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3 Books Recommended by Mark Zuckerberg
You know him as the founder of Facebook, but Mark Zuckerberg is also an avid reader. He even launched his own book club in 2015 on Facebook called A Year of Books. In it, he read books covering everything from racial injustice to creativity in business, from human history to geopolitics.
As Zuckerberg said at the beginning of his Year of Books: “Books allow you to fully explore a topic and immerse yourself in a deeper way than most media today.”
Want to get insights from these Mark Zuckerberg book recommendations in less time? Book-A-Trillion is a new P2P book sharing platform giving you instant access to the most thought-provoking nonfiction books ever. And guess what? You own whatever you download.
🚨Here are 7 Mark Zuckerberg book recommendations 👇
1️⃣ The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander
“I’ve been interested in learning about criminal justice reform for a while,” said Zuckerberg. “And this book was highly recommended by several people I trust.”
2️⃣ Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari
Harari covers the history of humankind, starting 2.5 million years ago when humans first evolved and moving through to the modern day. Along the way, the book reveals how things like laws, trade, and agriculture came into existence, and how homo sapiens came to be the only species of human left.
3️⃣ Portfolios of the Poor by Daryl Collins
“It’s mind-blowing that almost half the world—almost 3 billion people—live on $2.50 a day or less. More than one billion people live on $1 a day or less,” Zuckerberg wrote.
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