Some days are easier than others. We all know that. But to acknowledge when you need help is really important. I lean on stimulants like coffee when I’m having low days. Sometimes it helps but it’s like a bandaid, it only lasts for so long.
Because I deal with anxiety pretty regularly coffee more often ramps up the anxiety then helps the low moods. Although some days it helps me get energy that tells me I need to burn it before it turns to anxiety 😅.
If you need more help than a cup of coffee, I encourage you to seek other options.
Mental Health America (MHA)'s work, and mission statement, is driven by its commitment to promote mental health as a critical part of overall wellness, including prevention services for all; early identification and intervention for those at risk; integrated care, services, and supports for those who need them; with recovery as the goal. You can check them out at: www.mhanational.org
There are other resources out there. We want you to know you’re not alone.