Danny takes down a Christmas cake in one bite! Merry Meximas!! #littledebbiechristmastreecakes #meximas #mouthful #allatonce #podcast #applepodcasts #spotifypodcast #littledebbie
Well….it’s officially November. You know what that means…. It’s deviled egg season!!! Sudd will be all in his feels at Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner! LET’S GO!!!
#deviledeggs #emotional #tistheseason #makemeadozen
Just a little beekeeping down at the studio… Sudd is so brave. #beekeeping #podcast #beatendown #beatendownpodcast #PolarisRANGER #countrylife #scaredycat #getstung
Pretty excited about this!!! Ty Sudd 20 weeks post UCL (Tommy John) surgery!!! Keep getting after it!!
Let’s get Tazey Crazy!!! #tazedandconfused #beatendownpodcast #tazer #notthenipple #nottheearlobe #beatendown David BlueBlake McDonaldCody SudderthDaniel GraySamuel Gray #tazernipple
And another one… #kendostick #beatendownpodcast #thatsgonnaleaveamark #beatendown Samuel GrayDavid BlueCody SudderthBlake McDonald
Just like Sudd promised… here are the videos of our #ifidoityoudoit #kendostick #thatsgonnaleaveamark #beatendown #beatendownpodcast David Blue Daniel GrayCody Sudderth
Blake…..ready to run thru a wall!
Sudd…..was lost for a second
BeatenDown would like to introduce you to Ambien Danny…
Danny road trippin’
Always a must stop!!