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"Population Growth"The planet’s population grows by 1.13% per year , which works out to 80 million people.This results i...

"Population Growth"

The planet’s population grows by 1.13% per year , which works out to 80 million people.
This results in a number of different issues, such as a lack of fresh water, habitat loss for wild animals, overuse of natural resources and even species extinction. The latter is particularly damaging, as the planet is now losing 30,000 species per year and it was also the cause of starvation of people.

-Erika Mae Canillada

PARENTAL FAVORITISMParental favoritism is when one or both parents display consistent favoritism toward one child over a...


Parental favoritism is when one or both parents display consistent favoritism toward one child over another. It can include more time spent together, less discipline, and more privileges. As a parent, we usually try to remain neutral and treat all of our children equally. But that task is a lot harder than it sounds. The biggest long-term dangers are depression, anxiety, unstable or even traumatic reactions in personal relationships, and performance anxiety for both the favored and non-favored children,” says Williams. She also discusses self-esteem issues and feelings of rejection following the child into adulthood.Outside of the family, favoritism can affect a person's ability to form close, supportive relationships. Unfavored children are more likely to exhibit aggression and inappropriate social behavior that make it difficult for them to make friends with other children. When dealing with parental favoritism, Approach your parents when both of you are in good, calm moods. Ask if you can speak with them about something important. Avoid talking just as they have come in from work or while they are in the middle of doing something. Instead, choose a time when you are both free. As a parent, this tips may help you on how to avoid favoritism to your children
1. Never compare.
When we compare one child to another, our intentions are good. We are hoping the contrast will spur motivation. However, comments like "Your brother is already done his homework, if you would focus, you'd be done, too" or "Your sister keeps her room clean, what is your problem?" are really stating that we like the behaviour of their sibling better.

To young children, this translates into the mistaken belief that you must love them more too. Instead of being motivated, they are demoralized and left feeling like they can't live up to the preferred sibling.
2. Never act as a judge.
Kids will blatantly ask you to take sides. Whose picture is better? Who held their breath longer? Who ran faster? I am warning you, parents, even if the winner is clear, don't agree to act as the judge in their competitive games. No good will come of this. It may seem so objective that you couldn't possibly show favouritism by telling the truth, but the mind of a child is an interesting machine. If a child feels that their sibling is preferred and then you add evidence of them being better at something, the child may internalize that judgment, that they are less than their sibling.
3. Never set them up to compete.
Often we spur our children to compete in the name of time management: first one to the bath or first one to the car for school wins! It's a great way to speed up dawdlers, but inevitably that competition will end with someone being the winner and someone being the loser. The loser feels inferior to their sibling and sees how the winner is praised and glorified.
4. Never expect one child to set an example.
If you, the parent, are an older child, you know how much a kid resents their younger sibling when they're told they have to set a good example for him or her. It's as if your parents are saying they are more interested in ensuring your younger sibling's experience is great, while your experiences have to be thwarted. A child can see this as favouritism: "My sibling's needs are more important to mom and dad than mine!"
5. Never take sides in a fight.
You may not realize that when you get involved in your children's fights, you are actually taking sides. Now you've made it two against one, and that will feel like favouritism.

Parents believe they are stepping in to correct some miscarriage of justice one child has transgressed against another. However, this is problematic. It actually takes two children to agree to fight. That's right — fighting takes co-operation! Both children are capable of changing the direction of the fight, either towards accelerating the conflict or returning to peace.

When you step in and defend one child, you are not holding them responsible for their complicities in the conflict. Too often the child who plays the role of the victim will poke the bear, who, in turn, throws a punch and gets in trouble with a parent. Now who looks golden and is preferred? But left to their devices, they will settle the score more quickly and without feeling parental favouritism.
Favoritism cannot help your child, it cannot motivate them, your just giving reasons for your child to be mad at you. So, stop favoritism for it may be one of the reason for you to lose your own child.
-Dexie Lou Hitalia-



“If you don’t pick it up they will” Endangered Wildlife Trust. Nowadays the problem of waste is one of the most serious that affect our planet. Millions of small objects are thrown onto the roads everyday, but what happens after that? The birds do the work of garbage collectors and this photo shows the consequences. When plastic litter drifts out to sea, animals like turtles or dolphins bird or fish may ingest the plastic especially when there are millions of pieces of plastic floating in our rivers and ultimately our oceans.. ... Animals cannot break down plastic in their digestive system and will usually die from the obstruction. Pieces of plastic can also get tangled around animals' bodies or heads and cause injury or death.

Scientists have found plastic fragments in literally hundreds of species, including 86% of all sea turtle species, 44% of all seabird species, and 43% of all marine mammal species. Ingesting these fragments is often fatal. Animals can starve when they ingest too much plastic that they can’t digest. When animals ingest plastic waste, it can block their digestive tracts.

•The Endangered Wildlife Trust uses color contrast to make the image catch your eye.
•Further examining the birds face, it looks as though he was a sad creature. The sad expression is linked to the litter in his stomach.
Bottle caps, liters, paper fragments, broken bones, and other plastic items can be seen inside the distressed animal.If garbage is dumped into the ocean, the oxygen in the water could be depleted. This results in poor health for marine life due to lack of oxygen. Animals such as seals, dolphins, penguins, sharks, whales, and herring could all die.The image used in the ad is endorsed by the Endangered Wildlife Trust and was apart of their "Save the Environment" campaign.The bird used in the ad looks like it was going through a tragic lifestyle when alive. Its stomach being half butchered, you are able to see the things that are inside of him. Bottle caps, pieces of paper, liters, and other rubbish are all seen inside the poor animal.

There’s a lot we can do to save our oceans. The best place to start is to keep them clean and not throw anything into them. It’s also a good idea to keep the beaches clean. Garbage on the beach can easily end up in the water.
•As an individual, you can make a difference by learning about and raising awareness about endangered species in your area, and across the world.
•As Filipino citizens we believe in protecting our environment.
We have laws against littering which portray how we value this offense in our country.
•Since a young age, many of us have been taught to clean up after ourselves.
•The organization uses Philippines values to motivate members of the community to become involved in clean up to prevent tragedies like the one seen in the ad from happening.

Video:Juan Calos Ramerís De Nigris.

WILD FIREA wild fire, wild land fire or rural fire is uncontrolled fire in an area of combustible vegatation occuring in...

A wild fire, wild land fire or rural fire is uncontrolled fire in an area of combustible vegatation occuring in rural areas. Depending on the type of vegetation present, a wildfire can also be classified more especially as a brush fire, desert fire, forest fire, grass fire, hill fire, peat fire, vegetation fire or veld fire. Many organization consider wild fire to mean an unplant and umwanted fire while wild fire is broader term that includes prescribe fire as well as wild land fire use (WFU; these are also called monitor response fires). Wild fire can be characterize in terms of the cause of ignation, their physical properties, the combustible material present, and the effect of weather on the fire. Wild fires can cause damage to property and human life, although naturally ocurring wildfires may have beneficial effects on native vegetation, animals, ecosystems that have involve with fire.
Wildfire prevention refers to the preemptive methods aimed at reducing the risk of fires as well as lessening its severity and spread. Prevention techniques aim to manage air quality, maintain ecological balances, protect resources, and to affect future fires. North American firefighting policies permit naturally caused fires to burn to maintain their ecological role, so long as the risks of escape into high-value areas are mitigated. However, prevention policies must consider the role that humans play in wildfires, since, for example, 95% of forest fires in Europe are related to human involvement. Sources of human-caused fire may include arson, accidental ignition, or the uncontrolled use of fire in land-clearing and agriculture such as the slash-and-burn farming in Southeast Asia.


Be watchful, careful and mindful so as not to hurt other people. - Annjela Cabigas

Be watchful, careful and mindful so as not to hurt other people.

- Annjela Cabigas

"Water Pollution"Although water resources have become scarce in some regions and seasons, the Philippines as a whole has...

"Water Pollution"

Although water resources have become scarce in some regions and seasons, the Philippines as a whole has more than enough surface and groundwater. However, neglecting to have a coherent environmental policy has led to the contamination of 58% of the groundwater in the Philippines.The main source of pollution is untreated domestic and industrial wastewater. Only one third of Philippine river systems are considered suitable for public water supply.

-Princess Barinque

ANIMAL EXTINCTIONIn biology, extinction is the termination of a kind of organism or of a group of kinds (taxon), usually...


In biology, extinction is the termination of a kind of organism or of a group of kinds (taxon), usually a species. The moment of extinction is generally considered to be the death of the last individual of the species, although the capacity to breed and recover may have been lost before this point. Because a species' potential range may be very large, determining this moment is difficult, and is usually done retrospectively. This difficulty leads to phenomena such as Lazarus taxa, where a species presumed extinct abruptly "reappears" (typically in the fossil record) after a period of apparent absence.

The Philippine Eagle, also known as the Monkey-eating Eagle, is among the rarest, largest, and most powerful birds in the world. It is critically endangered, mainly due to massive loss of habitat due to deforestation in most of its range. Killing a Philippine Eagle is punishable under Philippine law by twelve years in jail and heavy fines.

Over 99 percent of all species that ever lived on Earth have gone extinct. Five mass extinctions are recorded in the fossil record. They were caused by major geologic and climatic events. Evidence shows that a sixth mass extinction is occurring now. Unlike previous mass extinctions, the sixth extinction is due to human actions.

Some scientists consider the sixth extinction to have begun with early hominids during the Pleistocene. They are blamed for over-killing big mammals such as mammoths. Since then, human actions have had an ever greater impact on other species. The present rate of extinction is between 100 and 100,000 species per year. In 100 years, we could lose more than half of Earth’s remaining species.

Causes of Extinction:

The single biggest cause of extinction today is habitat loss. Agriculture, forestry, mining, and urbanization have disturbed or destroyed more than half of Earth’s land area. In the U.S., for example, more than 99 percent of tall-grass prairies have been lost. Other causes of extinction today include:

• Exotic species introduced by humans into new habitats. They may carry disease, prey on native species, and disrupt food webs. Often, they can out-compete native species because they lack local predators.

• Over-harvesting of fish, trees, and other organisms. This threatens their survival and the survival of species that depend on them.

• Global climate change, largely due to the burning of fossil fuels. This is raising Earth’s air and ocean temperatures. It is also rising sea levels. These changes threaten many species.

• Pollution, which adds chemicals, heat, and noise to the environment beyond its capacity to absorb them. This causes widespread harm to organisms.

• Human overpopulation, which is crowding out other species. It also makes all the other causes of extinction worse.

Effects of Extinction:

The results of a study released in the summer of 2011 have shown that the decline in the numbers of large predators like sharks, lions and wolves is disrupting Earth's ecosystem in all kinds of unusual ways. The study, conducted by scientists from 22 different institutions in six countries, confirmed the sixth mass extinction. The study states that this mass extinction differs from previous ones because it is entirely driven by human activity through changes in land use, climate, pollution, and hunting, fishing and poaching. The effects of the loss of these large predators can be seen in the oceans and on land.

• Fewer cougars in the western US state of Utah led to an explosion of the deer population. The deer ate more vegetation, which altered the path of local streams and lowered overall biodiversity.

• In Africa, where lions and leopards are being lost to poachers, there is a surge in the number of olive baboons, who are transferring intestinal parasites to humans living nearby.

• In the oceans, industrial whaling led a change in the diets of killer whales, who eat more sea lions, seals, and otters and have dramatically lowered the population counts of those species.

The study concludes that the loss of big predators has likely driven many of the pandemics, population collapses and ecosystem shifts the Earth has seen in recent centuries.

Thing We Should All Do To Protect Endangered Species:

One thing we humans fail at is seeing the big picture. We are often blind to the connection of everything that supports life, a web so complex and interdependent, we are only beginning to understand it. The food chain, from the tiniest little microorganisms to the largest creatures on earth, keep us humans alive.

So, when we talk about the grey whale, the timber wolf, the black rhino, it’s not just that we should save these endangered creatures for their own good, but it’s also for ours. The current legislation and government bodies that protect wild species from extinction are both being defuse and reorganized. It will be up to ordinary citizens and environmental groups to save these important links on the food chain. Here are some ways to accomplish this.

• Educate your family about endangered species in your area. It’s not just about snow leopards in Russia, it’s about the ecosystem in your own backyard. Teach your friends and family about wildlife, birds, fish and plants that live near you. Just awareness of these species is a critical step. From the worms in the garden to the bats that pollinate and control the mosquito, there are many ways that our daily habits at home affect these creatures.

• Recycle and buy sustainable products. Much of what threatens local populations has to do with development and more and more of the natural world is plundered to product new goods. Never buy furniture made of wood from forests or endangered trees. Recycle your cell phones, because a mineral used in electronic production is mined in gorilla habitat. Don’t use palm oil because forests where tigers live are being cut down to plant palm plantations.

• Grow native plants. It’s a no-brainer but local species rely on local plants. You are providing food and shelter for native wildlife and you can reduce your water usage at the same time. Attracting native insects like bees and butterflies can help pollinate your flowers. And conversely, invasive species compete with native species for resources and habitat, threatening biodiversity. They can even prey on native species directly, forcing native species towards extinction.

• Reduce your water consumption. During droughts, people get better about not watering their lawns, but we need to understand that clean water is a global problem for wild animals, so the less humans consume, the better. Never dump chemicals or pharmaceuticals down toilets, storm drains or into streams or lakes.

• Reduce your personal footprint. Drive less, walk more. Support better public transport, use biodegradable products and eat whole food from your farmers market.

• Do not buy plastic products.Take your bags to the store, reuse containers and properly dispose of lightweight plastics. Wild animals get tangled in these products, and they end up in the ocean being ingested by small fish and killing off beneficial microorganisms.

• Pressure your civil servants. It cannot rest on the scientific community alone to defend the natural world, voters and consumers must take a stand. This means singing petitions, writing letters and donating.

• Volunteer your time to protect the wildlife in your area. Wildlife refuges, parks, and other places are often underfunded and desperate for help. Volunteering at one of these places to protect the animals might mean just educating visitors, or picking up litter.

• Do not purchase products from companies that are known polluters. Many industries pollute natural water resources and lobby hard so that they don’t have to clean up their own messes. You can do your part by not giving these companies your business, and cast your vote with your dollar. Spread the word about bad business practices and when it dings their bottom lines, these companies will take notice.

• Get in touch with your Fish and Game Department. If you hunt, keep your licenses up to date and stay in touch with your local WFG so that you know which populations of game need culling and which are under threat. Hunting, instituted properly, is a sustainable way of maintaining wild populations like deer and turkey.

• Black out the Black Market. Sometimes when we travel, we don’t realize that the souvenirs we are buying are under threat. Avoid supporting the market in illegal wildlife including: tortoise-shell, ivory, and coral.
• Herbicides and pesticides are hazardous pollutants that affect wildlife at many levels. These chemicals take a long time to degrade and build up in the soils before disseminating throughout the food chain. Critical predators like hawks, owls and coyotes suffered if they eat poisoned animals, and it can rock whole populations. Amphibians are particularly vulnerable to these chemical pollutants and it’s unnecessary!

There is so much we can be doing to protect these animals and vulnerable species from extinction, but we must make these changes now.

“Each and every animal on earth has as much right to be here as you and me”
~ Anthony Douglas William~

~Kylle Crystal T. Cabe~

"GLOBAL WARMING"Global warming is the long-term warming of the planet since the early 20th century and most notably sinc...


Global warming is the long-term warming of the planet since the early 20th century and most notably since the late 1970s, due to the Industrial Revolution and the increase in fossil fuel emissions. Worldwide since 1880, the average surface temperature has gone up by about 1°C (about 2°F) relative to the mid-20th-century baseline (of 1951-1980).

The cause of Global warming occurs when carbon dioxide (CO2) and other air pollutants and greenhouse gases collect in the atmosphere and absorb sunlight and solar radiation that have bounced off the earth’s surface. Normally, this radiation would escape into space—but these pollutants, which can last for years to centuries in the atmosphere, trap the heat and cause the planet to get hotter. That's what's known as the greenhouse effect.


Fossil Fuel Free: Even as global warming accelerates, the major oil, gas and coal companies are sticking to business as usual. Fortunately, a growing number of investors understand that the industry’s business model is incompatible with what scientists are telling us we must do to slow global warming. That’s why we’re supporting the fossil fuel divestment movement.

Tropical Forest Protection: To slow global warming, we must protect the world’s tropical forests. We’re doing our part by urging companies to commit to stop cutting them down—a commitment known as zero-deforestation. We are currently focusing on the beef and soybean supply chain.

Clean Car Communities: We also need to change what we drive. We’re calling for all new cars and trucks to be electric by 2035. We know our leaders in Washington, D.C., are going the wrong way on this issue, so our Clean Car Communities campaign is urging local and state officials to point the way forward.


-karl patrick trangia

Political CorruptionOne of the reasons the Philippines is struggling poverty is because of corruption. Political corrupt...

Political Corruption
One of the reasons the Philippines is struggling poverty is because of corruption. Political corruption is the use of powers by government officials or their network contacts for illegitimate private gain. Forms of corruption vary, but include bribery, extortion, cronyism, nepotism, parochialism, patronage, influence peddling, graft, and embezzlement. According to a 2017 survey study, the following factors have been attributed as causes of corruption: Greed of money, desires. Higher levels of market and political monopolization. Low levels of democracy, weak civil participation and low political transparency. Yet, the fact remains that the Philippines ranks 101st in the current Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI); well behind China, India and Indonesia. Clearly, there is a reason for a strong and different anti-corruption initiative. The former is critical for effectiveness; the latter is vital because other efforts have failed. National poverty seems to be a never-ending problem in our country, and one of the major causes and perhaps the main cause of this problem is corruption. Yes, corruption is happening all over the world, but the corruption in the Philippines is on a high level. With that level, we don’t need just actions, but we really need real and fast actions. Corruption in the government would be minimized if there will be transparency and fairness in our public reports and records.

-Junecyril Dolendo-

"DENGUE"    -This virus are spread to people through the bite of an infected mosquito. Dengue is common in more than 100...

-This virus are spread to people through the bite of an infected mosquito. Dengue is common in more than 100 countries around the world. Forty percent of the world’s population, about 3 billion people, live in areas with a risk of dengue. Dengue is often a leading cause of illness in areas with risk.

1 in 4: About one in four people infected with dengue will get sick.
For people who get sick with dengue, symptoms can be mild or severe.
Severe dengue can be life-threatening within a few hours and often requires hospitalization.

Mild symptoms of dengue can be confused with other illnesses that cause fever, aches and pains, or a rash.
Graphic of human body showing most common symptom of dengue is fever with any of the following: eye pain, headache, muscle pain, rash, bone pain, nausea/vomiting, joint pain

◾️Nausea, vomiting
Aches and pains (eye pain, typically behind the eyes, muscle, joint, or bone pain)
Any warning sign
Symptoms of dengue typically last 2–7 days. Most people will recover after about a week.

There is no specific medication to treat dengue.
See a healthcare provider if you develop a fever or have symptoms of dengue. Tell him or her about your travel.
Rest as much as possible.
Take acetaminophen (also known as paracetamol outside of the United States) to control fever and relieve pain
Do not take aspririn or ibuprofen
Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated

Treatment of severe dengue
If you develop any warning signs, see a healthcare provider or go to the emergency room immediately.
Severe dengue is a medical emergency and requires immediate medical attention or hospitalization.
If you are traveling, find health care abroad.
- Jennelyn A. Arpogio❤

OVERPOPULATIONOverpopulation is the condition of having a population so dense as to cause environmental deterioration, a...

Overpopulation is the condition of having a population so dense as to cause environmental deterioration, an impaired quality of life, or a population crash.

Philippines is considered as one of the overpopulated country in the world.According to National Geographic, there are more than 7 billion people on Earth now, and roughly one in eight of us doesn't have enough to eat. The question of how many people the Earth can support is a long-standing one that becomes more intense as the world's population and our use of natural resources keeps booming.

Studies show that women with access to reproductive health services find it easier to break out of poverty, while those who work are more likely to use birth control. The United Nations Population Fund aims to tackle both issues at once, running microcredit projects to turn young women into advocates for reproductive health.

Possible solutions to overpopulation

Empower women. Studies show that women with access to reproductive health services find it easier to break out of poverty, while those who work are more likely to use birth control.

Promote family planning.

Make education entertaining.

Government incentives.

One-child legislation.


ps:photo from google

-Eva Mae C. Panerio-

Water Shortage           Water shortage are also known as water scarcity, water stress and water crisis. Every continent...

Water Shortage

Water shortage are also known as water scarcity, water stress and water crisis. Every continent around the world is affected, not just those regions that are traditionally dry like in the UAE, but Philippines can also experience this kind of problem. There are two billion people are affected for at least one month of the year. And more than 1 billion people have no access to clean drinking or potable water. Apart from the lack of resources, there is difficulty in obtaining access to fresh water. The global problem of water shortages needs to be highlighted and re-emphasized over and over again until such time that everyone is fully aware of this and does their part to responsibly SAVE WATER, even in areas where it is perceived that there are already sufficient supplies of water.
The cause of water shortage is increased pollution due to excessive and unsustainable human consumption and overuse of water across the board and in all forms of industrial processes.
Possible effects of water shortage is water restrictions imposed across the board and negative impact on greening and domestic gardening initiatives due to water restrictions.
Solutions: Do not keep taps running while water is not needed. Only use on how much water is needed. Obey water restrictions enforced. Sustainable home living needs to be practiced. For instance, take short showers instead of long baths, switch the tap off while brushing teeth, do not use the hose pipe while washing the car.
The less water that is used and the more water that is saved will go a long way towards addressing the current shortages.


-Christene Pearl Baes

Parental Academic Pressure to ChildrenMost parents have good intention in pushing their kids to do well in school. State...

Parental Academic Pressure to Children

Most parents have good intention in pushing their kids to do well in school. Statements like “we want the kids to have a successful life” and “we want them to have a stable job” are the parents’ first reasons. However, unrealistic expectations and intense pressure may do more harm than good to children psychologically, according to experts.Being upset to their Child is not the solution to improve their academic performance!

Here are a few reminders on what too much academic pressure does to children:

1. It may develop stress and anxiety.

2. Too much academic pressure results to poor self-confidence and self-image.�
3. Pushing the child too much can cause him or her to have bad behaviors.�
This is the some bad behaviour results of a child under pressure:

Cheating on exams, lying to the teacher, threatening other kids, and other unethical behaviors may surface just to please parents or avoid punishments. To deal with the stress of having straight As or being on top of the class, they may also turn to alcohol, smoking or other vices.According to the research conference organized by the British Psychological Society, one study said that 52% of high school students used alcohol, smoking, and illegal drugs to cope with the stress and sometimes turns it into su***de.

UNEMPLOYMENTIt is referring to individuals who are employable and seeking a job but are unable to find a job. Moreover, ...


It is referring to individuals who are employable and seeking a job but are unable to find a job. Moreover, it is those people in the workforce or pool of people who are available for work that does not have an appropriate job.

According to a research, the term “unemployment” can be tricky and often confusing, but it certainly includes people who are waiting to return to a job after being discharged. However, it does not anymore encompass individuals who have stopped looking for a job in the past four weeks due to various reasons such as leaving work to pursue higher education, retirement, disability, and personal issues. Even people who are not actively seeking a job anywhere but actually want to find one are not considered unemployed.

Unemployment had caused by various reasons in which the impact of this problem can be felt by both the workers and the national economy and can create a ripple effect. So, some causes workers to suffer financial difficulties that may lead to emotional destruction.

In order to prevent this problem, here are some that we need to do. Improving our skills in terms in business or being an employee not only the skills and looking for a work or a field you have a passion for because it can enhance not only your work, but those you work with. Also, Finding a balance between passion and growing industries and looking for jobs in an industry that is actively hiring or growing makes finding a job easier.

“When you're passionate about your job and career, success comes naturally and peacefully in both your personal and professional life” - Tom Powner

- Kathleen Sevillano




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