We heard you like to read literary magazines! Hi, we’re Black Fox Lit and we have 27 issues full of short stories, poetry, and creative nonfiction! Link in bio! 🦊
LAST DAY to submit to our Summer Fox Tales Contest with theme Portraits of Failure! You’ve got until the clock strikes midnight! 🦊
What we’re looking for:
Black Fox is accepting submissions for its Summer
2024 Fox Tales writing prize. The theme for this round is “Portraits of Failure.” We are open to loose interpretations of the theme in any genre, as always.
We’re challenging writers to delve into the moments when plans collapse, dreams are crushed, and efforts fall short. How does a person grapple, adapt, and ultimately grow from their failures? What unexpected insights or opportunities arise from these experiences?
Is failure sometimes final? What does that mean for a person when it is? For this contest, we hope writers will explore the hidden beauty, resilience, heartbreak, disappointment, and wisdom that stem from the greatest setbacks.
Link in bio or visit our Submittable page!
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Happy Friday! Here’s a little BTS! Thank you all for reading and buying Black Fox! 🦊
#writer #write #writing #lifeofawriter #amwriting #author #authors #fiction #poetry #nonfiction #shortstory #shortstories #creatives #creativewriting #writerscorner #writerssociety #litmag #litmags #itjournal #writersclub #blackfoxlit #bookstagram #writingcommunity #writerscommunity
#callforsubmissions #yalit #writersnetwork #writerslife #writersconnection
🦊 DEADLINE approaching! Just a few more days left to apply to our Agent Alchemy program!
Every novelist faces hurdles when shaping their manuscripts or on their road to representation. Who better to offer you craft-based insight on your pages than a literary agent? Black Fox Literary Magazine is happy to announce that applications are open for our Agent Feedback Program, Agent Alchemy. Periodically, we will open applications for a guest agent to review and provide feedback on pages and/or queries from writers.
This month, our guest agent is Leah Pierre a senior agent at Ladderbird Literary Agency with an extensive editorial background. There will be 5 spots available for feedback on an excerpt of a novel up to 50 pages and 10 spots available for feedback on query letters.
Apply via the link in our bio or visit our Submittable page!
#writers #writing #querytrenches #amwriting #author #authors #fictionwriter #litmag #litmags #litjournal ##queryletter #blackfoxlit #querytip #queryinglitagents #writingcommunity #writerscommunity #writer #callforsubmissions #writersnetwork #writerslife #writersconnection #writingclass #queryingwriter #queryingworkshop #writingtips
DEADLINE! Today is the last day to submit applications for our Chapbooks of Champions feedback program! Application window will close at midnight tonight, 4/30! 🦊
#nationalpoetrymonth #poetrycommunity #poetsofinsta #poetsofinstagram #amwriting #writing #callforsubmissions #blackfoxlit #writingcommunity #writerslife #writersofinstagram #writersofig
#authorsofig #writetip #writingtips #poetry #poetsofig #poetsandwriters #poetryclub #poetrydaily #litmag #litmags #litjournal #poetrylife #poetrycorner #poetrychapbook #poetrychapbooks
Our Poetic Forms Workshop with @heatherlangcassera is THIS SUNDAY, April 28th from 1-3 PM EST! There’s still time to register! You can register via our Submittable page!
#nationalpoetrymonth #poetrycommunity #poetsofinsta #poetsofinstagram #amwriting #writing #callforsubmissions #blackfoxlit #writingcommunity #writerslife #writersofinstagram #writersofig #authorsofig #writetip #writingtips #poetry #poetsofig #poetsandwriters #poetryclub #poetrydaily #litmag #litmags #litjournal #poetrylife #poetrycorner #poetryworkshop #poetryclass
It only makes sense that we share teasers from the poems in Issue #26 for National Poetry Month, right? Here’s a bit of AYITI by @natamazan! Full poem in Issue 26 (link in bio)! 🦊
#nationalpoetrymonth #poetrycommunity #poetsofinsta #poetsofinstagram #amwriting #write #writing #lifeofawriter #blackfoxlit #writingcommunity #writerslife #writersofinstagram #writersofig #authorsofig #writetip #writingtips #poetry #poetsofig #poetsandwriters #poetryclub #poetrydaily #litmag #litmags #litjournal #magazines #poetrylife #poetrycorner
Who else is in the zone? We'd love to hear about some of the songs that you've put on your writing playlists! Tell us in the comments! #amwriting #writingcommunity #litmag https://www.blackfoxlitmag.com/contests
THANK YOU to everyone who submitted to our Secrets Unraveled Contest! The team is going to be busy reading your submissions! We've also got a fun contest we're cooking up, and a very cool announcement coming soon! 😎🦊🎉 #amwriting #litmag #writingcommunity #writingcontest #writingcontests