Welcome to BigSharkDuck Gaming. I'm the biggest shark out there & I'm full of flavor with the duck sauce. Ya feel me? In all seriousness. I didn't actually take gaming seriously until it was the only thing that took my stress away, the way I wanted.
In 2019, I lost two of my fingers. I spent so much of my time in physical therapy trying to adjust to life as an amputee. In the beginning I could barely bring my thumb to my pinky. My ultimate goal was to make a fist. Thanks to my physical therapy and my favorite birthday gift ever, my xbox one, I was able to do it.
Along the way of my recovery I picked up my coping mechanism, that's never left my side- gaming. As I child I would sneak on my nintendo 64' when my parents were working. (They had this weird rule about not vibing when they were away, don't ask me I didn't make the rules. From there, in grade school I would sneak my gameboy classic in and play pokémon yellow.In middle school, I'd go over my uncle's bachelor pad to play Spider-Man 2 on the Ps2. In highschool and college, when I was working out or dropping out, I'd be on ps4 and xbox one(they have the most hits ever bro.) If it wasn't for video games I would't have healed as well as I did. To be honest I'd be a lot more frustrated, more of the time. I wouldn't be as strong as I am. Today I am here to show you guys what gaming is like from my point of view.