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Psalm 100 1 Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Know that the LORD is God. It is he who m...

Psalm 100 1 Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his ; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.


Surely goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life: In Jesus name.


Trust me Something you prayed for is about to happen, suddenly!
In Jesus Mighty Name.


Someone is planning to Support you financially you will smile before the end of this weekend in Jesus name.


Dear first borns and bread winners, may your pockets never run dryđź’°in Jesus name.

This is your hour. There is greatness in you. God is calling you out of the ordinary, out of what was, out of what you’r...

This is your hour. There is greatness in you. God is calling you out of the ordinary, out of what was, out of what you’re used to.

He has things in your future that are going to break barriers. You’re going to go where no one in your family has gone. It’s going to be unusual, uncommon. Everyone is not going to understand, some people will find fault, try to discredit, think you’re missing it. That’s okay.

No one that’s ever done anything great has done it without opposition, without critics, without people thinking they were off course. Keep your face set. You will reach there Jesus name.

Wiseman Herbert Kavuma
Arena of Liberty Ministries-Kamwokya
For Prayer Request Watsapp +256776336135

*ARENA OF LIBERTY DAILY MOTIVATION* Tuesday 18th July 2023Wiseman Kavuma Herbert  *Exodus 11:9(KJV)* And the lord said t...

Tuesday 18th July 2023
Wiseman Kavuma Herbert

*Exodus 11:9(KJV)* And the lord said to Moses, 'Pharaoh shall not hearken unto you that my wonders maybe multiplied in the land of Egypt.


Have you ever been there and there is this person that keeps frustrating you day after day year after year?

It could be a ministry and there is this reporter who is hellbent on destroying you, they keep accusing you of things you don't even know about, it could be a marriage and this person wants to destroy it or a business and you find that you don't even deal in the same merchandise but because they are envious, they want to bring you down no matter what.
You have prayed to God day after day year after year but is seems like as if God is not listening.

When moses was going to rescue the children of Israel, God told him ' I will harden pharaoh's heart and that's what happened because God wanted to multiply His wonders in Egypt.

Sometimes God is not just quiet, He let's you go through all that because He wants that those frustrations to end with you. Your children and your children's children will never see those things.

God wants to multiply His wonders in you and the day He will deal with those people be rest assured that the whole world will know of what He has done in your life. His wonders in you will be spoken about in years to come. People will know that you serve a living God.

*Further readings: Exodus 7:3-4, Exodus 3:19, Romans 9:16,Exodus 9:12*

*Let us pray:* Father Lord, glorify and honour your name over every stubborn person that is frustrating my life. Amen!

*ARENA OF LIBERTY DAILY MOTIVATION* Saturday 15th July 2023Wiseman Kavuma Herbert *Psalms 27:13 (KJV)* I had fainted unl...

Saturday 15th July 2023
Wiseman Kavuma Herbert
*Psalms 27:13 (KJV)* I had fainted unless I had believed to see the goodness if the Lord in the life of the living.


This was a man who demonstrated a living faith in the living God. He had an assurance that no matter what difficulties and dangers stalked his path, God would come to rescue him. He simply had to wait confidently for the Lord to act.

Human history has story upon story of men and women who went through too much that one time they woke up and felt they were at wits end.

I am certain there was a time in life when you thought it was over but then just as you were about to give up God did something that pushed you forward, because we do not put our faith in the elements that are seen.

You are not the only one with a story, look at Elijah, he did miracle upon miracle but one day Ahab wanted his head and he had to hide. But God found him in the cave and told him its not over. As much as he was afraid God had bigger plans for him.

Faith in the Lord was to David like a fragrant perfume that revived his weary soul or the sweet honey comb that re - energises the exhausted traveller.

You still have many years to prove the goodness of God. Don't draw back. You have to believe to see God. Don't ever let anyone talk you down in what God has to do with your life. Before you give up remember there are people who have believed longer than you and they have seen God.
Praise God!

*Further readings: Romans 8:24, 2chronicles 15:7 Galatians 6:9 Hebrews 12:1-3*

*Let us pray:* Lord thank you for reminding me that there is life beyond the most complicated circumstance. From today I will wait unto you in Jesu's name. Amen!

*ARENA OF LIBERTY DAILY MOTIVATION* Wednesday 12th July 2023Wiseman Kavuma Herbert *Isaiah 1:18(KJV)* come now let us re...

Wednesday 12th July 2023
Wiseman Kavuma Herbert

*Isaiah 1:18(KJV)* come now let us reason together, saith the Lord; though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.


Many a times we find ourselves running away from God because we feel we have sinned so much and wronged Him one too many times, but this is not what He wants. Our God is a merciful God and He wants you in His presence at all times.

Sin itself is inherently unreasonable especially in light of the threats and warnings of judgement attached to it. But yet God works through the rational process to help us to see how delightful it is to follow His ways and how destructive it is to rebel.

Despite our apostasy God continues to offer us complete forgiveness and restoration if we simply return to Him and renounce our wicked ways.

Isn't it amazing that God of the universe would reason with sinners like us? I mean think about it, His thoughts are as high above ours as the stars are above the earth but He is willing to reason with you, so regardless of the nature of sin, never leave the presence of God and He will eventually rehabilitate you back to righteousness. Hallelujah!
*Further readings: Ezekiel 36:25-26, Isaiah 44:22, Revelation 7:14 Isaiah 43:24-26**

*Let us pray:* Oh Lord my God. Now that I know that you love me this much, I will not leave your presence till I am rehabilitated to righteousness. Amen!

*ARENA OF LIBERTY DAILY MOTIVATION* Tuesday 11th July 2023Wiseman Kavuma Herbert *Luke 22:32(NIV)* But I have prayed for...

Tuesday 11th July 2023
Wiseman Kavuma Herbert

*Luke 22:32(NIV)* But I have prayed for you Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.


The man that was in the greatest danger was the man nearest to Christ's heart and chiefly the object of Christ intercession.

Jesus called peter by his old name _Simon_ which suggests _weakness_ , so it is always that the mightiest gifts of His grace are given to the weakest, the neediest the men and women in most sorrow and stress and they who want Him most always have Him nearest. Our need is the measure if His prayer.

This shows us that Jesus is our intercessor in all our weakness and so we are sure that whenever we are faced with trials, difficulties, conflicts or temptation, he is standing right next to us fighting for us, praying that our faith will be stronger during those trying moments because he is holding our hand all through.

Though Peter fell, he did not lie in the mud but staggered to his feet again and with all the shame he struggled onward with unconquerable hope on the path from which for a moment he had strayed.

As we draw closer to Christ we go through so much, we are tried and tested and we ask a lot of questions but at least this scripture is a guarantee that the trials will not kill us. If you draw back a little it is okay you are human but make sure when you fight and come out of it your faith is stronger than ever before.
The most difficult trials build the most faithful servants of Christ, so don't be afraid, God will see you through.

*Further readings: 17:1-26 Jeremiah 31:18-20*

*Let us pray:* Heavenly father, now I understand that trials are there to teach me and help me grow in faith. Please give me the strength to overcome them; in Jesus' name I have prayed. Amen

*ARENA OF LIBERTY DAILY MOTIVATION* Monday 10th July 2023Wiseman Kavuma Herbert *Mark 11:23(NIV)* "Truly I tell you, if ...

Monday 10th July 2023
Wiseman Kavuma Herbert

*Mark 11:23(NIV)* "Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, 'Go throw yourself into the sea', and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them.


Did you notice that Jesus said if a person confesses something 'and does not doubt in their heart' in other words, if he/she believes the words they are speaking with their mouth they will have exactly what they say?...

The word doubt is from a Greek word 'diakrinomai, which means to hesitate, to waver, to doubt or differ. So Jesus is trying to tell us that when a person's heart doesn't differ from what their mouth is saying, the combination of his heart and mouth in agreement will always make things happen.

You can bring to pass whatsoever you believe in your heart but remember the devil also knows this. Satan knows that if he can fill your heart and mind with lies that you believe and then coax you into confessing those lies with your mouth you will make those evil things come to pass.
What runs through your heart and mind? *selah* .

Because great power is released when your heart and mouth start working together, it's extremely important that you put the right things into your heart" for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh" *Mathew 12:34(KJV)*
This is another reason why it is so important for you to spend more time reading the word.

*Further readings: 1 John 3:22, Mathew 7:7-11, Mathew 21:21*

*Let us pray:* God in all circumstances, help me remember to meditate upon your word such that I can always confess positively. Amen!


Sunday 9th July 2023
Wiseman Kavuma Herbert

*Acts4:29(NIV)* Now Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness.


Rather than complaining about or fearing this opposition, the believers confessed the greatness of God and asked for the strength to carry on, and in response the place they were in was shaken by the power of the holy spirit.

Many Christians live a victimizing life, they are timid, they live in fear because they don't know the strength they have.
Satan starts toiling with them because he senses fear.. The power of boldness in the word is supposed to be most present at the time when you feel scared. Whatsoever you decree in boldness shall come to pass because there will be a vindication of the spirit to work in you.

Take time off to acquaint yourself with the word. You are in a covenant where you are full all the time through understanding and you cannot understand when you don't know the word.
When the word is inside you, you get the boldness in the spirit and can overcome anything that Satan throws your way.

God is bigger than your heart. You can live a life of great assurance when you read the word. Because we have the confidence before God and we receive anything we ask from him, it is a must for us to do more than what people expect from us.

*Further readings: Hebrews 13:6, 1John 3:20-21, Hebrews 4:16&Acts 14:3*

*Let us pray:* My loving father , I thank you for for this deep insight. I receive today the boldness to speak of your word and I declare that from today fear is not my portion in Jesus' name. Amen!

Arena of Liberty Ministries - Kamwokya in conjuction with Wiseman Herbert Kavuma wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Pros...

Arena of Liberty Ministries - Kamwokya in conjuction with Wiseman Herbert Kavuma wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.
- May this day remembered in your life.
- I say you are not forgetton.
- Before 25th December some one is surprising you with a gift which have never handled.
- I pray for your phone to receive that amount you have never touched in Jesus name.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.



To both believers and non believers
Wiseman Herbert is praying for you
Send 3 major things which you think are very difficult for you.

The Bible says in Jeremiah 32 Iam the Lord of all flesh is there anything too hard for me.

Watch and Pray

Watsapp only




Any planted seed must die first, it resurrects, multiplies and glorified.

Hear this, whatever you have lost that is not the end, it's in the process of Germinating after germination there will be multiplication and after multiplication people will give glory to God.

You about to testify in Jesus name.
Your enemies very soon are getting shocking news in Jesus.



"Work hard for what you want because it won't come to you without a fight.

You have to be strong and courageous and know that you can do anything you put your mind to.

If somebody criticizes you, just keep on believing in yourself and turn it in to something positive."

You will be there in Jesus name.



In our world today, everyone claims to be a PRO.
But, what does it really mean to be a PRO? Are you a PRO?

I want to discuss 7 Ways To Prosper in Every Aspect of Your Life.
You don’t have to have a bachelor’s, masters, or doctor’s degree to be a PRO. Matter fact, some of the best PRO’s are those who don’t have a degree at all or those who are working in areas in which a degree wasn’t earned.
So, let’s jump right in and talk about 7 PRO’s that will help prosper your life personally and professionally.

#1 Be Professional
As a child my mother would always say, “Act with dignity.” Basically, she was asking for us to be a PRO with our behavior.
It shouldn’t be a surprise that our first PRO is being a professional. Believe it or not, being a professional has nothing to do with your level of education. It has everything to do with your skill level and experience. A professional demonstrates competence and intelligence with is or her actions.

#2 Be Proactive
Don’t wait for things to happen to you. Prepare and plan. Prepare for the predictable and have a plan for the unpredictable.
Your life will experience tremendous success when you are proactive.
Success comes to those who prepare and plan for it. If you don’t prepare or plan to be successful, it won’t come to you.

#3 Be Productive
To prosper in every aspect of your life, you will have to be productive. Productive is being able to create or get things done.
Our lives should be fruitful. We should be doing, but along with our actions we should be automatically seeing results. We should be achieving our goals.

#4 Be Proficient
A proficient individual is an expert at what he or she is doing. If you are going to prosper, you need to become an expert.

#5 Be Profound
If you were looking for ways to prosper your life, it wouldn’t hurt to be a deep thinker. A deep thinker sees past yesterday, lives for today, and prepares for the future.
Being profound is having the ability to see the BIG picture and gaining insight from your thought process.

#6 Be A Proclaimer
Once you have these first five PRO’s, then it’s time to start proclaiming. When you are happy about anything in life, it is quite natural to tell others about the source of your happiness.

#7 Be Progressive
The last and final PRO is being progressive, which has everything to do with moving forward. If you want prosperity in your life, you must find a way to move forward continuously.
Even during the hard times, PRO’s find a way to move forward. Nothing stops a PRO!
If these 7 ways are a part of your everyday life, there is no reason why your life will not prosper in every way.

Do you notice any of these PRO’s in your life? If so, how are they helping your life to prosper?





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