Subterranean Aftersounds

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Subterranean Aftersounds Subterranean label devoted to Black metal of Hate and Darkness

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Total support!

Promo track from upcoming album "Underside Of Existence" to be released by DTB sometime this year.

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A place for new and old releases

Coming soon. First time on CD. In collaboration with Der Schwarze Tod.

Coming soon. First time on CD.
In collaboration with Der Schwarze Tod.

(1996)BELARUSLabel: Funeral Pyre ProductionsOleg BarozhinkyP.O. Box 17, 220030 MinskBelarusTracklist:1. Закляцце2. На язычнiцкай зямлi 3. I лiлася кроу 4. Не...


Château Noir plays apolitical Black Metal.

Black Goat "P.F.C.M.E.C.I.F.P." tape is sold out.

Black Goat "P.F.C.M.E.C.I.F.P." tape is sold out.

Eternal Hails to Hellenic Warriors.
Thanx to Mighty Mutilator for support!
Lucifer Bless You!

"Black Metal is the liturgical part of the unholy worship of Death, War and Blood Supremacy, everything that is held tod...

"Black Metal is the liturgical part of the unholy worship of Death, War and Blood Supremacy, everything that is held today as "evil" by the rabble."

HJARULV HENKER 3/12/1974 - 1/1/2022
Rest in power legend!

Thy Funeral - The End Of Life

THY FUNERAL "The End Of Life" digiCD 2011/2020
Grim misanthropic Black metal, hateful & agonizing. The first and only full-length of the deceased Thy Funeral, originally recorded in 2005 but remained unreleased until 2011, after the band had ceased to exist when it has came out on tape by Sigillvm Tenebrae Records. Finally re-released on 6 panel digipack CD by Total Därkness Propaganda & Subterranean Aftersounds.

Title track from THY FUNERAL "The End Of Life". "The End of Life" is the first and only full-length of the deceased THY FUNERAL. Originally recorded in 2005 ...


Total Därkness Propaganda

(English below)


A mai naptól hivatalosan is elérhető a THY FUNERAL - The End of Life digipack CD verziója! Ára: 2500 Ft

Mindkét féle pólóból is maradt még néhány darab, ami előjegyzéssel nem ment el.

Szimmetrikusból L-XXL méretek

Asszimetrikusból M-XXL méretek

Pólók ára: 3500 Ft

Rendelés privátban, vagy:


THY FUNERAL - The End of Life digipack CD is available from today! Price: 8 EUR

Russian darksouls can buy it soon from Subterranean Aftersounds!!!

There are a few remained copies from the T-shirts too.

Symmetric: L-XXL size

Asymmetric: M-XXL size

T-shirt price: 12 EUR

Order in PM or from here:

Total Därkness Propaganda

Total Därkness Propaganda

Coming in the very beginning of June by Total Därkness Propaganda & Subterranean Aftersounds on digipack CD!

Château Noir

Château Noir

To be released via Darker Than Black / Subterranean Aftersounds sometime this year...


Once upon a time...

Kiedy knuje się Wojnę, a z domu wyjść nie można...

Château Noir - Dark Castle Of Pestilence

Coming soon.

Track taken from the unreleased full-length album "Troubadours Of Pestilence", finally to be unleashed sometime during this spring... "For the pestilece has ...


Ubertragic Art

Once more i want slightly get back to Dominus Ira "Ferocia Animi" CD reissue by Echo Abyssi & Subterranean Aftersounds. This music is violent, with its own unhealthy spirit, surely not easy listening. That kind of magnetism.
The 16-paged book contains 8 morbid artworks, all of them and front cover made by otherworldly russian artist Domineus.

Subterranean aftersounds, dedicated underground label is preparing the fourth release.
Previous ones and some more can be obtained here:
Order: [email protected]

The eponymous emblem with a snake drawn year ago. Such an easy looking logo been through many modifications in the making.

Photos of CD's taken not far from my usual stroll on the old cemetery.

Akhenaten's Speech about Black Metal

Akhenaten's Speech about Black Metal

Speech segment from Judas Iscariot's last performance: "Black Metal is about hatred and intolerance. No fu***ng compromises. This is our art. This is the sou...


Subterranean Aftersounds's cover photo


DOMINUS IRA "Ferocia Animi" CD 2011/2019
Raw melodic Black metal with personal vision of the Occult art.
Preview track:
Originally released as tape by Omega productions (RIP), now re-released on CD by Echo Abyssi & Subterranean Aftersounds. 16 pages booklet CD, ltd. to 366 copies.


Spiritual Outlaw

Occultism is not wearing dark clothes, amulets, leather jackets and boots. It's not a metal thing, or music scene s**t. It's not fancy goblets, jewelry and patchouli. It's If you don't have equipment, use whatever you can find to do your work. It's purely practical, self-conscious, strong minded, based in both this life and other realms of existence. Many so called occultists claim reality to be absolutely unimportant, even though all of the world's spiritual traditions speak of reality coming from the great void, which makes it just another possible truth, and for us, living in this kind of existence, of utter importance. Don't excuse yourself and hide in the shadows, because you are too weak to face the ugly and beautiful facets of reality. If you can't stand your ground in this realm, if you haven't experienced the rotten fruits of life, there is no way you will in the others. Ta***ic, eastern traditions claim that you must first deal with your duties in this world, before you even dare to step onto the Ascetic path. Also newer paths, like the Thursian tradition of Abgrundjaskalkaz follow a system called Brandawegiz, which deals with the cosmic experiences of spiritual matters, before stepping into the Unknown.
Don't hide behind your fu***ng metal leather jackets and claim by the same time to not care about this existence. Don't lie to yourself. Love what you do, even if it's hard work. Never make others responsible for your own weakness. Begin with pure practice and easy tools. You don't need anything fancy to step on the path. Experience. Just do. Things will come if you let them.

Practice. Conquer. Dissolve.

Devin /S.O.


Photos from Subterranean Aftersounds's post

Dominus Ira - The Fury Of Soul

Cuming soon via Echo Abyssi & Subterranean Aftersounds.

O.P. 014, Dominus Ira - Ferocia Animi Country: Russia Black Metal Tape Released through Omega Production (Belarus) in 2011. At now label is dead.

THY KINGDOM ABLAZE [Rus] Pure cold venom (Autoprod - 2008)

THY KINGDOM ABLAZE [Rus] Pure cold venom (Autoprod - 2008)

Du pur venin froid, un nom tout à fait adéquat pour cette furie s’échappant dès Play des enceintes. Le black metal dans ce qu’il a de plus sinistre et omniphobe est présent sur la deuxième démo de ce groupe russe (qui a depuis été rééditée avec la...

Review: Thy Kingdom Ablaze - Waiting for Blackness (CD, Subterranean Aftersounds - 2018)

Thy Kingdom Ablaze review by Unholy Black Art of Ritual webzine (Deutsch). Erhabenheit - Finsternis - Intoleranz!

Review: Thy Kingdom Ablaze - Waiting for Blackness (CD, Subterranean Aftersounds - 2018)

Just am heutigen Tag erreichte mich Post aus Russland. Die relativ junge Tonschmiede Subterranean Aftersounds ließ mir ihr letztes Release in Form der CD Waiting for Blackness zukommen. Jene stammt von der Horde THY KINGDOM ABLAZE, einem Duo, welches ebenfalls in Russland beheimatet ist und mir bisher absolut noch nichts sagte, obwohl die zwei Herren auch schon etwas länger ihr Unwesen im Untergrund treiben.

Bei der CD handelt es sich nun nicht um neues Material oder gar ein komplettes Album, sondern um eine Zusammenstellung aus den Liedern der ersten Demo Demo 1 aus dem Jahr 2007, ausgesuchten Titeln der zweiten Demo Pure Cold Venom (2008), sowie zwei exklusiven Stücken, die im Jahr 2013 für ein (bisher) unveröffentlichtes Voll-Album mit dem Titel Eerie Subterranean Call aufgenommen wurden. Einige der Stücke enthalten zudem noch Beiträge von Gastmusikern: so spielte Sculpto (wohl am ehesten durch sein Solo-Projekt SCULPTOR bekannt) auf den letzten beiden Titeln das Schlagwerk ein, IX von BLACK GOAT zeichnet für das Remastering der beiden Songs der ersten Demo, sowie das Mastering der letzten beiden Stücke verantwortlich, während Sadist das Mastering der Lieder der zweiten Demo übernahm, die darüber hinaus extra für diese Veröffentlichung noch einmal komplett neu eingespielt wurden.

So beginnt dieses Werk mit 'My Satanism (Song Of The Possessed One)', einem kraftvollen Stück, welches gleich einmal klar macht, um was es THY KINGDOM ABLAZE geht... die Zelebrierung reinrassigen Schwarzmetalls, antichristlich und ohne irgendwelche Kompromisse. Dementsprechend gibt man sich hier auch äußerst geradlinig in der instrumentalen Darbietung, zeigt jedoch auch sehr erhabene und beinahe melancholische Züge, die zusammengenommen all' das widerspiegeln, was Black Metal ausmachen sollte. Ein großartiges Stück!
Als nicht minder effektiv erweist sich ''Bring Them Death'. Hier gehen misanthropische Raserei, ungebändigte Räudigkeit, ergreifende Atmosphären und von Eiseskälte durchzogene Leere tiefster Schwärze eine perfekte Symbiose ein. Der Horde kommt es nicht darauf an, Schönheit oder gar Hoffnung zu vermitteln. Sie will zerstören. 'Bring Them Death' ist zugleich eine Kriegserklärung an den falschen Glauben, als auch an die Menschheit im Allgemeinen.

"My only wish - bringing them death"

'The Flame Of My Evil' enthält gar einige Passagen, die als Hommage an den kanadischen Black Metal, vor allem den der Szene aus Quebec (allen voran MONARQUE oder FORTERESSE) gedeutet werden könnte, wobei bereits im vorangegangenen Lied bereits der Anfang oder auch das Ende mit den Streichern etwas darauf schließen ließen. Die Instrumente gehen hier jedenfalls um einiges erhabener zu Werke, wenn auch der Text und der Gesang ungleich direkter und hasserfüllter sind.

"Let the spark of life be pyre of death
This is my gospel, my belief

No quest for knowledge - KILL
No search of truth - DESPISE
Cold hunger of never resting spirit
I will await you in the night"

'He Who Have Thousand Names' ist ein ergreifender Instrumental-Song, der sich stilistisch an nordische Vertreter orientiert, wie etwa den älteren Werken von BURZUM oder auch MAYHEM, mit dem kränklichen Spiel der Violine am Ende aber noch eine ganz eigene Atmosphäre erhält. So stellte ich mir in etwa schon immer die Musik des Erich Zann vor...

Die beiden letzten Lieder 'Ghosts Of Desolated Night Forests' und 'Stones (Forbidden Past)' stellen dann jene Aufnahmen für das bisher unveröffentlichte Album der Horde dar. Im Wesentlichen unterscheiden sie sich nicht sehr von den übrigen Beiträgen auf dieser CD, wirken jedoch instrumental etwas ausgereifter und offenbaren bei näherer Betrachtung auch einige mehr Details, wie etwa die dezent eingesetzten, majestätischen und doch unheilvoll klingenden Synths, die der Musik eine noch mystischere Atmosphäre verleihen - jene sind im erstgenannten Lied zu hören, während das letzte Stück mit einem stimmungsvollen Ausklang endet.

"Deathminded journey towards infinity
In misanthropic disgust with merciless hunger
Alone I walk through solemn shades
Surrounded by phantoms of nightmares
Ghosts of desolated nightforests
Their dreadfull call lead my ghastly spirit
Soon I'll be one of them...
Ghosts of deslated nightforests"

Ein machtvolles Werk ganz in der Tradition des Schwarzmetalls frühen bis Mitt-90er Jahre, welches die beiden Russen hier gezaubert haben. THY KINGDOM ABLAZE beweisen mit ihrem Waiting in Blackness auch, dass sich True Old School Black Metal nicht unbedingt immer gleich abgenudelt und verbraucht anhören muss, sondern auch durchaus noch ein paar eigene Akzente zu setzen vermag, obgleich natürlich auch einige Passagen altbekannt und wie schon x-mal gehört wirken. Aber das stört hier eigentlich auch nicht sonderlich, denn der Musik wohnt einfach dieses Besondere inne, dieser alte Geist, der die Feuer im Herzen zu entfachen vermag.
Die CD erschien im Jewelcase, mit 4-seitigem Beiheft und ist limitiert auf 300 Exemplare, die von Hand durchnummiert wurden. Für eine Bestellung dieses Werkes sollte sich ein jeder Interessent vertrauensvoll direkt an Subterranean Aftersounds wenden - entweder per Fratzenbuch oder aber auch gleich per Email-Kontakt.

True Black Metal from Russia, the way it is meant to be!

Eingestellt von Kraehenblut

Unholy Black Art Of Ritual - German Review-Blog for Dark & Occult Music

Black Goat/Percussimus Foedus Cum Morte et Cum Inferno Fecimus Pactum/Subterranean Aftersounds/2018 Demo Review

Black Goat "P.F.C.M.E.C.I.F.P." review by OccultBlackMetalZine.

Black Goat/Percussimus Foedus Cum Morte et Cum Inferno Fecimus Pactum/Subterranean Aftersounds/2018 Demo Review

Black Goat are solo project that has recently had an album reviewed in this zine and plays a very raw, ritualistic and old school form of satanic black metal and this is a review of his 2018 demo "Percussimus Foedus Cum Morte et Cum Inferno Fecimus Pactum" which was released on cassette by Subterranean Aftersounds.

A very dark and heavy sound starts off the demo while the riffs also mix in influences from both the first and second wave eras of black emtal. When the music speeds up a great amount of blast beats can be heard while the vocals are mostly grim yet high pitched screams and the riffs also add in a decent amount of evil sounding melodies.

When guitar solos and leads are utilized they are done in a very chaotic yet old school style as well as having their melodic moments along with some demonic growls and ritualistic spoken word parts also being used at times. Throughout the recording you can also hear a great mixture of slow, mid paced and fast parts.

Ritualistic sounding synths and Gregorian chants can also be heard briefly along with the demo also bringing in covers of Rotting Christ's "Transform All Suffering Into Plagues" and Necromantia's "Faceless Gods". All of the musical instruments also have a very powerful sound to them as well as one track also introducing clean guitars onto the recording. The production sounds very raw and old school while the lyrics cover Theistic Satanism, Rituals, Apocalyptic themes and the writings of H.P Lovecraft and the cover displays Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelley doing a necromantic ritual.

In my opinion this is another great sounding recording from Black Goat and if you are a fan of raw, ritualistic and old school satanic black metal, you should check out this demo. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "Omen Perditionis" and "Serpentmessiah". 8/7 out of 10.

Black Goat are solo project that has recently had an album reviewed in this zine and plays a very raw, ritualisti...

Thy Kingdom Ablaze/Waiting For Blackness/Subterranean Aftersounds/2018 CD Compilation Review

Thy Kingdom Ablaze review by OccultBlackMetalZine.

Thy Kingdom Ablaze/Waiting For Blackness/Subterranean Aftersounds/2018 CD Compilation Review

Thy Kingdom Ablaze are a band from Russia that plays a satanic form of black metal and this is a review of their 2018 compilation album "Waiting For Blackness"which was released by Subterranean Aftersounds.
A very dark, heavy and melodic sound starts off the compilation while the faster sections of the songs also use a great amount of tremolo picking and blast beats which also gives the songs more of a raw feeling. Vocals are mostly high pitched black metal screams while the music is very heavily rooted in the 90's.
Throughout the compilation you can also hear a great mixture of slow, mid paced and fast parts. When guitar solos and leads are utilized they are also done in a very melodic style which also shows a Swedish influence at times along with some of the tracks being very long and epic in length.
Stringed instruments can also be heard briefly towards the end of a couple of tracks before returning back to a more heavy and raw style on the nest song along with an instrumental also being added as the compilation progresses, spoken word parts can also be heard briefly. The production sounds very dark, raw and old school while the lyrics cover Satanism and Darkness themes.
In my opinion Thy Kingdom Ablaze are a very great sounding satanic black metal band and if you are a fan of this musical genre, you should check out this compilation. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "My Satanism(Song Of The Possessed One)" and "Ghosts Of Desolated Night Forests". 8 out of 10.

Thy Kingdom Ablaze are a band from Russia that plays a satanic form of black metal and this is a review of their...




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