News You Should Know

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News You Should Know NSYK is a platform that summarizes the news from around the world - with the focus being Malaysia.

We make news easily consumable and suited for people who don't really like reading news.


It's Day 21 of MCO and has been a few days since we updated, so here's what you should know from around the world.

1. Singapore has gone into its own month-long lockdown following an announcement by their President. Unfortunately, it resulted in their own version of panic buying that is lining up in IKEA. Guess it's because they 'atas sikit' so cannot panic buy at normal Mydin or Speedmart99.

2. Yesterday our DG of Health, Dato Hisham announced that we made more recoveries than new cases so HOORAY! Also the Ministry is increasing its capacity for testing - despite there being a shortage of reagent (don't worry, they are in the midst of getting more). Now, aside from that, the DG also recommended that you clean your hands after playing with your pets.

Now, this does not mean you throw away your pets due to coronavirus fears!! In fact, your pets should be more worried of you passing the virus to them rather than the other way. We mean, just ask the poor Malayan Tiger that got the virus.

3. Dairy farmers in the US are now dumping out milk from their supply due to the disruption in their service. But don't worry you will still get your Dutchlady.

4. The courts have begun sentencing those who have been caught violating the MCO with fines and community service. So moral of the story, Stay at Home! We know lot's of you went out to get the new McD Burger.

And finally,

5. MPs around Malaysia are helping the less fortunate with their groceries. Let's just hope they weren't handing out the goods with a Doremon voice. Yeesh.


Here's what you should know after MCO Day 9. [UPDATED]

1. It's been annouced that our dear PM, ministers and Deputy ministers will be donating 2 months salary to the national fund. Considering we have 70 people in the Cabinet that would be alotttt of money.

2. Internationally, Prince Charles - yes, Princess Diana's ex-hubby - has been diagnosed positive for Covid-19. He is 70 this year. Also the number of positive Covid-19 in the US has already surpassed that of China. Guess US first again?

3. Locally, along with the coronavirus pandemic, Malaysia is also experiencing a wave of blur men shoppers. This was after it was announced that only the ketua keluarga can leave the house to buy supplies. Luckily, having internet data has helped curb further serious symptoms.

4. Locally, states in Malaysia are also announcing economic stimulus package to help people and businesses affected by the Movement Control Order.

5. Also if you have a loan from a local bank, Bank Negara announce that there will be an automatic deferment for 6 months. It would run from the 1st of April 2020 to 30th September 2020. But there are some key things to note.

- The deferment is automatic. YOu have to tell your bank if you want to continue paying as normal.
- There will still be monthly interest running (excluding RHB, OCBC and Maybank). You just pay it later.
- You must not have any overdue more than 90 days on your loan.
- You still have to pay your credit card charge as normal.


What you should know after Day 8 of MCO.

1. MCO will be extended to April 14. Yes, that's right. Our PM has announced that we will be staying home for another 2 week. TBH, it's only 8 days and we bet most of us are already turning into Snorlax.

2. Internationally, the world has almost gone into total lockdown. Countries such as India, the UK and US have also imposed a lockdown on their citizens following a surge of cases. Unfortunately, Spain has exceeded China in the number of death due to Covid-19

3. If you are a food lover, Dalgona coffee/milo/matcha is currently trending. Yes, you would have seen those Insta pics, Tiktok videos and Facebook post.

4. Unfortunately, with the extension of MCO many people are feeling the pinch. Workers who leave on a daily wage - such as mak cik nasi lemak - are now struggling to keep afloat. Aside from that, stray animals that use to live of the kindness of people are also left in a lurch because no one is going out.

So if you do have the money to spare, rather than shopping online donate it to a charity that helps these poor souls.

And lastly

5. The America Psychiatric Association have said that in isolation it is normal for you to start talking to your plants or pets. You are not crazy...that is until they talk back.

Any pets/plants talking back yet?


What you should know after Day 3 and 4 of MCO. [UPDATED]

1. The Malaysian Military (ATM) will be deployed to aid the police in ensuring people follow the MCO. Now, note the key point - AID the POLICE - not enforce the rule. So the police are still in charge. However, some parties have argued that the move is hasty and uncoordinated.

2. Also, Malaysia recorded it's 4th death on Day 4. Case 238 was a 50 y/o Malaysian male who was part of the tabligh cluster. He was admitted to the Melaka Hospital with symptoms of Severe Acute Respiratory Infection on the 12 of March.

Day 4 also recorded an additional 4 more deaths as of 7.25pm per the Ministry of Health Malaysia, making it the highest number of deaths due to covid-19 recorded per day.

So Malaysians, don't go out. STAY HOME. And if you need to see the doctor, be truthful of your medical history. Your lies and ignorance could cause someone else their lives.

3. Our new Health Minister - not Dr Dzul, okay - drew backlash after he went on national TV to tell people to drink warm water because that kills Coronavirus...😒🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️Safe to say this is NOT true.

Also, our favourite coconut-banging-carpet-flying Raja Bomoh is back. This time he claims to help the world get rid of Covid -19

4. Unfortunately, for Malaysians, the Government has decided to increase to the price of the 3-ply mask to RM2. This is an increase of 250% from the previous price of RM0.80. The reason given was that it was needed to meet the demand.

TBH we think it's a bad idea - not to mention this makes it even less affordable (or impossible to buy) for the less fortunate.

And, in lighter news

5. Fifty Shades Freed was one of the trending movies (no.2 the last we check) on Netflix in Malaysia. 😏😏😏


What you should know after Day 2 of MCO.

1. As of now, the number of positive cases in Malaysia is still increasing. However, it seems that some Malaysians as still openly defying the order by eating out. The authorities are now stepping up their crackdown on these people so hopefully, the numbers go down.

2. Luckily, in the middle of the MCO we still see the awesome side of our rakyat. People and organizations are stepping up to help the elderly and less fortunate get their daily groceries and food to sustain themselves during the 14-days MCO. Hashtags such as are trending in a sense of solidarity among Malaysians.

3. Across the Causeway, Singaporeans are lending a helping hand to stranded Malaysians by offering a place to stay or food and blankets. Singapore authorities have also stepped up patrols to check up on workers who were not able to secure accommodations.

4. On an international front, Italy has announced that they are extending their lockdown. This comes as news broke that the country now has the highest amount of death due to Covid-19. It was even higher than in China.

International students in Europe -especially the UK - are scrambling to find transport back to their home country due to the uncertainty of the Covid-19 situation in the UK.


5. It has been announced that the Army will be deployed - on Sunday - along with the police to ensure that the rakyat are adhering to the MCO order. However, this is NOTTTTTTTT a lockdown, ok. It's still an MCO.

So ...unless you want it to get worse😒


What you should know after Day 1 of Restricted Movement Order.

1. Our PM 8 decided to make a special address yesterday night (8 PM). Long story short, his message was to stay home, don't be stupid and watch HBO.

2. Unfortunately, there were still some people who were blatantly moving around outside. We mean 'makan at mamak' and 'balik kampung' movement. However, it looks like the authorities are getting more serious with the Police going out and fining people.

Also, the Selangor Cops are also stepping up with their operations to enforce the Movement Control Order (MCO).

3. On the international front, despite there being a pandemic, a huge Tabligh gathering in Indonesia is still set to go on. The expected amount of attendees. As of now, the Bernama has confirmed that 83 participants are Malaysians!

While we do understand the need to fulfilled religious needs, we also think it's very selfish and reckless of those Malaysians.

4. Also internationally, Italy is expected to extend it's country's lockdown as the number of cases continues to climb. Hospitals are so overwhelmed that patients are now treated in warehouses while bodies who those who died in self-isolation are left for days.

Yet, stupidly - yes, we are using that word - young Americans are still going on spring break with pictures of YOLO-ness filling Instagram.


5. Eateries and retail outlet in Malaysian and across the world are facing huge financial crisis due to the outbreak and the lockdowns/MCO. Brands such as Laura Ashley (high-end interior design) are facing bankruptcy.

But, on the other hand, delivery service demand is at an all-time high.


What you should know about Malaysia's Restricted Movement Order / Movement Control Order. [UPDATED}

1. The Order will be in effect for 14 days (18/3 - 31/3)

2. All international borders and travels are on restricted. Yes, you CAN'T move in and out of the country. And if you want to travel to other Negeri, you'll have to fill up papers at the local police station.

3. All education institutions will be close. So...
School Kids: Extended Holiday!!
Uni Peeps: Online Classes and trying to brain project submissions
Parents: Extended Stress and Love...we guess.

4. Essential retail will be open. In short, you can still buy your groceries so don't stock up like it's the apocalypse. Also, supermarket stores like Jaya Grocers have announced that they are implementing special opening time for senior citizens to shop.

So don't be an ass. BTW, what are ya'll obsession with toilet paper?

5. Food stalls can/will still be open but you can only tapau, not makan there.

And, finally,

6. The Movement Order was made under the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Act 1988 and well as the Police Act 1967. Now what this mean is that the Order has legal and possibly criminal repercussions if you break it.

TL;DR If you 'pandai-pandai' jalan jalan during 18/3-31/3 you can get caught and be jailed/fine.

So STAY home, DON'T panic buy and KEEP up with us.


We are sorry for the long hiatus but we are finally back with a weekly update.

So if you didn't know here's what you should know from around the world.

1. First up, Coronavirus. Like, it is something you all should know by now. But here is a quick update of what is happening so far.
Currently, in Malaysia, we have 158 confirmed cases, with the cases now spreading out of the Klang Valley area. As of now, more cases are expected following revelations that an outbreak had occurred in a massive tabligh gathering 2 weeks ago. Unfortunately, due to the influx, it seems that updates from the MOH are becoming less detailed. 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️

2. In more Malaysian news, it seems all is not well in the new govt. While we refrained from commenting on the political turmoil that happened during , as the dust settles and the new govt was announced, not everyone is happy. It seems the not all Perikatan Nasional MPs support PM Muhyiddin decision on the Cabinet. As parliament sitting is postponed to 18 May, we wonder how many MPs will be in support of the govt then. If not..Snap Elections anyone?

3. In world news, the economy is seeing a plunge with Wall Street stocks hitting an all-time low. Way lower than the 2008 recession. This has lead to speculation that there will likely be a global financial crisis. Part of the plunge is caused by coronavirus and also travel bans issued in several countries.

4. But in other news, while governments are banning large gathering, the world's biggest sports gathering - it's the Olympics FYI - is still on. Yes, that's right. Tokyo is pushing on with the event with PM Shinzo Abe telling Trump that there is no plans to push it far that is.

But TBH, do you think the Olympics should be a go?

And finally, for more positive news

5. While everyone is stuck inside for fear of coronavirus, mother nature is also getting a breather from us. NASA reported that the air pollution levels in China experience significant drops following the virus outbreak. It might be temporary it really shows how much the Earth does NOT need us to destroy it.


Just so you know. As of now...

1. Tun M resigned as PM
2. BERSATU quits PH
3. Azmin + Zuraida sacked from PKR

TL;DR We have a dumpster fire of a political day and it's only the start of the week.


We were not planning to have any post this week but the news is just too hot to not have a Sunday Special!

By now you might have seen stuff such as 'Pakatan Nasional' or , well we are here to explain what is going on.

On Thursday, 20 Feb 2020, it was exactly 2 years after it was promised Anwar would be made PM. Well, on Friday (21/2/2020) there was a Pakatan presidential council that ended with BERSATU -i.e. the party Tun M is in- threatening to leave PH is people keep pestering Tun M to set a date for an official handover to Anwar.

So till just this morning things were tense, but still kumbaya. Until MAJOR news broke.

At 10am this morning, Ministers and MPs loyal to Azmin Ali - which you should know by now is beefing with Anwar - meet at Sheraton Hotel PJ. Now, this started HUGE - and we mean HUGE - speculations that BERSATU and part of PKR are breaking off to join forces with UMNO and PAS to make a new 'Pakatan Nasional".

This didn't help when presidents of 5 political party - PAS, UMNO, BERSATU, WARISAN, PBB - and Azmin Ali were seen having a meeting at Istana Negara with the Agong at around 7pm.

Currently, it is expected that a press conference will be held soon.

TL;DR Bunch of PH MPs and Opposition MPs decided to gang up, meet the Agong and discuss a possible new coalition.

What does that mean for the rakyat? Malaysia Baharu might not be so 'baru' come tomorrow morning.


Early of the week update!

Here's what you should know from around the world.

1. The Oscars was held yesterday morning and let's just say Asians SLAYED. South Korean film, Parasite, landed 4 Oscar awards including Best Picture. Now, this is a huge feat, as it ties with Walt Disney's record - Disney won 4 awards for 4 different work on the same night while Parasite won all 4 on its own.

On another note, Joaquin Pheonix won best actor for his role in Joker.

2. Also in showbiz, the local Anugerah Juara Lagu 34 made history protesting against Rosmah and Najib. The band, Drama Band (yes, ironic we know), came out donning the 2.5bil iconic clown face and rocking out on stage, while the words 'Careful Who You Belive" flashed across the backdrop.

Let's just say we were rocking with the rebellious moods.

3. In more serious news, after the American Senate decided to acquit Pres. Trump over his impeachment charges, it seems that he is cleaning house. Over the last few days, witnesses that spoke out against Trump have been fired - in what many press and public think is in retaliation.

While we do understand it's his choice, it does seem petty.

4. As usual another Wuhan Virus Update. Currently, the death toll has risen to over 1,000. In Malaysia, the no. of infected patients stand at 18 - with 3 of them having recovered completely.

However, over the causeway - i.e. our neighbour down south, it seems everyone is panic-buying. Store shelves are emptied in a zombie-apocalypse style. Viral videos showed kiasu uncles and aunties literally sliding under shop shutters to get to the goods while we Malaysians just take pictures with our fully stocked supermarkets.

And, finally

5. For some good news, the American Super Bowl was held on the 3rd and the Kansas City Chiefs Won! Ok while that is shouldn't really concern us, one of its players Derrick Nnadi decided to pay for all the adoption fees for stray dogs in the local shelter. And guess what, they all got adopted!!! Over 100 doggos found their home and we are just so happy for them .

What do you think of news?
Comment down below and do leave us a 👍 as we are testing our algorithm again.



After our post yesterday, the team at LHAG has posted an announcement on their website.

In it, they stated that business is as usual. They also went on to state some points from their side.

1. That the real dispute concerns the proper treatment of vast sums of money and not about changes to the partners' profit distribution scheme. The money concern were files opened and managed by Datuk DP Naban and Saravana Kumar, two partners from the tax practice group, from clients between 2009 to 2019.

They stated that "on 5 January 2020, the partners, by a clear majority, passed resolutions to, amongst others, ensure full compliance with all tax laws. This included seeking tax advice from the firm’s long-standing tax advisors as to the proper tax treatment of the Moneys, and complying with the advice."

LHAG went on to state that they would oppose vigorously the suit filed on 7 February 2020.

2. They adamantly stated that it is BUSINESS AS USUAL. As the partnership can only be dissolved by a resolution passed by 75% of the equity partners - the notice of dissolution that was sent out is not valid.

3. If any steps are taken to dissolve the firm, the process of reviewing the appropriate tax treatment of these large sums of money may be delayed or even frustrated.

TL;DR Its is safe to say again that is its business as usual at LHAG. Though now it seems that there might be more to the story. For now, its a he-say-she-say moment for the firm.


We are back with a Sunday SPECIAL FEATURE! This is for the law students/law enthusiasts that follow us. Here's what you should know.

If you practice law, studied law or even just know about law firms in Malaysia, the name Lee Hishammuddin Allen & Gledhill should sound rather familiar. Which is no surprise considering that its one of the most famous firms in the country - handling several well know cases.

Well, it seems that that might not be the case any longer. On the 7th of February, two of its senior partners - D.P Naban and Ooi Bee Hong - filed a legal suit against 12 of LHAG partners to stop them for executing changes to the firm's Partnership Compensation & Profit Distribution Plan (PCPDP). They alleged in the court documents that the partners did not receive the 75% voting shares required to do so.

But that's not all, there have been issues between LHAG partners since 2019, with things coming to a boiling point with the resignation of the firm's managing partner Dato Aznam Mansor on the 6th of February and a firm-wide Notice of Dissolution issued via email on the 7th of February by D.P Naban. This was later followed by another firm-wide email by the remaining partners to say that it's business as usual.

As of now, while the official dissolution of LHAG is still up on the air, what we do know is that factions and lines have been drawn especially between the senior and younger partners. In the various notices of dissolution that was sent out; allegations of inappropriate extra-marital affairs and s*x scandals with junior lawyers among partners (yes, they were named but we don't wanna get sued) were included.

Additionally, it seems that the entire LHAG tax team and its partners have also left. So we guess things ain't looking so good now for the whole firm.

And yes, if you were wondering, we thought it was the real-life Malaysian version of Suites too.


A short end of the week update.
Here's what you should know from around the world.

1. First up is, of course, the US. As you all know, Pres Trump was impeached by the US House of Representatives last year. Well, just this week the US Senate found him not guilty of his charges. What this means is that Trump will not be removed from the office and still be president for now.

FYI, the US Senate has a majority Republican reps - i.e. his same party comrades.

2. In other news, our own Tun M has put forth the motion to have all Science and Math subjects taught in English again. Currently, as he is the acting education minister, some groups have complained that he should have no authority to do so.

What do you think? Should we teach Maths and Science in English again?

3. Also in Malaysia, a journalist from a local Malay newspaper has been charged over some inflammatory and false information that she posted on her personal Facebook. In the post, she claimed that 1,000 people from China had arrived in Penang and that only darurat will be imposed if Lim Guen Eng was infected. Many - and the authorities - took it as a post that stoke racist sentiment and misinformation.

While, the National Union of Journalists has come forth to defend her - stating charging her is a backward movement of press freedom - others argued that it was right that she was charged as she posted on her own private page.

And, Finally

4. Wuhan Virus update!
It was a time of good and bad news in Malaysia. The very first Wuhan virus patient was discharged after being cured. However, Malaysia also had our very first human-to-human transmission. The sister of a Malaysian man who became infected after visiting Singapore was confirmed positive.

Additionally, on a global scale, the death toll for the virus is steadily increasing but it's also key to note that the number of people cured currently outweigh that death. So there is hope everyone.

That's all for this week. What do you think about the news?


Here's your Monday round-up of news you should know from around the world.

1. The biggest news to hit the world was the actual BREXIT. On the 31st, the UK formally announce their separations from the EU at 11.00pm UK time. But wait, this does not mean adios. For the next 11 months - till the 31 December 2020 - the UK and EU will be in negotiations over a series of issues including trade and immigration.

But for now, if you are planning to backpack through Europe you can still do it without applying for additional visas. As for Scotland and the Scottish ...let's just say there are memes and cartons made on them.

2. If you were a Twitter user, you might have seen the tag trending. Well, Spoiler Alert, if you are a Fast and Furious fan we suggest you stay back for the ending credits. As for the Star Wars fans... your Han is still...blame Kylo Ren.

3. In more serious matters, Youth and Sports Minister, Syed Saddiq, was confronted by a group of men at a BERSATU event in Johor on the 31st of January. He was photograph climbing over a fence to escape the crowd. Since then, the youth wing of BERSATU, ARMADA, has lodged a police report and two people have been arrested.

In a video by The Star Online, the hecklers were seen trying to shield their face - which makes us wonder about the saying "berani kerana benar, takut kerana salah.' But what do you think?

4. Aside from that, a quick Wuhan Virus update. The very first death outside of China has been recorded in the Philippines. The victim was a China-national. Whereas, the total deaths have surpassed 300 people while the total no. of infected patients have reached over 14K worldwide.

Since last week, countries have also begun efforts to bring back their citizens in China, with Airasia being the airline that will be bringing back a total of 132 people to Malaysia.

And, finally

5. AirAsia and AirAsia X have been alleged to be part of a bribery scandal involving aeroplane maker, Airbus. The matter is now being referred to the Securities Commission of Malaysia.

What do you think of the news?


Mid-Week Update - because we missed out quite a lot.

So here's what you should know from around the world.

1. Sadly, basketball legend Kobe Bryant passed away on Sunday after being involved in a fatal helicopter crash. Along with him were his daughter and seven other people. Tributes and condolences for his family have been pouring in since.

2. In tech news, internet security provider Avast - yes, the one you install to protect your laptop/computer for antivirus - has been found to be harvesting (i.e. collecting) and selling their customer data/information to marketing companies.
If this wasn't a case of 'harapkan pagar, pagar makan padi' we don't know what is 🙄.

3. Back in Msia- because that is what is most important - the Govt is taking active measure against people who spread fake news regarding the Wuhan Virus. The Ministry of Health will publish a list of fake news about the virus while the PDRM is looking into 4 people who allegedly spreading fake news.

So while we understand the need to keep informed, make sure your sources are legit.

4. Additional updates on the global Wuhan Virus pandemic. Currently - as of 8.00 AM 29 January - the number of death is 131, which are all in China for now. The number of patients is also steadily increasing.

As for Malaysia, travel stops - like the stop of visa - have been issued by the Govt against travellers from Wuhan and the surrounding Hubei region. The Finance Ministry has also expediting funds for thermal scanners to help detect infected patients.


5. To end on a positive note, humans are stepping up to help fight the virus. Donations for Wuhan Virus relief efforts have been rising with companies like Apple and Qihoo 360 pledging million.

But most importantly, the selfless sacrifices made by all those the served in the healthcare line, from doctors and nurses to the mak cik and pak cik cleaners in the frontlines. We Salute you.

What do you think about the news?


Sorry for the lack of post but we are now back online with a SPECIAL FEATURE! Even though you might just be busy holidaying.

Here's what you MUST know about the Wuhan Virus / Coronavirus.

1. Yes, like the name says, the virus originated from Wuhan, China. Specifically, some experts believe that Ground Zero is the live animal market Huanan Seafood Market. This is because it's believe that the virus originated from animals that were sold and killed there.

2. The virus CAN spread from HUMAN to HUMAN. Yep, it is contagious and all it needs is a person sneezing or coughing and you breathing it in. So be a hermit. Get a mask when you visit crowded places. And please be careful.

3. It is deathly. Now, the Wuhan virus can and have killed its victims. Currently the only deaths recorded are within China. However, the disease has spread to other countries.

4. Which bring us to Malaysia. As of now, we have 4 confirmed cases and the main entry point is Johor. The patients so far were part of Chinese tour groups that came via Singapore.

5. The Ministry of Health is doing something. Currently, all states in Malaysia have a designated (infectious) hospital - with Sg. Buloh Hospital being the national headquarters, so try avoid going there if you can. In larger states like Sabah and Sarawak, all large public hospitals there quipped for quarantine.

6. Now about travel bans. Currently, Tun M have stated that there is no plans to block people from China. But WAIT!!!! Before you get your pitchforks out it is important to know that there are already travel-blocks placed on several cities in China - including Wuhan. That means people from those cities can't travel to Malaysia. And no, just removing visa-free status will not stop people from travelling.

And finally,

7. Not all Chinese people - or China citizens - in Malaysia are sick or contagious. So, while we do understand paranoia, be more tactful okay.

Stay safe, be careful and get a mask. Just make sure you wear it the right way.


Early of the Week update.

In case you didn't know, here's what you should know from around the world.

1. On Saturday, the Kimanis - which is in Sabah - by-election started and ended. And let's just say there were celebrations on the BN side and not on the PH side. This would be ... we forgot how many there were ... loss that the current Govt have suffered. Guess the honeymoon phase is over.

Why do you think PH loss?

2. By now you should know about the Australian Fires. Well, it seems it will finally be coming to an end with heavy rains forecasted. But wait. There is also a high chance of flooding too. Australia can't seem to catch a break.

3. The UK will be losing one of their royals!

It seems Prince Harry and Meghan Markle will no longer be doing their royal duties and will be giving up their royal titles. Yup, that's right. Prince Harry will just be...Harry. Now we just have to wonder with them no longer getting royal funding *cough* public money *cough* who is footing the bill?

4. Japan's Environment Minister is the first Japan Govt member to take paternity leave. Guess Japan is being more progressive - so YEAH!


5. If you are travelling to China any time soon just make sure to bring your masks. Currently, a deathly virus is going around called the coronavirus and it has claim one life thus far. So keep those mask around.

And if you are having flu in Malaysia-keep away ppl.

What do you think about the news??


Early of the week update.

If you didn't know, here's what you should know from around the world.

1. By now you should know that we said adios to Maszlee Malik as Education Minister. Well, there is still no new Edu Minister, but we do have a temporary one - i.e our PM Dr Tun Mahathir. If you forgot, Tun M initially wanted to take the Edu Minister portfolio but didn't after people called him out.

Wonder how long he will be a temp?

2. Also in the news, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle officially announced that they are stepping back from their royal duties. There is also news that they might be relocating to North America. Guess they wanted to take a break from all the media craziness.

3. Unfortunately, the H1N1 flu is back and it has already taken lives. A 1-year-old toddler in Temerloh, Pahang has passed away after contracting the flu. Her twin sister, on the other hand, is still fighting for her life.

So, please if you are taking any public transportation, be wary. And if you have the flu just take the day off. You'll spare others.

4. A volcano in the Philippines has mildly erupted - read as red-hot lava gushing out after eruption of ash and hot steam. For now, airports in Manila has shut down.


5. For more positive news, in Australia, wombats are actually herding animals into their fire-resistant burrows to rescue them. If that isn't amazing we don't know what is.

Now if only humans can follow suit rather than fighting over tanglungs. 🙄

What do you think about the news




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How We Started

Well, our founder - aka Me who is currently writing this - started off writing summary of the news on their page. Noticed quite a few people enjoyed it so we decided to make a whole Page dedicated to it.

So what do we do?

Instead of long texts and different news site, we give you the summary of what is happening around the world and Malaysia. So rather than being just “blur” or ignorant, you can at least hold a conversation with others and have a good talk. P.S. it’s a good way to spend a date we heard.

The news that we post is a mix of stuff. Politics, entertainment, tech...well, basically anything that will make you a little more aware of things going around us. Oh, and because we read the news and then rewrite it, you’ll get a healthy dose of what we think.