Yesterday's Dindins

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Next week's schedule:
Monday: Zelda BOTW First full play through
Tuesday: Terraria Calamity mod w/ Kenzv7
Wednesday: Pokémon Radical Red w/Twitch chat
Thursday: Rocket League
Friday: Funky Monkey Friday | Road to 10K

WEEKLY CHARTApparently I listen to a lot of rap now. I'm loving it, nice to listen to stuff that sounds fresh to me


Apparently I listen to a lot of rap now. I'm loving it, nice to listen to stuff that sounds fresh to me

AOTDBeautiful Oblivion - IssuesHard to place a specific genre, hints of metalcore, R&B, and pop ig, think TesseracTHad t...

Beautiful Oblivion - Issues
Hard to place a specific genre, hints of metalcore, R&B, and pop ig, think TesseracT

Had this recommended today and fell in love instantly! There's so much variation, love the completely clean vocals. Guitars are heavy, the music is funky, it's chill, it's catchy, it riffs and the album stays interesting the entire way through!

WEEKLY CHARTYeah I listened to MBDTF twice this week, and what? Also I had no idea Kid Cudi did Day 'N' Nite


Yeah I listened to MBDTF twice this week, and what? Also I had no idea Kid Cudi did Day 'N' Nite

AOTD:Métropole - AnomalieElectronica/Jazz/FunkQuite a short album at only 22 minutes, but something nice to sit back and...

Métropole - Anomalie

Quite a short album at only 22 minutes, but something nice to sit back and chill to. Completely instrumental and works really well as background music to focus to. It's just stimulating enough to keep me focused whilst being interesting enough to not fade into the background completely

Album Of The Day:A Boat on the Sea - Moron Police (2019)Prog/Pop RockAbout halfway through the album I knew this was gon...

Album Of The Day:
A Boat on the Sea - Moron Police (2019)
Prog/Pop Rock

About halfway through the album I knew this was gonna be on frequent rotation. Love the artwork, musically there weren't any points that blew me away, but I was actively enjoying myself throughout the whole album, whereas most albums would fade into the background at some point. The synths complimented the guitars and vocals well and the whole thing together had what I can only describe as a fun vibe, definitely one to check out!

WEEKLY CHARTI've been exploring some old-school hip hop this week, any more recommendations on this front would be great...


I've been exploring some old-school hip hop this week, any more recommendations on this front would be great! Also got into a funk vibe through the week and I'm hoping to look into that a bit more. The Ocean I also really enjoyed and I'll definitely be checking more of them out.

What have you all been into this week? I'd love to hear your thoughts on anything from here too. I'm looking to get a review of Meddles and Z² out next week also, so keep an eye out!


Hey, so it's been silent here for a while huh? I've been so busy with life over the past few months that I haven't had chance to keep up with this at all, but I'm starting things back up again!

I will continue posting my weekly charts every Sunday but will focus less on reviewing everything in the week. Instead, I'm going to start posting reviews of individual albums as I listen to them, for this, I'd love recommendations from anyone, anything you're vibing with lately, I wanna hear!

Finally, I'm going to be working on a website which will feature all of the reviews, as well as some other pretty cool features, it's still only in concept stage but I'm looking forward to getting it out there!

Thanks for sticking around, and looking forward to talking to you guys a bit more

Intended date April 2nd________________________________________________________________________There is way too much her...

Intended date April 2nd

There is way too much here to go in depth in every album so I'm just gonna pick a few I think should be talked about. If anybody wants more detail on an album I didn't talk about just leave a comment and I'll let you know!

Lamb of God is always good, 2nd half of this I remember enjoying more than the first, probably because of Dead Seeds, Everything To Nothing, and Choke Sermon being some of my favourite LoG songs overall though.

I remembered enjoying Wheel's first album, and remembered seeing another one on their Spotify page. Turns out I'd seen the singles that were being released and the album had come out the day before I listened. I want to post a full review of this album at some point soon where I sit down on focus on actually listening to it, but I remember really enjoying this again and this band is massively on my radar now. Similarly to the first album, lots of Tool vibes, but they pull it off in a way where it doesn't feel like they're just ripping off Tool, they definitely have their own distinctive appeal.

I'd been meaning to listen to ERRA for ages now, so a new album release was the perfect time to. They seem to keep with the trend a lot of Djent is with using a lot of electronic elements in their music. This does a lot right for me, the clean vocals are great, uncleans aren't too harsh, lots of riffs and sections that give me stank face, breakdowns and solos. It was a very hard toss up for which album to give the number 1 spot and this very nearly took it.

I remember the first time I heard Architects a few years back on Guitar Hero Live, and really not liking them, but as my tastes have changed and I was on a roll of new released, I thought I'd give it a go. 'Black Lungs' was a track I'd already been really into since it released as a single. I don't remember much else from the album, but it kinda reminds me of Sempiternal by BMTH, which I like quite a bit.

Haken's Richard Henshall released a solo album in 2019 which I stumbled across. Yooo holy f**k I have the title track of this album on while I'm writing and f**king trumpet section let's goooo! I think this was another contender for album of the week. If you like Haken, you'll like this a lot.

TANTALIIIIISED. BY THE COCKROACH. AND IT'S PROMISE. For some reason, whenever I try to listen to this album, none of the other songs excite me at all, Cockroach King is just too good and overshadows the rest of the album. If Haken Cockroachposting 🌈 see this I will most likely get lynched 😂

Donkey Kong Country OST is unironically good, amazing study music, and actually interesting to just listen to.

Empalot were really fun. Finding out that the Duplantier bros were part of an Avant-Garde album I had to see what it was about. Unfortunately it's not on Spotify so I had to find it on YouTube. Again, don't remember much, but weird silly s**t riddled throughout. I'd say it's worth checking out even if you won't enjoy it musically, just because it feels like an experience in itself.

Vola get's this week's top album, but I don't really have a reason. Looking back maybe ERRA should've taken the title but oh well. More of a melodic focused Djenty album I guess I would say here, again, I don't really know what I'm talking about for the most part, I'm just here to chat s**t about music.

Blood Mountain by Mastodon I wasn't gonna talk about at first, but it's a banger of an album and put them right up the top as one of my favourite bands now. Circle of Cysquatch features a f**king Dalek apparently, and quoted from when I first listened, "bladecatcher be like "bleoueghlouoúlalololalao" ". What the f**k actually is this song? I love it.

Royal Republic was enjoyable to listen to, I go to it fairly frequently when I'm in a good mood and just wanna bop to something a bit fun. I did notice however that a good few of the songs sounded suspiciously similar to others that I know.

I originally clicked on "L'enfant Sauvage Slowed Down" just to check it out, then accidentally listened to the whole thing. It's a bit weird at first but once you get into it, it really works and gives the album a different feel. Way more sludgy and mellow, but I guess you could say that about anything that's been slowed down. The real stand out track here is Born In Winter. It's just so melancholy and idk, it just works really well like this.

I know there was a reason I went to check out Baroness in particular, I think I'd just heard them brought up a lot in other groups. I enjoyed them but I felt like there wasn't much difference between the songs across the 2 albums I listened to though. I can imagine really enjoying them in the middle of the day at a festival (god I miss festivals). At the moment it's a point where if a Baroness song came on shuffle I'd enjoy it, but it's not something I'd usually choose to listen to. I'll also add that I love the album art for all of the albums these guys have put out!

Cane Hill's "Kill The Sun" I really enjoy. I need to check out their heavy stuff more, but the title track I listen to quite a lot. Just a top tier chill album.

Another Gojira album that's been modified on YouTube, this time Magma in 8 bit. PlayToDie has made an 8 bit version of every Gojira album, and they're all made superbly! Listening to these always makes me really want to create an 8 bit Gojira themed video game, and I think I probably will at some point just for fun.

The Howling Tides are a local band from Stoke-On-Trent that I've seen a few times. I love these guys. Can never go wrong with some standard rock! This is just another feelgood album that always puts me in a great mood!

The last album I'll talk about for this week if Of Valleys and Mountains by Pull Down the Sun. I remember the first time I heard the title track when it was released as a single and I was absolutely blown away. Very obvious influences from Gojira here, but I f**king love it! We got nice riffs, fun drums, vocals are on point, with the growly vocals sounding very similar to Joe Duplantiers, and pick scrapes, hell yeah! Weta is fun af, bouncy, just gets me going, and Utu is another banger that stands out in the album. The album art here is f**king gorgeous too, I'd love the full sized version of it as a giant actual painting at some point.

If you made it this far, thanks so much for reading through and caring about my opinions, it means to world to me! The next one is two albums longer than this week though, god help me 😭

Intended date March 26th________________________________________________________________________Finally getting through ...

Intended date March 26th

Finally getting through the backlog. At least I'm starting with a short week 😅. Not much to say here, especially with trying to think back about 3 weeks, but I'll do my best.

I've loved Static-X since I was a kid, so hearing they had recordings from before Wayne died was exciting af. The album still very much feels like a Static-X album with the disco metal grooves. Xero's voice fits really well in Wayne's place too, it's a little obvious at some points that it's a Wayne imitation, but I think the homage is great! Otsego Placebo is a track I go back to often, as well as the lead single from the album Hollow.

Not much to say about House of Gold & Bones, Pt 1, but I love how the first 2 tracks fade into each other. It's pretty much what you expect from Stone Sour.

I remember really disliking Paramore's latest album when it first released, but after coming back with a more open mind, this is just a nice feelgood album.

Trippie Redd is an artist I'd enjoyed everything I'd heard him feature in. This whole album was too long for an evening listen so only the half with Travis Barker was played here. I don't remember much from the album in particular, but skipping through now I remember enjoying it a lot. The fusion of the classic pop punk sound I grew up with, along with the newer rap sound evoked a feeling of nostalgia whilst also feeling fresh and current. This is definitely on the list of albums to check out again.

Thornhill's The Dark Pool takes this week's number 1. Nothing interesting to say here, I just like my dj0nt.

Another Djenty album from Polaris here, but I would say this is a bit riffier than Thornhill. I don't really know what I'm saying here, and this is just after a brief flick through these albums, but if you're here expecting actual substance then you're definitely lost.

Finally, I ended the week out with the classic Roots. Seeing a lot of comparison to Gojira's Amazonia (boing boing supremacy), and knowing my Dad is a huge fan of this album, I finally decided to give it a listen in full. I already loved the tracks 'Roots Bloody Roots' and 'Ratamahatta', so I was excited to get into the rest. Again, I don't remember much in particular, but the tribal sounds and rhythms work perfectly here. It do be grooving, and it do pack a punch. Would've loved to have been around when the album released and get into the atmosphere of these pits. Definitely need to add this to my rotation more!


I'm quite a few weeks behind with reviews, but I've been keeping track! Got through 63 more albums since anyone last heard from me, and I'll be doing a mega post going through them all at some point during the next week. I will also start talking about individual albums through the week and rating them from 1-5 (Yesterdays dinner - gourmet). I am always open to recommendations so if you want to hear my opinions on something you like, something you wish was more well known, or just want to hear about your own music feel free to drop a message or leave it in the comments and I'll check it out!

Originally posted March 20th____________________________________________________________________I have no idea how to st...

Originally posted March 20th

I have no idea how to start this here. I started posting little reviews of albums I've listed to throughout each week to my own page, but was looking for a place to get more suggestions and recommendations for other stuff to try, so here I am. I don't tend to go in depth with musical expertise with these, I just talk about what I like and what I don't, these are jus the ramblings of some guy but I hope at least someone can get something out of it.
I started this week with Sleep Token's pre-album work (Except for Hey Ya). I never disliked "One", but I slept on it HARD. Some of those heavy parts are the heaviest they've ever been. I actually ended up designing a concept for a pre-album box set and then upset myself because it doesn't exist (will post in comments if anyone is interested). "Two" was what has always stuck with me as the definitive Sleep Token experience as it's what first got me into them, along with Jaws. These guys have never made a bad song, and I look forward to what they have coming up next.
Ebonivory's "The Long Dream I" I've head a few songs from before, but never checked out much more. I think I found them from a Sleep Token group, but they me more of a Periphery/TesseracT vibe throughout this album. I didn't take many notes this week, but 'Persist' had a nice solo, and 'Window Man' I enjoyed a lot, this was the song that reminded me most of TesseracT.
I don't have much to say about "Surrender The Throne", except that I only found out recently that it even exists, and I enjoy it.
Hunter and the Bear I discovered yeeeaaars ago through a Spotify advert and decided to check them out. Just a standard rock album but there's nothing wrong with that. I've known this album for so long that I don't really have much to say about it other than it's easy listening and it's a frequent go to.
WHISKY STAIN are a southern/bluesy kinda band if you couldn't tell by the name. I found these at a small festival in Nottingham with my Dad a while back. As far as I know this is just 2 guys, a guitar, and a drum kit. Catchy riffs and songs, and more easy listening.
I'm gonna skip ahead to The Mars Volta who was recommended by none other than the Chad himself, and it's some of the weirdest stuff I've ever heard, but it was banging. I will admit I kinda had enough about 3/4 of the way through the album, but that may be because I don't often listen to this sort of stuff. Definitely added to my current rotation of stuff to listen to.
"Memoirs" by Maduk to me is just standard nice liquid D&B. I'm not well versed in sub-genres of D&B though so I might be wrong. 'Ghost Assassin' I've known for a while now, not sure where from though, possibly Osu! back in the day. Either way, good song, and good EP.
I was really looking forward to checking out "NIRATIAS" from Chevelle, as I've never checked them out other than the hits. I wasn't blown away by anything on this album in particular, but is was great in the background whilst doing other stuff. However, I feel like this would be way better actually paying attention to the album, so I will definitely need to try this out again. I paid more attention to the second half of the album, and noticed 'Ghost and Razor' reminded me of tool for some reason. That's the only thing I noted down while I listened to it.
With TesseracT, I've only really paid attention to Sonder, and I think that album will always be my favourite TesseracT album, but I'm not sure why it's taken so long to check out their other stuff more as it's great!
Sketchshow are another new band that I'd not heard of until today. I can't give more info on them other than it sounds like if Paramore did a math rock album. I managed to get my hands on this album early but they do already have an EP out and 2 of the singles from this album. I'm gonna have to check these out a bit more for sure.
Exploring Birdsong I spoke about last week on my own page so won't go too in depth, but for those that didn't see that, it's a three piece band with 2 keyboards, a bass, a drum kit, and cracking female vocals. Somehow they have a heavy vibe with no distortion at all.
And finally, ending this week with Between The Buried And Me with "Automata I" and "Automata II" again, but this time live on Twitch! I can only really say I really like 'Voice Of Trespass', but I wouldn't say any of the other songs are bad, just that I really like 'Voice Of Trespass' in particular.
For those who read this far, thanks for caring about by s**tty opinions on music while not actually saying much. Feel free to leave your own charts of what you've been listening to this week, or to give recommendations on stuff for me to check out for next week!

Originally posted March 12th____________________________________________________________________Another Friday, another ...

Originally posted March 12th

Another Friday, another albums of the week. This week has draaaagged but I spent a lot more time listening to albums through the day this week. I don't have much to say about the 2nd half of the week and I'm not going in depth with these, just a quick overview. If there's anything on here you wanna know more about leave a comment and I'll talk about it more there. Also, I'm happy for people to leave albums they want me to listen to for next week. Aight let's go.

Urn was banging, good mix of clean and unclean vocals, love the bass, and I LOVE the violin. Good s**t.

Autotheism was also prog/melodic death metal. A bit more generic I felt in terms of the death metal side of things as that's not my genre really, but was still enjoyable to listen to. Some parts I enjoyed quite a lot, would probably grow on me a lot more with multiple listens

'Our Bones' was the first of a few short albums this week. I've been really enjoying "Early Grave" so wanted to check out the rest. Really wasn't expecting a cover of Smashing Pumpkins' '1975'. It was really faithful to the original, but I think I'd rather just listen to the original in that case. I much prefer when covers take a song in a new and interesting direction. Still a banging album though.

I wanted to mention Exploring Birdsong even though I already know them. Somehow they can give just piano and bass a heavy feel, without all of the distortion you'd usually find in heavy music. The EP is only 21 minutes. Definitely check this one out.

Karnivool is just good. Trumpets in the last song of the album? Yes gimme.

Ye was a weird one. I think I enjoyed it, but it wasn't the right vibe for the evening I don't think. I like the message behind it and everything, and I think as an album it's good, just at the right time and place. I have a few songs on my standard chill playlist so yeah, still decent. Thankfully due to it being short I had time to try the Paleskin album from last week again, it hold up brilliantly, couple songs with harsher vocals ruined the vibe but other than that it was class.

Oh s**t Green Day time. I've never disliked Green Day, but never went out of my way to check out more than just the hits and boy I've been missing out. I always assumed every green day song was just gonna be the same chords, 4/4 all along and so on, but I was surprised by how much more there was to it. 7/8 in "Before the Lobotomy" really confused me at first until I realised what it was. Really enjoyed the album, looking forward to trying out the rest of the discography properly. (uno dos tres lmao)

Arcane Roots are one of my favourite bands atm, even though they disbanded in 2018. Progressive/alternative/indie rock, kind of a mix of all three. "Matter", "Off the Floor", and "Curtains" are so good, "Arp" is more of an electronic based song but is still definitely enjoyable. I will always recommend this band, especially this album, to everyone that I know.

I'm trying to get into Mastodon more again recently. I've been picking up my guitar more and Mastodon have been a recent go to. "High Road" is a current favourite, but thought if I'm listening to Mastodon I need to put on my picture disk before trying a new album. Looking forward to more next week.

Finally Sorceress. I thought I'd listened to this album in full before, must've been years ago because apparently the song Sorceress was so good it needed a sequel on the same album. I'm assuming it's a concept album but I've not looking into it, I'm sure someone here knows more. The stand out tracks were the ones I already knew, being "Sorceress" and "Spring MCMLXXIV", but "The Seventh Sojourn" also hit hard for me for some reason. A more instrumental acoustic song, but I vibed with it hard. I really liked the fact that the entire album kept clean vocals. I much prefer clean Opeth, and I think that's why I've struggled to get into them more in the past.

Also petition for me to use words other than vibe. Thanks for reading again!

Originally posted March 5th____________________________________________________________________So I'm gonna start postin...

Originally posted March 5th

So I'm gonna start posting these every Friday and talking about some of the new stuff I found that I enjoyed. I added the borders myself to look back on, but if you wanna join in in the comments then the link is

Paramore's self titled surprised me with it's more ambient and instrumental breaks throughout, enjoyable album I might try one of the evenings.

Porcupine Tree I've been wanting to get into for a while, Deadwing was a banger of an album. "Arriving Somewhere But Not Here" is 12 minutes of brilliance, Lazarus manages to be chill but also interesting, and Open Car I remember really enjoying. This is my third favourite new album of the week.

Childish Gambino's debut album also really shocked me. There was a lot of variation, catchy songs, and for once I actually listened somewhat to the message behind it, something I've been trying to do more recently. Heartbeat I'd enjoyed for a while already but didn't realise who it was, Fire Fly was chill and I remember vibing to it while it was on. Sunrise I also have liked on Spotify but don't remember why it stood out. Will be looking to get this album on vinyl at some point for something different to what I usually have.

Automata I and II were weird ones for me. There were a lot of points I felt like it wasn't really for me, and others where I really enjoyed it. I think these albums will be a good way to kinda train myself more with the style of unclean vocals used here. I've come a long way on that front but it's still not far enough.

Paleskin were recommended as something similar to Sleep Token so I definitely had to check them out. Although it was short, I really enjoyed the album. Reminded me of Lil Peep at some points, which was unexpected, but I dig it. Keeping an eye on these guys for the future, hoping to hear some heavier releases.

Wheel's Moving Backwards I loved straight away, and found myself really enjoying every song. Obvious influences from tool, but I've really been enjoying tool again recently. Very groovy and proggy. This is just about my favourite album of the week, barely behind 'In Absentia'. I also really like the album art, definitely nothing to do with Gojira's upcoming Fortitude.

In Absentia was amazing! I think I would still say Wheel is my favourite this week, but it was damn close. All I can say is I vibed with it massively. I'm not sure what it is about "Wedding Nails", maybe it's that it's more upbeat after the calmer few songs preceding it, but it's gooood. Also, "The Creator Has A Mastertape" is fonky af. I think The difference between this and Wheel is that I enjoyed every song on Wheel's album, whereas this just flowed as a whole album really well

If anyone actually made it this far and cares what I have to say about my s**tty takes on music then thanks, and if you want me to actually review each album rather than arbitrarily choosing based on what I have to talk about then let me know and I'll put more effort in to review them in a little more depth.




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