Scottish director made a critical point in his recent liverpool based film to support LGBTQ communities and his view on how JK rowling is going.
Full episode live on youtube now.
#lgbtq #transgender #pridemonth #liverpoolpride #liverpoolnetworkclub #arashaction
Be authentic and people will show up.
#liverpoolnetworkclub #authentic #arashaction
Who made the calls? 😳
Full video on youtube
#liverpoolnetworkclub #prostitute #arashaction
Full episode live on youtube now
Sam thinks stress is good to some degree.
Watch full episode this sunday on youtube.
Debunked 💣🔥... Big Screen does not lead to poor eyesight. In fact its the small screen that makes you loose health. Understand the manipulation behind this theory.
Arash action is describing the lifestyle of an animation editor and side effects of its career
#eyesight #debunked #arashaction
F**k Motivation 🖕 im giving you Data Sets.👌
#arashaction #liverpoolnetworkclub #showtime
Recent interview with Shay McGowan, Producer of Redhood the batman.
Shay McGowan was Left with hard Choices.
Interview Part 3 will be out soon.
#arashaction #fanfilm #shaymcgowan #liverpoolnetworkclub
We Networks With Top Dogs in industry. We reject normality at all costs. Liverpool Network Club.
Full interview coming out today.
#shaymcgowan #arashaction #liverpoolnetworkclub #podcast #eurovisionliverpool
We Talk abput the Real Sh*t that matters, if you Dont Like it Go watch your Netflix and chill.
Here we talk real Business.
PART 2 interview Wil be out Saturday 12 May.
@arash_action @shay.shreds @seamas92
#scouse #discrimination #mindset
How high rulers handle Accent Challenge for diffrent demographic actings.
Critical interview with @arash_action and Shay McGowan @seamas92 the Redhood (Batman) film producer
Shay is an #enterpreneur film maker which his recent film redhood batman was released in liverpool.
This interview aims to help youngers to set their mindset.
Share the Video if you are tagged as you are the inner circle of our network.
#liverpoolnetworkclub #liverpooleurovision #arashaction
#shaymcgowan #batman #whistleblowers #redhood #liverpoolpodcast #eurovision #networking #network #liverpooluniversity #liverpoolpodcaststudios