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Latter Day Deception Latter Day Deception is about The Mormon 'church' also known as The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latte

MORMON QUOTE : Love should be our walk and our talk. (President Dieter F. Uchtdorf) Love doesn't preach or teach a FALSE...

MORMON QUOTE : Love should be our walk and our talk. (President Dieter F. Uchtdorf)

Love doesn't preach or teach a FALSE gospel to people that decieves them, puts them in spiritual bo***ge, leaves them with unresolved guilt, uncertainty and fear and leads them to an eternity in darkness completely separated from God with no way of escape and no way to change their doomed eternal destiny after death. Love does not lead their followers to their eternal doom.

MORMON QUOTE  "No failure ever need be final". Thomas S. Monson. This isn't true. There is such a thing as a final failu...

MORMON QUOTE "No failure ever need be final". Thomas S. Monson.

This isn't true. There is such a thing as a final failure and that is the failure to believe the gospel up until the time a person dies. Dying and going to a Christ-less grave will be the Mormon's final failure. To the Mormon (or anyone else who is trusting in themselves and their own good works for their salvation) if you don't turn from the way you're living now and turn to Jesus Christ the failure to place your trust in Jesus Christ for your salvation will be your final failure. Every Mormon needs to turn to Jesus Christ and place their trust in Jesus Christ alone for salvation. Joseph Smith cannot save anyone. Mormon prophets cannot save anyone. Your good works can't save you. Only Jesus Christ can save you. All you have to do is admit you're a sinner, (admit you are not a good person) admit you are lost and in need of a Savior, believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross to save you and place your faith and trust fully in Jesus Christ to save you.

Dying and going to a Christ-less grave will be the Mormon's final failure. If you are a Mormon reading this, please don't let that be you.

For the Mormon, death will not bring 'genesis of better worlds and greater light' as this false prophet Gordon Hinkley s...

For the Mormon, death will not bring 'genesis of better worlds and greater light' as this false prophet Gordon Hinkley says. On the contrary for the Mormon death will bring the terrifying realisation that they have been tricked and totally deceived and are eternally lost and will spend eternity separated from God because they placed their trust in a liar and false prophet Joseph Smith as well as all the other false prophets and leaders of the Mormon 'church'.

MORMON QUOTE "The sheep is worthy of divine rescue simply because it is loved by the shephard". We are not saved because...

"The sheep is worthy of divine rescue simply because it is loved by the shephard".

We are not saved because we are worthy, NONE of us are worthy! This is a very dangerous doctrine telling Mormons that they are good people and good enough which is not true and telling them they are worthy of God saving them which is also untrue. It is a belief that shows a heart that is lifted up with pride. The truth is we are all born with a sinful nature. We are all sinners who are in need of forgiveness of our sins and salvation which can only come through Jesus Christ because of what He did on the cross, dying on the cross for our sins. We are saved and forgiven because of God's grace and mercy, not because we are worthy of it. Unregenerated man takes pride in their good works but to God, all our righteousness is as filthy rags. All our good works in God's eyes are just like filthy rags - useless. If you're a Mormon you need to know the truth that all your righteousness is as filthy rags. They will never save you. They will never get you into heaven - never. (Incidentally there are not three kingdoms of glory. The Mormon teaching of a three-tiered, hiarachical kingdom of God (or rather three separate kingdoms) with different degrees of glory where people go after this life is over is a lie. It's false doctrine. The Mormon celestial kingdom, terrestrial kingdom and telestial kingdom do not exist. They never have and never will) Obeying the law can't save you. Going on a mission can't save you. Abstaining from certain foods and drinks can't save you. Wearing certain undergarments can't save you. Tithing can't save you either. You can't buy salvation. You can't buy your way into heaven. Your own good works can't save you. There is not one good work you can do to get a place in heaven. Only by humbling yourself and recognising you are a lost, wretched, selfish, wicked sinner with a self righteous heart, only by recognising your true state before God as that of a wretched, wicked lost sinner and by placing your trust in the Son of God Jesus Christ who died on the cross for your sins so that you could be saved and go to heaven can Jesus Christ save you. You may think you're good but the bible says otherwise. It says that the heart is deceitful and wicked. Jeremiah 17:9 says “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” The bible teaches that no one is worthy to go to heaven because all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. (Romans 3 v 23) We are all born sinners and all who are unsaved are dead in their sins. So it is by faith in Christ's payment for sin that we can be saved, receive God's free gift of eternal life and go to heaven forever. (Romans 6 v 23, Matthew 25 v 46) The person who places their faith and trust in Jesus Christ for their salvation becomes born again thus passing from death to life. We can never be worthy of God's love or worthy of salvation. And we can never earn salvation, it is a free gift from God. "But that's just a licence to sin" someone says. No, it's not. God's free gift of salvation is not a licence to sin, and if you think it is with respect that's just your own self righteous, judgemental attitude speaking as you attempt to judge others by your own standards. Salvation is a free gift from God. It is impossible to earn it. The bible says "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God. Not of works lest any man should boast. (Ephesians 2 v 8 - 9) If you are a Mormon I challenge you to read your Bible fully and see if these verses are in there. Mormon, you are trying to do an impossible task, you are trying to earn your way to heaven. Sadly that is an impossible task and one that every Mormon will fail. The only way to heaven and true salvation is to humble yourself, let go of all your self effort, admit you are a lost sinner on your way to hell and in need of salvation and place your trust in Jesus Christ to save you forgetting about ALL of your works. Outside of Christ your works are useless. They are self-serving and motivated by pride and self righteousness and as such they are worthless and mean nothing. The bible says "For we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousness are as filthy rags....." Isaiah 64 v 6. If you are trying to work your way to heaven you need to realise that it can't be done and in reality you are neither worthy nor righteous. You are a sinner. The good works and 'righteous' deeds you have done as a member of the Mormon church are useless. They will earn you absolutely nothing. The only way to God is through Jesus Christ. I'm talking about the true God, not the Mormon false god, the true God. God has always been God. God did not become God as Mormonism teaches, God has ALWAYS been God. The only way to get to heaven is through the Son Of God Jesus Christ. Place your trust in Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ alone for salvation. Not the mormon false 'Jesus' but the true Jesus Christ Who died on the cross for you so that you could be saved.

MORMON QUOTE"The sheep is worthy of divine rescue simply because it is loved by the shephard". We are not saved because ...

"The sheep is worthy of divine rescue simply because it is loved by the shephard".

We are not saved because we are worthy, NONE of us are worthy! This is a very dangerous doctrine telling Mormons that they are good people and good enough which is not true and telling them they are worthy of God saving them which is also untrue. It is a belief that shows a heart that is lifted up with pride. The truth is we are all born with a sinful nature. We are all sinners who are in need of forgiveness of our sins and salvation which can only come through Jesus Christ because of what He did on the cross, dying on the cross for our sins. We are saved and forgiven because of God's grace and mercy, not because we are worthy of it. Unregenerated man takes pride in their good works but to God, all our righteousness is as filthy rags. All our good works in God's eyes are just like filthy rags - useless. If you're a Mormon you need to know the truth that all your righteousness is as filthy rags. They will never save you. They will never get you into heaven - never. (Incidentally the Mormon teaching of a three-tiered, hiarachical kingdom of God with different degrees of glory where people go after this life is over is a lie. It's false doctrine. The Mormon celestial kingdom, terrestrial kingdom and telestial kingdom do not exist) Obeying the law can't save you. Going on a mission can't save you. Abstaining from certain foods and drinks can't save you. Wearing certain undergarments can't save you. Tithing can't save you either. You can't buy salvation. You can't buy your way into heaven. Your own good works can't save you. There is not one good work you can do to get a place in heaven. Only by humbling yourself and recognising you are a lost, wretched, selfish, wicked sinner with a self righteous heart, only by recognising your true state before God as that of a wretched, wicked lost sinner and by placing your trust in the Son of God Jesus Christ who died on the cross for your sins so that you could be saved and go to heaven can Jesus Christ save you. You may think you're good but the bible says otherwise. It says that the heart is deceitful and wicked. Jeremiah 17:9 says “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?” The bible teaches that no one is worthy to go to heaven because all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. (Romans 3 v 23) We are all born sinners and all who are unsaved are dead in their sins. So it is by faith in Christ's payment for sin that we can be saved, receive God's free gift of eternal life and go to heaven forever. (Romans 6 v 23, Matthew 25 v 46) The person who places their faith and trust in Jesus Christ for their salvation becomes born again thus passing from death to life. We can never be worthy of God's love or worthy of salvation. And we can never earn salvation, it is a free gift from God. "But that's just a licence to sin" someone says. No, it's not. God's free gift of salvation is not a licence to sin, and if you think it is with respect that's just your own self righteous, judgemental attitude speaking as you attempt to judge others by your own standards. Salvation is a free gift from God. It is impossible to earn it. The bible says "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God. Not of works lest any man should boast. (Ephesians 2 v 8 - 9) If you are a Mormon I challenge you to read your Bible fully and see if these verses are in there. Mormon, you are trying to do an impossible task, you are trying to earn your way to heaven. Sadly that is an impossible task and one that every Mormon will fail. The only way to heaven and true salvation is to humble yourself, let go of all your self effort, admit you are a lost sinner on your way to hell and in need of salvation and place your trust in Jesus Christ to save you forgetting about ALL of your works. Outside of Christ your works are useless. They are self-serving and motivated by pride and self righteousness and as such they are worthless and mean nothing. The bible says "For we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousness are as filthy rags....." Isaiah 64 v 6. If you are trying to work your way to heaven you need to realise that it can't be done and in reality you are neither worthy nor righteous. You are a sinner. The good works and 'righteous' deeds you have done as a member of the Mormon church are useless. They will earn you absolutely nothing. The only way to God is through Jesus Christ. I'm talking about the true God, not the Mormon false god, the true God. God has always been God. God did not become God as Mormonism teaches, God has ALWAYS been God. The only way to get to heaven is through the Son Of God Jesus Christ. Place your trust in Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ alone for salvation. Not the mormon false 'Jesus' but the true Jesus Christ Who died on the cross for you so that you could be saved.

Mormon Quote: "If you are on the right path it will be uphill". Sadly Mormons are on the WRONG path that will lead to an...

Mormon Quote: "If you are on the right path it will be uphill".

Sadly Mormons are on the WRONG path that will lead to an eternity in darkness in hell completely separated from God. People who refuse the light because they love darkness and do not want truth, people who refuse to give up their self righteousness but would rather follow a false religion, a false cult, false prophets and false teachings will be given what they want after this life is over. They will be given more darkness when this life is over. Mormons who refuse the true gospel will spend eternity in darkness. It is heartbreaking to think of the deception that is taking place with the Mormon church, a totally false church. The Mormon false prophets, Presidents, bishops and all Mormon leaders will surely answer to God for deceiving millions of people including children and the young people being sent on 'missions'. They will answer to God for leading people away from God and the true gospel.


Latter Day Satans: Mormons Exposed. This is a new documentary Pillar Baptist Church is working on. In this film we go deep into what the Mormon church believ...


Joseph Smith & Brigham Young practised pe******ia and polygamy. Mormon Moment #4 Mormons LDS "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" Exposed. Serie...


The Mormons believe that Moses and King David are not in Heaven! "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints" Exposed. Series of short videos exposing s...


#2 According to Joseph Smith you have to pay for eternal life by working for it and enduring until the end. Series of short videos exposing some of the mormo...


#1 The Bible isn't enough according to the Book of Moron. Series of short videos exposing some of the mormons (LDS) strange doctrines found in the "Book of M...


Series of short videos exposing some of the mormons (LDS) strange doctrines found in the "Book of Mormon", "Doctrine and Covenants" and "The Pearl of Great P...


Great page!


Mormon Quote. "It is more important than ever to make our families the center of our lives and the top of our priorities...

Mormon Quote. "It is more important than ever to make our families the center of our lives and the top of our priorities".

For true Christians Jesus Christ is the centre of their life and if He isn't He is supposed to be. The bible tells us to put God first in our lives and this is what true Christians strive to do. None of us are perfect but if we have truly been converted and are true believers in Jesus Christ we will have within us a yearning and a longing for God to be the centre of our lives. This quote encourages people to make fheir family the centre of their life but when someone makes their family the centre of their life they make their family an idol. Our families are a gift from God and should be a blessing but we have to remember that families are temporary. They are in effect on loan to us from God. The Mormon doctrine that earthly families are eternal and will stay together forever is a lie. When this life is over all families (including all marriages) will come to an end. So we need to put God first and make Him the centre of our lives. Families are temporary, God is eternal. The bible says "For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven." Matthew 22 v 30. Once again, the Mormon false doctrine that families are eternal and will stay together forever in heaven is a lie. Families are temporary and will come to an end after a person dies.

Mormon Quote " Our task is to help others find the peace and the joy that only the gospel can give them".The false 'gosp...

Mormon Quote " Our task is to help others find the peace and the joy that only the gospel can give them".

The false 'gospel' of mormonism does not bring peace or joy because the mormon must look to himself or herself and his or her own good works in order to earn their salvation. They are relying on their own performance to earn their place in heaven which is impossible. They will always be unsure and have secret anxieties and fear when it comes to their salvation because they have placed their trust in a false prophet (Joseph Smith) and other false prophets and leaders or Presidents of the Mormon Church such as Brigham Young, Spencer W Kimball, Ezra Taft, Gordon B Hinkley, Thomas Monson, Russell Nelson etc and deep down they know they are sinful and rotten to the core and they will never be good enough to earn their place in heaven. Mormonism is a false cult founded on the lies of its founder a false prophet Joseph Smith and as such is utterly wicked just like it's founder because it gives false hope. Mormonism can never give true peace or true joy because it is a false cult and just like the JW, Scientology, The International Churches of Christ, (ICOC,) The International Christian Church (ICC) and other deceptive false cults it is just another road to hell. Sadly Mormons and the ICC cult have infiltrated genuine Christian groups on FB. They need to be removed because they are both dangerous and will lead people away from God onto a path that leads straight to hell. . People's souls are at stake.


Mormon Quotes.
At times Mormons have posted Mormon pics and videos in Christian groups and on Christian pages. By doing so they hope to persuade people that Mormonism is a Christian religion when we know it is not. In future, instead of just removing the posts we will repost some of them and add our own comments to them in response. This way we get to answer these pro-Mormon statements with a Christian and biblical response.




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