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FactCheckThis is a page dedicated to sharing and posting the news and facts that the MSM chooses to ignore as well as lies and mistruths they promote in order to push the narrative and agenda they want.

Someone get this clown off the stage!!! Holy s**t we are purposely surrendering our territorial integrity but this fool ...

Someone get this clown off the stage!!! Holy s**t we are purposely surrendering our territorial integrity but this fool thinks we should die protecting Ukraine's? Shut the hell up you moron! And the only ones that would use those weapons would be the Ukrainian government. There is no benefit to Russia to use any of those weapons but there is motive and a huge benefit, especially if this passes, for Ukraine to do so in a false flag operation.

JUST IN - Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) to introduce a joint resolution that would "authorize the use of U.S. Armed Forces to defend Ukraine" should Russia use chemical, biological, and/or nuclear weapons.


Today, Congressman Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) announced his introduction of a joint resolution that would authorize the use of U.S. Armed Forces to defend the territorial integrity of Ukraine in the event that Vladimir Putin escalates his unjust war against our democratic allies


What they are doing to Russia they can do to you. Regardless of what your opinion is regarding Ukraine, this should be alarming.

What am I referring to exactly? Well, since the military operation began McDonalds, KFC, Starbucks and Pizza Hut have closed all stores operating in Russia. PepsiCo and Coca-Cola have ceased operations, Adidas, Puma, and Estee Lauder all closed their Russian stores, IBM stopped any commercial activity and deliveries to Russia. Unilever (Dove, Axe, Hellmans, etc) stopped exporting to Russia. Proctor & Gamble pulled out of the Russian market including production facilities and any investments, except for basic hygiene products. OBI (similar to Home Depot) has halted operation of their stores in Russia as well. The list goes on but you get the idea.

The Central Banks want to implement a social credit score system. They are on record stating this, this is not conspiracy. If implemented they will use that system cut off any dissenters or any person with the wrong opinion from anything or everything. That should frighten everyone, even those on the left, because eventually you will not find yourself on the side of big government and big banks and then you too will be cut off from everything.


Ukraine...bottom line is we don't know what exactly is going on there.
Here is what we do know! Most everything the MSM has said and shown has been proven to be false, either made up stories or old photos and footage that is not actually from this crisis. Ukraine is not a democracy. There have been reports from people in Ukraine that Zelensky is putting military equipment near population centers in hopes Russia will kill citizens and create a humanitarian crisis that calls for intervention. There were at least 8 U.S. run biolabs in Ukraine that were described on the embassy site itself until a few days ago when it was taken down from the site. NATO expansion and ignoring of pact and treaties has led to this action being taken by Russia, so no it is not unprovoked. And we do know that Soros, Clinton, Biden, Obama, Bush, Marina Abramovic, Trudeau, Rothschild and the entire global cabal is against Russia.

What we also know is Ukraine is clogging up the news cycle to drown out the reports that have come out about the jabs. Major insurance companies have seen a 40% increase in deaths. The mRNA does in fact alter your DNA through reverse transcription even if you just got 1 shot. That Moderna has a patent gene sequence found in the virus itself, a gene sequence patented 3 years before the pandemic. There is an outrageous number like 1 in 3 trillion chance of that happening naturally. And studies on masks showing them to be not only ineffective at reducing transmission of viruses but being harmful in multiple ways. They reduce oxygen intake, delay child development, and contain harmful heavy metals and plastics in the masks themselves such as titanium dioxide in amounts many times above the safe limits.

Spread this to people falling for the lies. Let's kill this narrative and prevent these people from achieving their goals with this crisis, whether that goal is ww3 or a collapse of the banking system, let's deny them their goal! We cannot let up until they are defeated. Don't forget the climate lies that will still be coming as well.


We are in the middle of the tipping point for the future of the world. We must not back down now! Keep protesting! Continue the protests, spread the protests to more cities, join a protest, support the protests any way you can. Be smart, remain 100% peaceful, watch for false flags, record everything, show the world how many of us are standing up, show the world the governments are the terrorists, the WEF is the terror organization. Keep destroying the msm narrative! We must win, we will win! God chose us to be here at this time in history, consider it an honor and be proud! I love you all!

When the elites and media begin their next phase in the assault on humanity, the climate crisis, remember these people k...

When the elites and media begin their next phase in the assault on humanity, the climate crisis, remember these people keep buying islands and beach houses and they have said we have 10 years to save the earth since before I was born in the 80s. When they say the science is settled call them out on the hypocrisy of the science not settled with covid. If they call you a science denier throw it in their face that they think men can get pregnant.

And always remember and remind everyone that these are the same people that said two weeks to flatten the curve, that CRT doesn't exist, masks work, the jabbed don't get sick or spread the virus, that ivermectin doesn't work and is dangerous. They are liars everything they say is untrue if not the complete opposite. The climate crisis is no different.

I wanted to go ahead and share this to get it out to people even though I have not had a chance to really dive into it. ...

I wanted to go ahead and share this to get it out to people even though I have not had a chance to really dive into it. It all sounds pretty legit and they have an example that was in the news as additional evidence. It sounds like a huge weapon to use in the fight to take back our country.

In this interview Miki and Scott McKay discuss the power of Surety Bonds and how America is about to take back it's FREEDOM!Surety bonds have been in effect ...



Disclaimer: The views, information, opinions and/or activities expressed in this video are solely those of the individuals appearing in the video, and do no...

Happy New Year to everyone of you beautiful, wonderful people! And to those actively trying to kill and enslave humanity...

Happy New Year to everyone of you beautiful, wonderful people! And to those actively trying to kill and enslave humanity, you will lose! So eat s**t and die angry!

In a world of propaganda, telling the truth is conspiracy.

It's not very hard to figure out why. You never saw mass numbers of young teenage thru mid 20s aged athletes collapsing ...

It's not very hard to figure out why. You never saw mass numbers of young teenage thru mid 20s aged athletes collapsing and/or dying from cardiac arrest before now. What could be going on? Put two and two together! What are we doing that is different? What are we doing that we have never done before?
Parents please save your children! They don't have to die!


Well They are Dropping like Flies, What you are seeing reported on is just the tip of the ICEBERG. This is just the Athletes, what about the nameless 10's of thousands also dropping dead as a result of this Bioweapon?


The spineless, evil, Klaus Schwabb-George Soros boot licking, Satan worshipping piece of s**t "Republicans" that voted for this horrific, way-of-life and quality-of-life destroying "infrastructure" bill need to be run out of town on rails after being tarred and feathered. And even that is being kind!

When is enough going to be enough?!?! You/we must take a stand! If not us, who? If not now, when? There will be a point in which it will be too little too late.

They want the vast majority of you dead! They are actively coming for your kids! They decimated small businesses and transferred trillions in wealth to themselves! They have weaponized the DOJ and DOE against you! Currently making what little money you have left worthless through inflation and currently resegregating society! Now you can add the fact they will start to regulate and tax you out of your home, your car, and anything you might enjoy, put you under 24/7 surveillance for your social credit score! They are attempting to completely collapse Western Civilization!

Just remember, you are not alone in fighting back against this tyranny. The globalist elitist psychopaths may control co...

Just remember, you are not alone in fighting back against this tyranny. The globalist elitist psychopaths may control corporations, governments, the mass media and wield a lot of power, but the numbers are against them. United, the people can bring them to their knees. They know this and fear this, it is perhaps the only thing they do fear. Know your neighbors and work together in your communities to stop this agenda, this madness taking hold of our world. Vote with your dollars, quit enriching those that want to enslave you! Nothing made locally and made in America is sitting in a cargo ship off our coast right now. Stock up as much as you can on non perishables and water, this winter and possibly well into next year will be a rough one. War is being waged upon us, but we are Americans and we are not easily beaten. They have underestimated our resolve and underestimated our intelligence and pushed too far too fast to remain in the shadows. People are waking up by the thousands and pushing back! Stand your ground do not compromise one ounce of your freedom and God given rights, rights that no man or government can take they can only be willingly given up.

This is a document from PubMed and NIH. The government and media are lying to you. We are in a war for the world and mus...

This is a document from PubMed and NIH. The government and media are lying to you. We are in a war for the world and must unite together and say no more, I will not comply. They only have power because we consent and allow it. Apathy and distractions have put us to sleep and gotten us here. WAKE UP!!! And wake anyone and everyone up that you can! We must all stand against this together or we will all succumb to this tyranny one person and group at a time.

Why would the government and media be lying to you? There are many reasons but here are a few. Pharmaceutical companies wouldn't get the EUA if there was any viable treatment alternative and they have made tens of billions already. The government leaders are puppets for people you don't know and didn't elect and the Great Reset agenda needs passports for everyday life to control you. They want you dead and the vax is helping speed that process along. They want you controlled, afraid, and locked down; the Great Reset is a worldwide communist agenda. They want people connected to the smart grid and 5G and eliminate all privacy and autonomy. Ever wonder why migrants are flooding western Europe and the US and they don't have to get the jab? They want societal collapse because without that the agenda will stall. They want new voters, ones they can control easier, and they want to replace you and will need to replace you once you're dead.

This is an FDA Zoom call where they voted against boosters and shared an alarming set of stats that includes three diffe...

This is an FDA Zoom call where they voted against boosters and shared an alarming set of stats that includes three different estimates of the killed to lives saved ratios for the vaccine. The best ratio of the three estimates is a 2 to 1 ratio. That is 2 deaths caused by the vaccine for every person saved.

Dr. Steve Kirsch bombshell testimony at FDA vaccine hearing KABOOM! The truth is slowly coming to light. Heavily understated, but always something...


The government is giving all Afghan refugees Ivermectin as part of their protocol upon entering our country. No mandated Vax as of now for them either.
In India they have switched to Ivermectin and C19 has plummeted. Notice how you don't hear anything about India in the fear p**n news anymore?
Japanese doctors have treated over 10,000 with Ivermectin with 100% success rate.
Natural immunity is roughly 21-27 times stronger and more effective than the Vax.

OSHA has ZERO authority to mandate vaccines through employers without Congress voting and authorizing them to do so.
Do not quit your job, do not resign, do not take this injection! Make these fools fire you and lawyer up! You will win the lawsuit!!! It is not legal, period!

Go to the NIH's PubMed site and search their published papers. You can find all kinds of things. Look up their own studies on Ivermectin, hydroxycloroquin, pine needle or nettle benefits, and branch out and look up anything you can think of and share what you find with everyone you know! They have conveniently added a few studies/articles/papers that are not scientific but narrative driven but they have kept all the other ones online. Read them all and come to your own conclusions, don't trust me! Knowledge is power!


United mass non compliance is the way out and way forward. If we can come together, vaccinated and non vaccinated, and walk out from any employer that attempts to follow this illegal mandate (which is not law) it would take maybe a week at most and it will all change. This is the line in the sand. Hold this line now at all costs and I mean all costs or forever lose your freedom and humanity. And ultimately your life if you comply and take the shot. Get together with every coworker at your location and stand together. All you need to do is stand together at every local location of business. Do not comply do not give in we can shut this entire country down if we have the will to do so. If this moment in time doesn't give you the will and resolve to do so then nothing will.

Hold! This! Line!
Do Not Comply!

May God Be With Us All, God Speed and God Bless!


What took place in Afghanistan by US leadership was purposefully done. Everything you could do wrong there was done. From going in and staying 20 years to how we withdrew to not prioritizing our own citizens in the evacuation. All done on purpose. Be appalled and be mad but don't take your focus off the covid narrative fight! The covid narrative is what will ultimately push their Great Reset forward or defeat that agenda if we are successful. If you love freedom, personal freedoms, freedom of movement, of your own body, the right to own property, to say what you want, and many other freedoms the time to stand is now!

Homework to those that are curious - look up Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum, look up his book titled The Great Reset and read some of it. Using Black's Law Dictionary look up mandate and ask yourself does that apply to you? Look up the 4th and 14th Amendments and learn what a person is as defined by our Constitution. There is a lot more legal wordplay used that we are ignorant of, let's become less ignorant and beat these sick and evil people.

Says a lot when these countries allow more autonomy and medical freedom than ours is attempting. These measures here mus...

Says a lot when these countries allow more autonomy and medical freedom than ours is attempting. These measures here must be resisted and defeated at all cost. If allowed to mandate this shot, they can and will mandate anything else they wish. If the passports aren't defeated you will never again be in control of your own actions you will forever have to do as government directs you. Pure evil and tyranny!


Graphene oxide is toxic to humans. It is in the injections. For it to be in the injections it had to be put in them purposely. If put in purposely and never disclosed that then they committed fraud and attempted murder. Legally, according to Supreme Court rulings, fraud vitiates everything. This means the vaccine manufacturers can be sued for fraud at least. If you see this post take this information to a lawyer. This could potentially be the biggest class-action lawsuit in history!


We live in a Constitutional Republic. Your officials work for you it is not the other way around. Your legislature makes laws and laws are what govern our society, not mandates! Mandates are not law and do not have to be followed, that includes mandated injections of experimental drugs.
If you feel that your elected officials are ruling over you not serving and working for you, find other like minded people in your community and organize. Go to city council meetings, protest at your state capitol, run for local and state positions! Take back control of your local communities and states and the rest will follow!

We must fight against further lockdowns, do not allow another lockdown in your state! Write your local papers and state legislature and ask them to provide evidence of a Delta variant. Ask them why, if the variant is so deadly, we are flying and busing illegal aliens all over the country without testing any of them first. Ask them how did we test for it when so many tests have been recalled. Ask why 70-75% of all "Delta" variant cases are people that have been injected.

Save your communities and you save your country!


Food For Thought 2:

If you voluntarily take an experimental drug/shot (non-FDA approved, look at the manufacturer's own wording) and then have medical issues resulting from that will your health insurance company cover you? Are you now uninsurable?


Food For Thought:

If a company's business model only works if you remain sick why would you trust them to make you well or find cures?

Do you really trust a man, an admitted eugenicist, that believes the world is overpopulated and only professional experience is running a software company (software that was riddled with bugs and errors) to be interested in your health and well being?

Do you trust a government that conducted the Tuskegee Experiments (even well after the Nuremburg Codes were established post WW2), a government that sprayed its citizens with DDT, the same government that has conducted dozens of biological experiments on its citizens, a government that without consent sprayed its own military members with mustard gas to test out gas masks, do you really trust that government has your best interest in mind when it tries to mandate and force an injection on you?


Something to think about and ask your representatives, Governor, and state AG.

If you take an injection with patented mRNA that instructs your cells to make a protein not found naturally in your body it produces what is called complimentary DNA (cDNA). While your natural DNA can't be patented, synthetic cDNA is legally able to be patented. It would be patented by the same owner of the mRNA patent that creates the cDNA.
So when the cells throughout your body create billions of replicated modified cDNA does that legally make you patented Chattel (movable property...slave) property owned by a pharmaceutical company? Would you have human rights legally?


Everyday, the American people learn more about 2020 election fraud. Dead people voted. Votes mysteriously switched from one candidate to another. Hundreds of thousands of votes appeared out of nowhere. And so much more… Fortunately, there is a simple way for our leaders to detect and fight fraud: ...


No wonder they'll all friendly to China.

Sending Americans $600 checks is equivalent to them sitting at your table as a server and at the end of the $250 meal th...

Sending Americans $600 checks is equivalent to them sitting at your table as a server and at the end of the $250 meal they leave $1 tip! But for them to include sending hundreds of millions to other countries and organizations in the same bill is the ultimate Middle finger to every American! Veto that bill! Shred that s**t in Pelosi's face! Thats the best she can do after all these months? To every single corrupt, traitorous POS political hack that doesn't care about We The People, know that we are coming for you! Recall them all and vote them out!

All over the country this happened. This coupled with the mail-in fraud is how Biden stole enough votes in the swing sta...

All over the country this happened. This coupled with the mail-in fraud is how Biden stole enough votes in the swing states to flip them blue and stole enough in others to keep them blue.

The Trump team has obtained a Dominion voting machine in Georgia. The machine shows votes were moved from President Trump to Joe Biden. BOOM. Yesterday on the War Room it was reported that the Trump team has obtained a Dominion voting machine in Georgia: BREAKING: Trump team now has a Dominion machi...

Maybe it is Fauci, and the media that vilified this drug, that should be investigated and charged for the unnecessary de...

Maybe it is Fauci, and the media that vilified this drug, that should be investigated and charged for the unnecessary deaths and bankruptcies. Seriously, this should be investigated by someone in Congress.

Gov. Kemp for GITMO 2020

Gov. Kemp for GITMO 2020

Activists gathered in Atlanta for a "Stop the Steal" rally in support of President Trump after the secretary of state certified GA's results.


18 U.S. Code 2381

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

This type of lunacy and unscientific, illogical, unconstitutional way of living will continue as long as we allow it to ...

This type of lunacy and unscientific, illogical, unconstitutional way of living will continue as long as we allow it to continue. If you want to see a glimpse at what the reset life looks like just look at lockdown states. Where leaders in charge mandate and dictate what you are allowed to do (which is not much, I dare say its barely living) while they are going on with their life the way they and you always have lived.

The left wants us to lock down again and spend the holidays alone. Tucker is here to say that won't happen.

Dominion...Scytl...Smartmatic...the fraud that occurred is visible in the Metadata. You can see the votes switch when yo...

Dominion...Scytl...Smartmatic...the fraud that occurred is visible in the Metadata. You can see the votes switch when you look through the timestamps. The machines aren't secure, the servers aren't secure, and the fraud committed was on a scale more grand than imaginable.


Release the Kraken! Trump Attorney Sidney Powell went on with Maria Bartiromo on Sunday Morning Futures this morning. During her interview Powell called for CIA Director Gina Haspel to be FIRED IMMEDIATELY. Powell said Haspel and the CIA must have known the Dominion voting systems had serious flaws....


BREAKING TONIGHT: Project Veritas on Saturday night released video of Bucks County, Pennsylvania Board of Elections Director Tom Freitag confirming spoiled ballots were illegally handled and destroyed. A ballot is considered “spoiled” if an election official with authority determines it is inval...


There is a process and it is a very simple one - follow and apply the law as it is written. That will bring about the correct resolution.

A most heartfelt, sincere, and grateful thank you goes out to every single man, woman, and child to have ever served thi...

A most heartfelt, sincere, and grateful thank you goes out to every single man, woman, and child to have ever served this great nation and defended her freedoms along with millions others. You, the veteran, are what makes this nation truly exceptional! God Bless America!


Poll workers in Wisconsin may have unlawfully altered thousands of mail-in ballots due to unlawful guidance from the state's election




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