Be With Me: 7 Minutes of Biblical Wonder

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Be With Me: 7 Minutes of Biblical Wonder Be With Me is a daily 7 minute chronological walk through the New Testament hosted by Michael Smith.​​​​​​​It is no surprise that God opposes that which opposes Him.  The real s...
​​​​​​​It is no surprise that God opposes that which opposes Him. The real surprise is that we can agree with Him in that process. He invites us in to hear the truths that stand against Him and then join Him in resistance. We are on the right team. We have the right powers. We have the right Leader. Now act like it.

The invitation today is about having the right EAR; tuning ourselves to the communication of God by attentiveness, quietness, humility and then discernment.
There are dragons to slay, beasts to fight and powers to oppose. We are going to need clear ears to get this big job done.

Listen 7 minutes with your attentive ears. apple google podcasts.

It is no surprise that God opposes that which opposes Him.  The real surprise is that we can agree with Him in that process. He invites us in to hear the truths that stand against Him and then join Him in resistance.  We are on the right...​​​​​​​The amazing thing about losing one's FIRST LOVE relationship with God ...
​​​​​​​The amazing thing about losing one's FIRST LOVE relationship with God is that it is RECOVERABLE. You can walk back the divorce. You can be restored in relationship.

There are steps to take, but it is worth it. If you find yourself at loggerheads with the Lord, then today's message from Revelation should be an encouragement. If you continue to be hard hearted after hearing this opening, then today's message will be a warning.

Join me for 7 minutes as we consider how to RECOVER the dearness. Apple Podcasts, insta, fb. Like and subscribe.

The amazing thing about losing one's FIRST LOVE relationship with God is that it is RECOVERABLE.  You can walk back the divorce.  You can be restored in relationship.There are steps to take, but it is worth it.  If you find yourself...​​​​​​​The Church at Ephesus does so many things RIGHT.  When God drops the c...
The Church at Ephesus does so many things RIGHT. When God drops the curtain of all pretense and looks carefully at them, there is much to commend. May this be true of us.

Imagine God doing a spiritual health check up. He doesn't have to FIND anything, He KNOWS already. God knows truly who we are. The question is, do we? Let's assess this same idea with the Lord in ourselves. [email protected] Apple Podcast.

The Church at Ephesus does so many things RIGHT.  When God drops the curtain of all pretense and looks carefully at them, there is much to commend.  May this be true of us.Imagine God doing a spiritual health check up.  He doesn't h...​​​​​​​Somebody had to first be sorry for your sins so that you could then on...
​​​​​​​Somebody had to first be sorry for your sins so that you could then one day be sorry for your sins.
He had to first take your sins seriously so you could soon take them seriously.
The only reason that Jesus DIED was to help you LIVE without sin.

Listen 7 minutes today as we see Jesus twirl His spiritual keys about. He boldly show us He has the keys of Death and Hades. He is telling us His credentials. Death? Hell? I'VE GOTTHIS.

Somebody had to first be sorry for your sins so that you could then one day be sorry for your sins.He had to first take your sins seriously so you could soon take them seriously.The only reason that Jesus DIED was to help you LIVE without sin.List...​​​​​​​You will see Jesus some day.  He'll probably have Royal robes and a sa...
​​​​​​​You will see Jesus some day. He'll probably have Royal robes and a sash of Gold; Holy hair; feet of powerful ability; hands that hold an army; a mouth full of the Word; and my personal favorite: Eyes that are not green or brown, but are like flames of fire.

He has a voice that can roar like the roar of many waters. If you have ever been to Niagara Falls and ridden on the Maid of the Mist, you know what I am talking aboutl

John falls down, and I suspect we will too. Let's make sure it is not from wailing and grief at His arrival or our arrival to Him. Let's let it be in "worth-ship". Listen 7 minutes today and tomorrow.

You will see Jesus some day.  He'll probably have Royal robes and a sash of Gold; Holy hair; feet of powerful ability; hands that hold an army; a mouth full of the Word; and my personal favorite: Eyes that are not green or brown, but are like...​​​​​​​If you wanna find God, go look in the midst of His people.  He is foun...

​​​​​​​If you wanna find God, go look in the midst of His people. He is found in the midst of the knuckleheads He loves.

He is in the midst in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve. He is in the midst of the Israelites in the Exodus. He is literally in the middle of the churches of Western Asia. Should it be any surprise that we will find Him today in the midst of the church He loves?

Moses understood, "If you are not going to go in the middle of us, we are not interested in going." He begged for it. So should we. to find God tomorrow too. Listen, on Apple Podcasts and Castbox and Spotify.

If you wanna find God, go look in the midst of His people.  He is found in the midst of the knuckleheads He loves.  He is in the midst in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve.  He is in the midst of the Israelites in the Exodus. He ... is my suggestion that you :place yourself along side the people that God h...
It is my suggestion that you :
place yourself along side the people that God has placed Himself alongside.
go stand in the middle of those whom God stands in the middle of
listen from the place where God speaks as loudly as a trumpet
stand in the midst of those God stands in the midst of
Where is this amazing place? It is in THE CHURCH. It is in the literal, local, knucklehead-filled, imperfect church. Yup, you in the pews this sunday. Why? Because Jesus is in the MIDST of His real church. Join Him. Listen to the 7 minute podcast. It is excellent today. ;-)

It is my suggestion that you :place yourself along side the people that God has placed Himself alongside. go stand in the middle of those whom God stands in the middle oflisten from the place where God speaks as loudly as a trumpetstand in th...​​​​​​​When Jesus comes back, absent His help, all the earth will WAIL at His...
​​​​​​​When Jesus comes back, absent His help, all the earth will WAIL at His appearing. It is every individual saying, "Oh NO! Judgement is here! I'm in big trouble." Or, we can WELCOME His appearing. To do so, we'll need significant help.

First, We'll need help with our death problem...if we could only find Someone who is "the firstborn of the dead..."

Second, we'll need help with our sin problem...if we could only find Someone who has "freed us from our sins by His blood..."

Welcome to Chapter One of His revelation. Come back tomorrow fro more awesomeness. Apple or other podcast servers. When Jesus comes back, absent His help, all the earth will WAIL at His appearing. It is every individual saying, "Oh NO! Judgement is here! I'm in big trouble." Or, we can WELCOME His appearing. To do so, we'll need significant help.

First, We'll need help with our death problem...if we could only find Someone who is "the firstborn of the dead..."

Second, we'll need help with our sin problem...if we could only find Someone who has "freed us from our sins by His blood..."

Welcome to Chapter One of His revelation. Come back tomorrow fro more awesomeness. Apple or other podcast servers.

When Jesus comes back, absent His help, all the earth will WAIL at His appearing. It is every individual saying, "Oh NO! Judgement is here! I'm in big trouble." Or, we can WELCOME His appearing. To do so, we'll need significant help.First, We'll n... to the Book of Revelation. The type of literature is a SHOWING. There...

Welcome to the Book of Revelation. The type of literature is a SHOWING. There will be a lot for our spiritual eyes to see. This will be our exposing ourselves to God, thru Jesus, thru an angel, thru John, thru the writing as He exposes Himself to us. I cannot wait!

There is a blessing proclaimed here for the hearing, for the reading and for the keeping. We humbly approach this book because of what it is: the revelation of God Himself. We humbly approach this book because of what it asks: to read and KEEP it. Thank you for joining me in these 7 minutes bites of the elephant of God's SHOWING. Welcome to the SHOW.

Come back tomorrow by or Apple Podcasts, CastBox, Podcast Addict, Spotify, Overcast, etc. Subscribe there too.

Welcome to the Book of Revelation. The type of literature is a SHOWING. There will be a lot for our spiritual eyes to see.  This will be our exposing ourselves to God, thru Jesus, thru an angel, thru John, thru the writing as He exposes Himse... to the Book of Revelation. The type of literature is a SHOWING. There will b...

to the Book of Revelation. The type of literature is a SHOWING. There will be a lot for our spiritual eyes to see. This will be our exposing ourselves to God, thru Jesus, thru an angel, thru John, thru the writing as He exposes Himself to us. I cannot wait!

There is a blessing proclaimed here for the hearing, for the reading and for the keeping. We humbly approach this book because of what it is: the revelation of God Himself. We humbly approach this book because of what it asks: to read and KEEP it. Thank you for joining me in these 7 minutes bites of the elephant of God's SHOWING. Welcome to the SHOW.

Come back tomorrow by or Apple Podcasts, CastBox, Podcast Addict, Spotify, Overcast, etc. Subscribe there too.Welcome

Welcome to the Book of Revelation. The type of literature is a SHOWING. There will be a lot for our spiritual eyes to see.  This will be our exposing ourselves to God, thru Jesus, thru an angel, thru John, thru the writing as He exposes Himse...​​​​​​​123 John is a love story. God started it all because God is love.  He ...
​​​​​​​123 John is a love story. God started it all because God is love. He then shares that love with us so we can share it with folks around us.

123John is a compact book of wisdom and practical knowledge. In it we learn how to recognize the genuine lover of God and how to recognize the pretenders.

In 123 John we learn that the people of God are being HELD by God. For what might the Lord be holding on to you for you to hold on through? Listen 7 minutes for a summary of the BEST OF 123John. Castbox podcast addict Overcast etc.

123 John is a love story. God started it all because God is love.  He then shares that love with us so we can share it with folks around us. 123John is a compact book of wisdom and practical knowledge.  In it we learn how to recogni...​​​​​​​Our allegiance to God should result in evidence. The Children resemble...
​​​​​​​Our allegiance to God should result in evidence. The Children resemblethe family. We should be in a new relationship with sin: NOT making a practice of it. NOT being in the habit of it. Agreeing with God by being horrified by it.

Then, we take this internal transformation outside. We love the sisterhood. We love the knuckleheads God has placed around us in the church. Our behavior should leave a trail of the breadcrumbs. This trail of tenderness acts as a witness to ourselves, to our brothers and those not yet in the family. It probably will be sacrificial, inconvenient, and frustrating.

The way we are going to pull all of this off is by ABIDING in God: staying with Him, remaining, lodging with and relying on Him. This is the engineHe's provided to empower the love of the brotherhood. for more BEST OF tomorrow. I so appreciate your ear and your soul.

Our allegiance to God should result in evidence. The Children resemble the family. We should be in a new relationship with sin: NOT making a practice of it. NOT being in the habit of it. Agreeing with God by being horrified by it.Then, we take thi...​​​​​​​123John is a love story of God to people.  It is about a loving God wh...
​​​​​​​123John is a love story of God to people. It is about a loving God who then evidences that love by action. Similarly, our being loved and being in God's family should give evidence as well. He asks of us that our allegiance result in evidence.

We are spiritual children. This means that we OOZE needfulness and adoptability. Remember, SUFFICIENT people don't think they need a savior. We are before a God who is in the forgiveness business. Why? because we are in the SIN business and that must be taken care of.

Listen for some of the great highlights of 1 John Chapters 1&2 and then come back tomorrow by visiting

123John is a love story of God to people.  It is about a loving God who then evidences that love by action. Similarly, our being loved and being in God's family should give evidence as well.  He asks of us that our allegiance result in e...​​​​​​​How'd you like to be a person who comes with a WARNING LABEL stamped o...
​​​​​​​How'd you like to be a person who comes with a WARNING LABEL stamped on you? We meet such a person in 3John. He's a guy who gets authority wrong. This leads to additional errors of thought and action. He demonstrates being anti-missional and anti-church. The church should not tolerate such a person.

Let the people of God, treat the sent of God, in a manner worthy of God. Too, let the people of God, treat the deliberately NOT of GOD, as if they are NOT from God.

Let's be a missional church and all that means. Let's get authority right. Let's be careful of all those walking around with a WARNING LABEL slapped on them. is a website to sign up for a daily email to remind you to listen. Apple Podcasts will do the same.

How'd you like to be a person who comes with a WARNING LABEL stamped on you? We meet such a person in 3John.  He's a guy who gets authority wrong. This leads to additional errors of thought and action.  He demonstrates being anti-mi... are 3 main characters in 3rd John:The MISSIONARIES: those who have GONE...
There are 3 main characters in 3rd John:

The MISSIONARIES: those who have GONE OUT for the sake of the name. They should be enjoying the love and support of the church.
The MISSIONALS: those who labor in speeding those along who have been sent out by relationship and actual financial support
The ANTI-MISSIONARY: those who thwart missionary efforts by rebellion of the heart; rebellion of the tongue; rebellion of the wallet; and rebellion towards the whole effort
Let the people of God (the missionals) treat the sent of God (the missionaries) in a manner worthy of God.

There are 3 main characters in 3rd John:The MISSIONARIES: those who have GONE OUT for the sake of the name. They should be enjoying the love and support of the church.The MISSIONALS: those who labor in speeding those along who have been sent out b...​​​​​​​A crisis launches the letter of 2John.  It is a failure to KEEP ON TRU...
​​​​​​​A crisis launches the letter of 2John. It is a failure to KEEP ON TRUCKIN' with Jesus. There is a group that fails to KEEP ON TRUCKIN' but says otherwise. They don't match the truth and the love, with the words. (Credit R.Crumb for the 1960's era cartoon and concept!)

We discern the truth in people by what they say and do. Are they KEEPING ON TRUCKIN' with the TRUTH? Are they KEEPING ON TRUCKIN' with love of the knuckleheads? Are they KEEPING ON TRUCKIN' with Jesus?

The caution is of course don't KEEP TRUCKIN' with those who aren't KEEPING ON TRUCKIN' with Jesus, but say they are. subscribe to Keep on Truckin' tomorrow. Or at Apple Podcasts.

A crisis launches the letter of 2John.  It is a failure to KEEP ON TRUCKIN' with Jesus. There is a group that fails to KEEP ON TRUCKIN' but says otherwise. They don't match  the truth and the love, with the words.  (Credit R.Crumb f...​​​​​​​We hold on to Him while He HOLDS us, when the high waters come.The One...
​​​​​​​We hold on to Him while He HOLDS us, when the high waters come.

The One born in Bethlehem PROTECTS those who are born again.

We are being HELD by God, while we are HOLDING FAST.

The Lord will bring you THRU what the Lord brings you TO.

For what has the Lord been HOLDING YOU for you to HOLD ON thru?

Listen 7 minutes to learn about the protection of God. On Apple Podcasts.

We hold on to Him while He HOLDS us, when the high waters come.The One born in Bethlehem PROTECTS those who are born again.We are being HELD by God, while we are HOLDING FAST.The Lord will bring you THRU what the Lord brings you TO. For what ...​​​​​​​People have asked for thousands of years this question: "What sins, wh...
​​​​​​​People have asked for thousands of years this question: "What sins, what bad behaviors lead to DEATH?" The very sobering answer is, ALL OF THEM. At least, without the intervention and grace of God, 100% of sins result in the consequence of separation from God.

So, don't purposefully, willfully, and habitually put yourself into the category of being responsible for the consequences of your shortcomings. First, don't sin. Second, don't make a habit of it. Third, repent quickly. Fourth, get a bunch of people to help you with this. Fifth, let Jesus, with His big weapons, help with the forgiveness process.

Do NOT put yourself OUTSIDE of this process. Otherwise, ALL sins lead to death. Listen 7 minutes. share this on your FB feed. Like and subscribe at any podcast provider. Spotify, Google & Apple Podcasts.

People have asked for thousands of years this question: "What sins, what bad behaviors lead to DEATH?" The very sobering answer is, ALL OF THEM. At least, without the intervention and grace of God, 100% of sins result in the consequence of se...​​​​​​​Sometimes junior officers ask senior officers, "Permission to speak fr...
​​​​​​​Sometimes junior officers ask senior officers, "Permission to speak freely, sir?" ie: "Do you really want to hear what I have to say?" Similarly, we ask that same question of God. Fortunately, He answers YES.

We are to have a confidence in the willing ear of God. He's given us access and knowledge so that we can be doing something: plainly, even boldly, speaking before Him.

If you knew that God really heard you today, what would you ask for?
Does your conversations with God in quantity and quality demonstrate that you are heard by God? share on whatever platform you are receiving this on.

Sometimes junior officers ask senior officers, "Permission to speak freely, sir?" ie: "Do you really want to hear what I have to say?" Similarly, we ask that same question of God.  Fortunately, He answers YES.We are to have a confidence in th... life has a quantity of days.  Everybody gets them. Everyone you know ...
Eternal life has a quantity of days. Everybody gets them. Everyone you know is going to live forever.
Eternal life has a QUALITY of days. Everybody does NOT get them. Everyone you know has an opportunity to get them.

The Bible defines this quality of eternal life as a life WITH the Son, WITH a relationship with Jesus. The days to choose Him are limited. In fact, today might be the ONLY day you have, so don't waste it. Quality eternal life comes to us only 1 way: thru Jesus. Quality eternal life comes to us only on 1 day: today.

If He gives a bonus day tomorrow, have signed up at or to subscribe.

Eternal life has a quantity of days.  Everybody gets them. Everyone you know is going to live forever. Eternal life has a QUALITY of days. Everybody does NOT get them. Everyone you know has an opportunity  to get them.The Bible defines t... you believe about Jesus demonstrates what you already believe about the ...
What you believe about Jesus demonstrates what you already believe about the Father. To call Jesus a lie by unbelief calls the Father and the Spirit liars too. We all have spent at least some of our lives in that position. We all must admit, "OOPS, I called God a LIAR."

For many, the Spirit has already helped these actually TRUE testimonies of God finally "ring true" in their hearts. For those who have not, my prayer is for conviction and the courage to say "OOPS , I have had this wrong all along. This stuff really IS TRUE." May real truth actually RING TRUE in hearts today.

What you believe about Jesus demonstrates what you already believe about the Father.  To call Jesus a lie by unbelief calls the Father and the Spirit liars too. We all have spent at least some of our lives in that position. We all must admit,... heart of God is in His people. My heart must be in His people if I want t...
The heart of God is in His people. My heart must be in His people if I want to be in the center of His will. I must be loving those that God has demonstrated an interest in.

Being smack dab in the heart of God=being smack dab in the heart of His people=being smack dab in His will.

People of course are sometimes inconvenient and tiresome. But so are raising children, and both are THE GOOD STUFF of life. Spotify Insta.

The heart of God is in His people. My heart must be in His people if I want to be in the center of His will.  I must be loving those that God has demonstrated an interest in. Being smack dab in the heart of God=being smack dab in the hea... have been FIRST-LOVED by God. That is, God is love and has chosen to shar...
You have been FIRST-LOVED by God. That is, God is love and has chosen to share his great love with you. We are over-shadowed by it. We are humbled, awed, grateful and worshipful on the INSIDE.

Today's passage wants us to do something with our OUTSIDES too. Go love the brotherhood and so demonstrate the warm fuzzies that are on your INSIDE. Because God FIRST-LOVED you, go and second-love the sisterhood in a similar way. Because of God's MEGA-love, we are to share it in our inadequate, MICRO-love way. We have been FIRST-LOVED, so go love the KNUCKLEHOOD. Please SHARE.

You have been FIRST-LOVED by God. That is, God is love and has chosen to share his great love with you. We are over-shadowed by it.  We are humbled, awed, grateful and worshipful on the INSIDE.Today's passage wants us to do something with our...'s license plates scream, "Virginia is for LOVERS." 1 John says the s...
Virginia's license plates scream, "Virginia is for LOVERS." 1 John says the same thing about God and the people of God. Maybe we should get a Christian License plate.

We love the INVISIBLE God by loving the VISIBLE knuckleheads of God. This "obedience" to love people proves an internal, invisible love for God. It is proving something you cannot see by the doing of something you CAN see.

Love is the test of reality. God's residence results in FELLOWSHIP. Like God's love is directed at people, so should our's. to subscribe for 2024. I'll encourage you to love if you sign up, for, "Christianity is for LOVERS"

Virginia's license plates scream, "Virginia is for LOVERS." 1 John says the same thing about God and the people of God.  Maybe we should get a Christian License plate.We love the INVISIBLE God by loving the VISIBLE knuckleheads of God. This "... who bear the name-title "Jr." are supposed to resemble their patriarch....
Those who bear the name-title "Jr." are supposed to resemble their patriarch. The characteristic that God wants us to inherit is His LOVE. For:
God is Love--It is His primary characteristic; His DNA
Love is from God--His love spills out. He didn't keep it all to Himself
Love is shown most clearly in Jesus--He fixes the unfixable and is the walking example of how to love
Love of People is the primary way we demonstrate being in God's family. This is where we best resemble our Patriarch. This is where we get the "Jr." title.
Our love of the brotherhood is attached and sourced in the knowledge that God loved me first.
He is the "Sr.". We are "Lover's-of-People, Jr." Let's resemble this family characteristic. or or Spotify or Google Podcasts or CastBox

Those who bear the name-title "Jr." are supposed to resemble their patriarch.  The characteristic that God wants us to inherit is His LOVE. For:God is Love--It is His primary characteristic; His DNALove is from God--His love spills out. ... are like the child on the playground who calls out to another, "My Dad is ...
We are like the child on the playground who calls out to another, "My Dad is BIGGER THANYOUR DAD." And it is indeed true. Spiritually, we are in the family of the MEGA-DAD.

He's great in SIZE, in VOLUME, in SIGNIFICANCE, in STRENGTH, etc. etc.

The question that I was left with was: Is my RESPONSE to the MEGA-Dad, also a mega response? Am I like a Mega-child, who is struck with MEGA-Wonder; who calls out in MEGA-Worship; who thanks with MEGA-Appreciation; and utilizes the MEGA-access that I have from being in the family of the Mega-Dad? It is right to "think the world of our Father" because it is true: My Dad is bigger than your dad.

We are like the child on the playground who calls out to another, "My Dad is BIGGER THAN YOUR DAD." And it is indeed true.  Spiritually, we are in the family of the MEGA-DAD.He's great in SIZE, in VOLUME, in SIGNIFICANCE, in STRENGTH, etc. et... a boy falls in love with a girl, he takes an interest in the things that...
When a boy falls in love with a girl, he takes an interest in the things that interest her.Similarly, as we become more closely associated with the Lord, we will begin to love what He loves.

The People of God are MY people because they are HIS people. I love them, because HE loves them. I love them NOT because they are particularly lovable. Tuning my heart toward the people of God shows that my heart is tuned to HIM.

When a boy falls in love with a girl, he takes an interest in the things that interest her. Similarly, as we become more closely associated with the Lord, we will begin to love what He loves. The People of God are MY people because they ... capacity for self-deception is infinite. God's capacity for deception is ...
Our capacity for self-deception is infinite. God's capacity for deception is ZERO. He knows everything and accurately sees both the outside and the inside; the hands and the heart.

Interior love is proven by exterior action.
The love of God is manifested by love of his people.
We should find a trail of tenderness when we follow the breadcrumbs of behavior of a Christian.
We assess ourselves not just by our head but by our hands; not just by our intentions but by our possessions; and not just by our words but by our works.

If we do this right we live a pleasing life. By having a correlation of the exterior to the interior, this is a life that can PLEASE GOD.
It may please Him for you to come back tomorrow by going to Apple Podcasts or and subscribing for more.

Our capacity for self-deception is infinite. God's capacity for deception is ZERO. He knows everything and accurately sees both the outside and the inside; the hands and the heart.Interior love is proven by exterior action.The love of God is manif...



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