34 Amend

34 Amend 34 Amend houses contributors that have accomplished much beyond journalism. They are dedicated to hi

34 Amend is an internet publication devoted to exploring important issues surrounding America and unearthing news that are being shunned in the news today. It is a culmination of information and facts that have been thoroughly read and dug up to provide Americans with accurate, investigative reports on various matters. These days, more and more people are rising against acts of violence, and so are we. To the people who keep pushing down our voices, we say NO MORE.

David Perdue is a Conservative fighter who isn’t afraid of the Radical Left, and is the only candidate in Georgia who ca...

David Perdue is a Conservative fighter who isn’t afraid of the Radical Left, and is the only candidate in Georgia who can beat Stacey “The Hoax” Abrams in November. Brian Kemp has failed Georgia. He caved to Stacey Abrams before the 2020 Election and allowed massive Election Fraud to take place. The signing of the Stacey Abrams-backed Consent Decree, so stupidly giving her and the Democrats everything they wanted, was a monumental mistake for not only Georgia, but also for our Nation!

Kemp has been a very weak Governor—the liberals and RINOs have run all over him on Election Integrity, and more. Most importantly, he can’t win because the MAGA base—which is enormous—will never vote for him. We need strong leaders who will fight, and time is running out! David Perdue will eliminate the Income Tax, secure the Elections, defend the Second Amendment, support our great Farmers, get crime in Atlanta and other places under control, take care of our great Vets, and put parents back in charge of the schools.

David Perdue and Herschel Walker (who I have already strongly endorsed) will make an unstoppable team for Georgia. Trump supporters will turn out to vote for these great leaders in big numbers. David Perdue has my Complete and Total Endorsement. He will not let you down!

Former President Donald Trump has warned Republicans not to cross him if they're running for office, saying it will be i...

Former President Donald Trump has warned Republicans not to cross him if they're running for office, saying it will be impossible for them to win an election without his endorsement.

Asked if Republicans should be afraid of not being aligned with Trump's agenda, the former president told CNB News on Tuesday, ""Well, if they want to win politically, probably, because if I endorsed them, they win and if I don't endorse them, they don't win. I mean, that's almost 100 percent of the case.""

He added, ""My record is unparalleled, my endorsements, it's totally unparalleled. Nobody's ever had a record like this. I'm almost unblemished.""

As of this week, Trump has a 55-0 streak when it comes to picking the winning candidates in primaries. He has endorsed over 150 Republican candidates for a variety of offices across the country. Meanwhile, the GOP is aiming to gain control of one or both houses of Congress in the midterms, which historically lead to a sitting president's party losing seats. Republicans are closely watching to see if Trump can continue to be a kingmaker.

Read the full article here >> https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-warns-republican-candidates-against-crossing-him-1703818

Hillary Clinton personally approved her campaign's plans in fall 2016 to share information with a reporter about an unco...

Hillary Clinton personally approved her campaign's plans in fall 2016 to share information with a reporter about an uncorroborated alleged server backchannel between Donald Trump and a top Russian bank, her former campaign manager testified Friday in federal court.

Robby Mook said he attended a meeting with other senior campaign officials where they learned about strange cyberactivity that suggested a relationship between the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank, which is based in Moscow. The group decided to share the information with a reporter, and Mook subsequently ran that decision by Clinton herself.
""We discussed it with Hillary,"" Mook said, later adding that ""she agreed with the decision.""

campaign staffer later passed the information to a reporter from Slate magazine, which the campaign hoped the reporter would ""vet it out, and write what they believe is true,"" Mook said.
Slate published a story on October 31, 2016, raising questions about the odd Trump-Alfa cyber links. After that story came out, Clinton tweeted about it, and posted a news release that said, ""This secret hotline may be the key to unlocking the mystery of Trump's ties to Russia.""
The testimony came in the criminal trial of Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann, who is being prosecuted by the Trump-era special counsel John Durham. Durham is investigating potential misconduct tied to the FBI's Trump-Russia probe. The trial has shed light on the dark arts of political opposition research -- and how campaigns dig up dirt and plant stories in the press.

Read the full article here >> https://edition.cnn.com/2022/05/20/politics/hillary-clinton-robby-mook-fbi/index.html

Truth 4

Truth 4

Truth 3

Truth 3

Truth 2

Truth 2

Truth 1

Truth 1

Senator Murdock Dedicates Highway in Oklahoma Panhandle to President Trump

Senator Murdock Dedicates Highway in Oklahoma Panhandle to President Trump

Rep. Alex X. Mooney pummeled Rep. David B. McKinley by over 18 percentage points in the GOP primary for West Virginia’s ...

Rep. Alex X. Mooney pummeled Rep. David B. McKinley by over 18 percentage points in the GOP primary for West Virginia’s redrawn 2nd District, an outcome that did not surprise their colleagues, who know how crucial an endorsement from former President Donald Trump can be for Republican candidates.

Just days before Tuesday's primary, Mooney joined Rep. Mike Kelly, R-Pa., and other congressional candidates with the former president’s backing for a Trump rally in Greensburg, Pa., a little more than an hour from Mooney’s district. Kelly was struck by the eagerness and resilience rallygoers had to see Trump speak despite hours of waiting and constant rainfall.

“But I watched those people getting there at 11 o'clock in the morning in a pouring rain and standing there all day waiting to hear him talk — that's hard to do,” Kelly said of Trump’s ability to command a crowd.

Mooney was not the only out-of-state candidate there. J.D. Vance, who recently won the primary for an open Senate seat in Ohio with the support of Trump, also spoke at the event.

“The president still wields such great influence,” Kelly said.

Mooney and McKinley were forced into a primary fight after the state lost one of its seats in reapportionment. The race had the potential to favor McKinley because, under the new congressional map, around 66 percent of voters came from his old district compared to 33 percent from Mooney’s old district.

Trump's backing does not make a candidate invincible. In Tuesday's Republican primary for governor of Nebraska, for example, his endorsed candidate, Charles Herbster, finished almost 4 points behind nominee Jim Pillen.

Read the full article here >> https://rollcall.com/2022/05/11/mooney-win-cements-house-republicans-belief-in-value-of-trump-endorsement/

Continuing his near-weekly Save America rally tour Saturday night in Washington Township, Michigan, former President Don...

Continuing his near-weekly Save America rally tour Saturday night in Washington Township, Michigan, former President Donald Trump hit the sitting president and his fledgling administration amid crises on the border, supply chains, inflation, and Ukraine.

""The stakes of this year's midterm elections could not be higher,"" Trump told the crowd at his indoor rally, which aired live on Newsmax. ""I don't think we've ever had a time in our country where we felt so low, so dejected. What's going on is absolutely unacceptable.

""We're living through the most dangerous period of our lifetime. And we have a president who has no idea what's going on. He has no idea what he's doing, and he's got no idea what he's saying or where he is.

""Other than that, he's doing a fantastic job,"" Trump joked.

""Historians will record this period of history as a catastrophic low point, and a stain upon our once great reputation,"" Trump added later. ""It's stained. But we'll get rid of that stain.

""Never has our country been treated with this much disrespect and scorn by other world leaders.""

Trump took pointed aim at the 2020 presidential election ""vote counters"" in Michigan.

Watch the video here >> https://www.newsmax.com/newsfront/donald-trump-save-america-rally-michigan/2022/04/02/id/1064040/

Today, the worst ""election integrity"" Governor in the country, Brian Kemp, loaded the great state of Georgia up with R...

Today, the worst ""election integrity"" Governor in the country, Brian Kemp, loaded the great state of Georgia up with RINOs. That's right, he had them all. Chris Christie, Doug Ducey from Arizona, and Pete Ricketts from Nebraska. That tells you all you need to know about what you are getting in Georgia—just a continuation of bad elections and a real RINO if you vote for Brian Kemp.

Congressman Andy Barr is a fantastic Congressman for Kentucky’s 6th Congressional District! Andy is fighting to Grow our...

Congressman Andy Barr is a fantastic Congressman for Kentucky’s 6th Congressional District! Andy is fighting to Grow our Economy, Protect our Country, Support our Military, Defend the Second Amendment, and Provide the Care our Brave Veterans Deserve. Andy Barr has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

With the Biden-Harris administration’s epic failures from skyrocketing inflation and gas prices to the wide-open souther...

With the Biden-Harris administration’s epic failures from skyrocketing inflation and gas prices to the wide-open southern border, record crime and weakness abroad, American voters are turning away from the Democratic Party in staggering numbers.

Even the Democrats’ most reliable constituencies are heading for the exits in droves: Support for the White House has been steadily — and dramatically — eroding among black, Hispanic, women and younger voters.

One demographic group that has been stubbornly faithful to the Democrats but should join the others in rethinking its support is Jewish voters. Historically liberal, most Jewish Americans have long voted Democrat, confounding Republican presidents who provided extraordinary support to Israel and other issues important to the Jewish community.

Consider President Donald Trump’s innovative policy approach, which flipped the script in the Middle East in critical ways and delivered greater stability and peace.

Read the full article here >> https://nypost.com/2022/05/01/jews-should-abandon-the-party-thats-abandoned-them/

Midterm season officially kicked off on Tuesday with a slate of primary elections across Ohio and Indiana, including sev...

Midterm season officially kicked off on Tuesday with a slate of primary elections across Ohio and Indiana, including several marquee races that Republican and Democrat insiders were watching closely as key indicators of voter sentiment heading into November. While the final results provided several interesting trends worth following this election season, the key takeaway was clear – former President Donald Trump remains the undisputed leader of the Republican Party, and his endorsement is the single biggest determining factor in deciding primary contests.

The highest-profile race on the ballot Tuesday was for Ohio’s open U.S. Senate seat, where a crowded field of Republicans was vying to replace the retiring Rob Portman. The four main contenders were former Ohio Treasurer Josh Mandel, former Ohio GOP Chair Jane Timken, Ohio state Senator Matt Dolan, businessman Mike Gibbons, and venture capitalist and Hillbilly Elegy author J.D. Vance. With the exception of Dolan, who ran an explicitly anti-Trump campaign, all the Republican candidates actively pursued the endorsement of the former President, with Vance finally securing the nod just a few weeks ago.

Trump’s endorsement appears to have been decisive in boosting Vance over the top, as the first-time candidate won comfortably on Tuesday with a little over 30% of the vote. Whereas Vance was polling in third or fourth place in most polls prior to receiving Trump’s stamp of approval, he immediately catapulted into first place soon after.

Read the full article here >> https://amac.us/trump-backed-candidates-dominate-ohio-indiana-primary-races/

Kash Patel, a former top Trump administration official, told Breitbart News on Wednesday that a report claiming classifi...

Kash Patel, a former top Trump administration official, told Breitbart News on Wednesday that a report claiming classified materials were found at Mar-a-Lago is misleading and that the documents were actually already declassified by then-President Donald Trump, but the classification markings had not been updated.

“Trump declassified whole sets of materials in anticipation of leaving government that he thought the American public should have the right to read themselves,” Patel told Breitbart News in a phone interview.

“The White House counsel failed to generate the paperwork to change the classification markings, but that doesn’t mean the information wasn’t declassified,” Patel said. “I was there with President Trump when he said ‘We are declassifying this information.'”

“This story is just another disinformation campaign designed to break the public trust in a president that lived on transparency. It’s yet another way to attack Trump and say he took classified information when he did not,” he added.

NBC News reported in February that the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) found items “marked as classified national security information” within boxes sent to Mar-a-Lago. NARA made the disclosure in a letter replying to questions from Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY).

Maloney, chair of the House Oversight Committee, had asked NARA if there was classified information within 15 boxes that it recovered from Mar-a-Lago. NARA responded in a February 18, 2022, letter: “NARA has identified items marked as classified national security information within the boxes.”

Patel called the story “disinformation.”

Read the full article here >> https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/05/05/documents-mar-a-lago-marked-classified-were-already-declassified-kash-patel-says/

President Biden’s aides have largely ditched using the Oval Office for press events because of the inability to have a t...

President Biden’s aides have largely ditched using the Oval Office for press events because of the inability to have a teleprompter permanently installed, forcing them to resort to using a specially outfitted bogus White House set, according to a report on Thursday.

Biden, who is known to stumble over his words even while reading from a teleprompter, has been mocked for using the imitation set in the South Court Auditorium of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building across from the White House.

The mention of the travails with the teleprompter was tucked deep into a Politico report on Thursday about a possible 2024 rematch between Biden and former President Donald Trump.

The report said some of Biden’s allies and other Democrats have expressed concerns privately that the 79-year-old Biden may not be able to handle the rigors of a presidential campaign.

It noted that a bone he broke in his foot in November 2020 while playing with his dog is still causing some walking problems for him and has slowed his pace.

​”​And the White House has largely abandoned using the Oval Office for press events in part because it can’t be permanently equipped with a teleprompter,” the outlet reported.

“Biden aides prefer the fake White House stage built in the Old Executive Office Building next door for events, sacrificing some of the power of the historic backdrop in favor of an otherwise sterile room that was outfitted with an easily read teleprompter screen,” the report said.

Some on social media ridiculed the president for using a “literal game show set,” while others accused him of deliberately trying to deceive Americans into thinking he was in the White House.

Read the full article her >> https://nypost.com/2022/05/05/biden-scraps-oval-office-events-for-sets-over-lack-of-teleprompter/

The conservative group Wyoming Values PAC is plastering anti-Liz Cheney billboards across Wyoming, encouraging voters to...

The conservative group Wyoming Values PAC is plastering anti-Liz Cheney billboards across Wyoming, encouraging voters to support her Trump-backed challenger Harriet Hageman.

The billboards urge voters to “Ditch Liz! Vote for Hageman” and appear in Casper, Rawlins, Cheyenne, and Laramie. The group, led by Republican strategists Andy Surabian and James Blair, plans to leave the billboards up until the state’s primary election day, or Tuesday, August 16:

“Wyoming Values will continue to aggressively expose Liz Cheney as the Pelosi puppet she truly is from now until election day,” Surabian said in a statement.

“While Liz Cheney sold Wyoming out to the swamp, Harriet Hageman will fight for the conservative values Wyomings care about and we’re confident that she will defeat Cheney in August,” he added.

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY), who was stripped of her House Republican leadership position after standing with Democrats to impeach former President Donald Trump, attempted to blame Trump for dragging the U.S. backward and making “us complicit in his efforts to unravel our democracy”:

Notably, far-left Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) has spoken highly of the so-called Republican, calling her a “person of great courage and conviction.”

Trump has spoken out sharply against “RINO” Cheney time and time again, ultimately endorsing her challenger in September.

“Unlike RINO Liz Cheney, Harriet is all in for America First. Harriet has my Complete and Total Endorsement in replacing the Democrats’ number one provider of sound bites, Liz Cheney,” he wrote. “Make America Great Again!”

This week, Trump announced an upcoming rally with Hageman, taking place in Casper, Wyoming, on May 28.

Read the full article here >> https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/05/06/conservative-group-plasters-anti-liz-cheney-billboards-across-wyoming/

Enough said!!!

Enough said!!!

Everyone knows the wisdom embodied in the saying “those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” The WS...

Everyone knows the wisdom embodied in the saying “those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” The WSJ’s May 2, 2022 editorial argues that we should ignore the blatant fraud that took place in Wisconsin in the November 2020 election as detailed by former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman in his 136 page Preliminary Report issued on March 1, 2022. To ignore the fraud that Justice Gableman continues to uncover is to allow that fraud to be repeated. Justice Gableman’s Report revealed many illegal and unethical acts including Zuckerberg funded election bribery, illegal ballot drop boxes, and obstruction of evidence gathering. Gableman also revealed that the Wisconsin Election Commission shared access to Wisconsin’s registration system with Zuckerberg funded left-wing activists, disregarded Wisconsin law so that tens of thousands of nursing home residents could be exploited for their votes, and illegally encouraged Wisconsin voters declare themselves “indefinitely confined” under Wisconsin law, thereby avoiding Wisconsin’s voter ID requirements.

These issues are far from “ghosts” as the editorial board claims. Here is a link to the Report so that people can see it for themselves. I encourage everyone to read it.

The fact that the WSJ editorial board came out with this hit piece the day after the nationwide premier of True the Vote’s movie, 2000 Mules, which proves a massive illegal ballot harvesting operation took place in the 2020 election—especially in key battleground counties like Milwaukee County—is also curious. Voters know that unless we fix what happened in 2020, those who stole the 2020 election will try to do it again in 2022. Ignorance is not bliss.

Read the full article here >>https://legis.wisconsin.gov/assembly/22/brandtjen/media/1552/osc-second-interim-report.pdf

Jim Bognet will be a fantastic Congressman for Pennsylvania’s 8th Congressional District! Jim served in my Administratio...

Jim Bognet will be a fantastic Congressman for Pennsylvania’s 8th Congressional District! Jim served in my Administration and helped bring manufacturing jobs back to Northeast Pennsylvania. In Congress, he will fight to Grow our Economy, Build the Wall, Defend the Second Amendment, and Support our Brave Military, Vets and Law Enforcement. Jim is running against Democrat Matt Cartwright, a Puppet of Nancy Pelosi and the Radical Left, who wants to open our borders and defund the police. With Jim as our Republican nominee, we will flip this seat and Make America Great Again. Jim Bognet has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

Special counsel John Durham has revealed that employees of the research firm Fusion GPS sent journalists hundreds of ema...

Special counsel John Durham has revealed that employees of the research firm Fusion GPS sent journalists hundreds of emails with unverified accusations against President Trump to trigger negative news stories.

Mr. Durham was responding to efforts of people with ties to Hillary Clinton‘s presidential campaign to keep potentially explosive evidence out of his hands during the upcoming trial of a Clinton campaign lawyer accused of lying to the FBI.

In a court motion filed late Monday, Mr. Durham said the slew of emails undercuts the assertion of Clinton campaign officials that Fusion GPS’s research for them should be protected under attorney-client privilege.

The Fusion GPS emails peddled to news outlets, as revealed by Mr. Durham, led to stories including:

• A Wall Street Journal article about a Trump adviser meeting with a former KGB official close to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Read the full article here > https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2022/apr/26/durham-gps-fusion-employees-emailed-reporters-unve/

Congressman Mike Carey is doing a fantastic job representing the people of Ohio’s 15th Congressional District. With my e...

Congressman Mike Carey is doing a fantastic job representing the people of Ohio’s 15th Congressional District. With my endorsement, Mike resoundingly won his special election last year. True to his campaign promises, Mike has been a courageous fighter for Ohio and our Economy. He is Strong on the Border, Tough on Crime, Defends the Second Amendment, and as a Veteran, he is actively working to support our Brave Military and Vets. Mike Carey has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

The Governor of Georgia, Brian Kemp, and Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, perhaps in collusion with the Radical L...

The Governor of Georgia, Brian Kemp, and Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, perhaps in collusion with the Radical Left Democrats, have allowed a horrible thing to happen to a very popular Republican, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene. She is now going through hell in their attempt to unseat her, just more of an election mess in Georgia, including the fact that they will still allow easily corruptible Ballot Boxes for all to cheat with, and have not been able to get a little thing called “Signature Verification” approved. Unlike other Republicans, this Governor does everything possible to hurt the voting process in Georgia, including his approval of a disastrous Consent Decree, and not calling a Special Session that was requested by Georgia’s Republicans Senators. He absolutely refused. Both of those failures were a disaster for the Republican Party, and for our Country. Even the “True the Vote” people, great patriots, who will soon announce massive Ballot Harvesting in Georgia and other States, said Kemp was the worst of all Governors to deal with—he didn’t want to do anything to help with finding this massive Ballot Harvesting fraud. Brian Kemp should be voted out of office—vote for David Perdue. REMEMBER, Brian Kemp will never be able to win the General Election against Stacey “The Hoax” Abrams because a large number of Republicans just will not vote for him.

Piers Morgan, like the rest of the Fake News Media, attempted to unlawfully and deceptively edit his long and tedious in...

Piers Morgan, like the rest of the Fake News Media, attempted to unlawfully and deceptively edit his long and tedious interview with me. He wanted to make it look like I walked out on the interview when my time limit of 20 minutes went over by an hour. The good news is that the interview was taped by us as a means of keeping him honest. The interview was actually very strong on the 2020 Election Fraud, with me calling him “a fool” if he truly believed those results. The evidence is massive and irrefutable (check out Truth the Vote and the Dinesh D'Souza documentary, which will all be coming out soon). For those who want to make Piers look bad, compare his video promo and how it was doctored to the real thing. Hopefully they will now be doing some big changes to their final product. It just shows, however, what I have to deal with in the Fake News Media. He went out of his way to deceptively edit an interview and got caught. That is a big story, isn’t it

Our country’s economy has spun out of control.Across America, millions of families are struggling to pay for food at the...

Our country’s economy has spun out of control.

Across America, millions of families are struggling to pay for food at the grocery store, fill their cars up with gas, and cover the cost of their electric and heating bills; yet President Joe Biden is refusing to take any responsibility for the skyrocketing prices, and he’s doubled down on the radical agenda that caused this problem.

In July 2021, Biden stated, ""Our experts believe and our data shows that most of the price increases we’ve seen were expected and expected to be temporary.""

As time would show, President Biden could not have been more wrong.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the Consumer Price Index surged to a 40-year high of 8.5 percent.

Inflation forces families to borrow from their future to stay afloat today. By spending more money to put food on the table, keep the lights on, and keep up with normal expenses, millions of Americans are not able to save their money, invest, or pay off debt. For parents, this means not being able to invest in their children’s college funds. For a budding entrepreneur, this means not being able to save up and start their own business.

Read the full article here - https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/biden-democrats-inflation-prices-steve-scalise?msclkid=509fde94c0ce11ec801cfd09ea648275

The former president’s fundraising numbers, first reported by Fox News, between the three fundraising entities — Trump’s...

The former president’s fundraising numbers, first reported by Fox News, between the three fundraising entities — Trump’s Save America PAC, Save America JFC, and MAGA PAC — have hauled in over $19 million between January and March and have $124 million in cash on hand.

During the last fundraising quarter, the committees say an average donation of $28.04 came from 679,445 contributions. The committees also had 98.4 percent of the donations made under $200.

The former president’s latest fundraising haul shows that Trump is still widely popular within the Republican party. In fact, a poll last month showed that Trump held a significant 52 points lead in a potential 2024 Republican primary ahead of any closest competitor, while another poll showed that he was also far more popular than Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) in 2022 midterm swing states.

Taylor Budowich, the communications director for Trump and his Save America PAC, told Fox News that “President Donald J. Trump’s political organizations are positioned to carry his America First message into battleground races across the nation.”

Read the full article here - https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/04/19/donald-trump-remains-a-fundraising-juggernaut-19m-in-q1-124m-on-hand/?msclkid=6ffd416ac01711eca0bd74fa0832f66f

Former President Donald Trump made the most courageous decision of his post-presidency so far by endorsing J.D. Vance fo...

Former President Donald Trump made the most courageous decision of his post-presidency so far by endorsing J.D. Vance for the GOP Senate Primary in Ohio. Vance is an authentic representative of America’s populist tradition, contending against a field of establishment phonies. For the discontent that propelled Trump to the White House in 2016 to be addressed, Vance must find his way into the halls of the Senate. And thanks to Don’s nod, he likely will.

A disclosure: Vance and I are friends. We first met online around his conversion to Catholicism, a distant friendship that deepened at the height of the pandemic before we finally met “in real life,” as the kids say. And that’s a good place to start a brief for Vance. The Vance I’ve gotten to know over the past few years has something few politicians possess: namely, depth of soul.

Readers of his memoir, including liberals prepared to rise above their partisan hatred, will have glimpsed this quality in Hillbilly Elegy. Vance can be shrewd, yes. He is book-smart and people-smart. He rose from “the holler” to the stratospheric heights of Yale Law School and venture capital. But he is still foremost the grandson of “Mamaw”: the ferociously loyal guy who will offer to host you and your family for a weekend refuge from New York City’s lockdown madness while his wife is pregnant and he’s running for the Senate.

The book-smarts matter, too. Anyone who has spent any amount of time around members of Congress knows that most are absolute morons. Yes, they might possess a base kind of intelligence for flattery and for sniffing out others’ weaknesses. But genuine intelligence, deepened by serious reading, is something else. Vance has it. That obscure blog offering cutting-edge takes on this or that social problem? Chances are, he not only reads it but knows the author.

Read the full article here - https://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/j-d-vance-youre-hired/?msclkid=6160b75bc0ba11eca344c2359d7e219f

In case you need more proof that the conspiracy theory about Donald Trump that obsessed the press and congressional Demo...

In case you need more proof that the conspiracy theory about Donald Trump that obsessed the press and congressional Democrats for four years was made up by Hillary Clinton and her campaign, here comes another piece of evidence: John Durham reveals that the “A secret Trump server is communicating with a Russian bank” claim is bunk.

In a new filing, Durham reveals that the CIA concluded that cellphone data and Internet traffic provided by Clinton attorney Michael Sussmann was “not technically plausible” and “user created.” Just like the Christopher Steele dossier, they made it all up. Wish the CIA could have told us that.

Robert Mueller said as much, yet many on the left continued to ignore his absolution, just as they will likely ignore or paper over the special counsel’s conclusions. Clinton’s team invented a story, forged evidence, and then presented it to the FBI and CIA as if it was something worth pursuing, derailing a presidency for years.

Donald Trump is back in the Bronx.A state Supreme Court judge ruled Friday that the city did not have the right to cance...

Donald Trump is back in the Bronx.

A state Supreme Court judge ruled Friday that the city did not have the right to cancel Trump’s contract to run the Ferry Point Golf Course. Mayor Bill de Blasio had nixed the deal after the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot, arguing that Trump would not be able to attract golf tournaments.

In her decision and order filed on Friday, Justice Debra James said there was nothing in the contract that required a tournament — only that the city would share in any proceeds. That means either Trump gets to continue to run the course, or the city needs to pay him to leave. Trump’s son Eric said they’ll stay.

“The judge didn’t buy their nonsense and this is a well-reasoned and appropriate decision and we look forward to running the best golf course for years to come,” Eric Trump said.

De Blasio tried to freeze Trump out of all city contracts. The Parks Department had reassigned Ferry Point to an out-of-state operator, Bobby Jones Links, causing Trump to file an Article 78 to appeal that city move. It’s unclear how much it will cost the city to cancel the Bobby Jones contract.

As BLM-Antifa thugs ramp up activities ahead of the midterms, the hypocrisy and mammoth overreach of the Justice Departm...

As BLM-Antifa thugs ramp up activities ahead of the midterms, the hypocrisy and mammoth overreach of the Justice Department’s investigation into the Jan. 6, 2021, riot is coming into focus.

The first acquittal of a Jan. 6 defendant who was “waved” into the Capitol by cops is the latest sign that the so-called “armed insurrection” is not living up to the Democrats’ hype.

After the biggest probe in FBI history, not one charge of insurrection has been brought against any Trump supporter at the Capitol.

We are reminded with sickening regularity of the double standard of justice applied to BLM–Antifa’s insurrectionists, who tore up cities and attacked cops and federal property in the run-up to the 2020 election and have suffered few consequences.
In fact, they are more likely to be rewarded. Last week, the DOJ settled a lawsuit brought by civil-rights activists over the violent riots outside the White House from May 29 through June 3, 2020.

These “mostly peaceful protests,” as The Washington Post describes them, were so violent that then-President Donald Trump and his family had to be rushed to an underground bunker after the historic St John’s Church was set ablaze.

Dozens of federal officers were injured when they were pelted with bricks, rocks, caustic liquids, frozen water bottles, Molotov cocktails, rental scooters, fireworks and bottles of urine by rioters operating under the banner of Black Lives Matter — or, as BLM is now called by anyone who knows where the money went, “Buy Large Mansions.”

The national media lapped up the Dems’ fake narrative of protesters brutally ejected from the park so that Trump could pose for a photo.

Read the full article here - https://nypost.com/2022/04/17/democrats-are-campaigning-on-jan-6-hypocrisy/



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