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Riterz Smash This page is all about the tips and tricks to write the best content.

we are welcoming all the newbies and pros writer to groom their writing skills by following tips and tricks


You love writing and want to become a successful content writer. But how? These are the steps you need to take.

1. Read more

2. Try to write at least 500 words daily

3. Read your writing loudly so that you can pinpoint your mistakes

4. Write on different topics every day

5. Always do research thoroughly on a topic you want to write.

follow for more tips..


Content is nothing but showing your creativity through words


what is Blog writing?
Blogs are online journals that are updated frequently, sometimes even daily. An update is usually quite short, perhaps just a few sentences, and readers can often respond to an entry online. People who write blogs are commonly called bloggers. Bloggers, tongue in cheek, call themselves and their blogs the blogosphere.

Blogs are a great way to keep everyone in a family abreast of the latest family news without running up the phone bill — you can simply read back over important updates to find out the latest news. In addition, many blogs are being used to host photographs, and their chronological structure can be a great way to keep track of a baby’s growth, a trip, or the process of planning a wedding.
Professional writers often look down on bloggers, because their informal online writing rarely benefits from a good editor. Blogs are known for their casual writing and unpredictable subject material, but the best blogs have proven that — regardless of punctuation and spelling — even “novice” writers can be entertaining enough to attract a broad audience.

Bloggers with an especially engaging subject, such as chronicling a trip around the world, have the advantage of inherently interesting material, but even mundane material can attract an audience if you have an engaging style and voice.


Importance of content writing in marketing
~Helps build brand awareness:-
People need time and awareness to like your products. Pushing your business ideas is not an overnight process. You need to get consumers on your side and let them discover more and more about what you are selling. Writing appealing content and then publishing it on various channels for your target audiences can help you a lot in the process. Using your social accounts, newsletters, blog panel, and website to create well-written, engaging and useful content that relates to your brand. The content will reach your potential customers and create an impression of your presence in the market. Consistency in writing and publishing content can help you build brand awareness at a good pace.
~Written content helps in Search Engine Optimization:-
Without content, Search Engine Optimization of your marketing feels crippled. Well-written content with clever (and most searched) keyword consistency is an essential part of Search Engine Optimization and boosting the brands’ google rankings. A video ranks higher when there is written content with it. Whether that’s a script or a YouTube description using keywords will helps drive SEO. From banners to infographics to emailers, content writing builds a brand and enhances the overall SEO.
~Good content earns links from other websites:-
Posting good and informative content on your website that is relevant to your product and industry never goes in vain. Not only it drives traffic of good readers and like-minded individuals to your website but over time, people will also start to mention and link this content when discussing your products or services. This can also bring fortune to your SERP rankings.


why hire a content writer?
~Bad writing will wreck your reputation.
Let’s be honest: Writing is a skill, and not everyone has it. If you’re not a natural-born writer, that’s totally okay! You obviously have plenty of other skills that have allowed you to launch a successful business.
~Good writers will know how to connect.
It’s actually possible that you know your business or your industry a little too well.
This is a common issue among business owners, who get so excited talking about what they do that they load their language with jargon, technicalities, or sales speak.
~Professional writers can help you get results.
Whether you’re writing a blog post, a press release, or an email newsletter, you’re probably not doing it just for kicks and giggles. In theory, your writing should always serve a specific purpose. You should be writing to generate leads, close sales, to instill trust, or build your reputation.
~Good writing is good SEO.
Which is more important: Writing content that appeals to human readers, or writing content that jibes with the Google search algorithms?
Trick question! Actually, by writing relevant and valuable content for your end user, you’ll be much better positioned to occupy prime search engine real estate.
~Hiring a writer will save you time.
Honest question: How long would it take you to write a really solid company blog post?
And what else could you do in that same amount of time?
One of the main reasons to outsource anything is to free yourself to focus on the essentials: Leading your team, strategizing for your business, or satisfying your customers. Allow writers to take content creation off your hands.


career options in content writing
~Social Media Writing
A social media writer is someone who optimizes the content on social media handles to reach a larger audience. Writing for social media is one of the most popular content writing careers. This has a lot of marketing strategies involved in order to influence consumers.
~News Writing
News writers are those who turn ground reports into news articles. These articles could either be published online or as newspaper articles.
~SEO writing
SEO refers to “search engine optimization” which is a technique developed according to the algorithm believed to be used by search engines like Google to rank content.
Blogging could possibly be one of the most interesting jobs in content writing career one can pursue as a profession. Blogging is writing about a particular niche in a blog.
Copywriting is usually writing taglines and advertisements. The primary focus of a copywriter is to pull the audience’s attention and influence them to take action. The purpose could be making them visit a link, or purchase a product or maybe a service. This is one of the highest-paid jobs in my content writing career.


Common erroMistake #1 - Grammatical Errors
Grammatical errors are the most common mistakes in editing. There are three main ways to avoid these mistakes: (1) proofreading
(2) re-reading
(3) Have someone else proofread your work.
Proofreading is just reading through your work to find any typos or errors that you might have missed the first time around. This is the easiest way to find these mistakes because you are looking for them specifically. However, it can be time-consuming so sometimes it's not worth it if you have a lot of text to read through.
Re-reading is also a good way to spot typos because when you read something over again, you might catch things that didn't stand out the first time around.
Mistake #2 - Not Using Titles or Subheadings
Titles and subheadings can make reading online easier. Headings break up the content on the page to make it easier to read. Headings tell readers what they are about to read.
The use of headings is important in most documents, but most importantly they are most important when someone is trying to find information on a website or in an online article.
Headings act like signposts that show readers where they are in the article and give them an idea of what is coming next. They also help readers skim content more easily by quickly taking in the title of each section they come across, which tells them what they will learn if they continue reading.
Mistake #3 - Not Establishing an Outline before Writing
This mistake is usually made by people who are very creative or have a lot of ideas. When a writer starts writing without an outline, they cannot keep track of what they are writing about.
The outline should be created before the content goes into the content marketing campaign. It would be good to use something like mind mapping or storyboarding to come up with one that is logical and has a flow to it.
Mistake #4 - You Have No Credibility or Authority to Write on the Topic at Hand
In order to be a successful content writer, you need to be an expert in the topic you are writing about. You need to have credibility and authority that will allow your readers to trust your content and take it seriously.
For instance, if you want to write about a medical procedure, then you should attend medical school and get the proper degree before you start writing about it. If you want to write about cooking recipes, then you should be a trained chef before starting on this path.
The key is research and dedication on your part so that when people read what you wrote they don't think of it as just some blog post but rather as something with value.
Mistake #5 - Giving Up Too Early
One of the most important mistakes that a lot of people make when they try to change things is giving up too early.
in content writing


How to make your content catchy?

1. Understanding of the subject

Writing creatively requires a focused approach and broad
understanding of the subject in order to create a larger picture for the reader to visualize. You should spend time researching and conducting informational interviews in order to gain this knowledge about the subject. The more knowledge you have, the more that you are able to convey to the reader through your writing. Oftentimes, writers miss out on painting the larger picture.

2. Do Something Different

Never be scared of doing something different or unique that will bring your writing to a whole new realm that may be unexpected or out of the ordinary. Oftentimes, this can evolve into something that is different yet amazing—something that readers will enjoy.

How can you achieve this? Think differently and put yourself in environments that are inspiring or relaxing. Sometimes, having no rules is the best way to reach your full potential when it comes to creative writing.

3. Think of the Three Act Structure

This method is prevalent not only in modern writing, but also in television and film. These “acts” are not distinct from one another, rather they flow seamlessly through the piece.

Setup, confrontation, and resolution. The setup will establish characters, how they relate, and their world. There will be an inciting incident that has an attempted resolution and a turning point. The confrontation will be the central problem with the main character attempting to resolve it with much adversity, turning into a journey. The resolution consists of the climax and the resolution of the problem.

4. Add Interesting Details about the Setting and Location

Bring your essay to life—literally. Using specific details about settings and locations, readers will be transported into your piece. Literature can be dry if focused only on the hard facts but can become increasingly interesting when adorned with details about a location or setting. Even the smallest details can prove to have a major impact on creative writing.

5. Extended Metaphors

This is when the writer uses an analogy to explain a complex concept so that the readers may understand it better. Unfamiliar concepts can be explained in a way that is familiar and can be visualized.

One example of a well-known extended metaphor is when Shakespeare wrote “It is the East, and Juliet is the sun!” in Romeo and Juliet.

6. Record Your Ideas

Keep a notebook with you at all times so that you can scribble down any ideas when they come to mind. Inspiration can strike at any hour. Think about your topic when you’re doing mundane tasks or when you are out and about. You’d be surprised at what you’ll think of when you’re out of your working mode.

7. Use Meaningful Dialogue

The meaningful dialogue will demonstrate how the character feels or what they mean by what they are saying. Rather than only including the words that are being spoken, include one or two details about the character that will invoke an image in the reader’s mind about how the person is feeling. Most people know how to write a creative essay, but having meaningful dialogue transforms it into a masterpiece.

8. Create Tension or Conflict

Tension and conflict are created between characters and can be internal or external. You should balance these opposing forces to keep the reader interested in the story and anxious to see how it will be resolved. There are plenty of themes for conflict which include, but are not limited to, high stakes, universality, insight, empathy, surprise, causality, progression, em


How to get a client as a freelancer?
Learn a skill.
I am not talking about typing or copy paste work. Just forget about it. I don’t consider those as skills at all. Those are the work for people who want to work like a labor in freelance market.
For me a skill means, where you have to put your brain and can replace your full time salary just working 2–3 hours a day.
Complete quality work for which you will be respected.
Make a portfolio.
If you search my name over internet, you can find my course portfolios.
You have to display your best works legally over internet so that if someone search for your name, they can have your portfolio.
If you have put YouTube videos and people have liked it, that will generate social proof.
And you can have your website too to show that you are professional.
Now get clients.
Clients are everywhere in social media.
For example, if you are packaging designer, you can use Quora and answer a question about design packaging.
You can go to Facebook groups and collaborate with other designers.
Even, many of my students get clients from Instagram too.
Or in worst case, you can run paid advertisements.
But, you have to be a master of the skill with a great portfolio.


How to be a good content writer?
Here I am going to tell you about my experience and how I make myself a good content writer.
GETTING INTO THE HABIT OF READING- most of the time people try to write about things without reading on them or researching them. This way you will be able to write the post but may not be able to solve the 100+ questions that people will throw at you for that particular topic. You need to be well-versed about what you are writing so that you can clear all the questions that your readers might have just by reading your article.
GOOD COMMAND OVER THE LANGUAGE YOU USE - It is very important to use the right grammar and proper tone while writing your content. Your goal should always be to deliver your message to your target audience in a clear and crisp tone. Keep yourself in the shoes of your audience and see if you understand the meaning of a line that you've written in one way. If you can, you know you are moving in the right direction!
DOING YOUR END OF LEARNING THROUGH COURSES - When I started my career in content writing I was luckily given the direction to go for a course that would help me understand if I really want to get serious for this career path and how I can excel in this. I did a whole course on content writing for Hubspot. This platform helped me understand what it is that the audience demands and how can I give them what they want.
EXPERIMENTS - When I started my journey of writing content, I did not get a fruitful result overnight. It was very challenging for me to understand what I am good at. You will take at least a few articles to understand your niche! And that is completely normal. Trying to understand your flare and going at your own pace makes us excel at something
BEING ACTIVE ON A PLATFORM OF YOUR LIKING AND POSTING REGULARLY- It is very important that you have your articles to people on platforms that will help you understand people's perceptions of your writing. This can also help you in making changes to your writing and improve it more. Some platforms that can help you in publishing your content are
- LinkedIn
- Quora
- Medium
- Reddit
- Biz Sugar
These are all the things that worked for me honestly.


How to keep yourself motivated while writing ??
Here are a few tips for all that keep you motivated during writing
~Set a specific goal
For instance, if you have to deliver an article of 2000 words in 2 days, or say in a one day. Divide your word count. Set a goal to write 1000 words in the morning. After that taking break writes another 1000 words at night.
~Set A Deadline
A deadline is the best motivator for the writer. Set your deadline, it will help to keep you consistent while writing.
~Write first and edit later
Follow this golden rule writer, by adopting this method you can write more words in less time. Moreover, your content will be more catchy and convincing. After writing does editing.
~Fix a writing space
Fix any one corner of your house for writing. Keep in mind there should be no distraction. It will help you to stay focused in your writing hours.
~Reward yourself
Do not forget to appreciate yourself, after finishing your work at the deadline. This self regarding habit keeps you motivated.


Benefits of SEO content writing

~Writing SEO Content Enhances Search Engine Rankings

Users who are looking for blog articles, landing pages, and websites are brought to them via search engines (like Google). But how do people find your content when they search for a subject related to your industry?

This is where the success of your content marketing approach is greatly influenced by SEO.
Users can easily locate the answers to their questions thanks to search engines. This is feasible because of how sophisticated search engines' algorithms are.

~Brings traffic to your website

Simply said, increasing traffic is the one objective of all of your attempts to improve your search engine position. You want to be the one who responds to inquiries made by people who are searching for terms associated with your sector. You want your website to appear as a strong contender, particularly when customers are searching for a good or service.

Boosting your SEO efforts is the best approach to getting more visitors. You may receive backlinks from other industry insiders and professionals if you produce excellent content. While all relevant (read: relevant) backlinks are beneficial, those from well-known domains can quickly increase traffic.

In addition to increasing your website's traffic, backlinks can also help you get Google's respect.


How to become a professional freelancer?

1. Always offer the services you are best at to the client.
2. your price range should be flexible
3. Build your social presence
4. Utilize online platforms to grab clients
5. Make the contract to clarify the expectations
6. keep clients updated on their projects.
7. Complete your work before the deadline
8. Never break the trust of your client


How to write a catchy article?
1. Always write short, to-the-point content in the article
2. Use simple English
3. Be clear to deliver the benefit of the product
4. Use hooking words
5. Always add questions to the heading
6. Write authentic information
7. Sentence structure should be short
8. Avoid writing long paragraphs.
9. Split your content into short paras
10. Add questions into the introduction of the article


Importance of SEO
Search engine optimization (SEO) is a process to improve the visibility of a website or web page in search engine results pages. SEO may involve publishing content on the page, which can be anything from text to images and videos.
of SEO


SEO-friendly content-game changer
The importance of SEO-friendly content is that it will help your website rank higher in search results. So, if you have a product and you want it to be found by potential buyers, then it is essential to have SEO-friendly content on your site.





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