What if spending time with kind people helped you develop personally and that you could all work together to bring about positive change in your neighborhood, nation, or even the entire world?
#wisequotes #stoicadvice #stoicism #stoicmotivation #stoic #stoiclifestyle #stoicquoteoftheday #stoicmeditations #stoicwithin #fourvirtues
You only have power over yourself and your activities; thus, you should be more concerned with these than with outer circumstances that are beyond your control.
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Being in a position of power is undoubtedly alluring, but Aurelius cautions that having influence over people might really be more of a curse than a benefit.
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The duration of your life will not matter if you truly live and strive to comprehend and accomplish your goals.
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In this life, it's simple to let our feelings rule us, yet this doesn't always get us where we want to go. Following reason is the route that will lead us to both happiness and a moral existence.
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Developing excellent character will be harder to achieve the more you seek to gain material possessions, whether they are expensive items or approval from others.
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If something is bad for the people who rely on your advice, it will also be bad for you.
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You need to know where you're attempting to go and prepare for the journey if you want to "get fortunate" in business, love, or life. Then, when favorable breezes arise, you'll be prepared to benefit from them.
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Sometimes adversity and difficulty may work as the precise catalyst we require to transform into the individuals we desire.
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What if you altered what riches (and success) mean to you instead of letting the materialistic ideas of success permeate your cultural psyche?
#wisequotes #stoicadvice #stoicism #stoicmotivation #stoic #stoiclifestyle #stoicquoteoftheday #stoicmeditations #stoicwithin #fourvirtues
Remind yourself of your higher goals and your role in the grand scheme of things if you find it difficult to face the day.
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If you reflect on the most difficult experiences in your life, you'll probably realize that despite the agony they brought, they also helped you become more mature, resilient, and smart.
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