On Hyper-Independence:
Being the "go-to" person for several people, asking for help is not something that comes naturally to me. Definitely not one of my strong suits.
This is not the flex you might think it to be, I promise.
I tend to overthink it. It feels super uncomfortable and puts me in a spot where I get to depend on someone else's response.
So, I avoid it as much as possible but that is changing.
I am letting people in intentionally and I have been blessed with many kind and giving people.
I am allowing myself be open to receive.
I am learning the significance of energy exchange and reciprocity.
Why does this feel terrifying and incredible all at the same time?
Affirmation: I am open and receptive to all the good and abundance life has to offer.
It's the 4th of July, 2024.
May the fourth be with you. 🇺🇸