Field Kit

Field Kit Tools and resources that equip you to make your best creative work yet.

Juicy news and a brand-spanking new invitation ✨🍎🍋✨ join us at !

Juicy news and a brand-spanking new invitation ✨🍎🍋✨ join us at !

Digital tools, physical files, and all that’s crammed in your heads.When it comes to actually organising your ideas (mov...

Digital tools, physical files, and all that’s crammed in your heads.

When it comes to actually organising your ideas (moving them from capture, letting them percolate in simmer, but ensuring they’re not going to get lost in the abyss of your iCloud photo library or iPhone notes stores [just me?]), we’ve got plenty of options.

In fact… we often have TOO many options. Maybe you’re the type who gets excited by every new planner, project management tool, shiny app, or fancy pen. And these things can be excellent - in fact, falling in love with your tools is a cool way to hack falling in love with your workflow - but, without careful consideration, they can also get in the ****way**** of progress, rather than supporting it.

Ever felt yourself swept away with the excitement of a new idea, only to feel like you’re slogging through mud when you ...

Ever felt yourself swept away with the excitement of a new idea, only to feel like you’re slogging through mud when you try and take it further?

Not every idea needs to be actioned immediately.

In fact, some ideas need some time to simmer.

There’s a difference between a 10-minute weekday meal and a slow-cooked, 36-hour stew.

And in our creative lives, we’re often in need of both to make sure we’re sustaining ourselves (and our creative appetites).

If you’re constantly compressing time between spark/idea and outcome/deliverable, the lack of simmer can lead to a lack of qualitative analysis, critical engagement, and thoughtful development.

Meander your way through these prompts - what you find may be just what you need to simmer those beautiful, bustling ideas over the holiday period, guilt not included (or necessary!).

Capturing ideas ain’t for the faint of heart. If you’ve ever panic-run, dripping, from the shower because you’re despera...

Capturing ideas ain’t for the faint of heart. If you’ve ever panic-run, dripping, from the shower because you’re desperate for pen+paper before it disappears (guilty), you know all too well what I’m talking about.

To flex those sustainable and iterative muscles, it’s time to get good at catching those idea wisps. Less magic, more routine.

Swipe through to assess how those ideas make their way from wisp to substance - time to get real meta when it comes to capturing your capture process.

You may not know it, but odds are, you’ve already been ideating today.Daydreaming, playing with ideas, pursuing new spar...

You may not know it, but odds are, you’ve already been ideating today.

Daydreaming, playing with ideas, pursuing new sparks, pushing the boat out - it’s all a part of the ideation process, baby.

There’s a big invitation inherent in ‘ideate’: to form, to conceive, to see.

If you’re intentional about pursuing more creative development - process - practice, then building your ideation skillset? It’s the best place to begin.

When we practice ideating, we’re not judging our ideas.

We’re playing.

Aiming to create time, space, and perspective to see what’s forming - slowly or all-at-once - in front of us.

Scroll through above to respond to this first prompt in the Build The Basics sprint, and you may just find a new insight that helps you to build your ideation muscle.

In our current Field Kit Community Sprint, we’re going back to the beginning - and focusing on building the basics.New a...

In our current Field Kit Community Sprint, we’re going back to the beginning - and focusing on building the basics.

New and evolving ideas are exciting, intoxicating, invigorating AF (etc. etc.) - but when your basics aren’t in order, you can spend a bunch of time getting lost in the weeds of figuring out HOW to keep developing the idea, vs. developing the idea itself.

As the end of the year sneaks up on us, now’s a great time to consider whether we’re resourced for the creative work we intend to build in 2024.

You may find you’ve got the basics in place - and that’s exciting! That means you’ve got a strong foundation you can continue to build upon and expand.

If you’re lacking in some of these areas, that’s the fun bit. What works for one person may not work for the next. There isn’t a secret ‘perfect way’ to capture progress and fuel process, but there are multiple tools that can become YOUR secret, perfect way to keep building that momentum.

Stay tuned for tools that’ll help you to build your basics just the way you like them, or jump on into the Field Kit Community and dive into the sprint for yourself!

You’re hit with that feeling. Something new’s swimming around in your peripheral, trying to catch your attention. A mome...

You’re hit with that feeling. Something new’s swimming around in your peripheral, trying to catch your attention. A moment ago you were cutting carrots or shaving your legs and now you’re eyebrows-raised, head-tilted, working to reel in the instinct that’s just intoxicated you.

The rush ensues. The excitement hits. This feels good. Big. Something.

But it’s time to eat or time to go to bed and two days later, after work, when you’ve finally got a chance to sit and scribble your thoughts - it’s gone.

Or it’s there, but it’s kind of… limp. Languishing. Uninteresting.

The euphoric scent of what could be that hit you in full force just a handful of days ago is gone, and in its place is something all too familiar: an idea you can see all the flaws of in the harsh light of not-currently-inspired.

This, my friend, is not something you’re alone in. It’s ridiculously common in creative practice. (Particularly for those of us who are innately more likely to get dopamine kicks from the thrill of the new-idea-inspiration-chase.)

This experience can be so disheartening that this new idea doesn’t even make it as far as the graveyard of abandoned projects. Instead, it’s relegated back to the ‘not now, maybe not ever’ pile, until the cycle begins again, until something with a glint to it catches your eye, until you’re running from the shower to grab a pen.

If you relate to this, you (like me) might be in need of some tools for plunging in.

Luckily, that happens to be the contents of Field Kit’s latest Substack…

Link in bio if you want to escape the idea graveyard already, damn it 💀

Gentle reminder that there’s a you five years ago who’d lose their s**t to see where you are today - worth a try to cele...

Gentle reminder that there’s a you five years ago who’d lose their s**t to see where you are today - worth a try to celebrate today’s beauty *today* rather than in another five!

This collection of resources comes from Sprint  #2 in the Field Kit Community (which you’re welcome to join if you’re hu...

This collection of resources comes from Sprint #2 in the Field Kit Community (which you’re welcome to join if you’re hunting for some of that good fuel yourself!).

Want to be part of our next Sprint? 🏃‍♀️

Lucky for you - this jogging team’s always accepting new members, and we don’t mind if you get red cheeks. You can join the Field Kit Community at the link as well.

Actually, it’s an awkward one… Sometimes, our art demands that we sit with some pretty big questions. One of them is thi...

Actually, it’s an awkward one…

Sometimes, our art demands that we sit with some pretty big questions.
One of them is this: what kind of fuel is fuelling your process, curiosities, perspectives, and capacity?

When we’re intentional about checking our fuel, all kinds of interesting learnings can float to the surface. To do so, we’ve got to be ready to ask ourselves some tough questions.

They’re designed to investigate whether or not the sources you’re drawing from are, you know, actually helping or hindering.

Here are my let's-ask-the-tough-questions thoughts for you to sit with:

1. Do the humans you spend the most time with truly propel you forward in your goals, dreams, ideas and visions?

2. If there are humans in that list who aren't great sources of support, how can you change your dynamic in what you share with them? (Should you perhaps choose to share new ideas in a safer, more growth-oriented relationship? This may be all about building healthy boundaries - but they certainly don't build themselves.)

3. Are you fuelling yourself with expansive sources of ideas every day, or are you at risk of fuelling yourself with other people's limiting beliefs? (Check the podcasts, shows, social media etc. that you're spending most of your time with.)

4. How intentional are you in what you allow to be a part of your daily fuel?

5. Where can you build more intentionality into those habits, choosing fuel sources of encouragement and nourishment for the next big thing you're looking to tackle?

6. Is there a source of fuel you know you would benefit from, but you're holding back from investing in? (Consider whether you know there's a relationship you want to build, a resource you'd like to purchase, a mentor you want to pursue, etc. - whatever instinct you haven't let yourself explore because it's felt too hard/too risky/too expensive/too soon. How could you cut your learning/development time down by drawing on the appropriate fuel for your needs at this point in time?)

While they can bring uncomfortable truths to light, it's those realities we need to face.

Let me know how you go with your Awkward Questions 📖

Think of it like a quest. Doesn’t matter if you go left or right next - all you want to do is to make sure you’re contin...

Think of it like a quest.

Doesn’t matter if you go left or right next - all you want to do is to make sure you’re continuing to move towards being faced with the choice of a direction in the first place, rather than idling on the map.

(If you enjoyed this, it’s a snippet from the latest Field Kit substack - Tools for Plunging In. If you need some creative momentum, it’s waiting to gather for you at the link in our bio.)

Want to stop feeling bogged down and stuck and start creating the projects you’ve always envisioned? It all comes down t...

Want to stop feeling bogged down and stuck and start creating the projects you’ve always envisioned?

It all comes down to one thing…

Dig into all things failure tolerance and rejection in the Field Kit Substack (link in bio).

Have you kicked off your trip along the Make A Living roadmap?Designed to take you from your first $1 to your first $10,...

Have you kicked off your trip along the Make A Living roadmap?

Designed to take you from your first $1 to your first $10,000 generated from your creative product or service, Make A Living gives you everything you need to make genuine (and sustainable!) money from your creative work.

No more sitting down to try and figure it out, only to lose hours down a Google spiral of doom.

You’ll be full of anticipation, not fear, when it comes to communicating the value of your creative offering.

You’ll experience what it’s like to earn a sustainable income doing work you truly love - because now, the work loves you back.

This clarified and simple process will give you the streamlined pathway to making your first $10,000 with focus, ease and a reward for your efforts - and then the potential to expand that into your next $10,000 again, and again, and again.

Find the link in bio to grab your spot in Make A Living for yourself - your first $10k is waiting for you on the other side!

We love it when innovation wins: when a new solution to an old (or unconsidered problem) emerges.What we don’t love? The...

We love it when innovation wins: when a new solution to an old (or unconsidered problem) emerges.

What we don’t love? The flailing attempts it’s taken to get there: the absolute setbacks, the total s**t-shows, the dismal failures that felt like the end of the road.

What we think we want: the former.

What we need to get there: the latter.

If you’d like to stop losing momentum whenever you run into failure and instead harness it as a force that accelerates you, jump into the Field Kit Substack (you’re smart you know where the link is).

Note to self: file under ‘evidence I can whip out at the next family BBQ when my uncle asks how my hobby is going before...

Note to self: file under ‘evidence I can whip out at the next family BBQ when my uncle asks how my hobby is going before talking to my lawyer brother for 45 minutes’ 💅

Work takes work. Game recognises game. Wishing you boldness for the rabbit hole endeavours today!

Failure isn’t something we were taught to celebrate.When it feels like a more constant companion than the front-page mom...

Failure isn’t something we were taught to celebrate.

When it feels like a more constant companion than the front-page moments, our lack of collaborative engagement with failure as a muscle can make it seem like you’re one misstep away from losing everything you’ve worked so hard for.

If we want to pursue the original creative acts that manifest as creative inventions in response to important challenges, it’s time to change our relationship to failure.

Find some favourite strategies on the Field Kit Substack that’ll help you dive headfirst into renegotiating your failure tolerance, and opening the door to the goodies that lie on the other side (link in bio).

Building something new? You’re going to need some of that good good fuel - and it doesn’t have to come about by accident...

Building something new? You’re going to need some of that good good fuel - and it doesn’t have to come about by accident (or not at all).

This personal fuel protocol checklist can be a nifty tool to quickly + strategically check in on your fuel sources.

Use it weekly, or monthly, or when you need a top-up. It’s designed to make sure you're not just seeking out the good stuff - but that it actually aligns with what it is you're looking to grow in that particular moment.

General encouragement is cool.

Specific insights, learnings, sparks, rapid-fires, discoveries are way cooler - and more potent.

Use this to shortcut the process of putting what you need in the tank to stumble upon them.

Luck's not always as random as it seems!

Creativity’s a bit of a mythical being. Our job? To do what we can to cut it down to size. We can carry around and perpe...

Creativity’s a bit of a mythical being. Our job? To do what we can to cut it down to size.

We can carry around and perpetuate a belief that only rare, special, and particularly-talented people get to use the label ‘creative’.

Time’s up on this gifted-and-talented hoo-ha acting as a gatekeeper for those who aren’t ‘blessed’ with the labels.

Yes, each of us is born with a unique set of abilities, and more importantly, a unique perspective. No, creativity isn’t something that’s only achievable to the special few.

Creative aptitude is the result of factors ranging far beyond what’s in you the day you’re born, including…
- Opportunities to explore and learn
- Support of family and friends who believe your creative practice is worth pursuing, particularly if this support comes from a very early age
- Encouragement of trusted voices to continue
- Access to resources and trainings that are a required part of learning any skill

It takes creative thinking to convince your kids to go to bed at night when they’d prefer another race around the lounge room.

To communicate love to a partner/friend in a way that’s specific to the relationship.

To decorate a home, design a weekend away with friends, create a compelling business case, convince your garden to keep growing, balance a budget.

Creativity is a skill we can foster across every element of our daily lives.

When we view it more as a set of tools and a way of open thinking that we can indeed encourage into greater being, the opportunities for how we can implement a satisfying and creatively enriching life become endless.

The contribution we make each day - to our community, our family, and ourselves - it’s where we begin to flex this creative muscle.

It’s in the thoughtful open eyes as you go about your morning routine. The ideas you explore in conversation. How you choose to invest your time and what it is you decide is worth cultivating.

It’s why HP’s Rules Of The Garage are worth keeping close, mirroring the humble garage where the company - and the beginnings of Silicon Valley - began in 1939.

Work quickly. Keep the tools unlocked. Work whenever. And remember what’s ridiculous in a garage.



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