lot more movement on this page.
Season 2 of the podcast coming soon!


The presence of the Lord must become the primary desire of our heart. ❤️

I took a big step of faith with my personal business recently. I heard the Holy Spirit tell me to move on something and ...

I took a big step of faith with my personal business recently. I heard the Holy Spirit tell me to move on something and everything in my carnal brain said to wait. It said you can’t do that. That was the enemy talking.

I recognized who that voice belonged to and chose to listen to the other voice, the voice of the Holy Spirit. I stepped out in faith. An act of obedience. Despite what things looked like in this world, I stepped. I trusted. Knowing His ways are so much bigger and beyond my carnal understanding.🔥

Obedience to the Lord will put you on a different playing field. Today has 100% been confirmation of that. His promises fulfilled. ❤️

Happy tears here this week… especially yesterday. Seeing rainbows everywhere - God’s Love! 🌈

Full testimony of this week’s experiences coming soon…

What is hiding in the darkness is going to be brought into the light.

What is hiding in the darkness is going to be brought into the light.

I’ve been trying to put into words the events of the last 7-8 days. Those close to me know I have been saying for about ...

I’ve been trying to put into words the events of the last 7-8 days. Those close to me know I have been saying for about a month now that God provides solutions before we even see a problem.

Looking back on this last week I can see it so plainly even when in the moments it looked rough.

I imagine Joseph felt the same looking back on his journey to and up the ranks in Egypt.

What it looked like in this world:
👀 I watched by brave 6 year old head back to surgery without me.
👀 I heard the words “We are going to have to intubate your daughter.”
👀 A loved one I have prayed (for many years) for left an abusive and toxic relationship after 45 years.
👀 And much more details, but…

What it looks like in the Spirit…
🦁 Miracle after miracle in post-surgery healing
🦁 Chains breaking off
🦁 Renewed strength
🦁 Seeing the provision of God was already in place
🦁 Evidence of how much I have grown in the knowledge of my identity in Christ

A few months ago I clearly heard the Holy Spirit tell me it was time to tell my story.

Tell my story. Yes, that’s exactly I will do.

How are you seeking wisdom today?

How are you seeking wisdom today?

Enemy… your hands are coming off our kids right now in the name of Jesus! Your plans for their generation are obliterate...

Enemy… your hands are coming off our kids right now in the name of Jesus! Your plans for their generation are obliterated right now in the name of Jesus.

I see children of all ages running to the courtroom of Heaven and taking out the enemy with their true Counselor at their side. The youth of this nation and around the globe are mighty warriors for Christ.

Watch as they trample on the head of the enemy. Watch as their firey dance and worship become the sword in their hands.

Would you read a French novel with a Japanese dictionary? Episode 6 is live on our podcast page. Will be available on yo...

Would you read a French novel with a Japanese dictionary? Episode 6 is live on our podcast page. Will be available on your favorite podcast app tomorrow.

What would you do with a novel written in French and a Japanese to English dictionary? I don't know about you, but I'm not sure how that would work. I don't know a single word in French or Japanese but I highly doubt one could decipher the other. ...

Today, I was laughed at and publicly mocked for my faith.It happened in a place and in a moment that I never would have ...

Today, I was laughed at and publicly mocked for my faith.

It happened in a place and in a moment that I never would have dreamed it would happen in.

Instead of getting upset or trying to argue with the person, I said nothing. It wasn’t the place for a debate. It wouldn’t have landed anyway.

Instead, I prayed. I asked Holy Spirit for guidance and I asked Holy Spirit to show me what I needed to know or take from the situation.

Holy Spirit answered. 🔥

Pray for me as I lean in more, and as I am feeling this revelation is going to form a message I am to release this weekend. 🙏


“For many are called, but few are chosen.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭22‬:‭14‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

The world says, I’m not good enough. But, God says I’m perfect for the job. He cleansed me from ALL unrighteousness. My ...

The world says, I’m not good enough.

But, God says I’m perfect for the job. He cleansed me from ALL unrighteousness. My past is no more. He made me a NEW creation.

I’m ready to make waves. Are you?

He wants to bless you in OVERFLOW!!

He wants to bless you in OVERFLOW!!

Whenever we step forward into our anointing, the enemy will do everything he can think of to distract and persuade us to...

Whenever we step forward into our anointing, the enemy will do everything he can think of to distract and persuade us to leave the path we are on. This week we take a look at what happens so often along our journey. I experienced it myself this week. One step forward. One more accusation from the enemy. I guess the enemy forgot who my counselor is... or he was hoping I had forgotten. Let's chat about what happens once we lay our sin at the foot of the cross.

Listen to episode 5 here:

Does my life really have value? Yes! And so does yours! Find out how the beginning of the healing process brought me bac...

Does my life really have value? Yes! And so does yours! Find out how the beginning of the healing process brought me back to realizing my value.

Where does healing start? Well, the answer to that question could begin in so many different places, but I can tell you where it started with me. Forgiveness. Self-forgiveness to be more exact. There are so many examples from my childhood I could...

Last night was another night of deep dives. Holy Spirit loves to keep my attention right at bedtime. I just love how He ...

Last night was another night of deep dives. Holy Spirit loves to keep my attention right at bedtime.

I just love how He starts with one word or scripture. As I look that one thing up, a phrase from His Word leaps up off the page to life like a puzzle piece 🧩…

No, like a treasure map 🗺️ …
The very first clue on a scavenger hunt…
Then I’m up until my carnal eyes are so heavy I can barely stay awake.

Then the following night we are back where we started. He has been doing that to me a lot lately. The adventures we go on are amazing and inevitably include revelations I never would have thought of on my own.

Episode 3 is LIVE! Join me to discover the lie that set the example in the garden...

Episode 3 is LIVE! Join me to discover the lie that set the example in the garden...

In Episode 3, we go where Holy Spirit leads. Let's talk about the what happened in the Garden of Eden and what we can learn about and apply today. The enemy hasn't changed his tactics. He is still using the same attack mode today. How do we use th...

Episode 2 is live!

Episode 2 is live!

The world tries to tell us who we are and who we aren't. I heard the same stories over and over again in my childhood. I'm not good enough. I'm ugly. I'm not loved. The day I began the discovery of who I am in Christ was the day the layers of the ...



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