Disinfo Lab

Disinfo Lab We are investigating info warfare and psy-war, including the technologies, methods, and people behin

Large-scale protests against the zero-COVID policy have been taking over across China. However, for large parts of the g...

Large-scale protests against the zero-COVID policy have been taking over across China. However, for large parts of the global population, the news of protest is being suppressed by a massive Chinese campaign.

If one is to search for news on on Twitter or other social media, using the names of cities they are taking place– what one sees first are not the fiery protests & fights between police and protesters– But beautiful Chinese girls offering various services. This outnumbering of posts covering the news is being done on different continents.

However, this is not a new phenomenon nor being used for the 1st time. The CCP has been practising this method of ‘telling the positive China story’ from 2019-20, starting with to deflect criticism from China.

In this report, we have uncovered the modus operandi of this spam network of bot accounts and how they are continually growing to dominate the social media space.

Info-WarThe Fake Wall of China: Deception Through Hired Social Media Mercenaries Part 1 8 mins ago 54 Min Read shareContentsIntroduction Case Study 1: Anti-CCP Zero-Covid Policy Protest Section A: The Great Firewall of China Collapsing Media ControlSection B: Spam Network Ops Analysis Rate of Attrit...

India has been the target of the institutionalization of its fault lines by the 'concerned' foreign entities. Earlier it...

India has been the target of the institutionalization of its fault lines by the 'concerned' foreign entities. Earlier it was Hindutva, & Fascism, and Kashmir peddled by the same nexus of Jamaat and Pak. Now suddenly many fronts – from India to US to Europe - have awakened to this issue together!

We have explained the trigger, plot, and protagonists of this great institutionalization of India's most sensitive fault line.

A Report:

FeaturedInfo-WarUn-ending WarInstitutionalization of a Faultlinea Case Study 1 hour ago 94 Min Read shareContentsIntroduction Part I: The Gravest Indian fault-line: Caste Chapter 1: Equality Labs Chapter 2: Equality Labs 2018 Caste report Chapter 3: Equality Labs & Huma Dar Chapter 4: An untold stor...

Untangling the longest information war in history- Operation Tupac carried out by Pakistan’s ISI against India over the ...

Untangling the longest information war in history- Operation Tupac carried out by Pakistan’s ISI against India over the last five decades. The prelude to this operation goes back to the 1971 Indo-Pak war, the momentous year of South Asia after 1947.

Pakistani army in cahoots with the radical Jamaat-e-Islami orchestrated one of the largest genocides on the land that later became Bangladesh after India defeated Pakistan.

It was after which the Pak establishment decided to convert the entire nation into a weapon – with the sole objective of dismembering India. The idea was initially seeded by Jamaat, & was later taken forward by the Pakistani army and then Pak President who later institutionalised Operation Tupac- bleed India through thousand cuts.

The plan was strategized to create militancy insurgency in India, exploit borders of India with its neighbour countries to set up anti-India camps, utilize spy networks & install sleeper cells in India.
First Decade of Operation Tupac (1970s).

The role of ISI was rather clear, starting with implementing cross-border terrorism to foment insurgency in India. It was during this time Jammu & Kashmir Liberation Front (UK) was formed. Several other key orgs to mushroom during this time were the ICNA, Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI), while Jammu & Kashmir Students Islamic Organization was formed in the 1970s, merged with Islami Jamiat-e-Talaba (Jamaat-e-Islami’s student wing).
In the US several orgs also popped such as Sound Vision led by Abdul Malik Mujahid, Association of Physicians of Pakistani Descent in North America (APPNA), & players like Ghulam Nabi Fai & Md Ayyub Thakur were groomed.

Second Decade of Operation Tupac (1980-the 90s)
In this decade, much heed was paid to breeding several terror groups such as Lashkar-e-Taiba and Hizbul Mujahideen. Parallelly, fronts in the US & UK such as Sound Vision (1988), World Kashmir Freedom Movement (1990), & Kashmir American Council (1990) were formed.

This phase showed the geographical shift of organizational setting up spree by the Jamaat-ISI nexus in the west in its pursuit.

Third Phase: 2010-Present
In the era of social media, the information war became handier, & apart from lobbying & cultivating individuals like Ghulam Nabi Fai, the options became more feasible. However, two prominent events took place to explain the context of this phase:
i)The Indian Govt cancelled the FCRA registrations of 18,868 NGOs between 2011-17.

ii)The Senate report of Pakistan in 2016 envisaged anti-India lobbying & studying India’s several fault lines & exploit them. Subsequently, several orgs & experts started mushrooming in India.
White experts with no prior take on the Indian subcontinent suddenly became experts on India. The luminaries include Audrey Truschke, CJ Werleman, Danielle Khan, Haley Duschinski, Andrew Korybko, Helene Sejlert, & so on.

In the second instance Muzammil Thakur revived his father’s companies in 2016, Equality Labs &The Polis Project were set up in 2016 to talk about Hindutva.

And the trigger for 3rd orgs formation year was in 2019 when the Indian govt revoked articled 370 in J&K. Orgs such as Americans for Kashmir; Stand With Kashmir; Friends of Kashmir; and Free Kashmir.
The objective of these orgs was to create narratives such as Islamophobia, Hindutva, Fascism, & Genocide. All these fronts were some way or the other connected to the same core- Jamaat.

Vulture Activism
After cultivating fronts & faces, was the time to adopt new models to perpetuate their operations i.e., fundraisers in the name of crisis/ human rights. The original idea was borrowed from Muslim Brotherhood (MB), and several of such fronts were raising funds indirectly linked to the MB- LaunchGood.

The funds raised are in the name of Kashmiris & Palestinians.
A similar case was that of IMANA which raised funds during the COVID crisis in India without having shown transparency in financials.

The Ultimate Game
The ultimate game comprises pushing the pro-Pak agenda & which happens by naturally suppressing the Indian interests. Groups such as Kashmir Action Network, Chinar Consulting, IAMC, PAK PAC, Fenton Communications, Holland & Knight were lobbied to target the Indian interests abroad.

All these sums up the longest, 50-year-old game that has been succeeding in creating narratives of Islamophobia, Hindutva, fascism, & now genocide is only to launch a much bigger campaign- Boycott, Divestment, & Sanctions (BDS movement) to hurt India’s economy.

Creating artificial conflicts between regions, languages, castes, & religions is how this campaign will succeed.
Once seeded, the narrative war would create its economy – which would sustain on further abusing India’s image.

Justice for All (JFA) is that piece of the puzzle that seems to have set its footprints on all the Indian fault lines through its operations. Before heading ...

In Part-1, we unraveled the epicenter of the convoluted network working on the faultlines of   is   . Now, we take a dee...

In Part-1, we unraveled the epicenter of the convoluted network working on the faultlines of is . Now, we take a deeper look into the masterminds behind it.

Saga of the longest against India- Part 2 of 3.

Justice for All (JFA) is that piece of the puzzle that seems to have set its footprints on all the Indian fault lines through its operations. Before heading on to its deeds, we must first understand the key architect behind such an organization existing in the US.
Justice for All is a Chicago-based organization that in the guise of human rights advocacy group has been running incessant campaigns against India. However, one with a first glance would barely understand how this functionary, which shows a cleaner version of itself, in reality, has a mudded past; a lineage that would cause a real shocker!
JFA is the furbished brand of Jamaat-e-Islami in the US established in 1999 under the banner of a multimedia company Sound Vision. If one simply hovers the website of the Islamic Circle of North America (the western face of Jamaat-e-Islami), one would understand that Sound Vision was one of its projects to propagate teachings of Islam in the US & Canada.

The founder of both JFA & Sound Vision was none other than the Jamaat protégé Abdul Malik Mujahid. Abdul Malik Mujahid is a Pakistani national & former head of the Jamaat’s student wing, Jamiat-e-Talaba (1975-77). It was during Mujahid’s tenure when Jamiat-e-Talaba shook hands for a merger with ISI-operative Mohammad Ayyub Thakur’s J&K Students Islamic Organization.
Jamaat & ISI met together!
Following his leadership test as a Jamiat leader, Mujahid shifted to the US to get a promotion among Jamaat’s overseas branches and joined ICNA & later became its head in the late 1980s-90s. A basic introduction to ICNA’s work is their admiration for the banned terror group Hizbul Mujahideen’s leader Syed Salahuddin & his militancy in Kashmir.

This operation was not limited to just Mujahid, but a purported human rights activist, Shaik Ubaid. Ubaid is a US-based medical practitioner, who remains the pivot of several orgs in the US. Most prominently, Shaik Ubaid is known for founding the UAPA-slapped Indian American Muslim Council (IAMC), the group most infamously known for lobbying against India.
Turned out, Shaik Ubaid is also a by-product of Jamaat, following his stint with ICNA in the 1990s as its Secretary General. It was after he parted ways, that Ubaid opened a plethora of organizations starting with IAMC in 2002. All of his organizations' formation starting with IAMC began from 2002-03 including Coalition Against Genocide, Iman Net & ASPIRE.

Mohammad Ahmadullah Siddiqi, infamously known as the founder of the banned group SIMI, is another key stakeholder on the list. Besides finding SIMI, Siddiqi is a compeer of the ISI mole Ghulam Nabi Fai & currently the Executive Director of Sound Vision & a regular visitor to Pakistan.
These three combined run several fronts together, for instance:
a)Siddiqi, Shaik Ubaid, and Mujahid held high positions in ICNA.
b)Shaik Ubaid co-founded Muslim Peace Coalition, the idea of which was conceived by Mujahid.
c)JFA’s Burma Task Force was co-founded by Shaik Ubaid, alongside the 1971 war criminal Ashrafuz Zaman Khan.
d)JFA’s Save India chapter was reincarnated from Ubaid’s Imannet.

Not just Mujahid, but his JFA & Sound Vision is also filled with Pakistanis, including some nepotism beneficiaries who are concerned only about human rights issues in India & not their own country.
The Director of JFA is Hena Zuberi comes from the background of Pakistan & is currently on board of ‘The Aafia Foundation’ that seeks the release of Aafia Siddiqi aka the Lady Al- Qaeda, who assisted the 9/11 attacks.
Former VP of Sound Vision, Ahmed Murad is the son of Khurram Jha Murad, prisoner of war of 1971 & former head of Jamaat of Pakistan & Bangladesh.
Another former member of Sound Vision, Mohammad Yunus has been the head of ICNA for 17 years, while his children are placed in ICNA & Muslim Brotherhood front ISNA.
These were a few extremists & Jamaat links of JFA & Sound Vision.
But JFA has more links to Pakistan!
Since its early years of website formation, JFA’s agenda was based on the Kashmir conflict. JFA’s website was not only promoting Pakistan’s toolkit on Kashmir but entities that were backed by the ISI against India. Some of them were Ghulam Nabi Fai’s Kashmiri American Council, Human Development Foundation, lobbying group- APPNA, think tanks & even directly the Pakistani govt.
Thinktanks promoted by JFA were Jamaat think tank Islamabad Policy Studies (by former Jamaat member Khurshid Ahmed) & Islamabad Policy Research Institute
After having known such lineages of JFA, one can understand, why this entity has so many projects on India such as Free Kashmir, Save India (& its subchapters) & none for Pakistan


Justice for All (JFA) is that piece of the puzzle that seems to have set its footprints on all the Indian fault lines through its operations. Before heading ...

This   Disinfo Lab presents a comprehensive report based on OSINT research on how India's faultlines have been exploited...

This Disinfo Lab presents a comprehensive report based on OSINT research on how India's faultlines have been exploited by the foreign entities.

The narratives imposed on India range from Islamophobia, to Kashmir, to Casteline, and Fascism, Hindutva and Genocide. It all started with exposing a fake white expert Pieter Friedrich and his ISI-Khalistani operative Bhajan Singh Bhinder who was associated with a Khalistani group Sikh Youth of America and during 1990s, he sent weapons once for carrying out terror attacks in India. He changed his tactics from proxy war to information war against India. He was blacklisted by the Indian government and during that time, he identified Pieter Friedrich for his operations. They opened a number of orgs together including OFMI which was shut last year.

The narrative war of Casteline has been led by the US-based organizations, who have had no present associations with India such as Equality Labs, whose founder Thenmozhi Soundarajan was born & brought up in the US, now runs campaign against India on several issues such as CAA-NRC and on Kashmir.

Jamaat plays a key role in denting the Indian fault lines on various aspects. It has been targeting India on the grounds of religious freedom through a US Federal govt. commission United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) via lobbying. Indian American Muslim Council (IAMC) was lobbying the USCIRF since 2013-14 and continued its vicious campaign in 2018-20 via the US Jamaat front Burma Task Force (BTF). Both IAMC and Burma Task Force were founded by Shaik Ubaid and Abdul Malik Mujahid, the former members of ICNA (US arm of Jamaat-e-Islami), and they constantly prong attack on India.

Another key narrative launched against India is of Islamophobia. It began with a fake campaign as exposed by various factcheckers and DisinfoLabs wherein Pakistani accounts personated Arab handles. A number of orgs in the US including IAMC, Justice For All, ICNA, all Jamaat fronts based in the US. They setup a fabricated DOTO database that records fake news and manipulated stories. Incidentally, DOTO Database was working with a former SIMI member Syed Qasim Rasool Ilyas.

While imposing the narrative of Islamophobia, these fronts also peddle the parallel narratives of fascism and impending genocide of minorities in India. While peddling such narratives, this ecosystem intends to launch boycott campaigns against India and run social media campaigns such as with the help of the global Muslim Brotherhood.

Additionally, the narrative of Hindu vs Hindutva is established by organizing events such as Dismantling Global Hindutva. The key organization established for this narrative is Hindus for Human Rights (HfHR), established in 2019 and started working with the likes of IAMC and OFMI. Its founder Sunita Vishwanath and Raju Rajagopal had tentacles spread in orgs such as Foundation London Story and IAMC respectively.

Pakistan establishment and Jamaat continue to graze on the Kashmir conflict led by the ISI mole Ghulam Nabi Fai. All the organizations active on the Kashmir were found to be connected to Fai and his fellows at his now-shut organization Kashmiri American Council (KAC). Some of the orgs active on the Kashmir conflict and linked to the Pak establishment are Stand With Kashmir, Friends of Kashmir, Justice For Kashmir, Free Kashmir, etc.

However, they joined hands with the Muslim Brotherhood to perpetuate the Kashmir conflict in December 2021.

This information war against India ceases to stop and at such times when the Indians should be not fall for the what they have been doing- Making Indians fight each other by deepening country's fault lines.


Disinfo Lab presents a comprehensive report based on OSINT research on how India's faultlines have been exploited by the foreign entities.The narratives impo...

Human rights issues are being weaponized to exploit Indian democracy by US-based Pak/Jamaat fronts, created to exploit I...

Human rights issues are being weaponized to exploit Indian democracy by US-based Pak/Jamaat fronts, created to exploit Indian fault-line in name of rights & freedom. Alas, they are given prominence by Indians not knowing their truth.

One such front is Justice for All.

Justice For All (JFA) is a Chicago-based org., founded in 1999 by a Pak national Abdul Malik Mujahid, former Head (1975-77) of Jamiat-e-Talaba (Jamaat-e-Islami Pakistan’s youth wing).

JFA is the hotbed of anti-India narratives, creating multiple fronts in name of practically all Indian rights’ issues to exploit the Indian fault lines. Its core objective is to paint India with labels of fascism, Islamophobia, and genocide.

For example, project is a key project of JFA to ‘fight fascism in India’.

However, it was conceived by JFA & IAMC founder Shaik Ubaid, first as ImanNet, a networking site for US Muslims. It was later renamed as Save India!

Burma Task Force (BTF), another JFA project run with Shaik Ubaid, had hired US lobby firm Fidelis Govt Relations (FGR) to get India blacklisted by USCIRF.
BTF collected funds in the name of Rohingyas & Uyghurs & paid $267K to FGR.

‘Free Kashmir’ is another project of JFA against India where it operates along with other Pak-ISI/ Jamaat backed fronts such as Stand With Kashmir & ISI operatives Ghulam Nabi Fai.

JFA’s Jamaat ancestry:
JFA is supported by another front ‘Sound Vision’ which was also founded by Mujahid in 1988 when he was associated with Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA). The ICNA is Jamaat offshoot in the West.

ICNA is key to connect all Islamist fronts in the US. ICNA was set up by Jamaat, being inspired by a similar front of Muslim Brotherhood called Islamic Society of North America (ISNA). How creative!

From Pakistan with love?!
The core of JFA comprises of Pak origin Jamaat linked individuals viz. Md. Yunus, Hena Zuberi, Kalim Farooki, Taha Ghayyur, Md. Khalid Riyaz etc etc.

The only prominent Indian member in JFA is SIMI founder Ahmadullah Siddiqi!

Hena Zuberi, Director of JFA, is a ‘journalist’, is cousin of Rtd Pak Army Colonel Kaleem Zuberi. Hena is also associated with of Afia Foundation, which was set up to defend Aafia Siddiqui aka , who aided the 9/11 attacks mastermind, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.

For some reasons, JFA has hidden all links with Pak from its revamped website, but the archives gave away. JFA’s early website redirected to ‘pakgovnet-kashmir’ of Pak Govt,whose ‘Kashmir’ section endorsed JeI thinktank- Islamabad Policy Studies & YesPakistan.Org

YesPakistan.Org is a lobby front set up by Pak expats in the US in 1970s to influence US body-politic; & shares the same Kashmir toolkit of JFA. It is run by Human Development Foundation, which in turn is run by retired Pak army officials.

Other than denting India’s image: JFA remains busy raising funds - funds for the big villas in US, business class travels, and at 5-star events. Funds also for their children’s costly education in US - all for human rights!

How lucrative is human rights business?
Must be very lucrative. Why else All the Jamaat fronts bring all their family members to lead, not outsiders. From sons to daughter to daughter-in-laws. It’s all in family!

Fun Fact:
Despite being founded and run by all Pakistani members, JFA doesn’t raises a single human rights concern of Pakistan. NOT ONE

Former Indian Vice President Hamid Ansari & actor Swara Bhaskar are participating in an event by IAMC to ‘save pluralism...

Former Indian Vice President Hamid Ansari & actor Swara Bhaskar are participating in an event by IAMC to ‘save pluralism’ in India on

They may not know that:

i) IAMC paid money to get India black-list by US
is linked with Jamaat-e-Islami.

ii) IAMC is linked with the fraud in name of Covid crisis in India.

IAMC claims to represent Indian Muslims in US. It says it’s fighting against the ‘current fascist govt’ of India. However, it had been pursuing anti-India agendas since 2013. Its founder Shaik Ubaid collected fund in the name of Rohingyas and paid to Lobby firm Fidelis Government Relations for getting India blacklisted by USCIRF.

One key information that IAMC does not tell about itself is its lineage with Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), the US off-shoot of Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI). At the same time, ICNA has known links with Pak-based terror groups including Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT).

The organization is currently led by Rasheed Ahmed, who was the Executive Director of another shady front- Islamic Medical Association of North America (IMANA), that collected funds in the name of helping India and robbed all money.

IAMC has not been exposed once or twice but multiple times by multiple organizations. Yet it seems not all people are aware of their truth.

Please spread this enough that it reaches everyone – commoner and celebrities alike!

It is rare that state machinery is directly involved in an outright disinformation campaign. This is what happened with ...

It is rare that state machinery is directly involved in an outright disinformation campaign. This is what happened with the narrative of .

Chinese officials & State media with help of Russian DisInfo eco-system pushed stories to muddle truth on

1. If you can’t convince them, confuse them, said Sun Tzu in his book ‘Art of Info-War’.
Well, at least that’s what Chinese MoFA officials are trying to do with the question of the origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus for the last two years.

2. At first China (and the pliant scientists in the US with vested interests with Wuhan lab) declared that the virus has a natural origin, even before its genome was fully decoded. Any questions about lab leak or otherwise were termed racist or conspi-racist.

3. With new evidence emerging in course of time, questions about Wuhan resurfaced. They needed new distractions. At first, Chinese media tried pushing fake stories about the virus origin from sewage in Spain, Italy, or France. Even the Indian subcontinent, & then Hawaii.

Global Times was helpful.

4. And finally settled for Fort Detrick
It was a better choice:
It was a bio lab. Check.
Had an accident in 2019 (July). Check.
There were also cases of lung disease in the US (caused by va**ng). Check.

Chinese DisInfo machinery loved it.

5. While the seed of a conspiracy was planted by Russian politician Vladimir Zhirinovsky who declared the virus a US’ bio-weapon against China, it was an anonymous Twitter handle (rather absurdly named) that ‘confirmed’ that virus originated at Fort Detrick, US.

6.Thereafter an ‘expert’ from Shanghai Larry Romanoff provided a ‘coherent fake narrative’ about Fort Detrick. Larry is a businessman-turned-management-guru-turned-virus expert. He also claims to be a visiting faculty at prestigious Fudan University, Shanghai.

7. Larry wrote many articles back-to-back on the topic. Total 72, including some of the other shortcomings of the US. And guess where his articles were published? All on Russian media outlets – svpressa.ru, vpk-news and Russia Insider.

8. Subsequently, an ‘Indian Researcher’ at Fort Detrick (FD), curiously named Samantha Hill posted on FB claiming that virus originated from FD. ‘She’ claimed that her senior Dr. Frank Plummer was assassinated to hide the truth. If only we didn’t have FB we would never know so much.

9. The truth: Dr. Frank Plummer was a Canadian scientist, and HIV specialist, who died of a heart attack in Kenya where he had gone for celebrating the 40th anniversary of research collaboration. Curiously, Samantha’s post had likes/ comments mostly from Chinese FB handles!

10. Another journalist, Italian Fabio Giuseppe, wrote several articles on how US spread the virus in Italy & Europe! Fabio is an ‘Art & Wine’ expert turned Geo-politics expert.

& where did he re-publish? Veterans Today, BeforeItsNews, & RussiaNewsNow- all proven Russian mis-info platforms.

11. A Perfect Recipe
The Fort Detrick story has all the ingredients: a Russian oracle, an anonymous Twitter handle, a Shanghai expert, an Indian researcher, an Italian journalist on top of Facebook and Russian media.

Voila! Chinese MoFA had hit jackpot.

12. Pakistan: a Side story

Oh btw, Veterans Today (that republished Fabio's theory) has many Pak luminaries on board- including PM Imran Khan. Not a typo. They are buddies, claimed VT founder Gordon Duff. Even IK’s Party PTI posted Duff’s video on its official FB page.

13.And what do Pak luminaries do?

You guessed it! Writing fake stories against India- such as it was India behind the 26/11 attack. Kashmir is a favorite too for all the fakery. Well, at least Pak players are now moving into higher circles of DisInfo networks. Quite a jump!

14. Getting back to the story:

The initial push for the FD conspiracy was given in early 2020, but it got lots of pushbacks. Lijian Zhao shared Larry Romanoff's article but got lots of flack on Twitter. Media articles also accused him of pushing a conspiracy theory.

Zhao let it go, for the time being.

15.China was still pushing the natural origin in 2020. But by end of 2020, questions over a possible lab leak from Wuhan became too many to ignore. Vested interests of many ‘scientists’ (who pushed the natural origin) also surfaced, further discrediting the theory.

The natural origin was no more the only possibility. A WHO team was to visit China for inspection in Jan 2021.

16.And as if on cue, Samantha Hill's (Indian Researcher) FB post of Aug 2020 goes viral on Chinese social media in Jan 2021. China ‘expert’ Larry’s articles also get recycled, & more China ‘experts’ start pushing FD narrative - from Nathan to Lightfoot to Haiphong.

17.The Viral Petition
In a fully controlled internet, Chinese ‘netizens’ start an online petition seeking a probe into Fort Detrick! The Petition gets 25 million signs, but not without a ‘small help’ from state media GT yes, but even CGTN, Xinhua, & China Daily.

18. Great Resurgence of a conspiracy theory:

The Wolf Warriors of MoFA decided that offense is the best defense. If the virus had to leak, it better leaked from your lab! MoFA Spox Hua Chunying & Zhao Lijian were competing with each other, posting regular tweets, seeking a probe at FD.

19.It was a global campaign– where Chinese State media’s diffraction language services along with MoFA Wolf Warriors in different countries were pushing the narrative in unison.

The award for Wolf Warrior under the Propaganda category goes to, ironically, the Chinese diplomats in India & Pak!

20. It was a ‘by book’ example of artificially generated trends on Twitter: posts from a small set of influencers is pushed through a large no. of recently created anonymous/fake handles aka Wumao/Tankies -Chinese troll army.

21. Data also confirmed that clusters in network were always around set of influencers– Chinese officials & state media handles. Incidentally, many Chinese official handles were created & got verified just before this trend!

A true state-sponsored info-war, if there was one.

22. While MOFA and State Media were claiming it was a lab leak (though just not the Wuhan Lab, the other one), the Chinese scientists kept saying that virus had a natural origin!

23. And the Chinese State media does the impossible, with a ‘poker face’. They simultaneously claimed that the virus was of natural origin and also demanded a probe into fort Detrick for a possible lab leak. Well...

24. Confused? Consult a ‘China expert’, who will tell you how this is a game of Go or yin-yang or dialectic materialism or maybe some 500 years futuristic strategy.
Not convinced?
Try info-war with Chinese characteristics.

25. CPC machinery may be unable to convince anyone about virus origin at FD or any of the dozen other places, it was not even the point. The idea was to create enough confusion that any quest for virus origin is deemed hopeless & they are succeeding.

26. While info-war has spread like Covid, the direct involvement of state machinery is still a new & troubling trend. State officials’ posts/statements have a natural weight & reach, & if they are set upon fake news, it will be harder to counter. And while we will overcome one day, info-war is here to stay.

If you can’t convince them, confuse them. Sun Tzu(Art of info-War) Preface It would be close to two years since the pandemic started, and after millions of deaths and countless losses that could never be quantified, many are still looking for closure. One question that hangs above all is, how did ...

A social media trend   was pushed by  , a radical Islamist front using multiple fake news. It was supported by Qatar-Tur...

A social media trend was pushed by , a radical Islamist front using multiple fake news. It was supported by Qatar-Turkey-Pak nexus.

Objective was to hit India’s image. But the bigger target was Saudi.

A thread:

1. A trend started on Sept 23 protesting tragic event in Assam. It was also widely portrayed by many Arab media, claiming anger in Arab world about atrocities on Muslims in India.

2. However what Arab media did not tell:

The trend was artificially pushed by MB influencers form Cairo, Doha, and Istanbul.

That the ‘news media’ were also affiliated with MB
And that the main target was Saudi Arabia.

3. Key influencers all belonged to Muslim Brotherhood:

Al Sagheer of IUMS, a major MB front. Two former Al Jazeera journalist Muzaffar Zaidan & Abu Hilalah, both MB affiliates pushed the trend. Also, Sami Kamal El Din a designated terrorist by Egypt was a key influencer.

4. Trend was orchestrated was also evident from data:

large number of newly created trolls retweeting a small set of posts to make it trending. 80% non-description handles were created recently, many just for the trend – and part of a close network.

5. Fake news to push agenda:

The backbone of the trend was fake news, any video of violence from India was pushed as violence against Muslim, to create a sense of crisis amongst the audience. In desperation, old debunked fake news were also used.

6. They ran out of fake news also

So they started using the hashtag with totally unrelated posts – just to push the trend up so that media could report – they used them on models to cosmetics to Jordanian border issue!

7. The question was who wanted this trend to grow, and this became clear when some state sponsored media like TRT world, Al-Jazeera & Arabi21 pitched in. They tried to protect the Twitter trend as popular anger of the Arab World - not telling about the MB link and fake news.

8. Turns out, the ‘news media’ were also Muslim Brotherhood afflicted:

This included Rassd News, Arabi21, Al-Araby, Watan-Serb apart former Al Jazeera journalists. Turkish state media TRT World even ran paid promotion of the story on Facebook!

9. Kahi pe Nigahe kahi pe Nishana?

Surprisingly, we found that an anti-India trend had excessive number of anti-Saudi posts, targeting Saudi Prince (Md Bin Salman) & UAE. A Turkish Media Al Estiklal was having a field day hitting MBS!

10. These platforms have run anti-Saudi campaign in the past as well, including paid promotions through Facebook targeting Morocco and Algeria, both having good relationships with Saudi.

11. Saudi and the QTP nexus are not on good terms, and one of the tools used by the nexus to target Saudi is ‘news media’. Not a coincidence that these news media were also in the list of ‘news media’ that Saudi govt had asked the Qatar to stop patronizing.

12. But why Saudi and MBS?

The fight for leadership of

Turkey is projected as new leader of Islamic world replacing Saudi – done through TV series Ertugrul Ghazi to reclaiming mosque Hagia Sophia.

& Erdogan as new leader.

13. the shift is visible in Pakistan

From tracing ancestry to ‘Arabs’, the Pak ‘narrative - shapers’ have started tracing ancestry to Turkey. Ertugrul was promoted right up to by Pak PM Imran Khan, and Pak media has replaced Saudi with Turkey as an object of eulogy.

14. Why India should be concerned?

We noted in our previous report that Turkey is becoming the new hub of anti-India radical Islamists. A new nexus patronized by MB is emerging between Qatar, Turkey & Pakistan. This poses a unique challenge – from geo-politics to economy.

15. The economic logic:
Most of these countries could not compete with India for global market share in a free and fair competition. And therefore, by damaging India’s image in the Muslim world, they plan to capture the market.

16. The Third Wheel:

While the Qatar and Turkey might be playing long game, the third wheel – Pakistan saw an opportunity to target India and hone its info-war skills.

So major troll battalions WeareISPIANS, Team Emerging, Team Green Blood and Team VOIK etc. jumped in.

17.Making hay while sun shines

Smelling opportunities in boycotting Indian products, Pak influencers along with the troll army decide to promote their own rice & give a scant boost to Pak economy.

Till date most productive use of 5th Gen warfare in the history of infowars!

18. Conclusion:

This was not the first or last targeted campaign against India. But the focus and intensity on the topic, & the amount of misinformation circulated was enormous.

Our inability to see through this is a wake-up call especially for Indian social media users.

Awareness is only antidote…

Please follow the link below to read the full report.


Introduction We didn’t realize we would be so Prophetic! The previous Report by DisInfo Lab on Kashmir Inc: a Conflict Industry’ had indicated that there is a tectonic shift taking place, where the Qatar-Turkey-Pakistan nexus (pronounced as cutie–pie?) with the blessings of Muslim Brotherhood ...



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