Just consider it
If Black Lives Matter to people in the media and to BLM, the organization itself, then why haven't they made concerted efforts to teach people how to respond when police arrive on a scene?
Like whatever happened to the 90s style PSA commercials and the celebrity filled videos with the super serious music in the background where they teach people the dos and donts of life?
Or, perhaps it's more lucrative for people to let this sh*t continue. I mean the top members of BLM just recently all bought million dollar mansions. CNN ratings skyrocket every time a police shooting happens. Civil rights attorneys get paid big bucks to come on TV and file lawsuits. They all are getting paid off the backs of dead black people
Some of you just don't get it. This stuff is Big Business.
Moreover, it's a big business that's never going to end. The money will continue to roll in because police are human beings and people continue to respond to them in p**s poor fashion, egged on by the so called activists who don't seem to want to protest anything other than one particular type of killing that isn't responsible for but a mere fraction of the deaths of black people in America today.
Wake up people! You're all just pawns in the game. The only way to prevent 100% of all police shootings would be to stop violent crime cold. We all know that's not going to happen. And that's why there are police shooting people in white communities, Native American communities, Hispanic communities and and nearly any community that has a problem with crime. But for some reason it's only covered in the black community by the mainstream media to make it seem as if only one group of people have a problem with crime and being shot by police.
How come none of you are asking why? How many of you are even doing a comparison by the numbers!? Are you willing to look at other races that are being shot by police or are you just drinking the Kool-Aid without even considering that perhaps this is happening to other groups of people as well and that you're being manipulated?
Well in fact it is happening to other groups. Whites get killed by the police more frequently than any other group, armed or unarmed. Native Americans are the most disproportionately killed group by police officers but nobody's talking about that because they don't have the population numbers to make ratings increase or dollars stack.
Just like Malcolm X said back in the day, "You been took. You been had. You've been bamboozled, Hoodwinked, run amok, and led astray." Wake up and