The End-Time Bride

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The End-Time Bride The Spirit and the bride say, «Come Lord Jesus!»

318 And so is it today, we don’t try to be some big person. We don’t care what the people say about us. Our name ain’t n...

318 And so is it today, we don’t try to be some big person. We don’t care what the people say about us. Our name ain’t nothing; it’s His Name. Our life, it’s nothing; it’s His Life. It’s His Power, not our power. And there is only one thing that we love to do, is see Him glorified. And how can it be? When He’s glorified in us, by His resurrection that’s in us. We see Him represented again as He was, today.

319 Did you get that? See, our desire is not to be glorified. Our desire is not some big name. Our desire is not boost some church, or make more in the Sunday school, or try to bring in, hog-tie, push in, offer a picnic party, or bring stars, buttons, or something else like that. That’s not our desire. Our desire is to see Him glorified. Glorified, (what?) not with self-pride; but in us, our lives, to prove He is alive and living in us.

65-0418M - "It Is The Rising Of The Sun"
Rev. William Marrion Branham


30 Satan doesn’t care how religious you are, or how right you are in your Doctrine. If you miss that Life, you won’t com...

30 Satan doesn’t care how religious you are, or how right you are in your Doctrine. If you miss that Life, you won’t come up, anyhow. No matter how religious, how good, how many churches you’ve belonged to or will belong to, it doesn’t matter one thing unless you have been born again.

65-0418M - "It Is The Rising Of The Sun"
Rev. William Marrion Branham

239 And a man or a woman that will take God’s Word just the way It’s given to us, hold It the way God said It, It’s Life...

239 And a man or a woman that will take God’s Word just the way It’s given to us, hold It the way God said It, It’s Life. But to mix it with some wisdom of some organization, you die right there, just like it did in the first. That’s the Seed. That’s the way, that’s the way It acted the first time, that’s the way It’ll act every time. It always has. God permit, we’ll prove that through the Bible, this morning. That’s the only way that It can grow, is to separate Itself from all reasonings, or anything else, and just believe the Word.

62-0401 - "Wisdom Versus Faith"
Rev. William Marrion Branham

138 Now we notice that God begin to make Him a—a Bride for Christ. So…And the Bride must be identified with Him and in H...

138 Now we notice that God begin to make Him a—a Bride for Christ. So…And the Bride must be identified with Him and in Him, because it is part of Him. Now, the Bride is part of Him. She is part of Him. The Word for that day, the Bride becomes part of that Word, for it’s Christ. Now, you believe that? We have to be in Christ. In Christ, we have to be of Christ, in Christ, part of Christ.

139 What is a woman, when she takes a man, or a man takes a woman? That woman has to be part of him. They’re no longer two. They’re one.

140 And when God and Christ became one, They were One. Cause, God was the Word, and the Word was made flesh. The flesh and the Word became One. And when the church becomes Christ’s Bride, She and the Gospels are the same.

64-1205 - "The Identified Masterpiece Of God"
Rev. William Marrion Branham

154 How can you be a Christian and deny the Word? You can’t do it. God is the Word. If the Word is in you, you and the W...

154 How can you be a Christian and deny the Word? You can’t do it. God is the Word. If the Word is in you, you and the Word are the same. All the Word is, you are. Amen. If I’m living in this generation, what this portion of Word has promised for this generation, I’ve got to be that. If I’m going to be a Christian, I’ve got to be identified with all that the Bible preaches and stands for.

155 Hallelujah! Going to call me a holy roller, anyhow, and I feel pretty religious right now. Yes, sir.

156 I’ve got to be identified with everything that that Bible claims. And It give it claims, and, if I haven’t been stricken with this modern-day spiritual amnesia, I will be and can be identified with It. If I deny It, then I’ve got spiritual amnesia; something has happened, I’ve accepted a creed or a doctrine, or some church or a group of man. “I can’t do it,” when yet the Word comes and identifies Itself.

64-0411 - "Spiritual Amnesia"
Rev. William Marrion Branham

225 Oh, how that would do for a real Christian, to get away from the things of the world. And someday, you talk about co...

225 Oh, how that would do for a real Christian, to get away from the things of the world. And someday, you talk about coming into the port, on the wings of a Dove! He’s coming for a Bride, one that don’t fool with the world or the things of the world. She is washed in the Blood of the Lamb. She’s pledged Her—Her love to Him only. The love of the world is gone and dead to Her. “The marriage of the Lamb has come, and His Bride has made Herself ready.”

62-0121E - "The Marriage Of The Lamb"
Rev. William Marrion Branham

69 And this One Who was God, He kept looking around towards S***m, and He told them what He was going to do. And two Ang...

69 And this One Who was God, He kept looking around towards S***m, and He told them what He was going to do. And two Angels went down in there to preach the Gospel. But One stayed in the back, that was the One that was God, and He said, “I’m not going to keep from Abraham the secrets that I know, because he’s going to be the heir of the world.”

70 Oh, we got a right this morning, church, to know the secrets of the Coming of the Lord. For, “Blessed are the peacemakers, they shall be called the children of God. Blessed are they that do hunger and thirst, they shall be filled. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” Then, if the church of the living God is to inherit the earth, there is no secrets kept from it.

71 “All the Father has told Me, I have told you,” said Jesus. And they could not believe Him.

59-0301M - "Strait Is The Gate"
Rev. William Marrion Branham

When God puts His Seal upon a man, and the Seal is the Holy Spirit, when He seals a man like that, he is gone to his Ete...

When God puts His Seal upon a man, and the Seal is the Holy Spirit, when He seals a man like that, he is gone to his Eternal destination. Never no more can he ever, ever go back, anymore. Cause remember, Ephesians 4:30 says, “Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed for all times.” See, you are sealed forever. You are sealed, Eternally, into the Kingdom of God, by the Holy Spirit. Now think of that!

5 Then, you, the devil will punch at you, and he’ll say everything to you, and accuse you, and—and try to make you think that you’re not. But don’t you listen to him.

6 Now, you know you’ve passed from death unto Life. You know the things that you once loved, you don’t love no more. You know that you have believed every Word of God. You’ve seen God working right among us, without…Infallible proofs that He is the great “I AM.” You’ve noticed that ever what has been said in His Name, never has one thing been prophesied in His Name but what happened just exactly the way it did. Even to science, newspaper, picture, cameras, writers, everything else, has to recognize it. See, regardless of whether they want to or not, God makes them do it, anyhow, see, to make it known.

65-0418E - "Does God Ever Change His Mind About His Word?"
Rev. William Marrion Branham

182 You have to become part of the Word, to know God’s Symphony. His Symphony is when It’s playing, you understand, you’...

182 You have to become part of the Word, to know God’s Symphony. His Symphony is when It’s playing, you understand, you’re marching with the beat of the time. You’re watching for it, “The works that I do, shall you also; greater than this shall you do,” these last days. Oh, my! The great changing of the time. We get into the beat, beat of the Word. Find His purpose, the hour that we’re living. Get into the rhythm of it, how does…how He does it. If you get into the Word, you find out how He did it at the beginning, then you know how He’s doing it all the time.

64-0112 - "Shalom"
Rev. William Marrion Branham

“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: henceforth there is laid up for me a crow...

“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.”
‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭4‬:‭7‬-‭8‬

Rest in Peace Valiant Solidier of the Cross!
Till we meet, At Jesus’s feet.
Farewell to Bro. Billy-Paul Branham
(1935 - 2023)

380 Now, from now on, are we through with the world? Are we through with the fashions of the world? And the…all of the n...

380 Now, from now on, are we through with the world? Are we through with the fashions of the world? And the…all of the nonsense, and all this here glamour, and taking the Gospel and making a commercial thing out of it, and—and are we through with it? Don’t we? Just give me Jesus, that’s all I want. “To know Him is Life, know Him.” I love Him. Don’t you love Him? [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.] Oh, how we love Him!

64-1212 - "The Harvest Time"
Rev. William Marrion Branham

6 May our lives be so submitted to Thee, that the Holy Spirit will live Itself through us, and speak through us, Lord. M...

6 May our lives be so submitted to Thee, that the Holy Spirit will live Itself through us, and speak through us, Lord. May we remember, in our minds, as we walk upon the street and rub arms with the world, we’re not supposed to be like those. And we step aside and give them the place, Lord, in their rightful position here on earth. We’ll take the back seat, knowing that we are delegates from another world. We have a Kingdom that’s coming into power, Lord. And our great King will soon arrive and take over all the kingdoms that’s in His domain. And He shall rule and reign; with Him here on earth, thousand years, and be with Him forever.

63-0717 - "A Prisoner"
Rev. William Marrion Branham

183 And if your absolute is in some organization, or some sensation, or something else besides the Person of Jesus Chris...

183 And if your absolute is in some organization, or some sensation, or something else besides the Person of Jesus Christ, you’ll come to the same portion of shame, only worse, see, if your absolute is not Christ. That’s the only center post of the human life, and Christ is the Word; not your church, your word. The Word! See? “Upon this absolute I’ll build My Church,” upon Christ, the Word.

62-1230M - "Absolute"
Rev. William Marrion Branham

94 Some people say, “Well, I go to church on Sunday morning. I listen to our pastor, which is a fine preacher.” That’s g...

94 Some people say, “Well, I go to church on Sunday morning. I listen to our pastor, which is a fine preacher.” That’s good. I appreciate that. And you are the America, the world, whoever it is. But it takes more than a good message from the pulpit. It takes your life. It takes you, to get ready.

95 In Revelations the 19th chapter, and the 7th verse, the Bible said that, speaking of the Bride of Christ, “She has made Herself ready.” She made Herself ready. And you, as a member of this Bride, you’ve got to make yourself ready.

58-1012 - "The Sudden, Secret Going Away Of The Church"
Rev. William Marrion Branham

91 God is uniting His Bride. She is coming together, from the East and the West, and the North and South. There is a uni...

91 God is uniting His Bride. She is coming together, from the East and the West, and the North and South. There is a uniting time, and that’s on right now. What is She uniting for? The Rapture. Amen! God’s getting Her ready. Yes sir, uniting! What is She uniting with? With the Word! “For all heavens and earth will pass away, but My Word shall never pass away.” She’s uniting Herself with THUS SAITH THE LORD regardless of what any denomination or anybody else says. She’s uniting Herself. She’s getting ready. Why? She is the Bride. That’s right. And She’s uniting Herself with Her Bridegroom, see, and the Bridegroom is the Word. “In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.”

92 And the Church and the Bride and the Word is becoming so one, until the very Word Itself is working out the works of the Bridegroom. Amen! You see it? A uniting! Not no more, “Join the church”; not more of this, but flee from everything and tied to Jesus Christ. See? It’s the uniting time. God, uniting His Bride together, bringing It back; just exactly. Uniting the Words of His promise.

63-0818 - "The Uniting Time And Sign"
Rev. William Marrion Branham

Don’t worry, there is an A-bomb waiting to clean it all up, that’s right, clean up the whole world. It’ll do it. And the...

Don’t worry, there is an A-bomb waiting to clean it all up, that’s right, clean up the whole world. It’ll do it. And then it’ll all be renewed again, like we seen under the Sixth Seal, for a redeemed bunch of people who has accepted the Lord Jesus, who has become Christian, who has sold out their cares and their fashions of this world, and has come to Jesus Christ, and looking to Him and Him alone; in His humble, simple program, to come and believe on Him, and receive Eternal Life. And if you say you got Eternal Life, and disagree with this Bible, your eternal life is not the Eternal Life that God gives. You’re deceived, by death, and not of Life. That’s right.

159 Now, oh, “Fear God and keep His Word, for this is the full commandment.” The red lights are flashing, and the time is at hand.

63-0623E - "The Flashing Red Light Of The Sign Of His Coming"
Rev. William Marrion Branham

371 Are you ready? I want to shock you a little bit. The Rapture will be the same way. It’ll be so simple, no doubt it’l...

371 Are you ready? I want to shock you a little bit. The Rapture will be the same way. It’ll be so simple, no doubt it’ll be likewise, till the Rapture will come one of these days and nobody will know nothing about it. Now, don’t, don’t, don’t get up now, but study just a minute. I’m sure enough closing. The Rapture will come in such a simple way till the judgments will fall, and they’ll see the Son of man, and they’ll say, “Wasn’t we supposed to have such-and-such? And wasn’t there supposed to be Elias sent to us? And wasn’t there supposed to be a Rapture?”

372 Jesus will say, “It’s already happened, and you didn’t know it.” God in simplicity. See?

63-0317M - "God Hiding Himself In Simplicity, Then Revealing Himself In The Same"
Rev. William Marrion Branham

85 He said, “Be one as I and the Father are one.” Yeah, be that kind of one. Then how will that be? The Word in us would...

85 He said, “Be one as I and the Father are one.” Yeah, be that kind of one. Then how will that be? The Word in us would be the anointed Word. That is the oneness of God. See, the oneness of God is the Word anointed in you. See? And then you become a son (a messiah) of the age.

64-1227 - "Who Do You Say This Is?"
Rev. William Marrion Branham

301 Now He is bringing them from the spiritual baptism of the Holy Ghost, right back into the Eternal Land of the Millen...

301 Now He is bringing them from the spiritual baptism of the Holy Ghost, right back into the Eternal Land of the Millennium and the great Hereafter. Same Pillar of Fire, by the same anointed system, the same God doing the same things! And the same Word, declared the first one, declared the second one. The same Word, declared the second one, has declared the third one, and here we see It among us.

302 Come out. Oh! Come out of this chaos. Come to the living God. Come to the Word. “And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.” And now He’s in our flesh, dwelling among us. Come out and serve the living God.

63-0630M - "The Third Exodus"
Rev. William Marrion Branham

254 That Word has to come to pass, It’s God’s Word! Plant It in your heart, if you want to go in a Rapture. If you want ...

254 That Word has to come to pass, It’s God’s Word! Plant It in your heart, if you want to go in a Rapture. If you want to be Christians genuine, place this Word. As I believe it was Ezekiel, God said, “Take that scroll and eat it up,” that the prophet and the Word would become the same. And every promise in there has to manifest itself, because it’s God’s original Seed. Don’t you let some educated theologian out here try to pump It out of you. Don’t you let him spray you with that carnal science and knowledge, and education. Believe God!

65-0911 - "God's Power To Transform"
Rev. William Marrion Branham

You have to come in contact with Omnipotence. And then when you do that, you’re in contact with the Supernatural. Your l...

You have to come in contact with Omnipotence. And then when you do that, you’re in contact with the Supernatural. Your life change, your thinking change, your mind change. You are made different. Your sicknesses vanish. God’s great Power moves in.

56-0115 - "The Junction Of Time"
Rev. William Marrion Branham

204 But, to the Elected, God is calling to the Elected. They know it: calling the virtuous Bride, the Word, the last-day...

204 But, to the Elected, God is calling to the Elected. They know it: calling the virtuous Bride, the Word, the last-day Church, the elected Lady of our Lord Jesus Christ, Word. If…Jesus is the Word. How many believe that? [Congregation says, “Amen.”—Ed.] All right. Then, the Bride is always part of the Bridegroom, so the Bride will not be a denomination. It’ll have to be the Word, manifested, to be the Bride of Christ.

65-1125 - "The Invisible Union Of The Bride Of Christ"
Rev. William Marrion Branham

And today He is standing among us, in the Person of the Holy Ghost, manifesting Hisself more and more, coming into His C...

And today He is standing among us, in the Person of the Holy Ghost, manifesting Hisself more and more, coming into His Church, making Hisself known; because, Him, and the Bride and the Groom will be the same, making Hisself known. And one day you’ll see that the One that you feeled in your heart, and see His identification, will become personalized before you, then you and He are One.

You’ve united by the Word. And the Word, was in the beginning, will go back to the beginning, which is God. “And that day you’ll know that I am in the Father, the Father in Me; I in you, and you in Me.” Hallelujah! We’re here. Hallelujah! I’m so glad to see Him personifying Himself right among us, and see what He promised for the Word; not what’s somebody’s emotion, singing, and jumping, and dancing. But by His Word, amen, He is making Himself known.

65-0718M - "Trying To Do God A Service Without Being The Will Of God"
Rev. William Marrion Branham

258 Now, brother, sister, we’ve went through a cold spell, in the church. That’s right, a lot of religious draft has com...

258 Now, brother, sister, we’ve went through a cold spell, in the church. That’s right, a lot of religious draft has come through, everybody has caught cold. A lot of people has got their eyes all closed up, and there is a big World Council of Churches coming up, up here, is going to force every one of you into it. They are getting away from that Word, our own groups are. I am duty bound to a Message; not to be different, but because of love. Love is corrective. Come back! Stay away from that thing! You ministering brothers, I don’t care what your groups does, stay away from it! Stay out of it! It’s the mark of the beast, stay away from it! See, Jesus is knocking in this Laodicea age. See where they put Him out? He is trying to get to individuals, not—not organizations and groups of people. He is trying to get one here, and one there, and one there, trying. “All that I love, I chasten.”

65-0206 - "Doors In Door"
Rev. William Marrion Branham

72 And the Gentiles are called out. The Bride is ready. The Rapture is at hand. Can we realize that? Can we actually bel...

72 And the Gentiles are called out. The Bride is ready. The Rapture is at hand. Can we realize that? Can we actually believe that? Is it a story that’s been told? Is it a myth, to us? Is it a something that sounds real? Is it something that we, outside, can believe? Or, is it something that’s in us, that’s part of us, that it’s more than life to us? What attitude do we set in, this morning, in this tabernacle? Remember, it’ll be a small flock that receives It.

64-0726M - "Recognizing Your Day And Its Message"
Rev. William Marrion Branham

124 Now in this hour, this great crisis is on, when we know that this nation is shaking. Not only the nation, but the wo...

124 Now in this hour, this great crisis is on, when we know that this nation is shaking. Not only the nation, but the world is shaking. It’s at the end time. There is not another thing that I know to happen but the Rapture, the Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. It’s all ready.

65-0427 - "Does God Change His Mind?"
Rev. William Marrion Branham

106 Christianity is self-denial. “Take up your cross daily. Follow Him.” Die out, to the things of the world. When all c...

106 Christianity is self-denial. “Take up your cross daily. Follow Him.” Die out, to the things of the world. When all condemnation is gone, “There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus.” How do you get into Him? By joining? No. Shaking hands? No. By a union? By education? “By one Spirit we are all baptized into one Body.” By Holy Spirit baptism we’re in Christ. “And there’s no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus, that walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” Amen. Oh, that, that would make anybody shout. Amen. To be in there, anyhow, that’s the good part. All right.

63-0607 - "Be Not Afraid"
Rev. William Marrion Branham

111 Now, we realize that it was that, that it was reason, common reasonings that started the ball of sin rolling at the ...

111 Now, we realize that it was that, that it was reason, common reasonings that started the ball of sin rolling at the first place. It was reasonings what? Reasoning against the Word of God. When God told Adam and Eve, “The day you eat thereof, that day you die,” that settle, that’s all of it. And He fortified them against the enemy, behind His Word. But when Eve, listening to Satan’s reasonings, see, culture, understanding, education, advancement, see, she stepped out behind there and listened to Satan’s reasonings, and did the thing that God said “don’t do.” And if one reasoning, listening to one reasoning against the Word caused all this chaos, one reasoning against the Word again won’t take you back to the same place, ’cause how foolish it would be of God to bring man back upon the same basis He sent him out from. See? See? You got to come to the shed Blood of Christ. Your denomination won’t work, and your reasonings won’t work. It’s the Blood and birth, and It produces in you a new creature, Christ, and after the fashion of Christ you live, because the Toxin that you take shows It kills the sin of unbelief, against anything but the Word of God.

63-0721 - "He Cares. Do You Care?"
Rev. William Marrion Branham

94 You always have to stand this reproach in order to give your testing, to see. Every man that comes to Christ must fir...

94 You always have to stand this reproach in order to give your testing, to see. Every man that comes to Christ must first be child-trained, for the—for the purpose that God has ordained you for. And remember, if you can just keep quiet! Remember, if He has called you for this, there is nothing that can keep it from happening. There’s not enough devils in torment, but what God’s Word will be made manifest. You’re born for a purpose, and nobody can take your place. You might have impersonators and everything else, but they’ll never take your place. Right. God’s Word will triumph. It cannot fail. There is where every Christian ought to stand, knowing that—that. And trials will come up, and seem every way, to you. But remember, God has a purpose, and it all will work right.

62-1223 - "The Reproach For The Cause Of The Word"
Rev. William Marrion Branham

80 You must forsake your own, your own ideas. You must cope with His Word. And never will the Holy Ghost ever deny any W...

80 You must forsake your own, your own ideas. You must cope with His Word. And never will the Holy Ghost ever deny any Word It ever spoke. And the Bible is wrote by the Holy Spirit. The Bible said so. And if…The Bible Words is God. “In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.”

81 Now the Word is made Spirit, dwelling in us, “For I will be with you, even in you, to the end of the world, the consummation.” Now, if that same God that wrote the Bible is in you, you’re not your own, you’re dead to the things of the world, you’re dead to your own thoughts, and “the mind that—the mind that was in Christ be in you.” There, then you’re forsaking all, to follow Him. Not your own thoughts; what He says. “Not My will; Thine, Lord.” Then you begin to line up with God’s Word.

62-0123 - "Forsaking All"
Rev. William Marrion Branham



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