With Gamescon wrapped up and lots of AAA titles coming soon its hard not to get caught up in the hype.
These days it seems like the more hype a game has the more it sales. Which makes since but its a dangerous path we are walking down. What i mean is if the trailer looks good and the creative team release the game the right way. These company's can literately get away with theft.
For example, Anthem
one of the most hyped up games to date and the game still doesn't even run on most consoles.
Battlefield 5 even after six or seven big patches the game is still full of major bugs and we're talking EA here, one of the biggest gaming company's on the planet.
And i'm not blaming these companys for doing this, i blame us as a gaming community, we all get so caught up in hype that we just throw our money away and then expect these corporations to feel bad. If someone wants to give me money for half a product that i can release a whole year ahead of schedule, yo, I would tell the dev team to send that sh@ # too.
All i'm saying is we need to slow down and really start making these companys work for our hard earned money again. demand true alphas not pre pre alphas, followed by a solid beta before release for gamers that truly understand the need for releasing a complete game.
If we keep following this trend we will be paying for games that are still being built and coded . Its not right and we need to come together as a community and let these company know that the days of us just giving our money away for half a game, then also charging us for future content, as well as charging us for old content while simultaneously making the game pay to win,
are done.
rant over,