Alien disclosure- They're here.

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Alien disclosure- They're here. I have compiled 100 percent definitive proof that the illuminati is real and they are hunting me.

I have footage to back up everything and compiled evidence from all over the internet to back this up. is not a ghost sighting. I am trying to gain an audience to save the world and ghost si...

This is not a ghost sighting. I am trying to gain an audience to save the world and ghost sightings seem to have more views and I am in need of anyone who can see my valuable footage. This is footage of the Illuminati trying to convince me (Yet again) they're on the side of God and they're on my side by the using the color blue, a truck saying "Code compliance" and having a guy saying he's part of a "group who works with God" live on camera. They wanted me to think the guy with a blue bike, blue glasses was working with everyone in Burger King who also had blue clothes.

27/04/2022 biggest announcement humanity ever will have is about to be made. ALIENS...

The biggest announcement humanity ever will have is about to be made. ALIENS CONFIRMED. This is not a joke or spam I can promise you this information needs to get out before I get kidnapped for speaking my mind. Please help me get this information out. Real footage of conversations both online and offline with real life aliens infiltrators not paid actors.

I have real footage of alien infiltrators and have gotten the illuminati to give me enough evidence to prove that aliens are invading Earth by...


This video is to explain in depth the happenings of my life, show my face and try to inspire someone to understand they have to investigate my page and its so real all the footage I have I guarantee no on has seen a full video. We need to save the world.
I feel like the chicken little no one will believe until its too late since this is real life not a movie, and in the end chicken little was right about the sky falling and so to will I be right about alien invaders who are not only hostile but evil in the sickest way possible.
I am an honest man who wishes to save the world using my knowledge as power to inspire people to change and do something about the invasion and corruption of humanity and motivate people to become happy, grateful, kind, empathetic human beings like everyone was meant and destined to be. Humans are not supposed to hate and spread toxic beliefs, behaviors and any attributes commonly associated with a negative connotation or effect on themselves and others.



This page will not make sense unless you watch the last couple videos I posted. The illuminati has been trying to indoctrinate me into joining them using intimidation tactics that they thought would make me submit to them or become paralyzed with fear but it did the opposite. I am ready now more then ever to turn them in and this page has real footage and photographs along with evidence they exist outside my personnel life. I can prove they're real without the footage I have and its the perfect icing on the cake to prove the lizard illuminati is real and is more evil then anyone can ever imagine.

This is another example of how they are teasing me and harassing me online. They have tried using ads and even this spec...

This is another example of how they are teasing me and harassing me online. They have tried using ads and even this specific person to target me by making people (99 percent women) have red hair. Just like you know if you look at my page they have tried many ads and even movies to harrass me from a distance in a way they thought would make me look schizophrenic but i need you to step outside the box of what you thought reality was and take a deeper look at this page. Think outside what you thought was real and let me know what you think. I can prove everything I say if you give me a chance to save you from these pe*****le monsters. I am saddened to let you know that aliens are not what you think and actually monsters that need to be dealt with accordingly. I can prove this if you erase any preconceived notions (past beliefs and ideas) about "aliens" and there is a lot of evidence they are the devil in disguise and the devil is a hive mind of semi related species you all think about as aliens. They're pe*****le monsters and this page needs to be on the front lines. Will anyone help me help you to help every being on this planet? Can anyone rise up against them with me in a peaceful manner?

Does anybody think this is normal? I can't send friend request to certain people for unexplainable reasons other then it...

Does anybody think this is normal? I can't send friend request to certain people for unexplainable reasons other then it's the Illuminati doing it. Sometimes it will say I "dont know" the person and can't send a friend request. Out of all the places where I couldn't send a friend request by looking at the likes it was the u.f.o page, maybe its because those people would believe in my page the most? What If I can only send friends request to lizard people and theres that many of them?




This video is a much better explanation of what is happening in my life. I go in depth on the progression of them barely bothering me and to them being like a bee hive I poked and trying to intimidate me into joining them, being silent, accepting them as god and a father/ family and them trying to make me into a girl, pet, kid. I promise you I can prove everything I say with footage and evidence I have stockpiled for this very moment. If you do not watch full video and assume I have the footage to back it up don't even comment and say anything. CALL ME 9787155036 .Trust me I can prove everything I say with real footage. From filming there activities around town, real life admissions and footage of them conversations of people saying there aliens and much more. Please give my video a chance. You are all in more danger then anyone can ever imagine.




People are telling me my page is not working. Can anyone attest to this and let me know how it is there them? I have plenty of videos and evidence I need to share

Notice anything? The cards about a girl with red hair are tilted to intimidate me into being transgender and joining the...

Notice anything? The cards about a girl with red hair are tilted to intimidate me into being transgender and joining them. The other picture has a cross and a card that says dad slightly tilted to do the same thing and make me think there God and that there my father. They do lots of things like this with books, movies and even shirts. If you don't understand the full background of my investigations you will not understand what I am going through and assume I am schizophrenic. I have had full conversations with people claiming to be and know lizard people, claiming to be and know aliens and even claiming to be Jesus......This is not schizophrenia, sadly someone hasn't watched a full video yet so I can prove it to the word.

They do things like this very often. The common themes are trying to make me think there my father, family, Jesus/ God, aliens and that I have to be a pet, girl, kid to them. My video I posted yesterday goes a lot more in depth and I am expecting lots of calls once someone finally is brave enough to watch my videos and investigate this page on there own.

I have hours of footage and photos of them doing this. I know it will sound schizophrenic at first but once you talk to me you'll realize this isn't schizophrenia at all. Aliens are demonic and real. They walk among the people of Earth and want to infiltrate and corrupt humanity to bring about an age of evil.


Any historians here? Anyone study aliens? Anyone have any braincells left? If you watch my videos you will see that this page is not any normal page. It is full disclosure, just like a crime show or documentry it will take time for you to see how this all adds up.


Watch the video posted two post ago. It's the second or third most important video to helping you understand what's going on in my life and how I know all the people I record and investigate are connected. This "page' (warning/proof) will be on the news some day soon. Please be part of my new movement and give up your life with me. I represent nothing but human freedom and kindness. Not the left or right. I am unbiased and unbrainwashed as can be and that is one of the many reasons they're after me

Two people both are insinuating they know something they're not sharing and one of them talking as "we/ group". This is ...

Two people both are insinuating they know something they're not sharing and one of them talking as "we/ group". This is one of the many examples of people messing with me. This one is smaller and more insignificant but if you added what's happening here with everything else you wouldn't doubt it's one of them. Who talks as if there a we/ us ? Lots of people I have been talking to that I will prove later on today. 9787155036 if you can't call its them doing it so please inbox me. You never know the possibilities of what's going on. I have many more examples and dots to connect before your very own eyes.


This video should get people to know me a bit better and let people I am not schizophrenic. In this conversation I tell someone what I'm going through ( a little bit ). I will continue to post more and more proof as they have not stopped trying to intimidate me into joining them. I am the first person to get real live footage of aliens.......


Do people not see my page? Lots of people are asking for my footage. You will not understand what you see unless you talk to me and understand why and how these seemingly different people are all in cahoots with each other and work for/ are the illuminati.......Wearing one glove, putting lizard stuffed animals and toys everywhere, one gloves on the ground, putting ads and commercials around me of girls with red hair, real conversations with them, calling me brother/ buddy everywhere. They hunt me and intimidate me online and off, I am like sherlock Holmes I can prove without a doubt all these people are related and they know I will sound schizophrenic to most. If you really want evidence facetime me and I will show you everything I have that I keep offline. Can someone talk to me? If you really want to point a finger and say I am schizophrenic then be nice and polite to me, call me and explain how you know this isn't real when I know it is.....

This is just a sneak preview of an upcoming video. There are people targeting me online trying to make me think there th...

This is just a sneak preview of an upcoming video. There are people targeting me online trying to make me think there the good aliens and hoping/knowing i will sound schizophrenic. I can prove they are all related and not only to the people offline but also to the real life lizard people. The people I am talking to/investigating are not paid actors. BELIEVE OR NOT THESE PREVIEWS OF REAL COVNERSATIONS AND THESE ARE NOT ALL OF THEM. I PROMISE YOU THEY ARE NOT PAID ACTORS! THEY WANT YOU TO THINK THAT!


Watch this full video and you will see what is really going on and my full explination


I want to create a group of people who will follow me into the unknown and realize there is too much being hidden from humanity. There is too much at stake to let this go on, I'm not just talking about whether aliens are demons and walk among us but the freedoms and safety that is at risk if people don't realize the problems that are going on in the world. From Ukraine and Russia to China trying to claim land others don't see as Chinas. There are problems going on in this world that would require every human on this planet to take action anyways. Starvation, crime, mental illness, drug addiction, the corruption of humanity and the Earth are enough to warrant everyone attention anyways and each of those problems can grow into something that can make life miserable for so many its too much to count and realize the significance.

The difference between what people think is real and what is really going on would make some puke and become traumatized. What people need to do is first realize there is a problem before it can get fixed. Humanity has a real life demonic parasite leaching off the resources and well being of all the people who dwell on Earth. I am not talking about any of the usual subjects humans have to blame for this but something most people do not even know is real. A hive mind of reptilian beings have been infiltrating and controlling aspects of humanity for longer then you can imagine are more to blame then any group you may think is the real issue. Humans need to stand up and do something about this once and for all, humans need to find out who is who and I can help guide you all in the right direction. They have been intimidating me and hunting me for quite a while now and didn't plan for what I am doing next. They figured I would join them and be in too much fear to be able to compile all my evidence in such a way that would shed light on all the issues of the world at the same time proving them to be real and my experiences with them all at the same time.

They are coming for you, your children, your family and future generations of everyone on this planet. They want to control you and guide you into a future nightmare. What's the point in going to work and living your life normally while other people suffer at the hands of not only humans contributing to the problems on earth but while aliens infiltrate your citys, towns and even neighborhoods to control you and everyone you know. The time has come for everyone to realize this is a much more severe problem then imagined and sitting like ducks is what they planned on. The reptilian entities that control the upper parts of the illuminati and many other aspects of human life can all be traced to every problem humanity is facing. Humans can't sit back and let demonic forces try to erode there freedoms and joys while making it look like a naturally decaying world. Guilty by association is something that comes to mind I usually don't like that type of accusation but this is a different case. Ignoring the demonic forces and even the problems humanity is facing without knowing there real is like sitting in a burning house and trying hope things will be ok for now. Every day they gain more and more control and humanity will be falling backwords into a nightmare. Humanity is sleepwalking into the scariest nightmare the universe has ever known and the alien infiltrators want you to believe you shouldn't even check out my page cause theres no way its real and that even if you find out there real or believe the illuminati is real that theres nothing you can do. Let me tell you there is something you can do, i know for a fact the government doesn't know to the extent they control or how evil they are and will wake up if enough people follow me, give up there lives and become someone who warns people day in and day out about them. All it will take is someone watching my footage and people will know there real, the steps after that are a bit more difficult. Being traumatized and giving up is not an option here. Humanity has to wake up, i need each and everyone of you to become a hero of your own lifes story. Become a hero and do something about the people who are known for being evil pe*****le demon monsters trying to control you and your very ways of life. Humanity is in danger how can anyone think its ok to know there real and not do anything about it. As I am editing my speech there is one of them commenting saying he watched all my videos which would take hours and thought it was me who needed help when theres people admitting to being the devil, leaving subminimal messages for me in the stores, leaving one glove everywhere I go and having a lady saying shes my mother and that the "other people" are ok when its the same lady that stalked me before and tried to send me on "missions". There will be plenty of wolves in sheeps clothing on this page and that should be evidence enough this is real. At the very least you can see the decline in mental acuity humans are suffering from seeing as how the evidence I have compiled is so obvious you would have to have one brain cell left to not understand the danger in what I am experiencing and the realness of what I talk about. Who is ready to investigate my page for real? Think outside the box and think of the ramifications of ignoring this page if what I am talking about is real? This is not a page this is a real life disclosure message, enough proof to blow the lid off the illuminati once and for all. Don't you want to be a part of something big? Something new? Something that will be remembered in history forever? Are you going to let the world collapse in on it self by the same forces who propagated slavery, racism, war, division, and every other evil thing humans can think of? Are going to let humanitys future go down the drain because if you are your falling into there trap. They want you to think I am crazy and that theres nothing you can do about it.


This page is not a page and is a real life disclosure page from someone (me) who is being contacted by the alien infiltrators also known as the illuminati (the very top of them are "aliens"). They are trying to corrupt humans in the sense they want to dumb everyone down and make them easier to control, divide and conquer tactics is something they frequently use. I show proof of all this and use real life examples that does not include the illuminati at all. What I mean is that i take a look at modern life and examples of how modern life is corrupting people and making them materialistic (wanting/ needing accessories and products), dumbed down (improper education/ misinformation), greedy, angry, violent (entertianment often promotes things like s*x, drugs, violence and bad influence role models and behaviors) and plenty of other things they do to bring down humanity from the inside. They are addicted to humans being controlled, in pain and sad. They are psychopathic pe*****le monsters and I can prove everything I say from them trying to get me to work for them, controlling parts of human societys and there true intentions. What I need is somone to jump down the rabbit hole (matrix refrence/ alice in wonderland) and realize they are being lied to , manipulated, corrupted and controlled by demonic ("alien") forces hell bent on destroying humanity in order to push there evil agenda.


I am continuing to play it cool and document all my interactions while I interogate this alien infiltrator. The reasons they are being so provacative with there intimidation tactics is they want me to think they know they'll win if there being so confident. They are sure that no one will look into my page as they have tried for thousands of years to dumb down humans make them think anyone who talks about the subjects I talk about (when it comes to my reporting) is mentally ill. This women was sleeping near me when I woke up one day and has tried to intimidate me before and get me to work for them and believe there my family. Like I have mentioned before she has said she is my holy mother and the person who gave me a mattress (which she sleeps on) is my family. I figured I would play it cool and interogate her while not believing in her alien infiltrator lies. She said the other day the other people are ok and there is no need to be scared. There is an alien invasion going on and the time to do nothing is gone. The time for real life action is here and now as I have real life admissions and proof they all work in tandom and it can be proven through the common themes among them. There aim is to make me believe I am one of them and they are my family. They often call me brother and try to get me to work with them, here is where it ends and I am turning them in.


This is an example of the intimidation and scare tactics they will use to provoke me into submission and join them. If you did not see my hour long presentation and introduction into what and why they do what they do then this video may not make sense. They put gloves all around and always have people wearing one glove around me to intimidate me into joining them and psychologically torture me. Michael Jackson was known for being a pe*****le so they want to make it known there pe*****les and want to want to molestee me and psychologically torture me from a distance. Ever since they have ramped up there scare tactics on me they put gloves all around the ground where I go and have people walk by with one glove to make me scared and let me know there pe*****les. The lizard people are shapeshifters and will use a bunch of tactics to get me to join them. I am trying to be as clear as possible when I explain what they do to me. If you scroll down you will see an hour long video where I explain a lot more in depth the whole situation and I have documented everything they have done since them. They also try and send messages only I will see (until I get somone who to look into my situation and get them to believe) in the stores I go to, outside the stores, online and offline. They have even admited to being the devil and alien infiltrators offline and online.

These toys were all spread around the walmart I was at today. They frequently (less now then before) put things around t...

These toys were all spread around the walmart I was at today. They frequently (less now then before) put things around the store and displace them in order to send me "Messages". The lizard people ( like I told you and proved before) are after me for who I am and what I study. They are after for what I stand for which is human awareness, freedom, love and so much more good human qualities. If you did not watch my hour long presentation you would not understand how this all adds up. They have been doing this for a long time using various tactics both online and offline in order to scare me into working for them and being quite.

A girl I used to know that was a 'step sister" type person is calling herself by my name.......Like I told you they are ...

A girl I used to know that was a 'step sister" type person is calling herself by my name.......Like I told you they are trying to intimidate me into being a girl, pet, and a kid. If you have not seen my hour long presentation where I go more in depth on all of this you might not understand how I am cracking the case of the illuminati/ aliens for all of you. My page needs more attention a.s.a.p. All the commercials/ movies about girls with red hair, the subliminal messages in the store about me being a girl, dog, kid will all be connected by me soon. I will be able to finally prove to the whole world that there is an alien invasion and the aliens are walking among us. They are the real life devil also knows as the lizard people. They can shapeshift to the human eye and blend right in. I promise if you watch my videos you will see something is going on.


This is not a person pranking me. Its to advanced of a "troll" to be a prank. This is what they want you to think and he insinuates I can do what I will and he will return. He's trying to insinuate that hes Jesus at the same time there is a girl staring at me with a shirt that has a girl with red hair on it and another patrolling the area and her shirt says "humans aren't real".


This is not an ad it's an emergency message for humanity. I have in my possession real conversations with alien infiltrators and they have been intimidating me into staying silent and being one of them. They have been engulfing and encompassing my life for months now and the silence has to break. What you are about to see will shock your eyes and ears and you may go into shock. There is an alien invasion and I can prove it if someone gives me time to explain and doesn't dismiss this as schizophrenia before seeing real conversations with alien shapeshifters and real life admissions on footage. They have been after me for quite a while and there was a sharp rise in there intimidation tactics and I have all the footage I have acquired over months and am ready to publish it. I am risking my safety to do this so please understand if you do not read this page humanity is in danger. I have not only compiled evidence from my personal footage but evidence from all around the world and throughout history. Prepare to learn once and for all the aliens are real, they're intentions are to take away humanitys freedoms and corrupt everything from movies, t.v shows, music, and life itself in order make humanity dumb, addicted, uncaring, nihilistic, angry, violent, materialistic and so much more. They are trying to say there god, jesus, my father/ mother, family and I can prove everything I say with real footage on my page and real life admissions to them being the devil and alien infiltrators. Footage of them messing with me in the stores and out of the stores, offline and online. They tried intimidating me in order to distract me from my research (i research history, politics, geopolitics, human behavior, religion, enlightenment and am trying to find a way to save humanity). They are now after me and not giving up. If you don't hear from me they got me. Please..... can someone spare some time to investigate what I am going through, this is bigger then u.f.o videos, ghost videos, cyptid videos anything. This is the equivalent of an announcement on t.v that aliens are invading and are in human form walking among the population and no one knows who is who. My page (warning) might take some time to really understand how this all came to be and I am trying my best to explain how and why I am the one there after the most and they are doing it in a way that seems to provocative. At first they hunted me in subtle ways but this is growing to an intensity where I am risking everything to turn them in and save humanity. I need someone concerned with what is going on just as much as I am. If you care about humanity, yourself, your children, your family, your ancestors, your future great grandchildren you will watch all my evidence and warnings about what is REALLY going on in Miami and all over the world.




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