AMC FAM We share our family moments. :) Anthony always gives his best on his work and will be 100% focus and committed to all of his client's needs and requests.

He is never satisfied with a half-hearted commitment to his projects. And the more struggles he is facing, the more excellent the results you will get from his service.

Mini Koomieee 🐶❤️

Mini Koomieee 🐶❤️

Smol meee 🐶

Smol meee 🐶



Online marketing research is the process by which companies use the Internet to gather data to evaluate how well a produ...

Online marketing research is the process by which companies use the Internet to gather data to evaluate how well a product or service is selling to consumers. The information provided by a careful market analysis conducted online can also identify popular trends that can assist a company in creating a strategy that will get better results.

Online Research Advantages:
👉Access to data across the globe: Internet is an elaborate platform for researchers to invest their time in retrieving crucial information that would otherwise consume a lot of their time. It is very easy for them to conduct 👉research even if they’re lazing on their couch and have a deadline coming up.
👉Minimum investment of time and resources: The online mediums have become the numero uno resort for individuals to look up for information to broaden their horizons of knowledge.
👉Central pool of facts and figures: Researchers and statisticians keep searching for updated information on various important topics. Students search the internet for academic purposes and this is the greatest edge the internet offers.
👉Capable tool for collecting information: Surveys, questionnaires, and polls are being conducted via online mediums like emails or QR codes or embedded on the website to gather or spread vital information.

It is clear that market research is vital when developing your marketing strategy. It provides great insights into your business and the wider marketplace.

You want someone to handle this work for you? I am Anthony and I offer stable services with excellent quality and results. To learn more about the different services I offer, visit my page:

Search Engine Optimization is a set of practices designed to improve the appearance and positioning of web pages in orga...

Search Engine Optimization is a set of practices designed to improve the appearance and positioning of web pages in organic search results. Because organic search is the most prominent way for people to discover and access online content, a good SEO strategy is essential for improving the quality and quantity of traffic to your website.

SEO is a fundamental part of digital marketing because people conduct trillions of research every year, often with a commercial intent to find information about products and services. Search is often the primary source of digital traffic for brands and complements other marketing channels. Greater visibility and ranking higher in search results than your competition can have a material impact on your bottom line.

After overviewing what search engine optimization is, why it’s important, and how to implement it. Keep in mind that SEO should be treated as a positive practice with long term benefits, not an exact science with immediate results. Your rankings highly depend on who you are competing with, including the size of the company, years in business and their own on and off-site SEO efforts.

Having good SEO means getting more quality leads and higher chances of visits and sales on your website.

You want someone to handle this work for you? I am Anthony and I offer stable services with excellent quality and results. To learn more about the different services I offer, visit my page:

Email marketing is the use of email to promote products or services while developing relationships with potential custom...

Email marketing is the use of email to promote products or services while developing relationships with potential customers or clients. It is essentially direct mail done electronically instead of through the postal service.

Email marketing allows you to target particular groups of customers or even specific individuals. Offering individual customers special birthday deals on merchandise or services is one way to do this.

Here are some advantages of email marketing.
👉Easy to Schedule & Organize
👉Promotes Content Marketing
👉Highly Cost Effective
👉Highly Scalable & Flexible
👉Tracking & Reporting Ability

Doing email marketing benefits like conversions, brand awareness, and customer loyalty.

If you want to start email marketing, you will need these two main things; email marketing software and an email list. Having an email marketing software has the ability to land emails in the inbox. Unlike Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook or other non-email marketing tools, they can be easily flagged by spam filters and your account can be disabled for suspicious activity. And having your own email list, it means they agree to receive emails from you when they enter their email address into an email signup form on your blog, website, landing pages, social media, or anywhere else.

In this way you are already building relationships with your customers. Having a good relationship means trust and stability. 💙

You want someone to handle this work for you? I am Anthony and I offer stable services with excellent quality and results. To learn more about the different services I offer, visit my page:

Branding is simply the shorthand statement of who you are and what you can do for someone. When you find a way to sum up...

Branding is simply the shorthand statement of who you are and what you can do for someone. When you find a way to sum up your company's entire promise of what it will be like to work with you and what's in it for them into a few short emotional words, you've found your brand.

Simple, right? So why is branding important, then? Why are we even talking about it, if it’s that basic?
Branding has always been a vital part of business, but it may be more important now than ever before. With social media, consumers get exposed to new brands every day.
Reasons branding is important to your business.
➤More People Will Recognize Your Business
➤Branding Can Help Build Trust
➤You Can Improve Your Advertising
➤Branding Creates Loyal Customers

In many ways, you can appeal to people’s emotions through branding and make them feel more connected to your company. Branding allows you to build relationships with your audience, which can eventually turn them into loyal customers. 💙

You want someone to handle this work for you? I am Anthony and I offer stable services with excellent quality and results. To learn more about the different services I offer, visit my page:

Your business website is an integral part of a larger marketing plan. It is therefore important to understand the purpos...

Your business website is an integral part of a larger marketing plan. It is therefore important to understand the purpose it must play. Your website is usually the cornerstone of an online marketing plan, providing a presence for your business.

Depending on the nature of a business, the website may be the lifeblood of sales activity, or simply an information hub. Let’s take a look at some typical functions of business websites:
➤Online retailer style – this type of website is focused on engaging the visitor, leading them into specific areas of interest.
➤Catalogue style - the strategy behind this type of website is to present an online catalogue or brochure.
➤Manufacturer/wholesaler style - the strategy behind these small business websites is very different. Their online presence is to provide contact details, almost like a directory, pointing the visitor to the right place.

There must be an overriding purpose behind your business website. What do you want it to be, to do and to say?

In essence, what is your business website asking your visitors to do? What do you want them to say about your website once they have visited? What kind of experience do you want a visitor to have?

Thus, creating a business website is the best way to promote your business.💙

You want someone to handle this work for you? I am Anthony and I offer stable services with excellent quality and results. To learn more about the different services I offer, visit my page:

A landing page is any web page that a customer can land on. But in the marketing realm, it's usually a standalone page, ...

A landing page is any web page that a customer can land on. But in the marketing realm, it's usually a standalone page, distinct from your homepage or any other page, that serves a single and focused purpose.

You are thinking right now, why do we need a landing page?
Here are the things that make a landing page more significant in your campaigns.
➤Meeting user expectations
➤Promoting action
➤Boosting site performance
➤Lead generation

But before you make a landing page, there are things that you need to remember. You need to have a clear objective in mind, grab your audiences attention, and always stay true to your brand.

If you want to create an excellent landing page, you have to find a proper landing page builder, then get some inspiration from amazing templates, and design your landing page that effectively communicates the value you are providing visitors in exchange for contact information.

To nurture your quality leads, you have to build relationships with them. Having a good relationship means trust and stability. 💙

You want someone to handle this work for you? I am Anthony and I offer stable services with excellent quality and results. To learn more about the different services I offer, visit my page:

Lead Generation is the process of generating leads and turning them into customers which lead them interested to your pr...

Lead Generation is the process of generating leads and turning them into customers which lead them interested to your products and services.

Do you want to take your lead generation conversion to the next level, and do you want to get back on track?

Here are the 10 lead generation strategies that are effective in this modern era.
➤Paid Advertising
➤Lead Magnets
➤Email Marketing
➤Landing Pages
➤Valuable Content
➤A/B Testing
➤Speed it up
➤Social Proof

And to get excellent results, you have to identify properly your buyer personas, and create content that would be compelling and useful to drive quality leads.

If a company focuses on acquiring quality leads, the chances of converting a lead into a customer will considerably increase. Enjoying higher conversion rates will allow you to confidently invest in you quality leads; that means your return of investment increases.

To nurture your quality leads, you have to build relationships with them. Having a good relationship means trust and stability. 💙

You want someone to handle this work for you? I am Anthony and I offer stable services with excellent quality and results. To learn more about the different services I offer, visit my page:

What are the benefits of having a Virtual Assistant?Having a virtual assistant is having a friend that you can rely on i...

What are the benefits of having a Virtual Assistant?
Having a virtual assistant is having a friend that you can rely on in hard times.

A virtual assistant makes your life easier. Why easier?
They can increase the productivity of your business. Easy right? But that's not just about your life is easier it is about saving your time and money. Since virtual assistants have their own equipment, you don't have to worry about the expenses.

Virtual Assistants are flexible. Since they can work any time on any day, especially when you can hire a virtual assistant from another time zone. Having someone available always for your business means you can have more free time for your personal life.

After all your virtual assistant will be the one to handle all other tasks for you. Plus you can gain new outlooks on your business and any issues that may come along in the future.

👉You can find more info on what is a virtual assistant, by reading the full article here: 👉
For more tips and updates, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

What is a Virtual Assistant?A Virtual Assistant works on their own from a remote location. Businesses can save extra mon...

What is a Virtual Assistant?
A Virtual Assistant works on their own from a remote location. Businesses can save extra money due to their location and equipment costs.

Apart from bringing you your coffee, there isn't anything that a virtual assistant can't do.

It depends on the businesses on what are the terms that they need from a virtual assistant. Some of the most common tasks that a virtual assistants can have under their belts are handling social media management, operational and administrative tasks, web design, community management, and content management. Other companies hire specific roles for a VA to handle specialized jobs.
Let's take for an example, sales and marketing, public relations, customer service, IT helpdesk, or outsourcing.

Some virtual assistants work as independent freelancers. While some are part of a company or agency where you hire the company to provide a flexible workforce.

Thus having a Virtual Assistant is the best choice for businesses especially nowadays because of the pandemic.

👉You can find more info on what is a virtual assistant, by reading the full article here: 👉
For more tips and updates, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

We all know that taking a rest is one of the best feelings right after work. Did you know that there are lots of types o...

We all know that taking a rest is one of the best feelings right after work.

Did you know that there are lots of types of rest? But I'll just give two types because these two are very important as a Virtual Assistant.

First is physical rest, this kind of rest has two parts, one is passive physical rest. This is when you are asleep, like when we are sleeping at night. We need this kind of rest in order to recharge those sleepless nights and tiring days. Number two is active physical rest, this is not crucial as passive physical rest, but it is super important. You can take an example of active physical rest such as yoga, massage, exercise, or just stretching.

The second is mental rest, some experience mental fatigues, unproductivity, and sudden waves of exhaustion, that your body tells you that it's time for a mental rest. You can try setting up a schedule for a ten-minute break every two or three hours.

For Virtual Assistants, having a good rest is very important because it affects our productivity.

👉You can find more info on resting and types of resting by reading the full article here: 👉 &
For more tips and updates, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

The quote from Abraham Lincoln teaches us the importance of preparation.Preparation is a skill that can be learned, and ...

The quote from Abraham Lincoln teaches us the importance of preparation.

Preparation is a skill that can be learned, and with disciplined and experience can be improved over time. For some of us, planning and preparation may come naturally but for others, they deal with challenges and problems as they come up.
The advantage of preparation is that you can manage your work much quicker and more efficiently because you already have the exact plan on what you should do next.

We all know that delivering a great presentation and performance are the results of being prepared. So we shouldn't overlook preparation, because it is one of the most important things we need to do when planning something. If you do, then you can save more time and as we all know, time is money.

Always give yourself enough time to prepare and you should always start preparing early.

So preparation is one of the keys to success, as it is true to all professionals.

👉You can find more info about preparation by reading the full article here: 👉 &
For more tips and updates, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

What is time blocking?Time blocking is a time management method that asks you to divide your day-to-day schedules into b...

What is time blocking?
Time blocking is a time management method that asks you to divide your day-to-day schedules into blocks of time. Then each block is dedicated to achieving any specific tasks or group of tasks.

Some say time blocking is the practice of scheduling out your plans in advance and dedicating specific time blocks for certain tasks and responsibilities.

Time blocking fights back procrastination, since you have set a time limit for every specific task that you planned for the day. That means it would be easier for you to dismiss unnecessary things, and it helps you distinguish the things that you did not finish in a specific timeframe.

You can start time blocking by trying to determine how you are going to fill them, what are things that you need to prioritize, categorize your task from the most challenging to less draining activities, do chuck scheduling, plan proper transitioning from block-to-block, eradicate distractions such as your smartphone, and then lastly revise your time blocking such reviewing your productivity from last week by identifying the things that didn't go as planned.

So to sum it up, time blocking helps us to be more productive as Virtual Assistants.

👉You can find more info on time blocking by reading the full article here: 👉
For more tips and updates, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

What is procrastination?Many of us are having this kind of behavior, that includes me.Let's take for an example that you...

What is procrastination?
Many of us are having this kind of behavior, that includes me.
Let's take for an example that you need to finish a task right away because of deadlines, but you can't do it cause you program yourself already that you can do it later, that "later" attitude makes your schedules delay.

So procrastination is a unique type of postponement or delay, though we already recognized the consequences that we need to do it right away, yet we didn't yield to our schedules.

But we can overcome procrastination through awareness and self-knowledge. Having these two keys, you can identify the root cause of procrastinating. You can also try changing your environment, setting deadlines, eliminating common distractions, or try telling others about your goals. Because having someone you know to hear your goals will somewhat give you the motivation to take action.
By the way, these keys helped a me lot in the past to overcome these challenges.

👉You can find more info on procrastination by reading the full article here: 👉
For more tips and updates, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

We all know that making plans is easy, but putting them into action is hard. That is why there is a word called "schedul...

We all know that making plans is easy, but putting them into action is hard. That is why there is a word called "schedule".

Excellent Virtual Assistants will always have a proper set of schedules and plans to finish every day. That puts them to a different level of success within their businesses.

Basically, schedules help you establish a routine, that will set things automatically. Without scheduling, your plan cannot be put into action and that affects your productivity as a Virtual Assistant. That's why scheduling is important.

👉You can find more info on the importance of scheduling by reading the full article here: 👉
For more tips and updates, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Linkedin.

It doesn’t take talent or luck to succeed, the decision is in your hands to take your business to the next level.

It doesn’t take talent or luck to succeed, the decision is in your hands to take your business to the next level.

Having a Virtual Assistant helps you reduce your workloads, saves your time, and increases your productivity.

Having a Virtual Assistant helps you reduce your workloads, saves your time, and increases your productivity.

Virtual Assistants are made for business growth. They provide the agility and flexibility to be utilized when you need t...

Virtual Assistants are made for business growth. They provide the agility and flexibility to be utilized when you need them. This makes them a great fit to support your business.




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