As I Live and Grieve

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As I Live and Grieve Telling the truth about how hard grieving is. Let us walk with you to comfort and support you.


They say time heals all wounds, but the pain of losing a child is a chasm that can seem insurmountable. Jamie Lee Silver joins us, courageously opening up about her son's passing just shy of his 22nd birthday. Today we navigate the often avoided conversation about grief, and how society's discomfort with deep emotions can add a layer of isolation to an already unbearable experience. Jamie introduces us to the practice of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) Tapping, a lifeline for many who are drowning in the despair of loss, merging the wisdom of Eastern and Western healing to carve out a space for solace and support.

In this heart-to-heart, we also walk through the story of a mother turning pain into celebration, an incredible testimony to the power of EFT in transforming anticipatory grief into a remembrance filled with joy. The technique's simplicity, the rhythmic tapping, the whispered affirmations — these become the backdrop to which we discuss the cognitive clarity and emotional release that EFT can bring. Listen in...


Need comfort after loss? Our newest podcast dives into how EFT Tapping can transform sorrow into solace. Tune in for an intimate journey of resilience.


Caring for a loved one with Parkinson's disease can be a life-altering voyage that many of us will never fully understand—unless we've walked that path ourselves. Dr. George Ackerman joins us to share the deeply personal narrative of his mother, Sharon's, battle with this incapacitating illness, and how it thrust upon him the mantle of caregiver. Through stories of legislative advocacy and the emotional resonance of music within his family, Dr. Ackerman gives voice to the often-unsung heroes tending to the needs of those with Parkinson's and how these experiences fuel his fight for change and support through initiatives like the National Plan to End Parkinson's Disease bill.

The melody of Sharon's piano, played now by her granddaughter, serves as a backdrop to our conversation about the power of legacy and connection—themes that are at the heart of the 'Together for Sharon' website. This global platform not only offers solidarity and resources to those touched by Parkinson’s but also stands as a testament to the far-reaching impact of non-monetary contributions in building a community. Dr. Ackerman’s journey reveals the broader narrative: that our shared struggles can create unexpected pathways to advocacy and support for others.

As we wrap up with Dr. Ackerman, the spotlight shines on the significance of storytelling in the context of caregiving and advocacy. His book, "The Sun Journey," encapsulates not only the story of his mother but also his evolution as a caregiver and advocate, opening doors to further discussion and understanding of Parkinson's disease. Our guest encourages our audience to join in this collective effort, offering a beacon of hope and a clarion call to those who can aid in amplifying this message to a wider audience.


Feeling adrift in the aftermath of a divorce? Healing takes center stage as we welcome Cindy Edington. Together, we acknowledge the duality of grief—mourning a lost loved, or facing the finality of a marriage. Through Cindy's holistic approach, we shine a light on the importance of self-discovery, managing financial fears, and the delicate dance of redefining one's future.

The path to personal growth after divorce is fraught with caution signs—rush into a new relationship, and you may miss the chance to truly rediscover who you are. This episode fosters a conversation about the dangers of dating on the rebound and the wisdom in casual meetups where you can catch warning signs over a steaming cup of coffee.

Discover the restorative power of self-compassion through practices like yoga and Reiki, and consider coaching as a guiding light. Remember, we're here to offer a hand and a listening ear, creating a compassionate space for you to share and grow. Join us as we continue this heart-to-heart...


When Kelly Wilk lost her father at 19 and later her spouse, while raising a young child, her life was irrevocably changed. Today, we sit down with this remarkable artist and healer to talk about her journey through grief and the extraordinary ways she has channeled her pain into creativity and healing. As a registered reflexologist, Reiki master, aromatherapist, and multi-talented artist, Kelly's insights offer a unique perspective on navigating the labyrinth of loss.

Embracing both tears and laughter, we discuss the importance of authentically experiencing and expressing grief. From celebrating the joyful memories of loved ones to finding humor in everyday moments, we highlight the therapeutic value of laughter. We also explore various methods for coping with grief, such as physically breaking objects to release pent-up frustration and creating affirmations to embrace our emotions fully. To foster a sense of community, we invite you to join "The High-Flying Adventures of Captain Grief" page, where you can share your journey and find support.

To Reach Kelly:
Website: The High-Flying Adventures of Captain Grief - Grief is messy...own it!
Facebook: The High-Flying Adventures of Captain Grief | Facebook


Join us tomorrow while we talk to Kelly Wilk, author of the upcoming book, The High-Flying Adventures of Captain Grief: A Memoir! Listen to her fascinating story about how creating an alter ego of a superhero helped her cope and deal one of the most difficult times in her life, the loss of her partner!


Have you ever wondered if your pet could be more than just a furry companion, but a soulmate? Michelle Slater, author of "Soulmate Dog," joins us to share her heartwarming tale of love and connection with her German Shepherd, Brady. Together, we traverse the emotional landscape of relationships that transcend species, highlighting the extraordinary lengths to which we go for our pets and the limitless nature of love.

This episode isn't just about pet love; it's an exploration of grief, healing, and the unspoken language that binds us to our animal friends. Delving into the world of telepathic communication with animals, we uncover how Michelle's skeptic heart was transformed through her experiences with an animal communicator.


A lot of animal lovers will tell you they like their pets more than people. As funny as that sounds sometimes, there is a connection that binds us to our animals that can be stronger than our human friends. Animals know when we are sad and stay by our side no matter what. They cannot speak to us but through their actions, we can feel what they want us to feel. They suffer loss just like we do and grieve in their own way. Michelle lets us in to her experience and how things changed for her.

Such true words. We cannot help but be affected by it and it is OKAY to do what we need to do feel it. Sit in it. Lay in...

Such true words. We cannot help but be affected by it and it is OKAY to do what we need to do feel it. Sit in it. Lay in it. Just BE in it.


Have you ever stumbled across joy in the most unexpected of places, like amidst the sharp edges of grief? This episode welcomes Ross Palfreyman, a seasoned attorney turned author, who shares his profound insights on finding "Joy in the Brambles." Together, we unravel the complexities of grief that arise from life's various challenges, including family squabbles, health scares, and career shifts. Ross offers a compelling approach to embracing joy even when faced with life's prickliest obstacles, as well as a look into our spiritual understanding of joy as a covenant with a higher power.

The concept of charity within the Christian faith takes center stage as we contemplate how acts of kindness and service to others can lead to a deeper experience of joy. I recount a heartwarming story of inclusion involving a young boy in our church and discuss the legal nuances of contracts to illustrate how committing to compassionate actions can be seen as a promise, a bilateral agreement, with the divine. We consider the idea that joy from service is a gift, not a penalty, filled with acts of love and care for others, however small they might seem.


Joy can sometimes find you when you least expect it and in the most interesting places. When you experience such great joy, it gives you a sense of fulfillment and peace that makes you want to seek out more. We discussed and explored this today in our episode. Please join and seek joy with us!


Have you ever stood in the face of a storm and felt the resolve to push through? Our special guest, Dr. Kimberly Harms—sans her formal title, has done so numerous times and she’s here to share her powerful narrative. Join us on "As I Live and Grieve," as Kim opens up about her birth marred by thalidomide, the heartache of her mother's su***de, her own battle with depression, and the fortitude required in the wake of her husband’s liver cancer. Her story is a testament to the unwavering human spirit and the shared comfort we find in acknowledging our vulnerabilities.

Loss is a path often walked in isolation, but it doesn’t have to be. We take a deep exploration into the healing that blossoms within support groups and the profound impact they have had on those engulfed by sorrow. We share stories that illuminate the vital role such groups play, the importance of recognizing the value of grieving children as whole individuals, and how happiness can be reclaimed in life after loss. From the intimate tale of a widow's journey to the resilience seen in the face of the Rwandan genocide, we shine a light on the unexpected paths carved from the depths of grief, leading to new life chapters and cultural connections.

In the wake of devastation, how do we construct a legacy that stands the test of time? This episode offers a stirring reflection on the narratives that have the power to shape our final impressions. Kim discusses her poignant work, "Are You Ready? How to Build a Legacy to Die For," and the profound concept of legacy love letters, guiding us on how to prepare for the ultimate future. From the law libraries in Rwanda to the restorative journey through loss and legacy, we delve into the importance of building a legacy, be it through love, trust, hard work, or the crucial plans we leave for loved ones. Join us for an episode that promises not just solace, but also the empowerment to chart a course towards hope and healing.


From sorrow to strength, join us on "As I Live and Grieve" as we explore the power of support groups and legacy love letters with guest Dr. Kimberly Harms.

There are many themes in grief. But none more comforting and healing than community. The Grief Cruise

There are many themes in grief. But none more comforting and healing than community. The Grief Cruise


When the burdens of grief and trauma cloak the shoulders of our bravest—the police officers, firefighters, and emergency personnel—we seldom grasp the depth of their silent battles. Jared Altic, a pastor and chaplain with the Kansas City, Kansas, Police Department, joins me in a poignant conversation that shines a light on the hidden emotional toll experienced by first responders. With his insights, we unravel the complex layers of grief that accompany the very act of saving lives, revealing how the necessity to compartmentalize emotions in the face of mortality can give rise to secondary trauma and, if left unchecked, to grave mental health consequences.

We focus on actionable ways to uplift and support the guardians of our communities. I recount continuing my late husband's legacy of kindness to police officers, illustrating how small gestures can make a difference. We provide listeners with practical advice on engaging with and assisting local law enforcement, emphasizing the importance of simple acts of appreciation and the understanding of policies that guide their acceptance. Join us in this enriching dialogue as we spotlight the importance of creating a cascade of care that has the potential to reshape the world.

Great article by CNN. But no need to read it. You can hear the story directly from the creator herself! Check out our po...

Great article by CNN. But no need to read it. You can hear the story directly from the creator herself! Check out our podcast from October 3, 2023! That's right. We out scooped CNN 🧐. The podcast can be streamed wherever you currently listen.

Much of society has moved on from the pandemic that began four years ago. But for some, the grief of a Covid-19-related loss still lingers.


Our brave first responders act so quickly and effortlessly that we don't always think about the grief they experience. Maybe there was a life lost. Maybe they responded to a situation that is similar to something that caused them to get into the field to start with. Either way, they strap on their suits, holster their guns, kiss their families goodbye and step out their doors ready to help their communities in any way they can. Listen along with us as we find out way that we can give back to our first responders for everything they do for us.

And sometimes, it can all happen several times in the same hour, day or week... and it's okay.

And sometimes, it can all happen several times in the same hour, day or week... and it's okay.


When the unimaginable happens and we're left holding the pieces of a shattered life, where do we find the strength to rebuild? Annah Elizabeth joins us to courageously share her story. She speaks to the soul's remarkable ability to weather life's harshest storms, offering an inspiring testament to the power of hope and the multifaceted nature of our existence that each play a part in guiding us through our darkest days. Annah's journey underscores the fact that healing is not a destination, but rather a collection of moments that, when stitched together, create a tapestry of regained strength and purpose.

Through the lens of personal experiences, we examine the need to nurture and prioritize the different facets of our personality, especially those we often overlook. A holistic approach to well-being, treating the mind, body, and spirit as interconnected pieces of a larger puzzle, emerges as a critical strategy for preventing our foundation from crumbling under the weight of life's challenges. We wrap up by extending an invitation to our listeners to engage with our community, share their stories, and carry this vital conversation forward.


Discover Annah Elizabeth's powerful journey through loss and the hope that guided her to healing. Tune in to our latest episode for an inspiring testament to resilience.

We are still basking in the glow ☀️of this honor! This 7-day cruise will enrich body and soul — sun ☀️, water 🌊, and com...

We are still basking in the glow ☀️of this honor! This 7-day cruise will enrich body and soul — sun ☀️, water 🌊, and community 🧑‍🤝‍🧑🧑‍🤝‍🧑!

We are BEYOND honored and excited to announce that As I Live and Grieve has been selected to speak at the 2025 The Grief...

We are BEYOND honored and excited to announce that As I Live and Grieve has been selected to speak at the 2025 The Grief Cruises sail 🛳️. Check it out! ➡️


Nick Ga***rd found an unexpected beacon of hope in the form of podcasting. His journey, one that traverses the grief of losing a father and the unexpected solace found in dark humor, is the focal point of our latest episode. Nick shares his intimate story of coping with a complicated paternal relationship, infused with the bittersweet relief that followed his father's passing. This dance of emotions is one many of us know too well, yet often struggle to voice. Together, we peel back the layers of sorrow and laughter that define our healing processes.

The power of a good story lies in its ability to evoke strong emotions and offer an escape. Nick and I reflect on how these passions have been a backdrop to our own life stories, influencing our capacity to love in the shadow of complex family dynamics. We dissect the therapeutic process of creating "Our Dead Dads," a podcast which promises to be a refuge for men to express emotions that society often discourages.

Our conversation extends an invitation to listeners to be a part of this community, to share, connect, and collectively honor the memories of those we've lost. Through candid discussions and heartfelt narratives, Nick's podcast aims to create a tapestry of support, emphasizing the enduring nature of love and the shared journey of life and loss. Join us, all the while remembering that while our stories are unique, the emotions that drive them are universal.

Well, what is this?

Well, what is this?

I invite everyone of you grieving a child to SPEAK THEIR NAME.This includes those of us who were never given the opportu...

I invite everyone of you grieving a child to SPEAK THEIR NAME.

This includes those of us who were never given the opportunity to see, hold or meet our child.

Lee Daniel

May 3rd is National Widow's Day. For everyone who no longer has the love of their life beside them, please know that we ...

May 3rd is National Widow's Day. For everyone who no longer has the love of their life beside them, please know that we at AS I LIVE AND GRIEVE hold you in our hearts today and every day. If you refrain from seeing yourself as a widow/widower because you didn't have that piece of paper making it legal - please forget that detail today, as we believe it is the depth of your LOVE and not a piece of paper that impacts your life and the loss you are trying to heal from.

Please keep in mind that something will grow from what you are going through - and it will be YOU.



Nick states "As we prepare to launch "Our Dead Dads," we're reminded of the importance of sharing stories and the comfort it brings to those walking a similar path through grief. Our conversation extends an invitation to listeners to be a part of this community, to share, connect, and collectively honor the memories of those we've lost. Through candid discussions and heartfelt narratives, our podcast aims to create a tapestry of support, emphasizing the enduring nature of love and the shared journey of life and loss. Join us as we navigate these waters, remembering that while our stories are unique, the emotions that drive them are universal." Dive deeper with us in this episode to learn more of how this new podcast came to be! health

🧭Navigating a loss, of any kind, is not linear and definitely shouldn't be solo. 🧑‍🤝‍🧑🧑‍🤝‍🧑Community is the key 🔑.

🧭Navigating a loss, of any kind, is not linear and definitely shouldn't be solo. 🧑‍🤝‍🧑🧑‍🤝‍🧑Community is the key 🔑.

Just putting this here for a bit. Things that make you go, hmmmm.

Just putting this here for a bit. Things that make you go, hmmmm.

Being completely honest, this one hit me hard today. There are moments I feel like I've got a hold on this grief thing a...

Being completely honest, this one hit me hard today. There are moments I feel like I've got a hold on this grief thing and other moments I feel like I've been kicked in the stomach. Sometimes, both feelings happen in what seems to be the same moment. Holding your hand today, keeping you in my prayers, standing beside you.



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