Fight the Fire - Ecosocialist Magazine

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Fight the Fire comes from the frontlines of the climate justice struggle to develop a reflection from its members and contributors on the politics, the ideology, the tactics and the strategies for ecosocialist revolution!

Asiste al vivo al nuestro debate aqui:

Asiste al vivo al nuestro debate aqui:

Esta noche, 4 de Julio, a las 20h GMTLa crisis climática golpea a las sociedades como un ma****lo neumático, superando incluso la protección y las infraestru...

Clima, guerra, ultraderecha, elecciones: las crisis de la izquierda en la década decisivaJueves, 4 de julio, 20:00 GMTIn...

Clima, guerra, ultraderecha, elecciones: las crisis de la izquierda en la década decisiva

Jueves, 4 de julio, 20:00 GMT

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La crisis climática golpea a las sociedades como un ma****lo neumático, superando incluso la protección y las infraestructuras en el Norte global. Las sangrientas guerras de invasión y ocupación reavivan los viejos imperialismos y alimentan la industria armamentística, siempre satisfecha con masacres y genocidios. La ultraderecha, reorganizada desde la última sacudida sistémica del capitalismo tardío, ocupa el espacio de la protesta social, imponiendo una agenda de barbarie sistemática y de retroceso al pasado como propuesta contra las crisis de este capitalismo decadente. De elección en elección, la izquierda ha intentado sobrevivir ante esta avalancha, dejando la iniciativa, el programa y el espíritu revolucionario en las viejas canciones y libros del siglo pasado. ¿Cómo puede la izquierda social y política salir de este atolladero y abordar con decisión sus tareas, arriesgándose a ganar?

En este debate, tendremos diferentes perspectivas de la izquierda social y política de Europa y América del Sur sobre lo que significa hoy la revolución, sobre la responsabilidad de la militancia activa hoy y sobre la superación de las barreras que nos impiden asaltar los cielos.


Miguel Urbán, ex-eurodiputado en The Left, miembro de Anticapitalistas, España

Leonor Canadas, coordinadora de Global Climate Jobs - Bail Out the Future, Not Private Profits, miembro de Climáximo, Portugal

Renato Roseno, miembro del Parlamento del Estado de Ceará por PSOL 50 (Partido Socialismo e Liberdade), Brasil

Kiyomi Nagumo, de Salvaginas: Eco Feminismo, Ecología Política e Información, Bolivia

Lala Peñaranda de Trade Unions for Energy Democracy - TUED, Colombia

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Clima, guerra, ultraderecha, elecciones: las crisis de la izquierda en la década decisivaJueves, 4 de julio, 20:00 GMTIn...

Clima, guerra, ultraderecha, elecciones: las crisis de la izquierda en la década decisiva

Jueves, 4 de julio, 20:00 GMT

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La crisis climática golpea a las sociedades como un ma****lo neumático, superando incluso la protección y las infraestructuras en el Norte global. Las sangrientas guerras de invasión y ocupación reavivan los viejos imperialismos y alimentan la industria armamentística, siempre satisfecha con masacres y genocidios. La ultraderecha, reorganizada desde la última sacudida sistémica del capitalismo tardío, ocupa el espacio de la protesta social, imponiendo una agenda de barbarie sistemática y de retroceso al pasado como propuesta contra las crisis de este capitalismo decadente. De elección en elección, la izquierda ha intentado sobrevivir ante esta avalancha, dejando la iniciativa, el programa y el espíritu revolucionario en las viejas canciones y libros del siglo pasado. ¿Cómo puede la izquierda social y política salir de este atolladero y abordar con decisión sus tareas, arriesgándose a ganar?

En este debate, tendremos diferentes perspectivas de la izquierda social y política de Europa y América del Sur sobre lo que significa hoy la revolución, sobre la responsabilidad de la militancia activa hoy y sobre la superación de las barreras que nos impiden asaltar los cielos.


Miguel Urbán, ex-eurodiputado en The Left, miembro de Anticapitalistas, España

Leonor Canadas, coordinadora de Global Climate Jobs - Bail Out the Future, Not Private Profits, miembro de Climáximo, Portugal

Renato Roseno, miembro del Parlamento del Estado de Ceará por PSOL 50 (Partido Socialismo e Liberdade), Brasil

Kiyomi Nagumo, de Salvaginas: Eco Feminismo, Ecología Política e Información, Bolivia

y otras participantes que se anunciarán en breve

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A People’s Peace not an Imperial Peace
Ein Frieden der Bevölkerungen, kein imperialer Frieden!

Deutsch unten ⬇️

36 organisations and 210 individuals endorsed our declaration in just 10 days. We continue to invite organisations and individuals to sign the declaration.

In a beautiful momentum of its own and in a spontaneous self-organised manner, comrades in numerous countries have translated the declaration into their languages to make it accessible to a wider audience. This was an impressive surprise. We now have the declaration in English, German, French, Castilian, Portuguese, Polish, Italian, Ukrainian, Greek, Russian, Danish, Norwegian and Dutch.

Here you can find it in all these languages:
👉 👈
Thanks to everybody who helps to spread our political message.

Here you see listed all the organisations having endorsed the declaration and the individual signatories by 15 June afternoon.
👉 👈

This echo and our international online-conference on 15 June reveal that there as real need for joint European discussions on how to effectively express solidarity with the Ukrainian resistance while fighting for a radical socio-ecological and even revolutionary ecosocialist upheaval on the entire continent.

Everybody who wants to express solidarity with the Ukrainian resistance and aspires for joint radical socioecological change in Europe, is welcome to sign the declaration.

Here you can sign the declaration:
👉 👈

The deadline for endorsements of organisations and individual signatures is 30 June.


36 Organisationen und 210 Einzelpersonen haben unsere Erklärung in nur 10 Tagen unterzeichnet. Wir laden weiterhin Organisationen und Einzelpersonen ein, die Erklärung zu unterzeichnen.

In einer schönen Eigendynamik und in spontaner Selbstorganisation haben Genossinnen und Genossen in zahlreichen Ländern die Erklärung in ihre Sprachen übersetzt, um sie einem breiteren Publikum zugänglich zu machen. Das war eine beeindruckende Überraschung. Wir haben die Erklärung jetzt in Englisch, Deutsch, Französisch, Kastilisch, Portugiesisch, Polnisch, Italienisch, Ukrainisch, Griechisch, Russisch, Dänisch, Norwegisch und Niederländisch.

Hier könnt ihr sie in diesen Sprachen finden:
👉 👈

Hier findet Ihr alle Organisationen, die die Erklärung bis zum 15. Juni nachmittags unterschrieben haben, und die individuellen Unterzeichner:innen.
👉 👈

Dieses Echo und unsere internationale Online-Konferenz am 15. Juni zeigen, dass es ein echtes Bedürfnis für eine gemeinsame europäische Diskussion darüber gibt, wie man effektiv Solidarität mit dem ukrainischen Widerstand ausdrücken und gleichzeitig für einen radikalen sozialökologischen und sogar revolutionären ökosozialistischen Umbruch auf dem gesamten Kontinent kämpfen kann.

Alle, die ihre Solidarität mit dem ukrainischen Widerstand zum Ausdruck bringen wollen und einen gemeinsamen radikalen sozial-ökologischen Wandel in Europa anstreben, sind herzlich eingeladen, die Erklärung zu unterzeichnen.

Hier könnt Ihr die Erklärung unterzeichnen:
👉 👈

Die Frist für die Unterstützung von Organisationen und Einzelunterschriften endet am 30. Juni.

Read  and  article on Gaza, Ceasefire and the Climate Justice Movement in our website!

Read and article on Gaza, Ceasefire and the Climate Justice Movement in our website!

Read  article on the Earth Social Conference  “Earth Social Conference was an international conference which happened la...

Read article on the Earth Social Conference
“Earth Social Conference was an international conference which happened last December that proposed the creation of the articulation to achieve climate justice within the climate deadlines, not delegating this responsibility to the institutions that have caused this crisis.”

Read  and Jack Johnson’s article on popular survival programs for the climate justice movement, with lessons from the Bl...

Read and Jack Johnson’s article on popular survival programs for the climate justice movement, with lessons from the Black Panther Party in the US

You can now read João Camargo new article in Fight the Fire. He delves into apparent contradiction between capitalist in...

You can now read João Camargo new article in Fight the Fire. He delves into apparent contradiction between capitalist interests and the way they are promoting their own demise, which is retorically used by both conservatives and progressives to justify their inaction. The elites of capitalism are in fact digging their own graves, as they are hardwired into doing it, even against their interests. That is why taking power out of the hands of capitalists is an essential part of preventing climate collapse.

BY JOÃO CAMARGO There’s a complicated question we can’t run away from anymore. Do the elites of capitalism want to die? If they know the origin and consequences of the climate crisis and don’t solve it, aren’t they actively destroying the material foundations – a stable global climate, pr...

You can now read  new article in Fight the Fire. Camargo delves into the apparent contradiction between capitalist inter...

You can now read new article in Fight the Fire. Camargo delves into the apparent contradiction between capitalist interests and the way they are promoting their own demise, which is retorically used by both conservatives and progressives to justify their inaction. The elites of capitalism are in fact digging their own graves, as they are hardwired into doing it, even against their interests. That is why taking power out of the hands of capitalists is an essential part of preventing climate collapse.

Read Chris Zeller’s article in our website!

Read Chris Zeller’s article in our website!

by Christian Zeller When it comes to climate change, there is a huge gap between the strategies of the large corporations and the social movements. The large corporations design their strategies on a continental and global level. The social movements mostly organize on a local and national level. ....

You can read our brand new article by Christian Zeller “BUILDING A CONTINENTAL COUNTER-POWER AGAINST FOSSIL CAPITAL” in ...

You can read our brand new article by Christian Zeller “BUILDING A CONTINENTAL COUNTER-POWER AGAINST FOSSIL CAPITAL” in our website! Link in our bio!

In Revolution or Ruin, Fight the Fire deepens it’s attempt at forging a revolutionary answer to our ruinous descent. We ...

In Revolution or Ruin, Fight the Fire deepens it’s attempt at forging a revolutionary answer to our ruinous descent. 

We will henceforth have regular articles published in our website and social networks, integrated in editorials like this one signed by

You can now read  article in our latest number, about the marches being planned for the 30th of September around Europe ...

You can now read article in our latest number, about the marches being planned for the 30th of September around Europe against the cost of living and climate crises! You can also check out their website at

Read our latest issue here!

Read our latest issue here!

Our issue number five is out! With another amazing cover by Earth Liberation Studio. Read it here or download it to your browser or your phone at the end of the page! Suicidal fossil capitalism has pulled all stops and told its repressive apparatus that it is time to shut the movement down. In most....

Our issue number 5 is out! Link in our bio. With articles from       Jack Johnson and Christian Zeller. Cover from

Our issue number 5 is out! Link in our bio. With articles from Jack Johnson and Christian Zeller. Cover from

Fight the Fire’s Editorial has four new members!   Jack Johnson and Christian Zeller!Vanessa Dourado is a member of  and...

Fight the Fire’s Editorial has four new members! Jack Johnson and Christian Zeller!

Vanessa Dourado is a member of and Asamblea Argentina Mejor Sin Tratados de Libre Comercio. She coordinates projects about social-environmental, gender and the negative impacts of trade liberalisation in Latin America. She is an ecosocialist and member of (Socialism and Liberty Party) from Brazil

Noah Herfort is a researcher and activist fighting for a liveable planet. He holds an undergraduate degree from the University of St Andrews and a Master of Public Administration from University College London. Noah is the Co-Founder of

Jack Johnson is the co-founder of . As a researcher, activist, and general life enthusiast he is passionate about transforming systems to emancipate people and planet. Jack holds a degree in Economics and International Relations from the University of St Andrews

Christian Zeller is an activist and an academic teaching economic geography and global studies at the University of Salzburg. He has published on globally unequal development, the rise of finance capital, the valorisation of nature, urban development and economic democracy. sorry for my late answer. Is okay. Member of editorial board of "emanzipation - Zeitschrift für ökosozialistische Strategie". He advocates for a transnational ecosocialist movement from below.

Read Phili Kaufman’s article on  “Lützerath is now cleared. The 1.5-degree line, which surrounded the village, has been ...

Read Phili Kaufman’s article on “Lützerath is now cleared. The 1.5-degree line, which surrounded the village, has been broken. And, rightly, one asks: What now?”. Photos also from .genossin

You can now read Phili Kaufman's article. "Lützerath is now cleared. The 1.5-degree line, which surrounded the village, ...

You can now read Phili Kaufman's article. "Lützerath is now cleared. The 1.5-degree line, which surrounded the village, has been broken. And, rightly, one asks: What now?"

by Phili Kaufman Profit interests and climate targets – the future of future generations lies beneath the small village of Lützerath. Not even a hundred meters from the edge of the Garzweiler open pit coal mine, climate activists have been occupying Lützerath for 2.5 years. Like so many other vi...

You can now read  and  article on the question if we should ban commercial advertising. Spoilers: they reply in the end,...

You can now read and article on the question if we should ban commercial advertising. Spoilers: they reply in the end, but you’ll probably see it coming.

Commercial publicity and advertising can have no role in a world where we stop climate chaos. As it is a powerful and da...

Commercial publicity and advertising can have no role in a world where we stop climate chaos. As it is a powerful and dangerous tool meant to keep the social structures and strata as they are and to propagate the values of the capitalist elites unto us, we must advance against it.

by Michele Tylicki and João Camargo In the previous number of Fight the Fire, Emilie Tricarico’s brilliant article “Beyond the Hype: Advertising’s True Colors” introduced precious insight into the way in which the advertising industry operates, the pervasiveness of its activities and some k...

From the 27th until the 29th of March, Vienna becomes the centre of attention for the European climate movement. People ...

From the 27th until the 29th of March, Vienna becomes the centre of attention for the European climate movement. People from all over Europe and beyond are coming together in Vienna at the end of March during the European Gas Conference to say: Power to the people, down with corporations, overcome capitalism!

From the 27th until the 29th of March, Vienna becomes the centre of attention for the European climate movement. People ...

From the 27th until the 29th of March, Vienna becomes the centre of attention for the European climate movement. People from all over Europe and beyond are coming together in Vienna at the end of March during the European Gas Conference to say: Power to the people, down with corporations, overcome capitalism!

From the 27th until the 29th of March, Vienna becomes the centre of attention for the European climate movement. At the European Gas Conference, all important players in the gas industry come together with politicians and investors to “promote dialogue between Europe and its main suppliers”. Beh...

A day after the new IPCC report came out and barely a week before the European Gas Conference blockade in Vienna (Austri...

A day after the new IPCC report came out and barely a week before the European Gas Conference blockade in Vienna (Austria) takes place, Fight the Fire number 4 is out!

With articles from Verena Gradinger, Phili Kaufman, Hernando Quispe, Les Levidow, Michele Tylicki and João Camargo, our magazine goes into the recent events in Lützerath and Rojava, the upcoming actions in Vienna, an article on the social agency for system change and an analysis on the politics of advertising and alienation.

A day after the new IPCC report came out and barely a week before the European Gas Conference blockade in Vienna (Austria) takes place, Fight the Fire number 4 is out! With articles from Verena Gradinger, Phili Kaufman, Hernando Quispe, Les Levidow, Michele Tylicki and João Camargo, our magazine go...

Read the article in our website: “The most vital reminder of how national liberation movements’ exercise of power contra...

Read the article in our website: “The most vital reminder of how national liberation movements’ exercise of power contradicts their former ideals is the durability of radical and often anti-imperialist narratives in times of political panic.

It is then that those in power attempt to disguise how the spoils of liberation are being devoured by corrupting neo-colonial forces both within and without the nation.” By Ilham Rawoot, Anabela Lemos and Patrick Bond

Read Matilde Alvim and Noah Herfort’s article on the first wave of occupations against fossil fuels which are coming bac...

Read Matilde Alvim and Noah Herfort’s article on the first wave of occupations against fossil fuels which are coming back this May! End Fossil

By: Matilde Alvim and Noah Herfort [this article was published in December 2022, and since then, a new Spring of Occupations was launched by End Fossil: Occupy, which will begin this May] “End Fossil: Occupy!” was born out of the premise that as youth, revolution is our task and radicalization o...

Read Emilie Tricarico's brilliant article on advertisement and it's many contributions to the current crisis we are livi...

Read Emilie Tricarico's brilliant article on advertisement and it's many contributions to the current crisis we are living in, in particular the climate crisis "advertising is a powerful force in the global economy and a political tool for corporate influence, acting as a central lever for capitalist accumulation by creating new needs and desires in order to keep extracting rents." Subvertisers International

by Emilie Tricarico (with precious inputs from Robbie Gillett, Renaud Fossard and Freddie Daley) The issue of corporate advertising may appear less pressing at a time when social and ecological crises converge, calling for nothing less than a full system rehaul. But it would be a mistake to dismiss....

Read it all in the link (bio) “The climate justice movement has been very active in the last five years, it has been div...

Read it all in the link (bio) “The climate justice movement has been very active in the last five years, it has been diverse, bold, innovative. It needs to be effective and it needs to build broader alliances.

The current crises – energy, cost of living, inflation, austerity – has the exact same origin as the climate crisis: the capitalist system and its components. When it comes to energy, the system is putting all its chips in one thing: fossil gas. We need to build an alliance to go on the attack a dismantle its main plan, which is its weak spot.

As long as they maintain their narrative, all debates will be light years away from the need to cut half of the global emissions by 2030. Even in this multicrisis, capitalists only think about increasing emissions, growing ever more and increasing energy production – with gas, coal, nuclear and renewables – even if this reinforces all the crises we are living. We will solve none of them if we don’t create and execute proposals outside of market mechanisms – this requires major social conflicts. It requires confronting capitalists at the national and international level now and break the rotten consensus on these crises.

Capitalism as a whole is the ultimate crisis of Humanity, but in this moment, fossil gas is a crucial vector that needs to be stopped.” by

Read the article by João Camargo on the centrality of gas in the many crises we are living. “Capitalism as a whole is th...

Read the article by João Camargo on the centrality of gas in the many crises we are living. “Capitalism as a whole is the ultimate crisis of Humanity, but in this moment, fossil gas is a crucial vector that needs to be stopped.”

We have a hard narrative task ahead: we need to challenge the normalisation of the “cost of living crisis” as something that simply happened. This crisis has been directly provocked by the oil & gas industry and their historically high profits. It is not a “cost of living” crisis, but a supe...

Our issue number 3 is out! Read it in our website. With articles on the cost of living crisis, on the far-right, a first...

Our issue number 3 is out! Read it in our website. With articles on the cost of living crisis, on the far-right, a first analysis of , on advertisement, on the betrayal of former liberation movements and on how the events in Egypt could never have become an “African” COP.

Our third number is out! The climate justice movement is picking up the pace. Action is widespread, polarizing, often blunt. It is currently the life force of social movements in the world. Links are being made to the cost of living protests, with a growing component of social justice. Yet, the cloc...



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