I Hate Randoms Pt.4 | Finally found a SQUAD???
Did all the frustration from playing with those randoms finally pay off? Did i just find my crew? My Squad? I think I did!!! In this video we won back to back games. In acuality we won 4 in a row, two games after our first two wins. Two teams of Duos, with two different strategies, all working together to get this money!!!!!
BR Solos | First ever Win
I really dont play BR mode much. Mainly cause its very hard to win. One day I decided to play a solo match, and I actually won. I think I did decent. What do ya'll think?
I Hate Randoms Pt. 3 | Plunder-Quads
This match was a QUAD match. Only one of my teammates quit, so I didnt see the point in starting a new match. A win is still possible, but no, my other teammates were TRASH. Watch me go HAM, and carry my squad to the finish line.
I Hate Randoms Pt.2 | Plunder-Duos
Once again, teammate quit on me, and once again I kept playing. This time I was focusintg on kills only, not realy getting contracts or crates. Was is a waste of time? Or were the Kills/XP worth it?
I Hate Randoms Pt.1 | Plunder-Duos
So in this episode i have only one teammate, and he decides to quits 4 minutes into the match. I chose to keep playing, and I think it was worth my time. Focused on Contracts and Crates only, played it safe and avoided the fight.