
NewzComp Comparing several media sources and official government statements to bring you the facts free from any bias.

 states   experimental oral antiviral drug Molnupiravir might reduce the risk of COVID death or hospitalization by 50%. ...

states experimental oral antiviral drug Molnupiravir might reduce the risk of COVID death or hospitalization by 50%. CNN shows “7.3% of 385 patients who received the antiviral were either hospitalized or died from Covid-19, compared with 14.1% of the 377 patients who received a placebo.” CNN states that although the complete data from their trials are unpublished and have not been peer-reviewed, Mercks has requested FDA approval. CNN compares Merck’s Molnupiravir with Veklury (Remdesivir), a drug made by Gilead Sciences approved by the FDA. Veklury is administered by an IV, “so it's not as simple as swallowing a pill.” CNN states they are looking for three outcomes from producing Molnupiravir: stop the progression of the disease, stop symptomatic disease, and for the drug to serve as prevention.
Fox states Merck’s has suspended their recruitment for the study, “given the positive findings.” According to Fox, “over 90% of the targeted sample size already reached,” suggesting there will be no more trials for for further research. Fox states the study was “halted early” was because of consultation with the FDA and an independent data monitoring committee. Fox implies the research is close to finalizing and ready for mass production, contradicting CNN, which states, “there’s still a lot to learn about the drug and who it might work for.” Fox states, after five days, zero patients treated with Molnupiravir tested positive for COVID, “while 24% of placebo patients did.”
Barrons reports on Merck’s antiviral and how it could potentially change the course of the . Barrons states Molnupiravir “have the potential to play an enormous role” and is “likely to be in enormous demand globally.” Barrons suggests the antiviral drug will be more accessible to lower-income countries that do not have access to the and acceptable to those at odds with the vaccines. Barrons states Merck’s “decided not to proceed with a study of Molnupiravir in hospitalized patients after disappointing early results.” Barrons statement of decisions conflicts with Fox, which states the study had “positive findings.”

3.  reports on AOC and the “tax the rich” gown designer. Fox suggested using James, a designer that is a “notorious tax ...

3. reports on AOC and the “tax the rich” gown designer. Fox suggested using James, a designer that is a “notorious tax deadbeat with unpaid debts do***ng her in multiple states,” which implies that AOC is contradicting her statement since her designer is a part of the “rich”. Fox continues to list examples of why collaborating with James was a faulty move: withholding income taxes from employees’ paychecks totaling $14,798, scooped up a $1.6 million residence in Los Angeles and receiving $41,666 in pandemic relief aid.

4. reports on AOC attending the Met Gala with her “tax the rich” gown. The Federalist paints a negative view of AOC by describing her as a “hypocrite”. The Federalist stresses how AOC “neglected to wear a mask or social distance at the event” even though she advocates for it. The Federalist states that AOC could “financially help her grandmother” instead of attending an event costing $30k per head. The Federalist misrepresents the story as AOC was a guest, meaning she did not pay $30k.

1.  reports on AOC’s dress and the message behind it. According to GQ, AOC's gown promotes “having a real conversation a...

1. reports on AOC’s dress and the message behind it. According to GQ, AOC's gown promotes “having a real conversation about fairness and equity in our system” and states her dress was related to the debate over the budget reconciliation bill. Furthermore, by partnering up with James, AOC was able to bring attention to black-owned businesses. GQ's usage of the term "precision-engineered" indicates that AOC premeditated her decision to wear a controversial gown to the Met Gala and go viral in order to create a “conversation.”

2. reports on AOC and the “tax the rich” gown designer. Fox suggested using James, a designer that is a “notorious tax deadbeat with unpaid debts do***ng her in multiple states,” which implies that AOC is contradicting her statement since her designer is a part of the “rich”. Fox continues to list examples of why collaborating with James was a faulty move: withholding income taxes from employees’ paychecks totaling $14,798, scooped up a $1.6 million residence in Los Angeles and receiving $41,666 in pandemic relief aid.

We need your support! NewzComp is entering a start-up competition to raise funding so we can continue to grow and provid...

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1.  tackles how schools reacted to COVID mandates, police brutality, and gender identity. NYT states these issues caused...

1. tackles how schools reacted to COVID mandates, police brutality, and gender identity. NYT states these issues caused a “division” in the country and led some schools to question when children are “age-appropriate” to learn about these topics.
NYT reports on students who “feel afraid” of police due to BLM protests. Some schools have suspended law enforcement officer services due to police brutality, which angered families affiliated with law enforcement.
NYT also highlights division in mask regulations, concluding decisions for wearing boil down to two values: collective responsibility or personal liberty.

2. reports on discussions about controversial issues turned into “confrontational meetings” between parents and school boards. TH states are more confrontational in school board meetings, causing a “growing grassroots movement*.” TH suggests the disapproving parents' actions are influencing other and those with a political stature to protest. Although many schools claim the school board choices aren't "born out of politics" or "based on political bias," TH claims they are. TH implies several political candidates have interjected themselves into the debate. TH uses “ground zero” to emphasize the severity of the ongoing . The use of the term implies the “culture war” includes the involvement of students who are caught in the metaphorical crossfire.

*A grassroots movement uses the people in a given district or community as the basis for a political or economic movement.

3. reports on school board members looking for a way out over intense debates on controversial topics. Some issues go from CRT to masks inside schools. Fox mentions school board members have been harassed and threatened because of the meetings. Fox states “the tense political climate has made the job nearly impossible,” suggesting the school board are looking for a way out. Fox seems against the rise of issues brought on with CRT. Fox quotes a school board member, CRT is an “absolutely disgustingly racist ideology” driven to create a divide.

1.  in this opinion piece, reports on how the GOP failed to recall Gov. Gavin Newson. The CNN author analyzed the exit p...

1. in this opinion piece, reports on how the GOP failed to recall Gov. Gavin Newson. The CNN author analyzed the exit polls during election day and claims that every major electoral group rejected the recall vote. CNN quotes “those groups are already part of the Democratic coalition, but some of the numbers are bad news for the GOP”. Using the poll data and some data analysis, CNN claims that the GOP, to win future elections nationwide, will need to receive more votes from white women, which they failed to do. Within the report, CNN points out that it was a solely Republican-backed recall movement that led to the election being triggered. CNN within the article points out the California law that allows the recall election to be triggered. Which states that 12% of the California population sign a petition that can trigger a recall election. CNN framed the recall election as a GOP power grab, as the petition was dominantly signed by GOP supporters.

2. reports on the victory of Gavin Newsom’s , and his comments on rewriting recall laws. “I think the recall process has been weaponized.” Fox uses this quote to frame Newsom as changing the will of the people and the democratic institutions within California. Newsom proposed a plan which Fox states is a change in the required number of signatures to recall an official. Fox does concur that California’s recall laws are “far lower than in many of the other 18 states that allow for gubernatorial recalls”, which allowed members to trigger the recall election. Fox also states that one of the proposed laws would make the Lieutenant Gov finish the term in office if the governor is recalled. In California, the L.G. is elected separately from Governor, meaning there can be a change of party power if there is a recall. Fox frames these laws as the removal of power from voters, as the previous law allows voters to pick a new governor when there is a recall. Fox cites that 86% of California’s population still wants a law that allows recall elections.

1. According to , the poison control calls regarding the   drug have increased since July, most prominent in   and  . Fo...

1. According to , the poison control calls regarding the drug have increased since July, most prominent in and . Fox mentioned ivermectin “has not been approved for treating or preventing COVID-19 in humans,” and most individuals require medical attention for self-medicating.

2. reports on the increased demand for the deworming drug Ivermectin, despite the FDA’s warnings against its use. NYT stated the prescriptions for Ivermectin rose from 3,600 (pre-pandemic) to more than 88,000 per week. NYT mentioned some pharmacies were unable to obtain the from their suppliers because "they were completely out." NYT claims the vast majority who called the control center are individuals who acquired the version of the drug.

3. reports on the efficacy of Ivermectin being promoted by “rightwing figures” after the major supporting , suggesting the treatment to be effective, has been withdrawn due to “ethical concerns”.
The study found that patients who were treated in the hospital with ivermectin early “reported substantial recovery” as well as a substantial reduction in mortality rate by 90%. However the study was pulled from Research Square when a medical student, Jack Lawrence, found the introduction section of the paper to have been almost entirely plagiarized. TG calls out Australian MP Craig Kelly for promoting the use of the drug despite evidence showing the drug does not prevent illness or death from the virus.

1.  tackles how schools reacted to COVID mandates, police brutality, and gender identity. NYT states these issues caused...

1. tackles how schools reacted to COVID mandates, police brutality, and gender identity. NYT states these issues caused a “division” in the country and led some schools to question when children are “age-appropriate” to learn about these topics.
NYT reports on students who “feel afraid” of police due to BLM protests. Some schools have suspended law enforcement officer services due to police brutality, which angered families affiliated with law enforcement.
NYT also highlights division in mask regulations, concluding decisions for wearing boil down to two values: collective responsibility or personal liberty.

2. reports on discussions about controversial issues turned into “confrontational meetings” between parents and school boards. TH states are more confrontational in school board meetings, causing a “growing grassroots movement*.” TH suggests the disapproving parents' actions are influencing other and those with a political stature to protest. Although many schools claim the school board choices aren't "born out of politics" or "based on political bias," TH claims they are. TH implies several political candidates have interjected themselves into the debate. TH uses “ground zero” to emphasize the severity of the ongoing .The use of the term implies the “culture war” includes the involvement of students who are caught in the metaphorical crossfire.
*A grassroots movement uses the people in a given district or community as the basis for a political or economic movement.

3. reports on school board members looking for a way out over intense debates on controversial topics. Some issues go from CRT to masks inside schools. Fox mentions school board members have been harassed and threatened because of the meetings. Fox states “the tense political climate has made the job nearly impossible,” suggesting the school board are looking for a way out. Fox seems against the rise of issues brought on with CRT. Fox quotes a school board member, CRT is an “absolutely disgustingly racist ideology” driven to create a divide.

1.  reports on Joe Biden's new federal orders mandating   . AP News provides its readers with critical differences betwe...

1. reports on Joe Biden's new federal orders mandating . AP News provides its readers with critical differences between the levels of the . AP first cites that 87 million Americans who work in the private sector have a choice to either get or face weekly testing. Those who work within the executive branch of the U.S. government and its departments are required to get vaccinated or face termination. An example of the mandate is within the Department of Defence, the largest employer of the U.S. government, where service members are now required to take the to maintain their employment. AP supports the mandate and cites a poll stating that the majority of Americans agree with the mandates, solidifying their stance.

2. reports on Biden's executive order that mandates 100 million Americans to be vaccinated. Fox in this article does not specify the mandate’s rules and how it applies to different people. Fox quotes many leaders that are openly against the mandates, and deem the order to be a removal of individual . Fox quotes Biden as “angry” at the un-vaccinated and blames them for the spread of .

1.  reports on the   ban in Texas, primarily focusing on the idea of an individual's “freedom” by comparing having an ab...

1. reports on the ban in Texas, primarily focusing on the idea of an individual's “freedom” by comparing having an abortion to anti-maskers. The Federalist argues the ideology of “my body, my choice” is only applicable to the -maskers who “just want the freedom to exercise their natural and G0d-given rights, such as breathing uninhibited.” The Federalists claims having an abortion is akin to “[killing] a living human being” and calls the act “inherently murderous”.

2. reports on the abortion law that is in effect in Texas. HuffPost states that the new law encourages the citizens to enforce the ban by awarding a minimum of a $10k reward. HuffPost criticizes the because it will hinder a women’s access to and states that the abortion ban will “disproportionately affect black and brown women.”

1.  reports on the Afghan pullout that occurred this week. NYT supports Biden and his objectives of ending the war in Af...

1. reports on the Afghan pullout that occurred this week. NYT supports Biden and his objectives of ending the war in Afghanistan “In blunt terms, he claimed the only alternative to the departure he oversaw was another escalation of the war.” The NYT does not blindly support how Biden handled the Afghan pull out and states, “he downplayed the messiness of the U.S. exit from Afghanistan, offering assertions that critics say stretch the truth.”

2. covers President Biden’s speech to the nation, where Biden claims full responsibility for the Afghanistan pullout. Fox promptly points out Biden’s hypocrisy “blaming former President Trump and the Afghan security forces for the crisis leading to the Taliban takeover of the country.” Biden blamed President Trump and his deal with the Taliban that forced an evacuation of U.S. troops. Biden also blamed the Afghan Government's failure to defend against the Taliban. Fox criticised the exit, claiming that there is more work needed to be done in Afghanistan with more Americans still stuck in the country. Fox criticizes Biden’s unwillingness to extend the U.S. presence and essentially leaving the mission in Afghanistan unfinished.


1.  investigates  -K, which they state is an offshoot   organization of  . ISIS-K is an extremist group originating from...

1. investigates -K, which they state is an offshoot organization of . ISIS-K is an extremist group originating from the defeated ISIS branch in and . The group emerged from , with a majority of members being Pakistani militants that aim to remove the Pakistan- Afghanistan border that divides its members. The "K" in the name signifies Khorasan province, a region encompassing parts of and Pakistan. CNN claims that ISIS-K is taking advantage of the power vacuum inside Afghanistan, and taking power away from the .

2. news was the first to report the bombing in airport last thursday. AP reported the casualty counts for both U.S. personnel and civilians after the attack, with 60 civilians and 13 U.S. personnel dead. AP confirms that the U.S. embassy in Kabul predicted an attack and warned civilians to leave the airport because of an unknown security threat.

3. claims that a total of 169 civilians were killed in the recent Kabul airport attack, and 13 U.S. service members were found dead. Fox has reported an extra 100 deaths compared to AP news and CNN. Fox claims that additional deaths were not recorded as officials took away bodies at the scene before they were counted. The official that cited the extra 100 deaths has claimed anonymity, and remains anonymous.

1. .independent reports on Trump’s demand for Biden’s resignation. Trump claims Biden was “not legitimately elected,” im...

1. .independent reports on Trump’s demand for Biden’s resignation. Trump claims Biden was “not legitimately elected,” implying Biden isn’t fit for presidency. The source hints at hypocrisy by quoting him criticizing the withdrawal: “the most embarrassing military outcome in the history of the United States.” In April, Trump stated, "Getting out of Afghanistan is a wonderful and positive thing...” Though the Independent’s title seems to side with Trump, the article mocks him, highlighting the hypocrisy in his statements.

2. reports on the Democrats' concern for Biden’s administration due to his decisions. NYT claims the administration is currently struggling “to defend its chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan.” NYT highlights that Biden’s struggle to justify his decisions for Afghanistan along with the U.S. resurging COVID-19 cases threaten his reputation. NYT also states Biden has to “reset [his] narrative” and fix his “image” to secure his 2024 candidacy. NYT states that the Republicans are portraying the WH as “weak and incompetent” to deter any lingering support for Biden.

3. reports on Republicans who demand the invocation of the 25th Amendment. Many Republicans question Biden’s capability of “discharging the duties of his office.” While others believe “it is clear Biden is failing to perform his duties.” The W.E. quoted Trump’s criticism of Biden, “Joe Biden went on TV and blamed ME for HIS failure with Afghanistan… BIG LIES.” The W.E. highlights Biden’s position as President is in peril and indicates that running for reelection might prove to be tough.

4. reported on Biden’s handling of the troop withdrawal in Afghanistan. FN was very critical of Biden, stating it was “one of the biggest foreign policy debacles and disasters in the history of this great republic.” FN believes that Biden has irreparably damaged Afghanistan's citizens by stating, “God help all of them at this hour.” FN scorned Biden and his administrations stating they are “incompetent” and should “resign in disgrace.” FN questioned why Biden didn’t follow Trump’s model (defeating the caliphate of ISIS) by “[bombing] them to smithereens.”

Why did the U.S. invade and occupy Afghanistan for 20 years?Sources:   How the U.S. Armed Forces left Afghanistan Source...

Why did the U.S. invade and occupy Afghanistan for 20 years?

How the U.S. Armed Forces left Afghanistan

The impact of U.S. intervention

What happened in Afghanistan?Source:  Who are the Taliba?Sources:

What happened in Afghanistan?

Who are the Taliba?

1.  reports on DeSantis’s COVID-19 response to the ongoing pandemic. Vox seemed to criticize DeSantis for “[downplaying]...

1. reports on DeSantis’s COVID-19 response to the ongoing pandemic. Vox seemed to criticize DeSantis for “[downplaying] the grim reality” of the COVID-19 pandemic and implementing policies that would risk a worse outbreak. The title’s description, “model of what not to do,” derides DeSantis and implies that his are substandard. According to Vox, DeSantis believes -19 is a “minor risk” and redirects parents’ attention to contracting the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) instead. Vox seemed to believe DeSantis is “particularly unequipped to handle” the outbreaks because he “has made Florida’s COVID-19 problem worse than it had to be.”

2. reports on DeSantis and Biden’s public discrepancy in COVID-19 responses. According to FN, DeSantis should be commended for his rates among seniors, which are at 85%. FN embellishes DeSantis by calling him a former member. By accrediting him with his former service record FN symbolizes DeSantis as a patriotic man, furthering the narrative that he would not harm his country or state. FN praised DeSantis and stated that he is “empowering the parents” to make decisions for their kids instead of “someone in the White House.” Furthermore, FN claims Biden is making DeSantis an “enemy” to serve as a distraction for his policies. FN implies that DeSantis is handling the pandemic well, and the Americans should reevaluate Biden’s COVID-19 policies. FN supports DeSantis and his stating, “he’s done more right than wrong.”

1.  reports the successful continuation of the eviction moratorium, which was at risk of ending. CNN showcased the actio...

1. reports the successful continuation of the eviction moratorium, which was at risk of ending. CNN showcased the actions and protests that Democratic congress members did to continue the eviction moratorium. CNN clips Rep. Cori Bush, and her protest of sleeping outside on Capitol Hill, which brought attention to the issue nationally. CNN has instilled in their report that the moratorium is going to end eventually, by quoting the federal judges ruling. Federal judge’s point out that the new moratorium extension that Biden created is at risk of being challenged in the upcoming future. Finally, CNN quotes the judges legal criticism of the Bidens moratorium, claiming the administration does not supply enough evidence that the moratorium helps stop evictions. CNN states that the moratorium is helping millions of Americans from becoming homeless however, CNN seems to be quite wary of the moratorium’s continued enforcement.

2. reports on the continuation of the eviction moratorium and how it is negatively affecting landlords. Fox frames the eviction moratorium as harmful for landlords, and Biden has left landlords to fail. Fox interviews landlords in New York, which claim that their tenants are abusing the eviction ban which negatively affects them. Fox quotes one of them in saying, “We continue to come up short while he continues to live in our home.” Fox points out how tenants can just refuse to pay landlords to rent while being employed and be risk-free from eviction from Biden's eviction ban. Fox claims that the current support system for landlords affected by the eviction ban is useless. Fox from this article and other opinionated pieces is positioned to be against the eviction moratorium and its continuation for the time being.

 reports on the conflicting response to the vaccine mandate Biden imposed in more than a dozen states. Although HuffPost...

reports on the conflicting response to the vaccine mandate Biden imposed in more than a dozen states. Although HuffPost states that possibly two-thirds of Americans support them, many Republicans, or opponents, as stated in the title, are determined to oppose the vaccine mandates. Sen. Ted Cruz, stated the vaccine mandates are the “left’s authoritarian instincts,” Sen. Rand Paul described it as “vaccine fascism,” and House Republican Conference Chair Elise Stefanik tweeted “No mandates for anyone.”
The title's description “Curious Definition Of ‘Freedom” appears to be sardonic since the Republicans are adamant the mandates go against their . Though HuffPost listed many individuals who are against the vaccine mandates, they seemed to take a different stance. HuffPost emboldened the quote “It’s a small burden with a very large benefit,” implying that getting more people vaccinated is a small step towards combating COVID-19’s death toll.

reports on large company’s responses to the vaccination mandates. WSJ stated many companies point to new relating to how vaccinated people transmit the variant to give more awareness to their workers. According to WSJ, Walmart Inc. offers $150 to vaccinated employees to boost the number of immunized employees. In contrast, the Snap-On chief executive believes that requiring the vaccine will make the workers presume “they are flawed." Snap-On is an American company, a working-class company that supplies tools to blue-collar jobs for construction or manufacturing. WSJ commented, most companies say they “will allow for health and religious exemptions, and some are still determining how they will respond to workers who do not comply.” WSJ implied the compliance of the vaccine mandates is at risk because some companies are “sticking with persuasion and cash incentives”​​ instead of making vaccinations mandatory.

1.  reports on Gov. Andrew Cuomo and his legal team's attack towards the New York AG (Attorney General) investigation. I...

1. reports on Gov. Andrew Cuomo and his legal team's attack towards the New York AG (Attorney General) investigation. In the story, uses Gov. Cuomo’s press conference and direct quotes from Cuomo's attorneys. Gov. Cuomo's legal team claims that the report was “conducted in a manner to support a predetermined narrative.” CNN clarifies that the investigation on , and the lawsuit is a civil case meaning there is going to be no criminal legal punishments towards Cuomo. CNN notes that Gov. Cuomo's legal team is directing its attack on a newly filed criminal complaint, which is going to be added to the ongoing report. CNN has updated its story from its original publication to fix errors converging the “accuser” claims. Finally, CNN’s Chris Cuomo, the younger brother of Andrew, is currently taking a vacation and has no comments as scrutiny increases on Andrew.

2. reports Gov. Cuomo's legal team's denials of sexual harassment claims. calls it “sad” that Cuomo engaged in actions and patterns of sexual harassment towards eleven women. Fox directly calls out Gov. Cuomo's actions and criticizes Cuomo's legal team denials of sexual harassment claims. Fox stated, “The AG report is nothing short of damning” and Fox provides quotes from the accusers of Cuomo's actions. The author, Howard Kurtz, is shocked about Cuomo's actions. Kurtz is quoted to say, “And it’s sad that the man I met when he was in his 20s — pursuing a homeless project while his father was governor — blew up his third term, and stained his reputation.” Finally, Fox points out that CNN’s Chris Cuomo had assisted Gov. Cuomo's legal defence by “having emailed the governor’s office a draft of the statement his brother issued in February, denying the initial allegations.”

While CNN backtracked and corrected its statements, Fox asserted the validity of the sexuall harassment and crtisisies Cuomos legal team.

1. FN reports on the infrastructure bill the U.S. senators introduced. FN seems to oppose the measure by displaying the ...

1. FN reports on the infrastructure bill the U.S. senators introduced. FN seems to oppose the measure by displaying the words “The Infrastructure Scam” on a banner. FN in this report seems to disagree with the proposed bill due to it being a “massive budget bill, multi-trillion-dollar extravaganza.” FN shows more discontent by using words to describe the infrastructure deal: “Democrats planned spend-o-rama” and “Bipartisan bill crammed with a radical proposal.” According to FN, the Democrats purposely created the 2,700 pages bill to ensure most of the senate would not have the time to read it. FN stated many “radical proposals” were inserted, such as funding for state-imposed carbon reduction requirements and providing $1 billion to the Appalachian region. For this reason, FN uses to describe the infrastructure deal as a “Trojan Horse” for the Democrats. FN seemed dissatisfied with the bill, stating that if it is passed, the “country will go nowhere good.”

2. Reuters reports on the new infrastructure bill introduced by the U.S. senators. According to Reuters, the plan "has evaded Congress for years" since it is a "massive" $1 trillion investment. Reuters commented on how the different parties reacted to the bill. The “Republicans criticized the bill as too costly,” wasteful and unnecessary, whereas the “Democrats have blasted it as too small.” According to Reuters, the law includes $550 billion in funding for roads, rail, electric car charging stations, and repairing lead water pipes over the next five years. Reuters also seems to highlight that this bill is the “largest such investment in a century” which suggests that Reuters are also concerned about the large investment.



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