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When it comes to organizational success, effective leadership takes center stage. But cultivating competent leaders, pro...

When it comes to organizational success, effective leadership takes center stage. But cultivating competent leaders, proficient in a range of core skills, requires more than mere aspiration. It demands a systematic approach. This is where our Leadership Development Competency Framework shines, providing a structured pathway to foster capable leaders across all levels of your organization.

Unlocking Leadership Potential with Our Competency Framework

Our Leadership Development Competency Framework is a comprehensive tool designed to define, develop, and differentiate leadership competencies across all hierarchical levels - from frontline managers to directors, vice presidents, and C-level executives.

The framework doesn't just list the essential leadership skills; it dives deep into each competency, mapping out what proficiency looks like at different organizational levels. This approach tailors leadership development to the unique demands of each role, making the progression from one level to the next a clear, achievable path.

Why Your Organization Needs Our Framework

What makes our framework an indispensable tool for your organization? Here are some key reasons:

Setting Clear Expectations: By defining what proficiency in each leadership competency looks like at different organizational levels, our framework provides clear expectations for leaders. This clarity helps leaders know what they need to achieve, fostering a focus on personal growth and development.
Identifying and Closing Skill Gaps: The framework facilitates a 360-degree feedback approach, helping to identify leaders' strengths and weaknesses and pinpoint existing skills gaps. With this knowledge, your organization can develop targeted strategies to address these gaps, enabling leaders to improve in areas where they need it most.
Enabling Continuous Learning: The Leadership Development Competency Framework encourages continuous learning and development. Leaders are given a roadmap for growth, fostering an organizational culture that values continuous improvement and personal development.
Preparing Leaders for Tomorrow: Leadership needs change as organizations evolve. Our framework encourages periodic re-evaluation of leadership skills and competencies, ensuring that leaders remain prepared for the demands of tomorrow.
How to Benefit from Our Framework

To reap the benefits of our Leadership Development Competency Framework, follow these simple steps:

Download the Framework: Begin by downloading our comprehensive framework. It's structured in an easy-to-understand format, providing a detailed exploration of each leadership competency.
Apply the Framework: Next, implement the framework within your organization. Use it to set clear expectations for each leadership level, and as a benchmark for evaluating your leaders' skills and proficiency.
Facilitate Feedback and Learning: Encourage a culture of feedback within your organization. Use the framework as a basis for 360-degree feedback sessions, and to identify and address skill gaps.
Foster Continuous Growth: Finally, use the framework to foster an environment of continuous learning and growth. Regularly revisit the leadership competencies, adjusting them as necessary to match the evolving needs of your organization.

Read the conclusion here

Accountability in Leadership: The Keystone of Trust and PerformanceIn the realm of leadership competencies, accountabili...

Accountability in Leadership: The Keystone of Trust and Performance

In the realm of leadership competencies, accountability stands out as a hallmark trait that not only reflects a leader's character but also significantly influences team dynamics, culture, and performance. Accountability goes beyond just "owning up" to actions; it signifies a leader's commitment to outcomes and their readiness to take responsibility for both successes and failures.

Why is Accountability So Crucial for Leaders?

Going From Dread To Hope In Your Upcoming Performance Review CycleAs the end of the year approaches, many companies brac...

Going From Dread To Hope In Your Upcoming Performance Review Cycle

As the end of the year approaches, many companies brace themselves for the annual performance review cycle. For employees and managers alike, this period often conjures feelings of dread. The anticipation of judgment, the fear of underperforming, and the general stress associated with these reviews can overshadow their intended purpose – growth and improvement. If you're among those who view the performance review cycle with trepidation, it might feel like it's too late to make any significant changes for the better. However, there’s a glimmer of hope on the horizon.

Understanding the Dread

Before diving into solutions, it’s crucial to understand why performance reviews often elicit a sense of dread. Traditionally, these reviews focus on evaluating past performance, which can feel like a final verdict on a year's worth of work. They often highlight areas of weakness or failure, which can be demoralizing. Additionally, the process can seem rigid and disconnected from daily work experiences, making feedback feel less relevant or actionable.

The Glimmer of Hope: A/B Testing in Performance Reviews

In various business sectors, A/B testing has become a popular method to compare two versions of a strategy to see which performs better. Interestingly, this concept can be applied to performance reviews. The idea is simple: take a small team within the organization, perhaps just 5-10 individuals, and pilot a different approach to performance reviews alongside the existing process. This small-scale experiment could pave the way for significant improvements in the way your company conducts these evaluations.

Choosing the Pilot Team

The first step in this process is selecting the right team for the pilot. It should be a diverse group representing different roles, levels of experience, and perspectives. This diversity ensures that the findings from the pilot are comprehensive and applicable across the organization. It might be tempting to find a team that is enthusiastic about change, but remember that a successful solution will need to be rolled out to the entire organization, not just those that are excited for something new.

Selecting the Different Approach Read the full article here

Stop Blindsiding Your TeamThe performance review process is an integral component of the employee experience. These revi...

Stop Blindsiding Your Team

The performance review process is an integral component of the employee experience. These reviews not only evaluate an individual's contributions to a company, but they also set the course for personal and professional development. When executed correctly, performance reviews can inspire, motivate, and direct. However, a poorly executed review can deflate, demotivate, and even devastate an employee, especially if they’re blindsided by unexpected negative feedback.

Why Do Employees Get Blindsided?

To tackle this problem, it's crucial to understand why it happens in the first place. Some common reasons include:

Misalignment of Expectations: When an employee's perception of their job responsibilities doesn't match that of their manager's, it's a recipe for surprise feedback. Without a shared understanding of what success looks like, reviews can be unpredictable.

Infrequent Feedback: If feedback is only shared annually, the accumulation of a year's worth of observations can be overwhelming for an employee. This can lead to situations where minor issues, which could have been corrected earlier, snowball into significant performance concerns.

Incomplete Assessments: Some managers, often unintentionally, may focus only on recent achievements or failures, overlooking an employee's consistent efforts throughout the year. This is known as "recency bias". Others might miss out on certain aspects of an employee’s contributions altogether, failing to recognize all the dimensions of their role.

How Can Managers Avoid Blindsiding Their Team? Find out here

Performance + AI: Your Managers are Going to Love YouIn an era defined by digital acceleration, companies around the wor...

Performance + AI: Your Managers are Going to Love You

In an era defined by digital acceleration, companies around the world are harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance productivity and streamline operations. However, AI’s potential extends beyond merely automating repetitive tasks and analyzing vast amounts of data. It has the capability to transform the most human-centric functions in an organization, such as performance management, by aiding in setting expectations, crafting career progressions, summarizing performance-related information, and suggesting personal development goals and resources.

Setting Expectations with AI

One of the greatest challenges managers face is establishing clear and realistic expectations. This involves not just delineating job descriptions but also setting performance benchmarks. The problem often lies in the lack of quantifiable data and subjectivity involved.

Enter AI. With its data processing capabilities, AI can analyze large amounts of employee data from different roles, industries, and organizations to draft comprehensive and personalized job expectations and descriptions. By comparing profiles, AI can identify key skills, responsibilities, and tasks associated with a particular role, reducing the risk of ambiguity and discrepancy. This paves the way for more clarity and alignment in job roles, allowing managers to efficiently guide their team members.

Drafting Career Progressions

For managers, planning career progressions can be complex and time-consuming. They have to consider a myriad of factors like an employee's skillset, potential, career aspirations, and market trends.

AI can make this process more manageable and objective. By utilizing predictive analytics, AI can project potential career paths based on an individual's skills, performance, and preferences. Furthermore, it can compare career trajectories of similar profiles and suggest suitable upskilling or cross-skilling opportunities. Managers, therefore, can provide informed advice and guide their employees towards meaningful career progression, enhancing employee satisfaction and retention.

Summarizing Performance-Related Information

Performance reviews are pivotal in any organization, offering a means for managers and employees to assess performance, identify strengths, and areas for improvement. However, preparing for these reviews can be daunting, with managers often sifting through piles of data and information.

AI can assist by gathering and analyzing performance-related data such as project completion rates, goal attainment, peer feedback, and more. It can then draft comprehensive performance reviews, providing a detailed, unbiased overview of an employee's performance. By automating this task, AI liberates managers to focus more on having constructive, forward-looking conversations with their employees during review sessions.

Suggesting Personal Development Goals and Action Plans

Personal development goals are a cornerstone of continuous improvement and professional growth. However, defining these goals and the corresponding action plans can be a challenge.

AI comes into play here by analyzing an individual's performance, skills, interests, and career aspirations. It can suggest tailored personal development goals that align with an individual's career progression and the organization's objectives. Further, AI can draft detailed action plans, identifying the steps needed to achieve these goals, and set measurable milestones. This enables managers to foster a culture of continuous learning and growth within their teams.

Proposing Resources for Individual Growth

Identifying appropriate resources for employee development—such as training courses, mentorship programs, or online learning platforms—can be a time-consuming task for managers.

AI, with its ability to sift through vast amounts of data, can recommend suitable resources tailored to an individual's learning style, career goals, and skill gaps. These could range from specific online courses or workshops to relevant books or industry conferences. By providing these recommendations, AI can assist managers in supporting their team's growth and performance improvement.


Performance management is a vital, yet often challenging aspect of a manager’s role. But with the advent of AI, the future of performance management is changing. By harnessing AI's capabilities in setting expectations, drafting career progressions, summarizing performance data, suggesting development goals, and identifying resources, managers can truly focus on what matters most - nurturing their team's potential and leading them to success.

So, get ready to embrace the AI revolution in performance management. After all, when technology and human ingenuity come together, the possibilities are limitless. Remember, the objective of AI is not to replace the human touch, but to enhance it, allowing managers to be more efficient, effective, and empathetic leaders. Your managers are going to love AI, and so will you!

The new service is available on a flat-fee basis, allowing businesses to reduce ongoing expenses and secure more hires w...

The new service is available on a flat-fee basis, allowing businesses to reduce ongoing expenses and secure more hires within budget. The process is managed by recruiters with decades of industry experience.

For more information, please visit

The difficulties facing companies in traditional recruiting processes can be numerous - from lengthy job posting periods to high costs per hire. With the announcement, Whitmarsh Consulting Group aims to alleviate those pain points through a fully managed solution that is suitable for businesses of all sizes.

The company offers a four-tier structure to connect clients with the caliber of talent they seek. Tier 1 caters to executive-level openings of $150,000 salaries or more. Tier 2 connects companies to candidates earning between $70,000 and $149,999. Tier 3 focuses on openings from $35,000 to $69,999, while Tier 4 aids in recruiting for roles up to $34,999.

Payments are split into an initial charge and a subsequent fee once the position is filled to allow businesses to only invest further once they have acquired the right hire.

Whitmarsh Consulting Group connects companies to qualified and thoroughly-vetted candidates while reducing expenses and relieving the HR department of talent acquisition demands. The external focus of Recruiter Share and HireMojo also lends itself to high-touch candidate relationship building that keeps applicants engaged.

By expanding and optimizing the hiring process, Whitmarsh Consulting Group can also reduce employee turnover rates. Retention originates from the beginning by ensuring company culture fit and setting new hires up for success through comprehensive onboarding. These measures lead to longer tenures and reduce recurring recruiting costs.

A spokesperson states: "Within minutes, we will have a professional recruiter reach out to you and establish communication, asking for details about the position, your culture, what makes your firm special, and why people want to work with you. The only thing you need to do is answer a few questions and pick your tier."

Those wishing to find out more can visit

Outsourced Recruiting & Onboarding To Improve Retention; Flat-Fee ModelWhitmarsh Consulting Group has partnered with Rec...

Outsourced Recruiting & Onboarding To Improve Retention; Flat-Fee Model
Whitmarsh Consulting Group has partnered with Recruiter Share and HireMojo - bringing you a cutting-edge recruitment management solution to help grow your business!

For a flat fee, you can work with Recruiter Share and HireMojo to simplify the hiring process and fill your vacant roles with the best talent to achieve your growth goals. Just fill in the form on-site, and the expert recruiters will do the rest!

Visit for more info!

The difficulties facing companies in traditional recruiting processes can be numerous, from lengthy job posting periods to high costs per hire. Whitmarsh Consulting Group aims to alleviate those pain points through a fully managed solution that is suitable for businesses of all sizes.

The company provides a four-tier structure to connect you with the caliber of talent you seek. Tier 1 caters to executive-level openings of $150,000 salaries or more. Tier 2 connects you to candidates earning between $70,000 and $149,999. Tier 3 focuses on openings from $35,000 to $69,999, while Tier 4 aids in recruiting for roles up to $34,999.

Payments are split into an initial charge and a subsequent fee once the position is filled to allow you to only invest further once they have acquired the right hire.

Whitmarsh Consulting Group connects you to qualified and thoroughly-vetted candidates while reducing expenses and relieving the HR department of talent acquisition demands. The external focus of Recruiter Share and HireMojo also lends itself to high-touch candidate relationship building that keeps applicants engaged.

By expanding and optimizing the hiring process, the service can also reduce employee turnover rates. Retention originates from the beginning by ensuring company culture fit and setting new hires up for success through comprehensive onboarding. These measures lead to longer tenures and reduce recurring recruiting costs.

A spokesperson states: "Within minutes, we will have a professional recruiter reach out to you and establish communication, asking for details about the position, your culture, what makes your firm special, and why people want to work with you. The only thing you need to do is answer a few questions and pick your tier."

Do you want to outsource recruitment to take your business to new heights? Don't miss out on this opportunity!

Go to for all the details you need!



Digital Interview Guides By building digital interview guide systems, hiring managers and recruiters can seamlessly integrate the interview notes and ratings into the hiring process. Schedule a demo Our interview builder is a tool that allows talent acquisition teams to create interview guides, comp...

Solid blog

Solid blog

Interview like a Pro: How to Interview Candidates with Confidence

In today’s standardized, digitized world, the interview is not what it used to be. Once upon a time, an interviewer had the confidence to walk into a room and spit out question after question, rating the candidate in their mind and walking away with an opinion already made. Today, the interview process can be tricky to navigate as a hiring manager, recruiter or peer interviewer, but with a structured interview guide, it’s actually quite simple. All you have to do is ask, evaluate and rate.

Digital Interview Guides are the Key to Standardization

Read the blog here.


Our CHRO advisory services+ inFeedo's AI solutions = the combo you didn't think you needed for your organization's success!


To produce stellar results for the business, you need top-notch talent. And one good way to attract them is through employer branding. So what is employer branding?


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Every time I get to work I hide, because good employees are hard to find.


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How do you feel about a higher employee retention rate in your organization? It is believed that employee retention is one of the major challenges faced by Human Resources departments across the world. As per a LinkedIn survey, it is estimated that the average employee turnover rate annually is .. Readmore here

Happy Holidays!  Maybe a good screening question to ask in the new year.

Happy Holidays! Maybe a good screening question to ask in the new year.


Calling all HR service providers. If you have a product or service and want some eyeballs on it before the new year, here is your chance. We are hosting a series of 10-15 minute demo’s to help my HR audience prep for 2022
No charge! Contact me here [email protected]

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