To: All Youth Organizations, Youth- Serving Organizations, Faith based and School-based Organizations.
Subject: 2024 Mariveles Youth Accreditation Program.
Pursuant to IRR, Rule 4, Section 26 of Republic Act No. 10742 otherwise known as SK Reform Act of 2015, the Local Youth Development Office shall facilitates the registration, verification and validity of local youth organizations in line to the revitalized policy guidelines of the Youth Organization Registration Program (YORP) of the National Youth Commission.
Through this, in order to revitalize and localize the youth accreditation program, the Municipality of Mariveles will be implementing local youth accreditation program as mandate to ensure facilitation in the registration and verification of local youth organizations.
Requirements for Accreditation:
Organizations applying for accreditation shall submit two (2) copies of the following requirements:
a. Letter of Application.
b. Duly accomplished application form for accreditation/registration.
You can access the accreditation form here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Wegfi9-fyYIfRPVfyZQ6zokygMxZKbgU?usp=sharing
c. Recommendation letter from the Local Chief Executive and/ or Punong Barangay and head from the local line agencies or organizations;
d. Constitution and By-Laws;
e. List of current officers and members with their residential mailing addresses:
Sample and format of the requirements of accreditation can be secured in the Office of the Mayor- Local Youth Development Office, 2nd Floor. Deadline for the submission is on or before February 05, 2024. First 8 Youth Organization, Faith-based Organization, Youth- Serving Organization, and School- based organization will be included in the 79th Liberation Day “Gabi ng Kabataan” on February 10, 2024.