Galactica Media: Journal of Media Studies

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Galactica Media: Journal of Media Studies Galactica Media: Journal of Media Studies is a periodic academic e-journal without printed forms (since 2019). Journal publishes articles on quarterly basis.

The journal publishes scholastic articles, reviews, information resources, reports of expeditions, conferences and other scientific materials. Our online edition is devoted to the topical issues in the field of studies of media and mass culture in the broadest coverage of: history, cultural studies, anthropology, philosophy, etc. The title of the journal was chosen as a reference to the work of th

e famous theorist of media culture, Herbert Marshall McLuhan, who in his periodization of the invention and assimilation by mankind of mass communications (media) introduced the concept of "Galaxy" (Galaxy of Gutenberg, Galaxy Marconi, etc.). Aim and Scope
Project goal is to create a virtual platform for exchange of views and discussions in the field of studies of media and mass culture. We strive to ensure that our network publishing performs an important scientific function – communication and information, which allows not only to accumulate new achievements in this area, but also serves as the basis for new discoveries and insights. Online edition maintains its principles – to ensure the intercultural dialogue and to reduce the conflict of civilizations. It adheres to the philosophy of non-violence, cultural and religious tolerance. The editorial Board aims at removing language barriers while maintaining respect for the national culture of each nation, residing on the small planet Earth. We accept articles in the following spheres:

History including anthropology;
Theory and history of culture. But this does not mean at all that articles and other materials of the authors written in other branches of knowledge will be categorically rejected. All materials submitted to the editors will be carefully selected and sent for double-blind review. Which does not mean though that any article sent to the editor will be accepted for our online edition. Any unscientific or not based on facts article will be rejected by the editors. All articles are published FREE, but the fee is not paid to the authors. The Author Self-Archiving Policy
This journal permits and encourages authors to post items submitted to the journal on personal websites or institutional repositories both prior to and after publication, while providing bibliographic details that credit, if applicable, its publication in this journal. The list of currently relevant sections:
General Theory
Subaltern Studies and Media
Game Studies
Cinema Studies
Mass Culture
New Media and Human Communication
Body Oriented Media Theory
Media Literacy Skills
Media Activism
Media Ecology
Critics & Reviews

Submissions | Galactica Media: Journal of Media Studies

2021. Vol 3. No 3: “Any Media… is hilarious” - more>>>
Deadline for abstract submission (up to 250 words) – June 10, 2021 | Deadline for submission of manuscripts for specialized issue August 10, 2021

It is difficult to imagine a society where humor is completely absent. From ancient times to the present day, this phenomenon performs the most important functions: from psychological détente to reflection of the socio-cultural and political atmosphere in which this or that community resides. Since the XVIII century, it has also become an instrument of mass communication and political struggle, and becomes an integral part of the mass media.

We used in the title of this special issue for a reason the paraphrase of Will Rogers' saying in Marshall McLuhan's book "Media Understanding" (the original sounds like this: "Any newspaper read aloud from a theater stage is hilarious"), because the well-known thesis of the Toronto School of Communication Theory about the mutual influence of communication and the media, which transmits it, can be reactivated in the direction of the mutual influence of humor as a way to interpret information, on the one hand, and specific media as a way to convey this information, on the other. But in this context a number of important issues for modern communications researchers arise: what happens to media once it is "infected" by humor? Does humor necessarily satisfy the need for entertainment, as claimed by Neil Postman? Can humor have a "serious face"? Parody, caricature, irony, satire -- is there something constructive in them for communication? Does "Humor is always a monopoly of the semi-literate" (McLuhan)?

Guest editor: Sergey Troitskiy, PhD in Philosophy, Senior Researcher (Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia), Senior Lecturer (St. Petersburg State University), Director (Center for Cultural Exclusion and Frontier Zones, Sociological Institute - Branch of Federal Sociological Center of RAS)

Issues for discussion include (but are not limited to) such topics as:

- Humor as a tool for political communication;

- Caricature in the information flow;

- Irony as "channel malfunction" or content reshaping;

- Humor as the "third world of reference" (Kozintsev);

- Humor: communication vs dyscommunication;

- Humor in the context of social criticism in contemporary mass culture;

- Humor – the monopoly of semi-literate, or the fate of intellectuals;

- Humor as a deconstruction tool.

- The "Late night show" phenomenon

Deadline for abstract submission (up to 250 words) – June 10, 2021. You can submit an abstract by clicking on the link:

Deadline for submission of manuscripts for specialized issue August 10, 2021. You can send your manuscripts through the electronic manuscript submission system marked "For the thematic issue "Any media is hilarious...". – Manuscript submission system (please read manuscript requirements carefully) – or by email: [email protected]

All papers are first reviewed by the Guest editors, then peer reviewed by two experts, and only then the editorial board makes the final decision to include the article in the issue.

Our site is moderated automatically. Consequently, articles uploaded to our site are first controlled by an automated system, and then routed to our editorial staff. Any non-compliance with our outlined standards will prevent uploading your work, even if it otherwise meets all academic article requi...

Submissions | Galactica Media: Journal of Media Studies

CFP для специального выпуска 2021. Vol 3. No 3: «Любые медиа вызывают смех, если…» - подробнее >>>

Дедлайн подачи аннотации (до 250 слов) – 10 июня 2021 | Дедлайн подачи рукописей для специализированного выпуска 10 августа 2021 года

Трудно представить общество, где бы юмор полностью отсутствовал. С древних времён и по сей день — это явление выполняет важнейшие функции: от психологической разрядки до рефлексии социокультурной и политической атмосферы, в которой пребывает тот или иной социум. Юмор является и инструментом коммуникации. А с XVIII в. он превращается также в инструмент массовой коммуникации и политической борьбы, и становится неотъемлемой частью масс-медиа.

Мы не зря использовали в названии этого специального номера парафраз изречения Уилла Роджерса, приведённого в книге Маршала Маклюэна «Понимание Медиа» (оригинал звучит так: «Любая газета вызывает веселый смех, если прочесть ее вслух с театральной сцены»), так как хорошо известный тезис Торонстской школы теории коммуникации о взаимовлиянии сообщения и медиа, его передающего, может быть переакцентирован в сторону взаимовлияния юмора как способа интерпретации информации, с одной стороны, и конкретных медиа как способа передачи этой информации, с другой. Но в этом ключе возникает ряд важных для современных исследователей коммуникации вопросов: что происходит с медиа, как только оно оказывается «инфицировано» юмором? Обязательно ли юмор, как утверждает Нил Постман, удовлетворяет потребность в развлечении? Может ли иметь юмор «серьезное лицо»? Пародия, карикатура, ирония, сатира -- есть ли в них что-то конструктивное для коммуникации? Всегда ли «Юмор – монополия полуграмотных» (Маклюэн)?

Приглашённый редактор номера: Сергей Александрович Троицкий, к. филос. н., Российский государственный педагогический университет им. А.И. Герцена | Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет | Центр изучения зон культурного отчуждения и пограничья Социологического института РАН - Филиала ФНИСЦ РАН, Россия

Вопросы для обсуждения включают в себя (но не ограничиваются) такими темами как:

- Юмор как инструмент политической коммуникации

- Карикатура в информационном потоке

- Ирония как «сбой в канале» или переформатирование содержания

- Юмор как «третий мир референции» (Козинцев)

- Юмор: коммуникация vs дискоммуникация

- Юмор в срезе социальной критики в современной массовой культуре

- Юмор – монополия полуграмотных, или удел интеллектуалов.

- Юмор как инструмент деконструкции.

- Феномен новостных программ «Late night show»

Дедлайн подачи аннотации (до 250 слов) – 10 июня 2021. Подать аннотацию можно по ссылке:

Дедлайн подачи рукописей для специализированного выпуска 10 августа 2021 года. Вы можете направить свои рукописи через электронную систему подачи рукописей с пометкой для редактора «Для тематического номера “Любые медиа вызывают смех, если…”» - Система отправки материалов (пожалуйста, прочтите внимательно требования к материалам) - или по email: [email protected]

Все материалы проходят сначала рассмотрение выпускающими редакторами, затем два специалиста в этой области проводят параллельно слепое рецензирование каждой статьи, и только потом редакционная коллегия принимает окончательное решение о включении статьи в номер.

Our site is moderated automatically. Consequently, articles uploaded to our site are first controlled by an automated system, and then routed to our editorial staff. Any non-compliance with our outlined standards will prevent uploading your work, even if it otherwise meets all academic article requi...


A special issue of our journal will be released on Friday. This experimental issue was planned as an attempt to start a big project consisting of several special issues analyzing media and communication problems in the regions of Africa and Asia. It so happened that in the process of working on the first issue we faced a certain dilemma: to make the whole issue on Africa, or to focus our attention on one country. As a result, the choice was made for Nigeria. To be more exact, our editors have convinced us that such an issue should start with Nigeria, because in this country, as a certain optical instrument, many problems typical for other African countries have been reflected. We hope that this attempt will serve as a starting point for other special issues in which similar problems in other regions will be discussed. At least this year, we intend to make another issue, but already on Asia.

This issue presents contemporary debates on topics raised in media, cultural and social studies in Africa's ever-changing mediascape. The authors critically analysed current theoretical advances in communication, culture and society; evaluated theoretical and epistemological approaches to regional research; and discussed the relevance of development models in various national media.

The issue may be of interest to a wide range of readers, from those working in African studies to those interested in media and communications studies.

Guest Editors: Ben-Collins Ndinojuo & Aniefiok Udoudo (University of Port Harcourt. Port Harcourt, Nigeria)


Через пару дней выйдет специальный номер нашего журнала, который задумывался как попытка начать большой проект, состоящий из нескольких специальных выпусков, в которых анализировались бы проблемы медиа и коммуникации в регионах Африки и Азии. Так получилось, что в ходе работы над первым выпуском мы оказались перед некой дилеммой: сделать выпуск целиком по Африке, или сосредоточить свое внимание на одной стране. В результате выбор пал на Нигерию. Точнее наши редакторы убедили нас, что подобный выпуск надо начать с Нигерии, так как в этой стране как в определенном оптическом инструменте отразились многие проблемы, характерные и для других стран Африки. Надеемся, что данная попытка послужит началом и для других специальных выпусков, в которых будут обсуждаться схожие проблемы на примере и других регионов. По крайней мере уже в этом году мы намереваемся сделать еще одни номер, но уже по странам Азии.

В данном выпуске представлены современные дискуссии по проблемам, поднимаемым в исследованиях медиа, культуры и общества в постоянно меняющихся ландшафтах Африки. Авторы критически проанализировали текущие теоретические разработки в области коммуникации, культуры и общества; оценили теоретические и эпистемологические подходы к региональным исследованиям; порассуждали об актуальности моделей развития в различных национальных СМИ.

Номер может быть интересен широкому кругу читателей, начиная от специалистов, работающих в области исследований проблем Африки, до интересующихся научными изысканиями в области медиа и коммуникаций.

Приглашённые редакторы: Ндиножуо Бен-Коллинс & Удудо Анифиок (Университет Порт Харкорт. Порт Харкорт, Нигерия)

Noise Ontology and Yushkevich’s Glass: an Interview with Philosopher Alla Mitrofanova | Galactica Media: Journal of Media Studies

Noise Ontology and Yushkevich’s Glass: an Interview with Philosopher Alla Mitrofanova

Alina S. Holmowaia
Saint Petersburg State University

The interview discusses the problematic field of non-classical epistemologies, cyberfeminism, unstable ontologies and contemporary philosophy of technology. Alla Mitrofanova — philosopher, cyber theorist, one of the creators of the cyberfeminist International. Her scientific interests are the theory of technologically mediated culture and feminist philosophy. The interview begins with questions about how the cyberfeminist movement was shaped, how cyberfeminism can be integrated in the 20th century history of thought and also what cyberfeminism offers as a philosophical concept now. The main concepts of the interview are “noise ontology”, “intersectional feminism”, the epistemological “glass” of Russian philosopher P. Yushkevich, neorationalism. The meaning of these concepts unfolds through an appeal to the Mach-Marxist tradition.

The interview discusses the problematic field of non-classical epistemologies, cyberfeminism, unstable ontologies and contemporary philosophy of technology. Alla Mitrofanova — philosopher, cyber theorist, one of the creators of the cyberfeminist International. Her scientific interests are the theo...

Beyond the Horizon of Media Ontologies | Galactica Media: Journal of Media Studies

Beyond the Horizon of Media Ontologies: Instant Introduction

Yozhi Stolet (Saint-Petersburg State University of Culture and Arts) & Alina S. Holmowaia (Saint Petersburg State University

The article in brief presents all the main concepts and problems the authors of the issue are engaged in, also the article contains brief descriptions of the articles. New anthropological, sociological, philosophical, political projects suggested by posthumanist researchers and united by a critique of «Human» necessarily include a critique of the anthropomorphic perception of technology and media as a «natural» environment serving humanity. All articles examine new forms of such a new agency, which irrevocably change the subject and constantly crossing the dualistic boundaries as human/non-human, artificial/natural, cultural/natural.

The article in brief presents all the main concepts and problems the authors of the issue are engaged in, also the article contains brief descriptions of the articles. New anthropological, sociological, philosophical, political projects suggested by posthumanist researchers and united by a critique....


Galactica Media: Journal of Media Studies



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Galactica Media: Journal of Media Studies

This project is a truly ambitious initiative that serves to disseminate scientific intellectual knowledge and information in the field of media and popular culture (history, cultural studies, anthropology, philosophy, etc.) in the modern world community.

It is not for nothing that we used the epithet ambitious, since from the very beginning of its inception and preparation, it really is such. The project was started in 2018 by a small group of enthusiasts, young scientists whose interests lie in the above-mentioned areas of ​​research.

1. First of all, we have assembled a truly big international team to become the members of our editorial board, people from different parts of our “small global village” called planet Earth, as media culture theorist Herbert Marshall McLuhan put it. Our editors are leading scholars in the field of media and popular culture from Russia, USA, UK, Spain, Austria, Sweden, India, Sri Lanka, China, Malaysia, Ghana.

2. Therefore, we chose English (the international language of science) and Russian (as the project is an initiative of Russian scientists) as the working languages ​​of the online journal.