Thank you so, so much for following along with me on this page -- and for your interest in my web magazine project, JBR.
I'm working right now on pulling together the content for the magazine's "launch" on December 15; we have some amazing contributing writers, and I'm so excited to be working with them.
If you can make it to the live launch party at Lansing Office Works (5:30 to 7 p.m.; countdown to launch at 6:15 p.m.), that's wonderful -- I look forward to meeting new friends, and to talking with people who have been working with me on this dream-project. We'll have some snacks (my husband and I are making them), and we'll have some wine (we're not making that). And we'll have some door prizes, too. But even if you can't make it to the party -- thank you for being interested in hearing what we're up to. And please, feel free here to ask me any questions at all!
Meanwhile -- here's some more information about what I'm working on ...
JBR is an online magazine focusing on arts, lifestyles and social justice issues. The magazine’s general coverage area is the tri-state region of Wisconsin, Minnesota and Iowa (with occasional exceptions).
The magazine features writing from a variety of talented contributors in the fields of music, food, literature, the environment, the visual and dramatic arts, health and wellness, travel, and social justice.
The magazine is edited by Julie Berg-Raymond — a native of La Crosse, Wisconsin, whose many childhood visits to her grandparents’ home in the Twin Cities left her with a lifelong sense of Minneapolis as her second home town. After having spent 30 years as a happy denizen of Iowa, 7 years of which were spent commuting to graduate school at the University of Minnesota, she returned last year to her native Wisconsin. She has worked as a newspaper reporter for 15+ years, and for seven years owned and operated The Tapestry magazine with her long-time friend and colleague, Tanya O'Connor.