Season 2 Finale - is it the end of the road?
Tonight 10pm - the last in the series - great music, banter and chaos and possibly the last show (bar the Christmas special) …. The choice is yours.
Listen in at Surrey Hills Community Radio #banter #radio #EclecticMusic #barrycleggshow. #Genesis #olive #DeaconBlue #robertpalmer #notimetodiemovie #thefinalcountdown
The Truth is out there ……
It’s all happening at 10pm this Saturday - watch this trailer (not for the faint hearted). Surrey Hills Community Radio #halloween #barrycleggshow #halloweenmusic #scarysoundeffects #comedyradio
THIS SUNDAY - Barry comes to blows with his manager who insists on a themed episode of his choice - 17 tracks of great music including, Lady A, Ed Sheeran, Nickleback, Lotus Eaters, Paul Simon, the Chainsmokers, Lady GaGa and the Kinks....mixed bag or what! 8pm, sunday night!
Mark my words its ‘which 3 words’ 👍🏻
Tonight on #barrycleggshow I’m trying summat new - ‘Which3Words’ - basically you listen to 12 tracks throughout the show and work out what the link words are as you go through. Then the 1st, 6th, and 12th words make up your 3 words. Yer have ter then put those three words into google with the phrase ‘what3words’ or use the brilliant ‘What3words words’ app and it will lead you to a location. When you’ve got it you can list it below and show us all how clever you are!! The very last track is a clue to the location too! It’s been a bit of a palaver putting it all together but it should be fun and you can play with yerself - you don’t need a team.
Join me tonight Surrey Hills Community Radio ( that’s Sunday at 8pm. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🍺 #radioquiz #radio #linkmusic #what3words
Tonight - a right mixed bag with Barry
A variety of music tonight and 5 tracks selected by supremo DJ Simon Keogh from Surrey Hills Community Radio #clubculture mark my words some cracking stuff coming!!!
Eh up! It’s Surrey Hills Community Radio’s 7th birthday today so tonight’s show is full of songs about the number 7 plus a trip down memory lane in part two!! Listen in tonight 8pm at 👍🏻 Surrey Hills Community Radio
Authentically recorded from oop north!!
Barry’s back! Season two starts tonight with the 25th episode of the cheesiest show on Surrey Hills Community Radio 8pm at
This Sunday at 8pm - relive the Barry Clegg Movie night show with a whole host of memories from the big screen for. 70s-90s. Season 2 starts soon so be sure to keep an ear out!
Surrey Hills Community Radio
Rock Night on the Barry Clegg Show - TONIGHT
Tonight’s show is a ‘5 Track Takeover’ with special guest - northern rocker Billy Whizz. (But he lives down south now). At 8pm - grab yer air guitar and log on to to hear some proper rock as heard in the world famous ‘Highwayman’ back in t’t day. Music from #Aerosmith #thunder #defleppard #metallica #SpearOfDestiny #acdc #teslaband #whitesnake #echoandthebunnymen #loureed #gunsnroses #ironmaiden and a couple of other belters. Mark my Words it’ll blow the cobwebs away. Surrey Hills Community Radio #rockmusic #rocknight #highwayman grab a beer n ramp up the volume at 8pm with me on #surreyhillsradio.