Managed to get around to re-recording my set after I fu**ed up recording the set I did on the day 🙈.
Still riding the high from this! Thankyou Mikey for the opportunity for me to get up there and do my thing, I couldn't wipe the smile off of my face if I tried! 😁
Everyone else from Ascension and Esoteric, you all know how much I love and appreciate you ❤️ ❤️
Thankyou to everyone that was there having a stomp to my set! Absaloutely loved the energy that was on the dance floor! ❤️ And for those who weren't there have a listen 😊
Listen to Anomaly @ Esoteric 2024 by Anomaly ..:.:Aus:.:.. on
Anomaly @ Esoteric Ascension Stage | Friday 12:30-1:30PM | 142-145bpm > One Function - Natura (Original Mix) Clean Noise - Artificial Intelligence (Original Mix) Sonic Species, Mr P