Pranika Arisht

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Pranika Arisht Take a sneak peek into my life. I have a big voice and a lot to say; so, sit back, turn up the volum Instagram:

This photo reeks Confidence. Self confidence. But I didn’t get to this easily. If you’ve met me; you’d know, I’m bubbly,...

This photo reeks Confidence. Self confidence. But I didn’t get to this easily.

If you’ve met me; you’d know, I’m bubbly, and you would easily assume that I’m confident most the time. But this is not true.

From the inside; I’m not. I overthink. I over-stress. I over-question my every decision.
Getting over this hurdle is the most difficult step for me.

This photo marks a moment where I put myself in an uncomfortable situation, exposed my insecurities and told myself to attempt to forget these insecurities.
And, this is what the result was.

I know many of us struggle with moving out of our comfort bubble, and it’s not easy to imagine ourselves doing so either, but please know this… that I will always be in your corner; I will always be there applauding and cheering you on when you take your step ♥️

My restless roaming spirit 🦄

My restless roaming spirit 🦄

Relocated to my new Office 🤓

Relocated to my new Office 🤓

Sometimes you need a certain level of maturity to read a particular book. That’s because there are ideas and thoughts in...

Sometimes you need a certain level of maturity to read a particular book. That’s because there are ideas and thoughts in there that won’t quite make sense just yet; and that’s the special thing about exploring different titles. You’ll eventually keep maturing, keep pushing yourself & your thoughts.

Every author has their unique way of thinking and you’ve got your own. One of the most important concepts I’ve learnt from picking up and reading a variety of self-help books is to begin reading with an ‘open-mind’. Set aside all your preconceptions, biases and ideas before starting. Using this approach of keeping an open-mind allows me empathise with the views and mindset of the writer & the thoughts that are being portrayed.

Another key skill I’ve learnt is to read, ‘Actively’. What I mean by this is; I only stick to reading a chapter a day.
I don’t rush.
I don’t force myself to read more; despite how intriguing the ideas are.
I take my time; I pace myself.
While reading the chapter, I make a note on the thoughts I’ve had. Then I let the whole day pass with the thoughts I’ve read and had.
I let it sink in.
And I let it, stick.
I let myself make up my own mind about what I agree with and what I can build more knowledge on.

Happy exploring.

‘Time spent among trees is never wasted time’ - 🦚 - Katrina Mayer

‘Time spent among trees is never wasted time’ - 🦚

- Katrina Mayer


Motivational Month 💫 Addiction & your Obsession


Motivational Month 💫 Reflective Emotional Journaling


Motivational Month 💫 Getting out of the rough


Motivational Month 💫 Getting yourself out of bed

Finding myself🌛

Finding myself🌛

P r o m i s e  to myself - We tend to indirectly pick up traits, mannerisms, qualities, & even bits of personalities fro...

P r o m i s e to myself - We tend to indirectly pick up traits, mannerisms, qualities, & even bits of personalities from the people we surround ourselves with.

I never understood what they exactly meant by, ‘surround yourself with the right company’, but I’ve come to a point in my life where I’ve seen negativity steer me away from my optimistic nature. I’ve seen dull personas bring down my ambitions.
& that’s scary when you realise it.

And now I’ve made myself a promise to keep genuine, honest, & purpose-driven individuals, nearest to me. I love connecting with people who have the hunger to be their best, who have self-motivation, & those who have passions that they are constantly striving to achieve. I love hearing about where they want to be, what they want to do, and what gives them their “ r a d i a n c e “

I want you to feel the change and let your true potential flourish; where your head is clear, your life is drama-free and your family/friendships are motivating bonds that want you to achieve.



Give yourself the credit you deserve, give yourself the trust you’ve earned, give yourself the love you need & be the ge...

Give yourself the credit you deserve, give yourself the trust you’ve earned, give yourself the love you need & be the genuine soul you want to be 💓


Cover me in  s u n s h i n e ;S h o w e r me in good times 😚- P!nk… tell me the world’s been spinning since the beginnin...

Cover me in s u n s h i n e ;
S h o w e r me in good times 😚
- P!nk

… tell me the world’s been spinning since the beginning, and everything will be alright 💕


Your j o u r n e y - Part of your life journey is about learning to individuate - become your own person, where you no l...

Your j o u r n e y - Part of your life journey is about learning to individuate - become your own person, where you no longer need to rely on others to feel whole.

You are always getting to know yourself, through the personal challenges you’ve had to overcome; not as a reflection of someone else, or your inherited culture.

Learn to s t a n d o u t ; p r o u d l y .


S e l f - h a t e   is   h e a v ySelf hate can originate from within ourselves & we need to learn to let it go.You may ...

S e l f - h a t e is h e a v y
Self hate can originate from within ourselves & we need to learn to let it go.
You may have thoughts of self-doubt, where you end up questioning each little decision; you may create unrealistic expectations for yourself and then end up becoming your own biggest critic. There may be a constant inner voice which tells you, what you’re doing and what you’ve achieved, is simply never enough. This is the scary.

This internal feeling of hatred can develop subconsciously, and there is usually an underlying trigger. These triggers are what we need to identify. Talking to a trusted friend or family member about how & what we feel can help with this process.

Then comes the tricky part of learning to slowly put aside these strong emotions.

The inner critic may constantly be putting you down, and these thoughts are what we need to control, & eventually change.

We need to:
• trust ourselves,
• reaffirm our confidence in our decisions,
• believe in the qualities we have,
• & develop a positive relationship with our self-esteem

Remember that poison is not always something we consume; in this case, it’s an extreme emotion which can engulf us slowly, and it has an impact on our mental health, and our ability to show off our uniqueness and beautiful quirks.

Fall in love with yourself x


It’s okay to take a  b r e a k when you need one. The world can w a i t. This is something I definitely struggle with; a...

It’s okay to take a b r e a k when you need one.
The world can w a i t.

This is something I definitely struggle with; and I’m in the process of improving. I tend not to take a break, because it feels like I haven’t done enough in the first place. But taking that time off is super important to avoid a situation where you completely b u r n - o u t .
And that’s no fun.

We sometimes tend to place these unrealistic standards, where our to-do list looks like an essay. And then on top of that, we tend to power through and forget to reward ourselves for ticking off the little successes.

I promise you it’s more than okay to take a break for a day, spend time on yourself, recharge, and the world can wait. This is the only way you’ll bounce back rejuvenated & ready to achieve with full compassion and effort.

You’ll actually s u r p r i s e yourself!

So, this is a picture of me when I was re-charging and having a little fun :))

Perfectionism is T O X I C .I recently realised that my relationship with perfectionism is extremely toxic. It may not b...

Perfectionism is T O X I C .
I recently realised that my relationship with perfectionism is extremely toxic. It may not be the same for you; but here’s what happens for me.

When it comes to writing an essay, creating a presentation, or the simple things, like making a cup of coffee; I feel like I can always do better when I re-evaluate.

Most of the time, re-evaluating your work is great; but there is a fine line between making minor improvements & getting stuck in a toxic cycle of re-evaluating & re-creating.

This may not seem scary at first; but when it becomes a habit, then it’s problematic. The amount of time it takes for this process to be complete, is endless! And by the end; you never feel ready, or the “semi-end” product is never good enough.

To identify that perfectionism has become toxic, is when you don’t know when to stop re-evaluating.

A very simple way to combat perfectionism is the 80/20 rule, also known as Pareto’s principle. Vilfredo Pareto’s rule says, “80% of the results are coming from 20% of the efforts”, and this means that if you put 20% of the time working on a task, around 8/10 of it will be complete. And after this, the more time & effort you keep putting in, the less effective it’ll be. There are a number of practical applications, for example, in investing, business & time management.

• In terms of investing; 20% of holdings in a portfolio are responsible for 80% of the portfolio’s growth. On the flip side, 20% of a portfolio’s holdings could be responsible for 80% of its losses.

• Time management wise; businesses often found that 20% of their time created 80% of their productivity, and 20% of the employees created 80% of the value.

In other words; allocate a time, complete the task as fast as you can, take a break, and with fresh eyes, review and edit. After this; don’t stress yourself out, be confident with end product, hand it in & move onto the next task! Because we have to keep in mind, everything can only be better in that moment in time, and that’s okay.

Perfectionism is great, but Progress is better. You get your pay check or your project ticked off, when you finish it, not when you Perfect it.




C o n f i d e n c e B o o s t• Confidence comes from within -It’s very unlikely that you will find a feeling of satisfac...

C o n f i d e n c e B o o s t

• Confidence comes from within -
It’s very unlikely that you will find a feeling of satisfaction in your body or relationship. If you want self-acceptance, look inwards.

• You can’t please everyone -
So, always remember; the people that mind, don’t matter. And the people that matter, will not mind.

• Sometimes, you have to fake it before you make it -
Firstly tell yourself how great you are. Then invest in self-care. Eventually, you’ll begin to realise you’re worth the investment.

Stop trying to be liked by everyone. Do you like yourself?
You are good enough, as you are.
(& Read that again)



That  D a r k  P l a c e -  In times when we’re not feeling at our best, we tend to scroll for the hope of escaping & wi...

That D a r k P l a c e - In times when we’re not feeling at our best, we tend to scroll for the hope of escaping & wishing we wish had it better. But let me tell you; this is the worst possible thing you can do.

It’s going to make you spiral. Downwards.

During these moments we end up forgetting about our most precious enjoyable memories, the copious amounts of time we’ve spent to carefully mould ourselves into the individuals we are today, & we don’t acknowledge the strengths our uniqueness holds.

If you’re in this place; E v e r y t h i n g can feel overwhelming right now. You may feel crushed, pressured or in the dark. And in these moments, we have to remind ourselves to steer away from comparing our lives to someone else’s best days, we have to focus our mind on recalling our defining traits, staying strong & believing in our positives.

Tell yourself that you’re doing your best & take it one day at a time. ♥️


FB page: Pranika Arisht


D a i l y H a b i t s
A few “actionable” things we can try incorporate into our daily lives. It’s really important to constant re-evaluate your strengths, weaknesses and goals.

Thank you to everyone that replied these ideas have come from you guys! They’re super easy to implement and that’s why I’ve chosen my favourite ones!



Hack your  H A P P Y  hormones ☀️(Share, Comment & Like please) • O x y t o c i n The ‘bonding’ hormone, we release this...

Hack your H A P P Y hormones ☀️
(Share, Comment & Like please)

• O x y t o c i n
The ‘bonding’ hormone, we release this when we feel connected to our favourite ones. To stimulate, try to give someone a hug, cook some food with your special one or play with your pets.

• S e r o t o n i n
The ‘mood stabiliser’ which helps improve sleep, reduce anxiety and makes you feel happy. To stimulate, try: go for a walk, get some sun, practice meditation or go for a run.

• D o p a m i n e
The ‘feel good’ neurotransmitter which drives our reward system. To stimulate, try: listening to music, eating some dessert, get a good nights sleep or complete a small task on the list.

• E n d o r p h i n s
This is the brain’s natural ‘painkiller’. It helps reduce stress and increase pleasure. To stimulate, try: eating some dark chocolate, doing some exercise, watching a stand-up comedian, or burning essential oils.


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Feeling  o b s e r v e d -I feel like, when ever I go out; whatever I do; wherever I am; I’m constantly being observed. ...

Feeling o b s e r v e d -
I feel like, when ever I go out; whatever I do; wherever I am; I’m constantly being observed. I feel like, people’s eyes are watching my every move, pointing out my correct & incorrect mannerisms and ways, dishing out judgement without actually verbally expressing it.

And I’ve also recently realised, we may all feel this way. We may all feel like a walking target with a spotlight on our actions, and that’s a scary feeling. So, I can understand the need to feel invisible in a public place, in an attempt to be surrounded by strangers who aren’t judging your every move; giving you some time to yourself, some time to reflect.

Everyone is so concerned about how they’re being seen & publicly perceived, that as a matter of fact, people do judge, but no one cares.
I promise you, n o o n e c a r e s .

With this unified sense of feeling in mind, the next time you step out of your house, or actually, the next time you roll out of bed, tell yourself to just be the genuine and true individual you are. You don’t have to pretend; you don’t have to hide behind assumptions made by others, just be carefree & let others live carefree too, by eliminating all judgement.

Share this post & please raise social awareness.

Instagram: pranikaarisht

Clear your inhibitions Putting yourself out there can be tough. Trying something new can be tough. Feeling uncomfortable...

Clear your inhibitions

Putting yourself out there can be tough. Trying something new can be tough. Feeling uncomfortable in an unknown situation can also be really tough. And these are the feelings which inhibit us to even attempt to try.

But until we don’t try, we will never know how much better we can be. How much happier we can be. And how wholesome it can feel; to shuffle in the direction of our goals.

I’m guilty of it too. The goals and aspirations I have in mind seem really overwhelming at times. I always feel the pressure of not performing well enough, and the pressure of not being good enough. And to tackle this, I stop. I think. And then I tell myself, “why are you creating expectations of yourself when you haven’t even tried?”.
That’s when I stop judging myself, wipe clear the expectations I have self-created & do my best. Because every little bit adds up.



Are you confident with who you are? I know it can take a lifetime to discover who you are, what you stand for & simply w...

Are you confident with who you are?

I know it can take a lifetime to discover who you are, what you stand for & simply what makes you, you. It’s extremely difficult to completely establish this; because we keep adapting, we challenge and change our views, and overall, it is almost impossible to completely understand what defines you.

And that’s okay.

So it’s okay if you can’t answer that question. Instead I think we should think about:
• what attitude, and
• what approach
we want to bring to each step we take and each decision we make.

Redefine yourself continually, without judgement. ✨

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Reminder - You’ll never feel 100% ready. Do it anyway. P.S: I believe in you 💓“Maybe I’ll do it next time”“Maybe I’ll do...

Reminder - You’ll never feel 100% ready. Do it anyway.
P.S: I believe in you 💓

“Maybe I’ll do it next time”
“Maybe I’ll do it later”
This is what we tell ourselves.
Self-doubt can be so overpowering, that it can kill your creativity. Ignore the inhibitions & I know that if I can step out of my comfort zone, so can you!

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Volume uppppp please & follow my Instagram 😊
Keep an eye out for the upcoming content!



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