One of ours is going out for a treat after Meet the Teacher or Back to School events 💕 We talk about our favorite parts of the summer and what we are looking forward to in the new School year!
#backtoschool #howtosimplify #goodbyefastfashion #sustainableliving #backtoschooltraditions #shopyourcloset
Or maybe you are 😅 but if you're cleaning up all day long, the problem isn't that you're lazy, and it's not that you're a "Messy person" either.
Maybe, you just need a decluttered home, and a simple routine to keep up with it.
Are you subscribed on YouTube? @minimalmindfulmama
Watch the premiere Tuesday at 9 am EST!
#momlife #lazycleaning
#declutter #organizingtips #howtosimplify
I truly thought the only way to give this cardigan a second life was through textile recycling...
But I saw reels where other people dyed their clothing and I was inspired - it would be the perfect way to cover the stain!
I'm so happy with how it turned out! Not only does it look good as new but now I have an additional cute color of this cardigan to wear this fall!
#goodbyefastfashion #fashionrevolution #stainremoval #sustainableliving #textilerecycling #stainhacks
Whether you decorate for Fall in July, August, or October, keep this tip in mind!
Evaluate the things in your home - is it something you love and would purchase again? Don't put decor out just to put it out. And don't leave it packed away taking up space to not be put out again next year- let it go so someone else can enjoy it!
#declutter #falldecor #augustdeclutter #howtodeclutter #halloweendecor #cozyfalldecor
We decided to cut out screen time for our kids this summer and here's what happened!
There are seasons in life and maybe you're in a season like I was last summer where I was exhausted and My Little Pony got us through. If you're feeling discouraged, there's hope that it won't always be this way! I've been amazed at the difference this summer and I've had more energy to implement our screen-free plan!
What's your family prioritizing this summer?
#screentimeforkids #screentimelimits #screenfreekids #parenting #1000hoursoutside #summerparenting
Declutter these 3 areas NOW for a much simpler Back to School!
#decluttering #declutter #momtips #howtosimplify #backtoschoolprep #backtoschooldeclutter #backtoschool
Even something as simple as following an account on Instagram can help you learn so much without a huge time investment. It can keep you inspired and motivated, give you tips and all in a few moments of downtime here and there!
I love sharing ways to declutter and simplify your life so you can enjoy parenting more! If you are looking for a more in depth guide than what I share here, you can subscribe on YouTube for longer video format, or purchase my ebook (link in bio) for a step by step, room by room guide to decluttering and simplifying your home.
#momlife #decluttering #cuttinggarden #wildflowergarden #simpleliving #howtosimplify
There's a lot of great options out there if you want to make a switch!
I've been using my @saaltco menstrual cup for several years and it's just so much more convenient and cost effective than running out of tampons every month 😅
I also love the sustainability aspect as it's reusable!
#momlife #tampons #menstrualcup #periodcare #sustainableliving #saaltcup
If you feel how I did, I share low-maintenance garden tips in my new ebook, The Minimal Mindful Mama!
Check it out in my bio 💕
For many years the idea of gardening was overwhelming and stressful and I felt like I just didn't need another thing to do.
But now my kids are a little bit bigger and my little kitchen garden brings me so much joy.
#momlife #kitchengarden
#backyardgarden #minimalismwithkids #simpleliving
Follow @minimalmindfulmama for the launch!
#minimalism #decluttering #momlife #simpleliving
Fabulous as always 💄
What would you do with your extra free time if you didn't have to clean your house?
#momlife #decluttering #declutter #momtipsandtricks #simplifyyourlife #simpleliving
Anyone else live in dresses all summer?
#momlife #ootd #millenialmom #momstyle #motherhoodjourney #cottagecore #wildfloweraesthetic
Mom Life | Decluttering | OOTD