Islamic Studies In Masjidur Rahmaan located at San Jose Bulakan Bulacan.
Biography of the Noble Prophet Muhammad (saws)
* The Vanguard of Migration (in the cause of Allah)
- the migration of Abu Salamah
- the migration of Suhaib bin Sinan Ar-Rumi
- the migration of the believers
* The An-Nadwah (Council) House
- the parliament of Quraish
- iblis joins the meeting in the guise of a respected elderly man.
- proposal to expelled the prophet in Makkah
- proposal to imprison him for life
- proposal to kill him by one man
- final proposal to kill him by a band of young men, one for each clan.
* The Emigration of the Prophet
- the revelation has come for the Prophet to migrate.
- Abu Bakr has permission to accompany him.
- the Quraish prepared for implementing the assasination of the Prophet
- the disbelievers plotted but Allah too was planning and Allah is the Best of the Planners.
- He came out from his house and cast a handful of dust on the assassins and recite the verses ftom the Noble Qur'an and manage to work his way through.and proceeded to Abu Bakr's house and set out southwards, climbed up the lofty peak Mountain of Thawr and decided to take refuge in a cave.