Hiding GOD from the whole world is a LIE so monstrously BIG people CAN'T believe it's TRUE 🤔 u mention FLAT EARTH to people and they think you're CRAZY 🤔 but EVERYONE that researches this properly all end up being a FLAT EARTHER and BELIEVE in a CREATOR of all things ❤️ i was actually embarrassed that i had been FOOLED (DECEIVED) my whole life to believe PHOTOSHOP, CGI, CARTOONS, FISH EYE LENS, GREEN/BLUE SCREEN are REAL and was proof the Earth had curvature and we all lived on a spinning GLOBE hurtling us through outer space, but i came to REALISE by doing my OWN research its a clever DECEPTION from the devil himself and his PUPPETS who control and run this world to REMOVE the Earth as the CENTRE of GOD’S unique creation MADE in His IMAGE and to REMOVE the EXISTENCE of GOD Himself from the MINDS of men, once GOD is REMOVED from man’s CONSCIOUSNESS the authority of GOD’S HOLY WORD and His LAW becomes REMOVED, just imagine how different this world would be if we all KNEW GOD and His Kingdom was above us and his angels are assigned tasks to RECORD the EVENTS, ACTIONS and PRAYERS of each individual person, this includes all SINS and GOOD DEEDS 🤔 and that JUDGEMENT DAY will someday come to us all 🤔 the GLOBE Earth SATANIC LIE is the foundation for ATHEISM, the BIG BANG and EVOLUTION and promotes a RANDOM, MEANINGLESS, PURPOSELESS, ACCIDENTAL universe, which is a FAKE GODLESS reality all created by the devil himself who IS the god of THIS World (NLT 2 Corinthians 4:4) the Father of ALL LIES (KJV John 8:44).
Here is a 70 minute video compilation of some of Kaleb's FLAT EARTH videos, he is a funny and clever guy who has UN-PROGRAMMED and RE-PROGRAMMED his mind, your MIND is LIKE a COMPUTER, make sure you're the ONLY one PROGRAMMING it 🤔 if u DON'T PROGRAM your OWN mind it will be PROGRAMMED for u by the devil's LIES 👉🖥👈 ❤️❤️❤️ ######x
This world is NOT what people THINK it is, people just DON'T question the reality that had been PRESENTED to them and that is the problem WHY so many SHEEPLE stay fast ASLEEP under the devil's SPELL.
MENTALITY of the SHEEPLE, but but I know we live on a spinning GLOBE in outer space and i have seen the CURVATURE of the Earth 🤔, I've seen it on my TeLIEvision 🖥 🙈, and that IS the PROBLEM, u saw it on the devil's BEST MIND CONTROL TOOL EVER and u all have them in your homes and they been PROGRAMMING, BRAINWASHING (CONTROLLING) all your MINDS since Kindergarten 👉🖥👈 the ONLY thing NASA has sent into Space IS your IMAGINATION 🙈
SOLAR system = SOUL LURE system, to LURE your Soul AWAY from the Creator.
ARTICLE 10 of the Human Rights Act 1998 says by LAW I have the RIGHT to FREEDOM of EXPRESSION and to my OWN OPINION.