Covington Ranch
4 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms
Average Daily Rate: $179
Expected occupancy rate: 85%
Revenue Per Year: $72,755
Cap Rate: 18.1%
Gross Yield: 22.7%
Expected cash on cash return: 35.9%
#STR #WealthyHosts #Airbnb #RealEstate #Propeties #quality #Progress #GA #HI #MD #IN #Georgia #CranleighStreet #Covington #RetreatHouse #bunk #moneymaker #Lounge #Mansion #Castle #Resthouse #Abode #CashReturn #Income #biginvestement #property
Savvy investors choose us for a reason. Experience the power of clever real estate.
Covington Ranch
4 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms
Average Daily Rate: $179
Expected occupancy rate: 85%
Revenue Per Year: $72,755
Cap Rate: 18.1%
Gross Yield: 22.7%
Expected cash on cash return: 35.9%
#STR #WealthyHosts #Airbnb #RealEstate #Propeties #quality #Progress #GA #HI #MD #IN #Georgia #CranleighStreet #Covington #RetreatHouse #bunk #moneymaker #Lounge #Mansion #Castle #Resthouse #Abode #CashReturn #Income #biginvestement #property
Making moves in real estate!
Lake Havasu
4 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms
Average Daily Rate: $501
Expected occupancy rate: 83%
Revenue Per Year: $109,044
Cap Rate: 14.7%
Gross Yield: 18.8%
Expected cash on cash return: 25%
#STR #WealthyHosts #Airbnb #RealEstate #Propeties #quality #Progress #AZ #NC #MA #TN #Arizona #daytonaave #lakehavasucity #RetreatHouse #bunk #moneymaker #Lounge #Mansion #Castle #Resthouse #Abode #CashReturn #Income #biginvestement #property
Where quality and affordability meet, you will see us.
Panguitch Place
6 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms
Average Daily Rate: $863
Expected occupancy rate: 81%
Revenue Per Year: $229,465
Cap Rate: 32%
Gross Yield: 38.9%
Expected cash on cash return: 80.8%
#STR #WealthyHosts #Airbnb #RealEstate #Propeties #quality #Progress #UT #KY #FL #TX #OK #Utah #Panguitch #400east #RetreatHouse #bunk #moneymaker #Lounge #Mansion #Castle #Resthouse #Abode #CashReturn #Income #biginvestement #property
No more worries. No more hassles. A smooth search is guaranteed.
Millsboro Manor
3 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms
Average Daily Rate: $217
Expected occupancy rate: 69%
Revenue Per Year: $166,195
Cap Rate: 31.6%
Gross Yield: 39.6%
Expected cash on cash return: 79.5%
#STR #WealthyHosts #Airbnb #RealEstate #Propeties #quality #Progress #DE #KY #LA #WI #Delaware #Millsboro #HickorySt #RetreatHouse #bunk #moneymaker #Lounge #Mansion #Castle #Resthouse #Abode #CashReturn #Income #biginvestement #property
You get more than just real estate from us.
Hickory Home
3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms
Average Daily Rate: $156
Expected occupancy rate: 74%
Revenue Per Year: $61,440
Cap Rate: 17.7%
Gross Yield: 22.4%
Expected cash on cash return: 34.9%
#STR #WealthyHosts #Airbnb #RealEstate #Propeties #quality #Progress #NC #VT #TN #MI #NorthCarolina #Hickory #4thstreet #RetreatHouse #bunk #moneymaker #Lounge #Mansion #Castle #Resthouse #Abode #CashReturn #Income #biginvestement #property
Every property will increase your desire.
Napa Abode
3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms
Average Daily Rate: $633
Expected occupancy rate: 69%
Revenue Per Year: $207,930
Cap Rate: 23.4%
Gross Yield: 28.9%
Expected cash on cash return: 53.1%
#STR #WealthyHosts #Airbnb #RealEstate #Propeties #quality #Progress #CA #FL #UT #MA #PA #MI #California #Napa #NorfolkSt #RetreatHouse #bunk #moneymaker #Lounge #Mansion #Castle #Resthouse #Abode #CashReturn #Income #biginvestement #propertymanagement
Looks like a building from the outside, but feels like a palace from the inside.
Rapid Ranch
3 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms
Average Daily Rate: $155
Expected occupancy rate: 59%
Revenue Per Year: $91,130
Cap Rate: 20.6%
Gross Yield: 25.7%
Expected cash on cash return: 44.1%
#STR #WealthyHosts #Airbnb #RealEstate #Propeties #quality #Progress #SD #NH #GA #TX #SouthDakota #RapidCity #TitanDrive #RetreatHouse #bunk #moneymaker #Lounge #Mansion #Castle #Resthouse #Abode #CashReturn #Income #biginvestement #property
🏡Every property will increase your desire.
Sarasota Suite
3 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms
Average Daily Rate: $641
Expected occupancy rate: 84%
Revenue Per Year: $118,103
Cap Rate: 14.9%
Gross Yield: 19.1%
Expected cash on cash return: 25.7%
#STR #WealthyHosts #Airbnb #RealEstate #Propeties #quality #Progress #MA #FL #WA #CA #Florida #IdleLn #Sarasota #RetreatHouse #bunk #moneymaker #Lounge #Mansion #Castle #Resthouse #Abode #CashReturn #Income #biginvestement #property
Endless possibilities in this spacious and versatile property.
Spring Suite
6 Bedrooms, 5 Bathrooms
Average Daily Rate: $568
Expected occupancy rate: 78%
Revenue Per Year: $169,115
Cap Rate: 28.1%
Gross Yield: 34.6%
Expected cash on cash return: 68.3%
#STR #WealthyHosts #Airbnb #RealEstate #Propeties #quality #Progress #NC #FL #WA #OH #VT #NorthCarolina #beechmountain #teaberrytrail #RetreatHouse #bunk #moneymaker #Lounge #Mansion #Castle #Resthouse #Abode #CashReturn #Income #biginvestement #property
🏡Let us create unique opportunities to help make any disability into an ability.
Beech Retreat
4 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms
Average Daily Rate: $410
Expected occupancy rate: 60%
Revenue Per Year: $85,228
Cap Rate: 14.1%
Gross Yield: 18.2%
Expected cash on cash return: 23.2%
#STR #WealthyHosts #Airbnb #RealEstate #Propeties #quality #Progress #NC #FL #WA #OH #VT #NorthCarolina #beechmountain #teaberrytrail #RetreatHouse #bunk #moneymaker #Lounge #Mansion #Castle #Resthouse #Abode #CashReturn #Income #biginvestement #property
A touch of experience is what makes the difference.
Henderson Home
4 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms
Average Daily Rate: $620
Expected occupancy rate: 86%
Revenue Per Year: $178,211
Cap Rate: 22.3%
Gross Yield: 27.8%
Expected cash on cash return: 49.5%
#STR #WealthyHosts #Airbnb #RealEstate #Propeties #quality #Progress #NV #FL #WA #Nevada #Henderson #viadigirolamo #RetreatHouse #bunk #moneymaker #Lounge #Mansion #Castle #Resthouse #Abode #CashReturn #Income #biginvestement #property
Where quality and affordability meet, you will see us
Richmond Suite
2 Bedrooms, 1 Bathrooms
Average Daily Rate: $132
Expected occupancy rate: 67%
Revenue Per Year: $40,635
Cap Rate: 13.4%
Gross Yield: 17.3%
Expected cash on cash return: 20.8%
#STR #WealthyHosts #Airbnb #RealEstate #Propeties #quality #Progress #VA #FL #TN #IL #WA #Virginia #Richmond #blueridgeave #RetreatHouse #bunk #moneymaker #Lounge #Mansion #Castle #Resthouse #Abode #CashReturn #Income #biginvestement #property
Real estates to peak your life.
Fletcher Resort
3 Bedrooms, 3 Bathrooms
Average Daily Rate: $124
Expected occupancy rate: 86%
Revenue Per Year: $56,301
Cap Rate: 14.7%
Gross Yield: 18.8%
Expected cash on cash return: 25.1%
#STR #WealthyHosts #Airbnb #RealEstate #Propeties #quality #Progress #OK #TX #VA #OR #WA #Oklahoma #Fletcher #Dillan #RetreatHouse #bunk #moneymaker #Lounge #Mansion #Castle #Resthouse #Abode #CashReturn #Income #biginvestement #property
Property advice you can always count on.
Myrtle Beach
2 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms
Average Daily Rate: $93
Expected occupancy rate: 82%
Revenue Per Year: $57,243
Cap Rate: 14.8%
Gross Yield: 20.5%
Expected cash on cash return: 25.5%
#STR #WealthyHosts #Airbnb #RealEstate #Propeties #quality #Progress #SC #MA #CO #SouthCarolina #CarnationCircle #MyrtleBeach #RetreatHouse #bunk #moneymaker #Lounge #Mansion #Castle #Resthouse #Abode #CashReturn #Income #biginvestement #property