Minister of Agriculture and Food Security, Dr. Henry Musa Kpaka joins the #buysaloneeatsalonechallenge and is inviting you to jump on it.
To know about the #buysaloneeatsalonechallenge please click on the link below and watch, like, comment, share and join us.
Chief Minister, DR. David Moinina Sengeh(Chief Minister of the Republic of Sierra Leone) accepts the #buysaloneeatsalonechallenge and is inviting you to jump on it.
To know about the #buysaloneeatsalonechallenge please click on the link below and watch, like, comment, share and join us.
Happy New Year! I encourage you to listen to this message carefully and take action.
Watch, like, comment, share and encourage others to invest in their health this 2025 by prevention.
Join the #buysaloneeatsalonechallenge
Protect the girl child
#wathebehramovie #basedontruestory #protectgirls #educategirls #wowstudios232 #phebeswill #MWF2021 #MandelaFellows #tefentrepreneurs #Netflix #africanstories #storyofavillagegirl #girls #storytelling #MediaEntertainment #edutainment #docudrama #awardwinning #awardwinner
Wath E'Behra Original Soundtrack by F Mans the Next Legend
#wathebehra #wathebehramovie #wowstudios232 #mediaentrepreneur #africanstories #truestory #endchildmarriage #promotegirlseducation #mwf2021 #mandelafellows #tefentrepreneur #socialentrepreneur
Wath E'Behra Original Soundtrack by F Mans the Next Legend
#wathebehra #wathebehramovie #wowstudios232 #mediaentrepreneur #africanstories #truestory #endchildmarriage #promotegirlseducation #mwf2021 #mandelafellows #tefentrepreneur #socialentrepreneur
Wath E'Behra movie by #wowstudios232 will be on your screen next month!
We're excited to show you this movie based on a true story.
#wathebehra #promotionofgirlchildeducation #girlsrights #EducateAGirlChild #EndChildMarriage
Another Teaser from #april27movie by #wowstudios232
Another Teaser from #april27movie by #wowstudios232
Pronunciation varies! Spelling varies! 😂
#april27movie by #wowstudios232
Another teaser from the blockbuster #april27movie by #wowstudios232