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*** Ep. 96: "How (NOT) to Put on a Car Show!" drops FRIDAY JAN 31 at 6:31PM! ***Nothing quite says the Appalachian Mount...

*** Ep. 96: "How (NOT) to Put on a Car Show!" drops FRIDAY JAN 31 at 6:31PM! ***

Nothing quite says the Appalachian Mountains like a potluck supper and friends sitting around telling old stories. Welp, that's exactly what happened recently!

Kim Davis (major shout out to her!) was kind enough to feed us as we held one of our favorite episodes of the year.

Join us for our THIRD "How (NOT) to Put on a Car Show!" - our listener Q&A episode where we answer YOUR questions about putting on carshows, cruise-ins and meets.

Sit back and relax for the LONGEST episode ever. Nearly 4 and a half ours of answers and old stories from our star panel of show promoters, former and current!

Listen to Don "Dizzy" Davis (The Sparks Sparks) as well as first time superstar guest Chris Wilson (The "Unleashed" Show from the late 2000s), as well as the usual LCD cast of Farva, Shay and LMC shed light on what to do - and what NOT to do - when it comes to putting on a successful event.

Plus - LMC tries to quit cussing. Again.

Once again, as always - thank y'all for wasting your time with us. It's such an honor to know that there are at least 8.5 of you out there who tune in and spend an evening or two on our virtual front porch. If it wasn't for you all out there, we wouldn't do what we do!

(FYI: If you've NOT listened to Ep 94 - "A Wake Up Call!" and Ep 95 - "2025 Year in Preview!" yet, it's a great time to catch up before Friday evening as these three episodes definitely go hand in hand!)

Oh boy. Do we have some awesome video for you all coming up soon...

Oh boy. Do we have some awesome video for you all coming up soon...


You had questions. We made up some answers. Ep. 96 - “How (NOT) to Put on a Car Show!” Drops at 6:01pm Friday!

Set a reminder for the LONGEST (we’re sorry!) episode ever with exciting new show promoter guests as well as old favorites!

Between now and than, if you haven’t already, prepare yourself by catching up on “Ep. 94 - A Wake Up Call” and “Ep. 95 - 2025 Year in Preview!”


Howdy y'all! We are still taking a few more questions for our "Ep. 96- How (NOT) to Put on a Car Show!" episode - the ones submitted so far have been great! If there is any burning questions you may have about putting on a FUN automotive event, now is your chance to get an objective opinion from a panel of show promoters with many years of combined experience! Remember - have your questions in before January 24th!

Also, listen to the video for a potential topic for episode 97. We would really like your thoughts on whether or not that would be something interesting to our listeners - we are trying to come up with unique and interesting topics that we haven't done before as we build toward Episode 100. Let us know in the comments below!


Ep. 96: "How (NOT) to put on a Car Show!" is COMING SOON! WE ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS - GET THEM IN NOW!

Howdy family! We don't know about y'all, but here in the hills and hollers of Eastern Kentucky, old man Winter is about to give all of us cabin fever. We can't help but start looking forward to our favorite shows of the year to keep us sane!

What better time than to do one of the two biggest episodes that we do every year - it's time that we answer all 8 and a half of YOUR car show questions!

That's right - it's time for LCD's "How (NOT) to put on a car show!" episode!

Your is putting together a guest panel of established super star show promoters, all of which have many years of show promoter experience and will be answering YOUR burning questions.

Whatever thoughts you may have about putting on a standard car-show, a more minitruck or targeted theme show, or a cruise-in, it's time to hit us up!

It's not just the same ol' questions about where to get awards, what DJ to hire and who to get to print your flyers. Ask us about anything you may want to know about running an event, anything from community involvement (positives AND negatives!) to planning in advance to how to stand out among a crowded field of shows or even to what REALLY happens behind the scenes away from the spotlight!

This is always a super fun episode.

We will be answering ten or so of your best submitted questions - so the quicker you get those in to us, the better!

Feel free to DM on Instagram or FB, text LMC or Shay, or just post them right here in the comments!

This scene is oh so important to us; without shows and clubs and fellow minitruckers, what fun would it be? We want to see all of these 2025 shows hit absolute home runs - while we may not have all the answers, if you have doubts, let us share our (mostly useless) knowledge with you as much as we can!


Find us on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and wherever else you do your podcast tradin’!

For more old parking lot stories told by slightly offensive , check out the for all things and .

Straight from the hills and hollers of Eastern Kentucky, listen and find out why we are YOUR !


EDIT: Should be a 2 minute video but FB cut it in half. Oops. Whole video is on the instagram.com/LCDPodcast account!!!

Hey y’all! Remember when we did a commentary on an old tape from a show I took in Rogersville, TN 20+ years ago? Well, here are the tapes that I have discovered recently that you all may have interest in watching along with us. Let’s take a vote and see which video you all would like us to post and comment on in real time. (Your four options are Greenville, MiniNats 01, MiniNats 02, and Heritage/Scr8pfest 03)

*** "EP. 95 - 2025 YEAR IN PREVIEW!" drops at 7:00pm EST Tonioght! ***Merry "Old Christmas", and welcome to the new year...

*** "EP. 95 - 2025 YEAR IN PREVIEW!" drops at 7:00pm EST Tonioght! ***

Merry "Old Christmas", and welcome to the new year - straight from your friends in the hills and hollers of Eastern Kentucky!

Join us for our annual "Year in Preview!" episode as we break in season 6 in a big way! We talk boomer boards, potential minitrucker of the year picks, what shows we look forward to the most, and more! The whole LCD family gets together once again and takes a look at the year ahead - joined by Dustin Buttery!


This abundance of hillbilly enlightenment drops at 7pm tonight. That gives y'all time to listen to Episode 94 - a Wake up Call with Glenn brown - an episode that is really blowing up and worth a first (or second) listen!

For 2025, a sincere thank you - so much appreciation for y'all taking the time to put up with us. Without everyone of you'ins who has pulled a rocking chair up to our virtual front porch from time to time and shucked a bean or two with us in the last 5 years, our deepest and most sincere gratitude. Without y'all - we would have probably been a political podcast!

Thanks to y'all for keeping us on the straight and narrow, and we promise to keep providing you unbiased, blunt, honest, sometimes humorous and occasionally offensive old and new minitruck content for years (weeks?) to come!


Episode 95 - 2025 Preview drops Monday!

Wait, what? Already? Yup! That’s right y’all - more wit and “wisdom” from the hills and hollers of eastern Kentucky drops Monday!

*** "Ep. 94 - A Wake Up Call" goes live at 9:00AM Dec 27 ***Sometimes, love can be tough. Especially among family.Our Ch...

*** "Ep. 94 - A Wake Up Call" goes live at 9:00AM Dec 27 ***

Sometimes, love can be tough. Especially among family.

Our Christmas gift to y'all. An episode that should've become another "forbidden" episode. A special, "real" episode. 4+ hours. 100% unedited - truly. (Including the 15 minutes of so that LMC had to step out - he doesn't even know what was said in his absence and refuses to listen until everyone else does).

This episode STARTED OUT as a 2024 recap. What it ended up was ... a totally different direction and focus. We feel a needed one for some.

In this scene we love, those of us who are lucky enough to have been a part of this ol' minitruckin' world for a long, long time - we have seen people, trucks and shows come and go. More times than we care to count.

Welcoming newcomers into the scene is part of what makes minitruckers... well, minitruckers. We all start somewhere! But sometimes - people don't try to be a part of the scene for the right reasons. Sometimes, they want to be but just don't know how to follow that path respectfully - or at all.

We talk about that this time. All of it. It's harsh. Sometimes fairly brutal. But if you or your show is worth being mentioned? Chances are it's because you have likely earned a position of respect from us or our guests and deserve some blunt honesty - and critique is not an insult, but designed to shape things in a more positive manner. Besides, it's better for a show to be worth remembering, even with flaws, then forgotten completely.

Join the legendary Glenn Brown in rare form and all the LCD guys finally together again thanks to a triumphiant return by Farva, as well as Glenn's son Gavin losing his LCD virginity live on air as we discuss a topic most won't touch - we talk about shows that we feel could've done better.

This is tough love- but understand it comes from family. We want the scene to be better as a whole and sometimes, it may need some work. Some of you may get your feelings hurt, and for that, we are sorry. Look at it this way - if you're a topic on this episode, then we feel you have potential for the long term. We want it to work out that way - the scene needs legit minitruck shows put together for the right reasons, namely and primarily the love of the scene! For those willing to listen to a small group of old minitruckers, most of which aren't even that well known, provide some thoughts on the trajectory of your event (and even with suggestions to make them better) ... well, then, consider this episode a wake up call.

(It's already locked and loaded - this episode goes live at 9:00am tomorrow.)


Y'all, a new episode drops soon. This one took a turn.

What started out as a "2024 Season Recap" episode morphed into a different type of episode, quickly.

4 hours of unedited content.

4 hours of very real conversation.

Watch out for Episode 94 dropping over the Holidays. The new title?

"A Wake Up Call".


CSP x LCD. 2024 Recap Episode. Recording Dec 22. This will be a thing.


December 22. CSP. LCD. Takeover. Year-end recap episode. Soon.

Mountain View. Spend winter with us, up in the hills and hollers. Coming soon.

Mountain View. Spend winter with us, up in the hills and hollers. Coming soon.

*** "Ep. 93: Slammed Enuff Recap and Flood Talk" is now online!***Howdy y'all!Join us for an interesting journey this ti...

*** "Ep. 93: Slammed Enuff Recap and Flood Talk" is now online!***
Howdy y'all!

Join us for an interesting journey this time around as we are joined by OG Eastern Kentucky Minitrucker Matt Adams. Matt shares plenty of old stories with LMC (including the infamous "Alice" story from Scrapin the Smokies many years ago); he also has been boots on the ground in Western North Carolina and East Tennessee working relief since the flood occurred. Hear what it looked like on Day 1 from someone who was literally right in the middle of things. A wild, sad journey straight from a trustworthy source.

Of course - it's that time of the year. Listen to Shay and LMC recap the Slammedenuff Sevierville 2024 weekend in the ways that LCD does best - mostly from the viewpoint of eating food, dragging everywhere we go, and (by proxy) tilty wheel cars!!

Plus... hear about our NEW (yet to be named) "Holler Crawling" Youtube project for the winter!

Y'all pull up your rocker and plan to sit awhile. It's well over 3+ hours of Sam's Choice branded fun!

*** Ep 92. "Virginia Minitruckers!" is now online! ***Y'all, there ain't much better than sitting around, talking minitu...

*** Ep 92. "Virginia Minitruckers!" is now online! ***

Y'all, there ain't much better than sitting around, talking minituckers with two legendary Virginia minitruckers - Robbie Williams and Jamie Skeens!

We do just that on this "action packed" new episode!

We also review the amazing final chapter of Scrapefest!

Plus - we preview(ed) two shows - Fair Enuf and Showdown in the Valley!

(Note: This episode was recorded before the storms devastated western North Carolina and East Tennessee. I chose to upload this entirety; keep in mind of course, this information is dated - and at many levels irrelevant - but we hope that it can provide a moment of levity to those who really need a laugh over the next few weeks.)

We will have much more to say about the current events soon.

So this is Rizz - the pup LMC talks about on the recent episode of LCD. The Menifee County Animal Shelter Menifee County...

So this is Rizz - the pup LMC talks about on the recent episode of LCD. The Menifee County Animal Shelter Menifee County Animal Shelter was kind enough to make this post - we would LOVE to see Rizz get a good home. He deserves it. He is an awesome, calm, lovable big dog that belongs in somebody's passenger seat. Any help getting the word out about him helps a ton! (We will even try and help with transportation, etc. if someone wants him!)

***. EP. 91 - "Sparks Show Recap with Don Dizzy Davis" drops at 5:00PM Today! ***Just in time for y'alls' drive home - E...

***. EP. 91 - "Sparks Show Recap with Don Dizzy Davis" drops at 5:00PM Today! ***

Just in time for y'alls' drive home - Everyone loves a recap episode! Relive the outstanding The Sparks Show weekend with 2/3rd of the LCD Crew (Sorry Farva) as well as Don Dizzy Davis in studio in this almost FOUR HOUR episode!

Spoilers ahead. We mostly talk Deadpool & Wolverine, comic book movies and adoptable dogs. Plus we talk about the season winding down, and some looking ahead to next year. There's about 20% truck content - as expected from LCD!


Find us on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and wherever else you do your podcast tradin’!

For more old parking lot stories told by slightly offensive , check out the for all things and .

Straight from the hills and hollers of Eastern Kentucky, listen and find out why we are YOUR !

We got some new stickers! A few days late. Oops! For everyone that pre-ordered shirts, stickers for Cayne Wyatt and Bray...

We got some new stickers! A few days late. Oops! For everyone that pre-ordered shirts, stickers for Cayne Wyatt and Brayden Perkins' trucks are getting ready to go out with the ship-shirts, and I will drop some to those who picked their shirt up at Sparks in the mail to you ASAP!

Also - WE ARE RECORDING SUNDAY! How about a recap for The Sparks Show with Don Dizzy Davis himself!? (We're gonna talk mostly Deadpool. Not gonna' lie.)




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