Doctor Who, the widely beloved British sci-fi TV series, is the longest running science fiction series of all time. The show follows the extraterrestrial Time Lord 'The Doctor' and his ever-rotating companions as they heroically combat threats across the universe... and many of those threats are some of the coolest, most iconic monsters in TV history. We chat the show and its monstrous legacy with the author of Who is Who? The Philosophy of Doctor Who, Dr. Kevin Decker!
Special guest(s): Dr. Kevin Decker (Professor of Philosophy at Eastern Washington University; author of Who is Who? The Philosophy of Doctor Who)
Co-host(s): Andre Couture (HFTDD co-host and editor)
Luna Minuit (co-host of HFTDD and The Goth and The Sloth)
Editor: Andre Couture
Doctor Who, the widely beloved British sci-fi TV series, is the longest running science fiction series of all time. The show follows the extraterrestrial Time Lord 'The Doctor' and his ever-rotating companions as they heroically combat threats across the universe... and many of those threats are som...