Read this write up below and make payment to the bank account details inside the write up 👇
Stop sitting on the fence and take action. Agricoin is a market base coin cryptocurrency.
Own a share of *AGRICNODE* today with as low as * #1,000 to 1m* and received passive income for life. Note, the bigger your investment package the bigger your earning.
*FOR ACCOUNT VALIDATION, chat through WhatsApp
Use *Babatunde575* as your Validator when you register
Search for *Babatunde575* and then click on use *Babatunde575* as your validator ......
Register now and get validated👇
*Don't register if you don't have money yet..cos after 48hrs from the moment you register, you account will be deleted*
In-box me now if you want to register
*Thank you*
Innovative Crypto Currency For Global Agricultural Transactions