𝗜𝗻 𝗡𝗼 𝗨𝗻𝗰𝗲𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗶𝗻 𝗧𝗲𝗿𝗺𝘀
Is the Weston community being baited into social and religious disharmony?
A recent letter of resignation by Attorney Vanessa Richards from the DEI Committee claims that she heard First Selectman Samantha Nestor making disparaging remarks about Second Selectman Martin Mohabeer.
After being hidden from public view for a brief period, this letter can once again be read on the Town website here https://www.westonct.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/11049?fbclid=IwAR3TdTGHSPXwk3FIApvkUvHzrcOV6mgZ_RVV6YwDvnmyHh3IZrezWATKrV4 =47
and the video viewed at https://vimeo.com/871835660?fbclid=IwAR3inY7xievO7t_BOi9dlXSaYIRbtSfz71tj-ZLzHJOM5lHpCUEN4VlrXcE =3m57s
Noting the agenda item and letter of resignation and opening the matter to discussion, giving the floor to Selectman Amy Jenner, Ms. Nestor violated the same Robert’s Rules that she endorses, and wrested the discussion back from Jenner so that she could preface any other’s remarks with her own flat out denial.
Still hidden from view at the time of the BOS meeting, the Selectmen addressed the letter while an uninformed public in attendance asked for clarification but were silenced by Selectman Nestor, in her role as Parliamentarian, that there would be no public comment.
Selectman Nestor went on to deny that the reported event ever took place.
Nestor protested the letter’s accusations that she called Selectman Mohabeer “antisemitic” and a “misogynist.”
I regret having to even repeat those two vile words for what they mean to those who are either victims of or those who may be falsely accused of them.
There are disturbing revelations in the video.
There is no doubt that Selectman Nestor has every right to defend herself but the manner in which her defense was made raises concern.
It was at the point of Nestor’s denial that an audience member asked if Nestor was then accusing Atty. Richards of lying. Nestor is seen struggling to explain how or why anyone, no less a well respected member of the Weston community would make up such a story.
With obvious knowledge of the letter before the meeting, and time to have composed herself, I am struggling to understand how following her adamant denial, Nestor didn’t immediately come to the defense of Mr. Mohabeer who was the intended target of the reported hate speech and defamation.
Does she deny Atty. Richard’s assertion but not deny the underlying alleged slander against Mohabeer?
Why, when Nestor finally allowed Jenner to speak, did it fall to Selectman Amy Jenner to come to the defense of Mohabeer in professing that she had never witnessed Mohabeer to be anything but an example of those two vile accusations reportedly leveled at him?
As anyone who has ever served on jury duty knows, you are cautioned to assess the credibility of witnesses in events and if there is a pattern of behavior.
Just last week, at a Freedom of Information hearing in Hartford, I presented other’s written testimony that Selectman Nestor was silenced in an Executive session when, out of context and relevance to anything that could be considered within the scope of an Executive session, she stated that she felt that my own writings had an undertone of antisemitism.
Ms. Nestor may not have been aware, but the Freedom of Information Commission does not bind Executive Sessions to secrecy and even if such a restriction existed, would not reasonably be expected to apply to irrelevant discussion and comments.
After first hearing of Selectman Nestor’s comments about me, I emailed her asking that she provide proof that would backup her assertion. Unlike the above flat out denial without explanation, not only did she fail to reply, providing proof or examples to support her statement, but she did not deny that the event occurred.
Earlier this year, Selectman Nestor provided a statement in writing to the Ct Bar Grievance Council in support of Town Attorney Bloom asserting that I was an impostor, posing as an official of the Town of Weston.
Fearing that I was now a victim of slander and libel, I asked Ms. Nestor in writing that she provide proof that would support such a claim and to date she failed to provide any proof of what I can assure is a wholly baseless assertion.
I have offered Selectman Nestor ample opportunity to respond to me but her silence offers only defiance instead of defense.
Unlike my offer to Nestor, I can’t help but recall how the entire former Board of Ethics wrongly prejudged Selectman Amy Jenner without even informing her of their investigation or offering her the opportunity to defend herself. Worse, I am again reminded by a recent social media posting by former Ethics Board member Ruth Israely who unapologetically admits that she accused Mohabeer of antisemitism.
The Weston community should not be allowed to be stained by a few bad actors.
While these events might not technically fall under the limited purview of the Weston Board of Ethics, not containing financial gain, they most certainly are a concerning matter of ethical behavior of our Town representatives.
To that end, I ask that the entire BOS immediately open a thorough and transparent investigation into this matter to reveal who is victim and expose who is the victimizer, weaponizing baseless accusations.
Words do matter.
While lawn signs around town proclaim that Hate Has No Home Here, regardless of whether said behind closed doors or whispered among collaborators, it should be made clear, and in no uncertain terms, that neither does hate speech.