"You don't have to listen to old, dead N***s." What could this statement possibly be in relation to?! Find out in Episode 9: The Best Dressed Law Librarian in the West! Available now.
In this session of Librarian’s Anonymous, Jeeves and Wooster welcome, “Zsa-Zsa,” who is an attorney, law school user services librarian, and style/fashion expert. Zsa-Zsa walks them through the basics of law-librarianship, intellectual property, and providing access to law students before taking them to CLASS on the subject of fashion, loving and respecting your appearance, and the basics of building your own personal style. This episode also features Librarians Anonymous’ very first segment called, “Rate that Librarian Look” where Zsa-Zsa breaks down the fashion statements of Rupert Giles, Zelda Schiff, Evelyn Carnahan, Dr. Barbara Gordon, and Mary from Party Girl. DO NOT miss this episode and enjoy the unique brilliance of this librarian!