Locked in my two-room house for the past 40 days, I stand daily near my window smiling at the sunlight, and appreciating the rare blue skies of .
Much like the rest of the world that finds itself in an unprecedented lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic, I too struggle to make sense of this isolation and .
I have looked outside to find life in the past as well. Not through a window, but through bars, outside my solitary confinement ward in Delhi’s Central Jail.
The past one-and-a-half months have been a replay of the memories of my 14 years in three different jails.
But for all the metaphors of ‘prison’, this isn’t prison. Nothing kills human spirit like prison does.
I call all these a ‘luxury’ because many of our fellow citizens, the homeless and the migrants, are away from their homes and families. Most of them are struggling for even two meals a day!
India’s prisons are still operating under the colonial structure, with little scope for human rehabilitation. The demand for reforming the system is urgent, and it cannot be delayed. I hope the teaches us that...!
~Md. Aamir Khan Writes
Md Aamir Khan was wrongly imprisoned for 14 years. He writes India’s lockdown is nothing like imprisonment or living in an 8x6-feet cell.