Facts over propaganda! I'm so sick of hearing people trying to push the Khazarian theory as fact. 🙄 It's really just a way to hold " the white man" out as the originator of sin, thus justifying their hatred and persecution of Jews. And if they are imposters, then what right could they have to The Land? "They are not true Israelites from the Bible!" I've heard this blasphemy IN CHURCH! I can understand unbelievers getting sucked into demonic propaganda, but no Bible believing Christian should. Either God is 100% truthful, or He's a liar 🤷🏽♀️ Either the 70AD worldwide dispersion took place
or it didn't. Science catches up to what we ALREADY know. God's program WILL be established and the Kingdom WILL come ON THE EARTH, and The King Of The Jews -YESHUA, WILL REIGN FROM JERUSALEM for 1000yrs!👑🦁👍🏽✡️
The Khazar Myth debunked- Thirteenth Tribe- Arthur Koestler
IDF spokesman in Arabic, Col. Avihai Adrai:
An urgent warning to the residents of the Al-Dahiya district in the capital .
To all those who are in the buildings marked in red on the attached maps and the buildings next to them, in the neighborhoods of al-Lilki, Harat Harikh and Barj al-Barajna, you are in the vicinity of Hezbollah facilities and the IDF will act strongly against them.
For your safety and the safety of your family members, you must evacuate these buildings immediately and stay at least 500 meters away from them.
London Professor of Oncology calls for URGENT stop to Covid-19 boosters:
"As an Oncologist I am seeing people with stable cancer rapidly relapse after a Covid-19 Booster"
Angus Dalgleish, Professor of Oncology at St. Georges Hospital Medical School London.
First Photos & Video of Redemption of Hostages Last Night
Following are the first photos and a video clip of the reuniting of the Avigdori family, last night (Saturday, 25 November 2023) at Sheba Medical Center, after the mother of the family, Sharon Hertzman and daughter Noam (12), were released.
Attached photo credits: Haim Zach (GPO)
Video credit: Omer Meron (GPO)
This is the ugly REALITY of the mindset of the West, even the whole world. They LOVE the Jew when they can use him to offset their insideous hatred toward anyone they do not like-- Trump, right-wing conservatives ( who have mysteriously disappeared btw. There are only FAR right conservatives according to them...mmm), Christians and white male heterosexuals who act too much like traditional men, apparently there's such a thing as toxic masculinity. ALL of these were called NAZIS! Why Nazis though? Well, because they're evil. Look at what they did to the Jews. So wait, you mean the same Jews that survived the Holocaust, dreamed of returning back to Israel where they would never have to worry about being murdered and abused because of racism, because apparently the other Jewish groups who were NOT in Europe, would welcome them and recognise them as family, are actually real Jews? This same group of people who join with Israel's persecutors, simply flick a switch in their brains and latch onto whatever " approved" talking points are out there. They do not even notice their 180°!
Would they be standing outside supporting the Nazis right to murder Jews? No. It would make them " look" bad. ( unless you're a die hard Palastinian supporter, I've seen swastikas being held up and on flags).
Here's the thing, you can't have it both ways. You cannot legitimise the Jews when it suits you. You cannot USE the Holocaust as your trump card, no pun intended, but oh the irony! When you wish to silence people, shame them into submission, or destroy their reputation. YOU are WORSE than most are willing to recognise. It's really about winning. It's not about truth, it's about personal preference and hatred. It's a demonically and irrational hatred that causes a depraved and distorted mind. It's not about the acts of violence and the atrocities, it's about WHO commits them that justifies their hypocrisy.
God is love. God is truth. You cannot have one without the other.
Jesus, the
Is the writing on the wall for the UK?
Is the writing on the wall for America?
Happy Resurrection Day!! 😃🙌🏾🥳
CDC's ( Central Digital Currency) WILL be introduced globally under the guise of being a response to a problem, or a convenience. The reality is that it was planned long ago, as were many of the " solutions" ( and that word becomes far more chilling and sinister in this context) imposed on us by these shadowy, globalists.
Many useful idiots have been employed to further their cause, including, but not limited to, Hollywood stars, media moguls, big tech and the regular man and woman on the street who have bought into their big lies - CC, V Mandates, Cashlessness and agendas such as the LGBTQ, BLM, demonization of meat and the destruction of the nuclear family.
The greatest assault has been against Biblical Christianity and its values. This is a demonic agenda that is readying the world for the coming Antichrist figure, also known as the Man of Sin and his false prophet. We are already seeing a centralised track and trace financial order being set up, a diabolical one world religious order that seeks to trample down the fundamentals of Biblical Christianity along with those who hold to them. Apostasy on a massive scale, as the professing Church embraces and promotes ecumenism and interfaith dialogue seeking to find a common word at the expense of truth. They mistake this for " love," when it is nothing of the sort. This too was predicted in 2 Tim 4:3-4 and by Jesus Himself in Rev 3 in His letter to the Laodicean Church. That's not an evangelistic scripture to the unsaved, it's a shameful call to " those who HAVE ears", to a remant of faithful believers to come out from among them and follow Him. It's a call to repentance and to an uncompromised walk in a time marked by sin 2 Tim 3: 1-5
There are many unsaved men and women who seem to be more clued up than the Church on these matters. They can see that something is terribly wrong but because they do not have the answers, they seek revolution. They know nothing else. They do not realize that they will not win, a